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kbTell - how to change the volume of the sound?

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When we used the old command "say", we could set the volume and even the pitch in the description.ext:


class STR_sound3


name = "STR_sound3";

sound[] = {"", db+0, 1.0};

titles[] = {0, $STR_sound3};


Is there a way for this in the kbTell system? :j:


Adding these snippets to the bikb file, was actually a good idea and didn't crash the game or return error, but... It didn't change anything... :(


class STR_sound3


text = "";

speech[] = {"\sounds\STR_sound3.ogg", db+5, 1.3};

actor = "z2";

variant = "";

variantText = "";

class Arguments {};


So the question remains...

Edited by Undeceived

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I've been wondering about the same question. I've yet failed to find a way to set the volume in .bikb files, but you could always use audio editors to amp up the volume.

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I've never heard of kbTell, is that an add on? You might consider asking in one of their threads if that's the case. But whenever I want to play a sound in-game I use playSound3D, it's pretty much the same as say, but way more powerful (and cool)

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Sorry to dig this up, but I have searched for hours and couldn't find a solution anywhere!


I have to find a way to turn up the volume of the spoken soundfiles with kbTell.


It seems, that the command (and the whole conversation system) is lacking the possibility to do so?


When a dialog comes up in my mission, the spoken words are barely hearable when standing 5 steps away from the actor, since other soundeffects (especially gunfire or vehicles) are played way too loud.

Unfortunaltely both soundtypes (soundeffects and kbTell speech) share the same mixer channel in the game audio options. So there is no way to turn up the speech level without raising the volume of the soundeffects as well.


The sounds in my mission were recorded and processed with good knowledge of audiofile enhancement, using high quality audio tools.

So the overall loudness of my sounds is pretty much maxed out already, short from squashing the dynamics to death by a compressor / limiter.


So is there any way to define a gain value for the kbTell speech sounds engine wise?

Like similar to the "traditional" sounddefinition, done in description.ext under 'class CfgSounds', where one could add separate parameters for gain, pitch and distance to each file?

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1 minute ago, grollig said:

The sounds in my mission were recorded and processed with good knowledge of audiofile enhancement, using high quality audio tools.

So the overall loudness of my sounds is pretty much maxed out already, short from squashing the dynamics to death by a compressor / limiter.


Please do show a screenshot of the waveform or upload a quick sample.

Other than that A3 is portraying loudness pretty authentic. You won't be able to hear someone talking during gunfire/standing next to a hovering chopper.



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Pretty loud already for my taste. Do you think I'll have to push the dynamics even more?


You can hear the clip here (though I think they automatically normalized it to about 95% after the upload)



Btw: I normally use cubase on my homerecording studio PC for recording / editing / processing. Right now I'm sitting at home at my gaming computer, so I just have Audacity available to display the waveform.

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Doesn't matter, seems fine to me, already reaching peek so normalizing wouldn't do anything to it judging from looks.

Increasing the ingame sound volume using cfgsounds db value only goes so far.

kbTell has no influence on volume or loudness.

Try to redesign the mission so there's nothing loud going on, if you really want the players to hear this record.



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The problem is, there's a mortar attack going on, while the french basecommander is yelling at the players to do something about it. ;)

So redesigning that part of the mission would be the last option. I'll try to squeeze some more dB out of the waveform first. Maybe a loudness maximizer will do the trick...


The pity is that using "say" will play the sound loud enough, but lip synchronization is still broken and will probably not be supported by the "say" command anymore.

Too bad they didn't add an array with parameters for kbTell to define gain/pitch/radius of the speech file.


Anyway... thanks for taking a look at the recording. :thumbsup:

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Maybe sideRadio is a workaround?  It uses the radio sound channel I think, and should cut through sfx sounds (maybe).  Sadly, one must often settle for less than ideal solutions.

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