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EMF help

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I would really appreciate some help !

I am exporting to EMF my buildings so i can work out where they are for my surface textures , so i am exporting 4096 x 4096 and i get 4 images. (why does it not just export it into 1 file anyway ?)

when i convert them to png and stitch them together they are 5000x5000 ? if I reduce to 4096 x 4096 they then do not seem to be in the correct place when i check the ground surface

So where am i going wrong -

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I would really appreciate some help !

I am exporting to EMF my buildings so i can work out where they are for my surface textures , so i am exporting 4096 x 4096 and i get 4 images. (why does it not just export it into 1 file anyway ?)

when i convert them to png and stitch them together they are 5000x5000 ? if I reduce to 4096 x 4096 they then do not seem to be in the correct place when i check the ground surface

So where am i going wrong -

I cant even export a 2048px image, it looks like empty or just broken.

I really need this feature to improve the sat layer but it seems that TB its still too glitchy.

So you are not alone in this


Ok i just found out that if you export with Buldozer running makes the export glitchy and useless.

Now i "just" have the same problem as you :/

Edited by MiauX

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I cant even export a 2048px image, it looks like empty or just broken.

I really need this feature to improve the sat layer but it seems that TB its still too glitchy.

So you are not alone in this


Ok i just found out that if you export with Buldozer running makes the export glitchy and useless.

Now i "just" have the same problem as you :/

I think we manage to solve part of his problem the other day. I'll ask him though and see if we did.

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I think we manage to solve part of his problem the other day. I'll ask him though and see if we did.

I tried to export a 15630px EMF but i got 16 separated images.

Im going to try a batch converter and join them in photoshop (because PS cant read.... a Windows standard format... GG Adobe :()

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I tried to export a 15630px EMF but i got 16 separated images.

Im going to try a batch converter and join them in photoshop (because PS cant read.... a Windows standard format... GG Adobe :()

If you get the terrain tools for ArmA 2 there is a file in it called EMF to PNG that will convert it for you.

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Yes i am using EMF to PNG from A2 which works great to convert

It is sort of solved - it will not export into 1 image best I could get was 9 images , but after stitching together and amending the size to my needs it is still slightly off when I try an line them up so not sure it is 100% working yet.

Will keep testing and get back

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do not seem to be in the correct place when i check the ground surface

Looks like the classic "Blue border problem". In Visitor 3 was a blue border on the left and bottom sides of exported EMF. The size of this border was one texel and there was a formula to calculate it - (Sat & mask image size) / (Terrain grid size). For example our image is 5120px and terrain grid is 1024. Divide 5120 by 1024 = 5 pixels is the size of one texel.

To fix the blue border we have to add our texel size to the exported EMF, so export EMF in 5125 x 5125 and convert it to PNG. Then in Photoshop we have to delete 5px from the left and bottom side of the picture and receive the correct map that can be a base for further work.

It seems this method don't work anymore in TB :confused: There's a picture of my project made by this method. Black is a real road, and yellow is a road as it marked on layers mask by the same way as in Visitor 3. As we can see, the offset is even more :mad: Obviously i haven't export the EMF in 5125 but only 1500x1500 (by the reason noted by topic starter) and have resized the map in Photoshop later.

I think, we need some explanations from professional Visitor 4 users. I have asked SenChi (mapmaker of the Iron Front and DayZ Standalone), he answered that he does not use the EMF, but exports "Shapes to imagery" instead. The problem is shapes does not exports to imagery at all in our "civilian" version of Visitor :mad: At least the whole exported image is black.


Edited by Dead Kennedy

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sorry for reviving a dead thread.. but im getting 121 emf part files (for a 4096 terrain/40960 texture map) and i need to know if its possible to even get it to export the EMF correctly..

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I gave up using EMF as it have problems still - just used Export shapes ti Image instead done the Job better and you get the correct size no stitching

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How do you get your objects to a shape layer so you can export them to imagery?

You would have to draw shape around them unless you have them through some other source which is probably unlikely.

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