theavonlady 2 Posted June 30, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Sith @ June 30 2002,13:56)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Before, I had a really bad temper and trampled many innocent lil RPGs. But now I use Avon's Placydill, I feel much better and spend my days eating yummy grass and giving nutricious milk to all the little trolls on the OFP forums <span id='postcolor'> Sith, during a rare break from OFP Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith 0 Posted June 30, 2002 ROFL! No that's where I keep my computer ... and I just opened to door to let some fresh air in my OFP/Toilet/Shower/Kitchen/Bedroom combo-thing The guy in the longname-combo-thing next to me is DnA, who lives on the toxic fumes coming rom his OC-ed CPU and thus never lets any fresh air in Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RPG 0 Posted June 30, 2002 If tools were handed out in time in the right place and if people worked together it would make this expansion pack look half-assed. BIS still wants the spare change in you pockets buy not handing out the tools to the right people so they can look like the saviors by makeing a couple more "expansions" why some people that have talent just have to end up "buying or dying" for these new patches that dont update things but just add some new weapons and units. 1 year from now there will be version 3.50 and there are 4,000 jets for the west and only 10 for east while people say screaming "THEN DONT DOWNLOAD IT!" while evey time you join a crapy multiplayer game you need to download [uBL]'s Crap Ass Airplane Addon 500 MEGS of retextured SU25's... And eveytime a good addon comes out BIS wants it in there next patch becasue its the heat... There will be mods for mods and BIS will get sued by every Gamemaker becasue There is a "Half-Life" Mod or the next nothing to do with Operatation Flashpoint game... You say it cant be done but it can be done stope wasteing damn time on these Ailiens Mods and invest time on what BIS is doing but there seems to be a fog of greed and BIS would crap there pants if people accualy had freedom to make good Addons and Mods that had something to do with Modern Warfare...What pisses me off it that all these addon makes Put there damn tags on units. I want the milltary name of the vehical insted of a damn list of Tags and simple names of vehcials "[Crap Clan] Light Tank" OFP is going to Fall It will Turn Into Swat 3 Mixed With Counter Strike... BIS will suck you dry then people will start makeing good addons and missions once the tools are realsed to the public and then you will know the gem of not having to buy something thats accualy good BIS will run out out of ideas and The Community Will be makeing addons and missions just as good as BIS can that "YOU DONT HAVE TO PAY FOR" So then BIS says were loseing money becasue there just as good as the comuntiys addons and missions so they will leave us to make a new game While we wasted all  of our time being good useing wrpedit and oxygen and now its worthless.. 1.) The 1.30 Patch had more improvment then Resistance 2.) I respect the skill put into the Game Engine For OFP but if they thought "Oh these are to hard lets not put them in the game" That pretty dumb 3.) Less Then 5 People Worked on all these new islands you see and there just sharpeing there skills remember No One Took 6 Months To Make Islands Like Orangeland  and tokguwa I know theys used textures that were already made but these maps are really good and the people who made them worked hard for 5-10 weaks if you got some scripters and more map makers you can make a really really good island 4.) Same As Above you just need people that want to work on one mission that is good instead of many just for "fun" or "playing" Missions with talking voices music scenes I think it can be done i have lots of confindence in the mission makeing people... I really want to keep OFP going strong its a great game but i trust the comunity more then BIS... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith 0 Posted June 30, 2002 Let me ask you one simple question ... How often have you played Resistance? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cpl_BOB 0 Posted June 30, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (RPG @ June 30 2002,14:04)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">If tools were handed out in time in the right place and if people worked together it would make this expansion pack look half-assed. BIS still wants the spare change in you pockets buy not handing out the tools to the right people so they can look like the saviors by makeing a couple more "expansions" why some people that have talent just have to end up "buying or dying" for these new patches that dont update things but just add some new weapons and units. 1 year from now there will be version 3.50 and there are 4,000 jets for the west and only 10 for east while people say screaming "THEN DONT DOWNLOAD IT!" while evey time you join a crapy multiplayer game you need to download [uBL]'s Crap Ass Airplane Addon 500 MEGS of retextured SU25's... And eveytime a good addon comes out BIS wants it in there next patch becasue its the heat... There will be mods for mods and BIS will get sued by every Gamemaker becasue There is a "Half-Life" Mod or the next nothing to do with Operatation Flashpoint game... You say it cant be done but it can be done stope wasteing damn time on these Ailiens Mods and invest time on what BIS is doing but there seems to be a fog of greed and BIS would crap there pants if people accualy had freedom to make good Addons and Mods that had something to do with Modern Warfare...What pisses me off it that all these addon makes Put there damn tags on units. I want the milltary name of the vehical insted of a damn list of Tags and simple names of vehcials "[Crap Clan] Light Tank" OFP is going to Fall It will Turn Into Swat 3 Mixed With Counter Strike... BIS will suck you dry then people will start makeing good addons and missions once the tools are realsed to the public and then you will know the gem of not having to buy something thats accualy good BIS will run out out of ideas and The Community Will be makeing addons and missions just as good as BIS can that "YOU DONT HAVE TO PAY FOR" So then BIS says were loseing money becasue there just as good as the comuntiys addons and missions so they will leave us to make a new game While we wasted all  of our time being good useing wrpedit and oxygen and now its worthless.. 1.) The 1.30 Patch had more improvment then Resistance 2.) I respect the skill put into the Game Engine For OFP but if they thought "Oh these are to hard lets not put them in the game" That pretty dumb 3.) Less Then 5 People Worked on all these new islands you see and there just sharpeing there skills remember No One Took 6 Months To Make Islands Like Orangeland  and tokguwa I know theys used textures that were already made but these maps are really good and the people who made them worked hard for 5-10 weaks if you got some scripters and more map makers you can make a really really good island 4.) Same As Above you just need people that want to work on one mission that is good instead of many just for "fun" or "playing" Missions with talking voices music scenes I think it can be done i have lots of confindence in the mission makeing people... I really want to keep OFP going strong its a great game but i trust the comunity more then BIS...<span id='postcolor'> ah,, shut the hell up,, how do you know BIS are coporate shills? you are just a spoilt little child, who wants wants wants, BIS worked 4 years to get this game out, they developed there OWN tools to make this game and i would stand by there decision not to release them. games like CS and Hal-life spawn thousands of SHITE mods and addons, that make it hard to stay up to date. CS and Half-life are also FULL of cheaters. CODEMASTERS are the enemy here, they are the ones making the Executive decisions, and they are the ones you should be FLAMING.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rhubarbman 0 Posted June 30, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (cpl_BOB @ June 30 2002,14:14)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">games like CS and Hal-life spawn thousands of SHITE mods and addons, that make it hard to stay up to date. CS and Half-life are also FULL of cheaters.<span id='postcolor'> Hmm nope i admin a Server and over the last 6 months we hav had only 5 cheaters. Cs aint the only mod and halflife has been pushed to its limits and beyond, look at DoD there putting more and more stuff into it now. Plz dont bash Halflife as its one of the most revolutionary games to date. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cpl_BOB 0 Posted June 30, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Rhubarbman @ June 30 2002,13:58)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (cpl_BOB @ June 30 2002,14:14)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">games like CS and Hal-life spawn thousands of SHITE mods and addons, that make it hard to stay up to date. CS and Half-life are also FULL of cheaters.<span id='postcolor'> Hmm nope i admin a Server and over the last 6 months we hav had only 5 cheaters. Cs aint the only mod and halflife has been pushed to its limits and beyond, look at DoD there putting more and more stuff into it now. Plz dont bash Halflife as its one of the most revolutionary games to date.<span id='postcolor'> well, the fact he's comparing these games to ofp is ludicrous,, SO understand why i defend ofp, IT IS THE BETTER GAME, and was in development BEFORE Half-life was released. (if im not corrected?) So dont start the Whole Hal-life is revolutionary Crap. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Speeeedy 0 Posted June 30, 2002 ummm sith what you said about more then 1 person firing from a vehicle aint 100% wont take a whole new engine to do so. But it would take a lot of time for rewriting large parts of the engine. But if BIS really wants it, it can be done Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eyes 0 Posted June 30, 2002 I don't know why people keep saying -nosplash doesn't work any more. Works fine for me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.236 1 Posted June 30, 2002 What do I think? OFPR isn't anything more than a couple of addons (almost nearing community quality), a couple new features (such has having the engine process higher resolution terrain data *which by the way has allready had trial runs in the .wrp editing community* and some menu settings that allow the user to change the "setviewdistance" command without having o through every every single mission and edit it manually. Hence, everyone that could run OFP without probs on their systems now have a lovely slide show. 1 example: I've got a pretty kickass system, 1.4GHZ, 512 ram, etc, geforce 3 etc and on the 1st SP mission I think (you're part of an armoured infantry squad), I decide to set my terrain quality slider (with the normal 788 viewdistance, 6,6 image quality etc) to "HIGH" and BAMN........ slideshow effect. This is on pretty damn flat terrain, with only about 2 bushes visible and looking at the side of a hilside, hence no background apart from the ground right in front of ya. So after staring at this un-optimised crap, I crank it down again and carry on. No wonder they didn't release the modding tools to the might have surfaced that .... holy crap batman.... the community would have long since overtaken them in the std of quality of work that was being pumped out.....thus resulting in half baked addons like resistance showing their true metal and not selling well. And WTF is up with the reports of some half-a$$ bugs like the grenade launcher and m16 having mixed up sounds?? I mean, its been out 3 days and allready silly crap like this is surfacing. How bloody long did they have time to finish this?? But hey, this post will probably not live long (go on moderator, you kow you want to protect BIS' precious interests and eradicate a little post like this) and BIS will still continue to pump out half a$$ed addons (using us as beta testers for their flag ship, Mr. VBS) and people will still continue buying em. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Satchel 0 Posted June 30, 2002 Something seems to be wrong with your system regarding the slideshow you get with settings lower than mine, although your system is faster than what i have at my disposal (Duron 1200/384MB RAM/Geforce 3 TI200). I play with a viewdistance of 1000m, max. image quality  except terrain detail which is set "only" high (which isn´t flat btw), plus additonal "external" tweaks that cost performance. So far only a mission bug stopped me, not the framerate. You´ve forgot to list new lighting effects, new terrain algorythm, new animations, new gameplay functions, improved multiplayer... things that go beyond just a couple of new higher res. textures. I´m surely one of the greatest complainers and critics of Flashpoint in the "realism" department, and there is alot to complain about... like things that need adressing but didn´t get any for a year now, for example it seems more important to BIS to implement large pools of blood in OFP:R when someone is killed, than to have real improvements like better sound- for each vehicle and unit an unique one!, improved explosions (note the faked picture on the product box! ) and everything else regarding bugs and issues most people complained about...i didn´t hear anyone wanting urgently gore and a bloodier OFP experience. These are missed priorities in my oppinion, but the addon is surely not as bad as you are trying to make it. As for the "modding community" movement, there is no such thing in terms of a combined effort, it´s rather a long lists of individualists having no sense in pulling off a greater combined achivement with goal of an all around Flashpoint improvement, that is why it will never conflict or threaten BIS´s buisness. Out of maybe 1000 Flashpoint addons i have about 10-12 addons that are really great with higher quality than BIS delivered, the rest ...hmm Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eviscerator 0 Posted June 30, 2002 i think you'll find the guys with o2 are pulling together now, the people that have had it for a few months are helping the new guys that got it in the last few days, i know of one team thats already been made of about 6-8 guys(and growing) with o2(mainly because im in it) oh and to the guy that said them only giving o2 out selectively was wrong, i think they made the wisest choice, if they gave it out with resistance the addon sites would be flooded with hundreds and hundreds of addons that add nothing to gameplay, and are a bit of a stick stuck on an m16, the way it is now BIS can at least have some kind of vetting process to half ensure quality addons, the beter the quality the more people will buy the game Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted June 30, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Sith @ June 30 2002,13:11)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Let me ask you one simple question ... How often have you played Resistance?<span id='postcolor'> Ehh? Resistance? Is that a half life mod or something Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kris 1 Posted June 30, 2002 I think you people are missing one vital fact - BIS gave us a motorcycle. A MOTORCYCLE! They are gods among men......... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.236 1 Posted June 30, 2002 Hehe, just in case anyone was wondering what the brand spanking lovely new terrain algorithm was.......... its just a random noise generator. Yes ladies and gentleman, this baby took 5 seconds to code, and yet eats CPU cycles for breakfast. It takes any terrain as a base line, adds some new bumps depending on "VERY HIGH", "HIGH" or .... and viola. :/ yip.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FUBAR 0 Posted June 30, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (MrCrispPacket @ July 01 2002,00:35)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I think you people are missing one vital fact - BIS gave us a motorcycle. A MOTORCYCLE! They are gods among men......... <span id='postcolor'> and it does 0 - 60 in less than 2 sec's Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kris 1 Posted June 30, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">and it does 0 - 60 in less than 2 sec's<span id='postcolor'> Pity as soon as you bump into something it becomes unusable as often happens - what is it with trees and roadsigns, they always seem to be in the wrong place. Getting to the office in the first mission on that thing lasted all of 15 seconds before I sped over a bump and wheelied into a tree forcing me to nick a car GTA style but nethertheless it is the most fun vehicle to drive. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Satchel 0 Posted June 30, 2002 Eviscerator, yes...noone doubts that some people are very helpfull and achived great breakthroughs, such as is an unvaluable resouce.....but in the end it´s used by people for their own limited stuff. If everything is summed up, everyone makes his own thing, whether it be a mod with a certain topic, or just weapons/units of any sort, it´s patchwork in the end. What is missing is a combined effort of the community to improve what we have as goal, and make it one big standard contrary to the patchwork being done. Something like it´s done regulary in flightsim communities, the most noticeable example Falcon4, that is an old man of 120 years compared to Flashpoint, but undergoes regular improvements by a large dedicated group of people, something we don´t have with Flashpoint. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.236 1 Posted June 30, 2002 Holy Sh1t 120 years. Man I know what part of his code I'd start re-writing, wink wink nudge nudge Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HellToupee 0 Posted June 30, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Satchel @ July 01 2002,12:54)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Eviscerator, yes...noone doubts that some people are very helpfull and achived great breakthroughs, such as is an unvaluable resouce.....but in the end it´s used by people for their own limited stuff. If everything is summed up, everyone makes his own thing, whether it be a mod with a certain topic, or just weapons/units of any sort, it´s patchwork in the end. What is missing is a combined effort of the community to improve what we have as goal, and make it one big standard contrary to the patchwork being done. Something like it´s done regulary in flightsim communities, the most noticeable example Falcon4, that is an old man of 120 years compared to Flashpoint, but undergoes regular improvements by a large dedicated group of people, something we don´t have with Flashpoint.<span id='postcolor'> i had f4 it wasnt a combined effort there was two mods competeing with each oher at first they were combined but then they split up, those improvements r nothing but mods like the mods being made now for ofp is what u could consider improvments to the game as a whole. The 1980s time frame gets a little old still good but the same. After a while we need 1940s 2000s star wars type stuff to. extreme realisims no fun like in f4 missing the waypoint by 20secs having to do 100 things to drop a bomb, realisims ok but too much is boring, real life is realistic i play games to get away from that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HellToupee 0 Posted June 30, 2002 "being a fighter pilots 99% bordom and 1% sheer terror" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Satchel 0 Posted June 30, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (.236 @ July 01 2002,01:59)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Holy Sh1t 120 years. Man I know what part of his code I'd start re-writing, wink wink nudge nudge  <span id='postcolor'> Falcon4 was released 1998, and still is played by lots of people, there aren´t many games you could say the same thing about. This because of the community achivement, a thing seeming impossible with Flashpoint and the current "Modding community", the amount of trolls and regular nay sayers lurking around in every Flashpoint forum is also rather high when compared . If you´re such an gifted knowledgeable programmer, knowing everything about and what can be done in Flashpoint with the current engine, why don´t you show us some small sample of your skills instead of bashing? Or does your presence just serve the purpose of the casual trolling? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Satchel 0 Posted June 30, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (HellToupee @ July 01 2002,02:04)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Satchel @ July 01 2002,12:54)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Eviscerator, yes...noone doubts that some people are very helpfull and achived great breakthroughs, such as is an unvaluable resouce.....but in the end it´s used by people for their own limited stuff. If everything is summed up, everyone makes his own thing, whether it be a mod with a certain topic, or just weapons/units of any sort, it´s patchwork in the end. What is missing is a combined effort of the community to improve what we have as goal, and make it one big standard contrary to the patchwork being done. Something like it´s done regulary in flightsim communities, the most noticeable example Falcon4, that is an old man of 120 years compared to Flashpoint, but undergoes regular improvements by a large dedicated group of people, something we don´t have with Flashpoint.<span id='postcolor'> i had f4 it wasnt a combined effort there was two mods competeing with each oher at first they were combined but then they split up, those improvements r nothing but mods like the mods being made now for ofp is what u could consider improvments to the game as a whole. The 1980s time frame gets a little old still good but the same. After a while we need 1940s 2000s star wars type stuff to. extreme realisims no fun like in f4 missing the waypoint by 20secs having to do 100 things to drop a bomb, realisims ok but too much is boring, real life is realistic i play games to get away from that.<span id='postcolor'> The F4 Unified Team is a combined effort standard within the F4 community, there are also mod managing tools around to combine all non standard addons and managing them if you need those individually. I still play it because of the "realism", if i wanted to get away from that i would be playing Counterstrike instead of Flashpoint, and x-plane instead of Falcon, F/A-18 or IL-2. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.236 1 Posted June 30, 2002 I agree with Satchel I've followed F4 for a long time now, since when the developers were still getting the crap shot outa them as they stepped outside to get the newspaper (lots of bugs, lots of mad gamers...twas a bad time) through to when hasBLOW fukking axed those people right on Christmas and F4 "died", through to when 1 disgruntled employee (Go babe!!!!! released the source code to falcon 4 on the net (yeah hasbro, blow me!, to the 1st DX patch by Erazor, through to Falcon SuperPAK 3, the beast, the daddy of all patches, (effectively Falcon 5 in many ways) born of and nurtured by a big bunch of dedicated and somewhat crazy lot of people. what was Satchel saying again. Anyway, to the dream people VBS....someday...sniff... sniff.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites