Hero540 1 Posted October 28, 2014 Hey guys, So I'm sorry if this has been asked a thousand times before. I did a few google searches and found a lot of medic and AI related issues and solutions, but none quite seem to match the problem I'm having. So I'm running Arma 2 with the Unsung 2.6 mod, which requires ACE and CBA. So I have CBA CO and ACE installed, along with the Unsung mod. Everything there is working excellently. So I then downloaded a single player dynamic campaign called TrueNam, and it too works splendidly. Here's where I'm running into a problem, and I'm almost certain it's user error....I'm not a very good leader, so I almost always find myself or more often my AI units are wounded in firefights. I tell my medic to heal my wounded soldier, yet nothing happens. A heal icon will appear on the medic's icon, and he will run over to the injured trooper, but nothing will happen at that point. I have tried the mouse scrollwheel menu and I have also tried a different series of button/menu combinations. Usually my medic is unit three, so F3+6+1 (1=heal unit x) This combination will make the medic's icon have the text "action" and again, he will aproach the wounded unit, but nothing will happen. I have tried setting my ACE settings to single player medic, but the same thing will happen. The mission .sqm file for TrueNam has the ace_sys_wounds (or something like that) entry, and I notice whenever I start TrueNam my active character will sometimes start with morphine, bandages, and medkits on his person, as will the default medic. So what am I doing wrong? I also cannot drag/carry my wounded, which is quite unfortunate because I've had to call evac choppers for one guy and the poor jerk had to crawl to the chopper, which took forever and was not good in a firefight. Plus, nothing like ending a mission because one soldier is hit... Seems the only way I can heal my troops is to evac the entire squad back to base so I can then command the wounded man to heal himself at the base ambulance. Thanks in advance to anyone who can give me some help/insight into this. I'm not very combat effective when a minor wound forces the entire squad to leave the patrol. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nettrucker 144 Posted October 30, 2014 Nothing you can do about it, even in vanilla the medic is borked. I don't know how the medic system in ACE works but I do not believe it's an ACE problem since I have even problems in Vanilla. If the Medic is in combat mode than it will take ages. Even if you setBehaviour him to Aware he will switch back to combat in case you are in a firefight. Try to deal with it somehow . . . there ain't no fix for it and it won't get fixed in the future. ArmA 2 is history. Out! cheers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hero540 1 Posted October 31, 2014 Hey, nettrucker, thank you very much for your reply. I have to agree with you, I don't think ACE is to blame, as I have looked at the mission file for TrueNam and it has the ace-wound system enabled. However, I have always left my men in Aware mode. I wonder if telling them safe (after falling back from combat) will cure this. Perhaps the medic is waiting for a safe environment to be able to work on the injured. And if that isn't the case, I have also been able to tell whoever is injured to heal themselves at the ambulance at the base, so I wonder if I could just call in a helo and tell the injured man to board, where I can then tell him to go back to base and then heal himself. I suppose that would be a bit realistic, as the critically wounded man was medievaced, while myself and the rest of the squad continue the patrol. Anyways, thanks for your insight into this. It is a shame that it would seem Arma 2 is abandoned, as Arma 3 is apparently superior. I'm slowly saving my money and will be making the upgrade soon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jw custom 56 Posted October 31, 2014 This problem was introduced a long time ago with a beta patch and never got fixed. One way i remember worked back then was to select a medic with corresponding F* key, then press 6, then press the number which says something like "Treat ........" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Joe98 93 Posted October 31, 2014 Nothing you can do about it, even in vanilla the medic is borked. I don't like mods. I don't have mods. My medics work just fine. My medic is ALWAYS number 3 in my squad. When a firefight starts I always hit F3+7+8+1+6 Medic - go prone - stop This keeps the medic safe. When a soldier is wounded I give the wounded soldier the command: 7+8+1+6 Soldier - go prone - stop. This will prolong his survival. Then like you I order the medic to heal him: F3+6+1 Medic - heal that soldier. It all works just fine for me. . . . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
columdrum 11 Posted November 1, 2014 Hey guys,So I'm running Arma 2 with the Unsung 2.6 mod, which requires ACE and CBA. So I have CBA CO and ACE installed, along with the Unsung mod. Everything there is working excellently. So I then downloaded a single player dynamic campaign called TrueNam, and it too works splendidly. UNS does NOT require ACE, but it has an optional addon that improves compatibility with it. So you can play without ACE if you want. But dunno anything about your issue, as far as i know UNS doesn't change the AI medic. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
opusfmspol 282 Posted November 1, 2014 Chiming in with what Joe98 said, I'm pretty certain it is an ACE issue. I don't use Unsung yet (but will at some point, I think it's a great mod and love VN scenarios, but tied up with trying to build a different mission) but I do use ACE. For debugging vanilla issues I disable the ACE material periodically. With vanilla medic modules active I have no problem sending medic to an injured soldier and the medic does respond and heal; but with ACE active I run into the same issue OP has. Medic will respond but doesn't heal. I afterward find (v1.63) a number of medical related log errors which, sorry to say, I haven't really paid too much attention to since I can't do anything to fix them. As far as drag and carry, I would think that it would be the Battlefield Clearance module missing from the mission, wouldn't it? Or does ACE activate that by default? I never paid much attention to the ACE side of it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nettrucker 144 Posted November 1, 2014 Chiming in with what Joe98 said, I'm pretty certain it is an ACE issue. I don't use Unsung yet (but will at some point, I think it's a great mod and love VN scenarios, but tied up with trying to build a different mission) but I do use ACE. For debugging vanilla issues I disable the ACE material periodically. With vanilla medic modules active I have no problem sending medic to an injured soldier and the medic does respond and heal; but with ACE active I run into the same issue OP has. Medic will respond but doesn't heal. I afterward find (v1.63) a number of medical related log errors which, sorry to say, I haven't really paid too much attention to since I can't do anything to fix them.As far as drag and carry, I would think that it would be the Battlefield Clearance module missing from the mission, wouldn't it? Or does ACE activate that by default? I never paid much attention to the ACE side of it. No it's not an ACE issue, I'm not using ACE just UNSUNG and the relevant CBA. Sometimes the medic just won't heal you no matter what you do. It's not always flawed. Most of the time the medic heals other team members when ordered to, just fine . . . other times he just don't heal you until you bleed out. I experienced some weird shit with medics notwthstanding all modules were set correctly. For eg. Unable to drag or carry . . .units teleporting back to their original position from where you dragged him off. Units crawling during the heeling process and me being dragged together with the unit I'm trying to heal. If a unit gets healed by a non medic it happens sometimes that the unit won't be healed at 100 % and maybe stays down due to leg injurie. Unfortunately the teamleader nor the medic are recogniziong him as still injured. It's a pain because it's screws the whole mission especially if you have to travel some long distances. The unit which is not healed and can't stand will crawl until he gets killed. The teamleader will only move to the next waypoint when all units have reached the respective positions of the former one. Now immagine you have 1 member of your team which has to crawl all the way. Luckily a fellow community member helped me with that issue. He wrote a small script which overcomes this issue. It won't get fixed anyway because it's hard to reproduce. I've experienced a 60% it works well and a 40% not. I couldn't really figure out how to fix this or reproduce it. Just don't hold your breath over a fix from BI . . . it won't come. They are concentrating on ArmA 3 right now. cheers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Joe98 93 Posted November 1, 2014 Just don't hold your breath over a fix from BI . . . it won't come. They are concentrating on ArmA 3 right now. cheers Doesn't need a fix. It works just fine. . . . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
opusfmspol 282 Posted November 1, 2014 (edited) No it's not an ACE issue, I'm not using ACE just UNSUNG and the relevant CBA. Sometimes the medic just won't heal you no matter what you do. I just tested, went into my mission on Chernarus and deactivated all mods. I had all three vanilla medic modules synched to player and AI leaders, and medic responded fine healing a wounded comrade. No errors thrown, no problem healing. But I then activated CBA and ACE only, and added an ACE: Enable Wounding System module. When medic was ordered to heal his wounded comrade he ran over and just stood there. he wouldn't heal the wounded man. Oddly I was wounded shortly thereafter and the AI who assumed leader ordered medic to heal me. The medic did begin to heal me (but got shot himself). These are the individual errors that went into the .rpt. Most were event focused but a couple were looping. Only two were ACE_wounding specific: Error in expression <sys_wounds_added_gear", false];;if (!_done && {local _unit}) then {_unit set> Error position: <_done && {local _unit}) then {_unit set> Error Undefined variable in expression: _done File x\ace\addons\sys_wounds\XEH_preInit.sqf, line 158 Error in expression <e_RU","ACE_SmokeShellMuzzle_GER"];if (_smokeveh == "") exitWith {};_nearest> Error position: <_smokeveh == "") exitWith {};_nearest> Error Undefined variable in expression: _smokeveh File x\ace\addons\sys_wounds\fnc_throwSmoke.sqf, line 36 Error in expression <treme max _x;} forEach _array;};};_extreme> Error position: <_extreme> Error Undefined variable in expression: _extreme File ca\modules_e\functions\arrays\fn_findExtreme.sqf, line 46 Error in expression <_tracking_marker_override", false];if (_override) then {_x setVariable ["ace_s> Error position: <_override) then {_x setVariable ["ace_s> Error Undefined variable in expression: _override File x\ace\addons\sys_tracking\loop_markers.sqf, line 116 Error in expression <t getVariable ["ACE_Ruck_Lock", ""];!( _lock == "" || {_lock == "Squad"} || {_l> Error position: <_lock == "" || {_lock == "Squad"} || {_l> Error Undefined variable in expression: _lock File x\ace\addons\sys_ruck\XEH_preInit.sqf, line 80 Error in expression <tVariable ["ACE_weapononback",""];if ( _weapon_on_back != "" && {isClass (confi> Error position: <_weapon_on_back != "" && {isClass (confi> Error Undefined variable in expression: _weapon_on_back File x\ace\Addons\sys_ruck\fnc_HasRuck.sqf, line 16 Error in expression <ax _cos} else {0.3 max _cos};[_a,_dir,_dir1,_cos]> Error position: <_dir1,_cos]> Error Undefined variable in expression: _dir1 File x\ace\addons\sys_vehicledamage\fnc_shooter_direction.sqf, line 73 Error in expression <\fnc_tank_fireloop.sqf" if (! alive _unit) exitwith {};private["_txt","_t> Error position: <_unit) exitwith {};private["_txt","_t> Error Undefined variable in expression: _unit File x\ace\addons\sys_vehicledamage\fnc_tank_fireloop.sqf, line 8 Error in expression <];sleep 0.005;};};deleteVehicle _exhaustlight;> Error position: <_exhaustlight;> Error Undefined variable in expression: _exhaustlight File x\ace\addons\sys_missileguidance\fnc_towsmoke.sqf, line 61 Can't really say the ace_wounding errors were the culprit though. I saw the fn_findExtreme error thrown when the medic stalled, and it's an OA function. Maybe it has to do with what ACE or CBA pass to the function? In my full mission I use ACE "make everyone a medic" as a workaround to generally overcome the issue. --- Edit -- Using the Functions' external scripting ability, I moved the fn_findExtreme function to my mission file and added debug messages. The error is thrown when an empty array is sent to the function. It tries to find min or max from nonexistent elements in the empty array. Edited November 1, 2014 by OpusFmSPol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hero540 1 Posted November 2, 2014 Wow...lots of interesting information here, and a lot of program/mission creation stuff that I sadly do not understand (I don't make missions, hell I can barely play them.) It's very unfortunate too, because I am really loving truenam and the Unsung Mod. I realized I forgot to mention in my first post that I learned later than UNSUNG does NOT need ACE, but Truenam required it, so I also downloaded and activated the Unsung Ace compact mod, and still the medics have the same issue Opus is posting. I unfortunately cannot edit Truenam's mission files, so I don't know if an Ace Wound Module needs to be placed or not, and even if I could open a PBO file, I don't know if I'd know how to get it into the editor. Without a medic it's almost pointless to play...is there anyway that I can disable the ace-wounding system from TrueNam? I have removed the Ace_sys_wounds from the SQM file, but that just resulted in a crash. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
opusfmspol 282 Posted November 2, 2014 (edited) I don't see any medic modules at all listed in the TrueNam mission objects, not ACE or vanilla. That would be contributing to the problem you're experiencing. Strike that, I downloaded an older version, not the most recent. Finding the recent version I now see it does have ACE wounds in effect (Feeling like an idiot *headslap* (#:> -- ow ) I do see "ca_modules_pmc_simplefirstaid" listed in the addons. That could be a leftover from a deleted object since the module itself isn't among the mission objects. When a mission maker places an object and saves, the related addon gets added into the addons list, but it's hit or miss whether it gets removed from the list when the object is removed. But it also may not be a leftover; I don't know how the medical features of Unsung work. It could be a required addon for some of its objects. So I wouldn't necessarily say the line should be removed, but I would keep in mind the simple first aid module can be buggy. I suffered medics spinning circles and stuck in neverending animation loops when I tried using it in one mission. TrueNam is a User Mission, so I would think with author's permission (respect to the creator) you can edit it in editor. I would suggest asking Gfresco whether players swapping medic modules in his mission is permissible. If he says yes, you have your choice. players prefer some medic options over others for their gameplay. Edited November 2, 2014 by OpusFmSPol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eggbeast 3685 Posted January 3, 2015 firstly, i never use ACE so cannot comment on that side of this unsung medics work like vanilla medics. pre-2.6 the east/opfor medics did not work as they contained a typo attendent =1 instead of attendant =1, so if you use a mission that uses older opfor units and youre playing opfor, that would be your problem right there. other than that I added a medic kit to the item objects that soldiers can carry and so long as you add the custom items module that colum made, then this med kit works to heal most injuries. it won't always work if you got your legs taken out by a punji trap, but if felt that was ok for realism. in normal conditions - i.e. place units on an open airfield and setdamage them to 0.5, in 2.6 medics all work, as do health crates, mash's and ambulances/ medevacs, and if you give them addweapon itemmedkit (or w/e class is i cant recall right now) they can heal with that too if they are a player. ok now stand in thick foliage, with setdamage 0.5 on you and ask a medic to heal you. if he cannot see you through the geometry of the plants he may stand there looking dumb. try it yourself - have a damage unit in thick foliage and play as medic - sometimes you cannot "see" him (a bit like tents placed in trees in dayZ) through the foliage. you need to be able to cursortarget the unit somewhere in his geometry, without a leaf of a palm being in front of him etc... try making him move into grassy area and stand up. then maybe you stand up and bang you can heal him... adding ACE? can't help with that, but these points may help you out with understanding vanilla mod. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites