Rydygier 1322 Posted August 1, 2014 Introduction HWS is meant as very easy in use generator of dynamic, interesting battles conducted by HETMAN commanding AI. Unique each play battle experience powered by very complex scripting is created with few mouse clicks. No addons required. Optionally at init player may customize the gameplay by choosing fighting factions, scale of the battle, daytime, weather, forces ratio, persistency of the result (campaign mode, where results of past battles slightly affect every next battle) etc. Additional text field allows advanced users and Hetman veterans to apply also more complex setup code or even regular script, that will be executed at init. Resulting battle may vary greatly each try. War has many faces, nothing is guaranteed. You're only one of many cogs in the war machine controlled by HETMAN, so do not expect any special treatment. Those battles aren't player-centric in any way. One time you may found yourself in the middle of fierce firefight immediatelly, another time you may be kept as reserve long time before you see any action. You may die in the first few minutes or survive to the end without a single shot fired, but with few clicks in the legs. Both extremes are not very probable, but possible and perfectly OK - just do your part or act on your own. Create own war stories. HWS will utilize also units from custom addons when loaded if addons have configured properly groups. Additionally, player may any time via supports menu (0-8) activate passive spectator mode based on Smart Camera script, that will turn the game into kind of war movie to watch, showing autonomously chosen interesting spots of the battlefield - all without any interaction required. That mode may be switched off anytime by pressing a keybord key. In the same menu player may find also other useful in-game switches. Download HWS 1.06 (Armaholic)HWS 1.10 (Dropbox) HWS 1.10 (Steam Workshop) HWS 1.10 open (Dropbox) - open folder Hetman War Stories GithHub public repository WIP It is my own "dev branch". Here I'll try to update the file on an ongoing basis each time, I find and fix any bug, so impatient may use it instead wait for the fix in the next official version. Latest fixes: Changelog v1.10 New "Armor Density" setting: NONE. If chosen, both forces should be composed statistically around 80% of infantry and 20% of motorized (+supports). No mechanized/tanks; new "Faction" setting: MULTI. If chosen, additional list should show up with all factions of selected side. It allows to choose multiple factions per side (forces should be randomly picked from the pool of groups from all selected factions); new init setting for customized separation between forces of each faction; new camera handling code for spectator mode - looking less artifical, and more like the camera operator was a human being (camera stabilized, but controlled "by hand", may work less fluid with foot infantry units). Press SPACE to enforce scene switch, anything else - to exit; new game mode: WHOLE MAP. It utilizes part of Hetman code called Big Boss to produce a battle over large areas and multiple strategic points to take. Both armies divided into two separately commanded divisions. It comes along with new Advanced Setup variables to customize victory conditions: How much objective lost/taken should affect morale: RYD_WS_MoraleObjCoeffL = 1;//losingRYD_WS_MoraleObjCoeffG = 1;//gaining It is multiplier of default morale impact at every objective taken/lost. By default, a side will lose 10 morale at objective lost and gain 20 at taken - divided equally between all Leaders (respectively 5 and 10 per Leader). How big part of not taken initially objectives side need to take in order to win the battle by "domination", per side. RYD_WS_TakeToWinA = -1; RYD_WS_TakeToWinB = -1; "A" side is always player's side. Typical values range from 0 to 1, where 0 mean 0% of not taken objectives (auto-win) and 1 - 100% of not taken objectives. Not taken are objectives initially not under given side control (not controlled + those controlled by the enemy). Value -1 disables this condition; new Advanced setup variables - Leaders are placed, preferably in some building, along with some infantry as bodyguards and near mechanized group as additional protection. In the whole map mode it's enabled by default, disabled in single objective mode: RYD_WS_LeadersPoofItsMagic = true;//to enable RYD_WS_LeadersPoofItsMagic = false;//to disable; few other changes. v1.09 Code fixes and improvements for possibly better cooperation with some custom factions and maps. v1.08 Code should better tolerate poorly made/wip maps; errors handling - error messages in case of not sufficient map or no recognized properly faction classes instead of script errors on screen; in case of too few locations on the map, code will try to generate procedural locations layer across the map (longer loading pause at around 50% progress); ability to choose freely/force manually battle location via new GUI button (map click) and/or Advanced Setup: RYD_WS_BattlePosition = [x,y,0]. v1.07 Removed some static weaponry as possible spawns (big AAA sets from Jets DLC etc.); more restrictive search for flat spawn area for helicopters; corrected broken animation for main setting menu scene; changed background color for Advanced Setup window. v1.06 New morale formula; mission ends also due to very high losses (75% or if there is not enough proper combat units to take an objective); more restrictive code searching for flat LZs for the choppers; more accurate artillery; self-propelled artillery now located more reasonable, farther behind front line; on/off fatigue effects switch under 0-8; improved code to avoid permanent stalemate; reduced chance, Leader will switch to/stay in defensive mode, if not "defend" mission; reduced by 10% morale fluctuations; new variables for advanced setup:RydHQ_MoraleConst (default = 1.1);RydHQB_MoraleConst (default = 1.1);RydHQ_OffTend (default = 1.1);RydHQB_OffTend (default = 1.1); for "attack" mission Leader will push forward towards enemy starting positions after taking the main objective named in the briefing; code improvement to avoid placing units on the off-map areas; code improvement for better handling of some not typically configured custom content; added info about player's unit to the "situation" entry in the map screen; various code fixes. v1.05 Adjusted kind of battle randomizing; adjusted force composition randomizing; added settings to customize statistical percentage of mechanized/armored units; fixed morale drop calculating when Leader is killed; expanded debriefing with new sections; panic or surrender behaviors should now occur mostly/only when enemy is near the group; various code fixes. v1.04 expanded HAL config to make Leaders more aggressive (more groups to take objective, some idle groups will slowly push forward too) and interesting (air evac, dynamic formations); Leaders should look for shelter if close to the buildings; safer spawning positions; fixed issue with always "busy" artillery - arty support is now performed; battle conditions calibration (balanced attacker/defender groups amount ratio, forces a bit more spaced apart statistically, Leaders moved more at the rear...); proper Leader units for custom factions (if provided any officers); added chance for single cargo vehicles for foot infantry transportation; markers for radio chatter and artillery fire missions; re-randomize avatar option via 0-8; all units switchable via Team Switch; MARTA markers switch via 0-8; some night combat equipment for FIA; improved weather setting code; added "NO CHANGE" weather setting meant for weather mods compatibility; tweaked foot infantry movement speed and formations; magazines used by infantry added to the ammo trucks cargo space; added "campaign" layer - optionally results of previous battles will be remembered and shown on the map; size of controlled by both sides area will slightly affect morale and force strength; added forces ratio GUI setting; added map markers showing overall battle plan; various code tweaks and changes. v1.03 fixed code error causing rare loading permanent stuck. v1.02 improved balance of forces and units placement; various code fixes. v1.01 fixed problems with loading forces from custom addons. To do Recommended addons - TPW MODS (especially for HUD feature); - any preferred low level AI enhancers, that doesn't mess with waypoints (bCombat, ASR AI...); - L_ExShake & L_Twitch; - some custom factions addons for bigger variety of forces to choose from (African Conflict, CAF Aggressors...); - Dynamic weather; - any preferred sound and graphical FX enhancers (JSRS, Laxemann's "Enhanced Soundscape", Blastcore...).; - Liability Insurance 1.1 (units hit by allied vehicles will take no damage, ramming enemies to death still possible - workaround for AI drivers hitting infantry, recommened, until BIS will fix driving AI). Porting HWS to another map Although official ports will arrive not sooner, than when this version reach final state, porting process is easy and not require any scripting knowledge, so anyone is able to prepare port indepedently by following these steps: 1. de-PBO mission file using any tool doing that, eg from here; 2. locate resulting folder, where all mission folders saved in editor are (Win7 usual path: C:\Users\<user name>\Documents\Arma 3\missions); 3. Launch Arma 3 with custom map addon, where you want to port HWS, and whatever this map requires (only, no other addons!), enter editor with Altis and load this mission; 4. Copy (select and ctrl+C) all objects present on the map; 5. Load in editor empty target map and paste on it copied objects in any suitable place (sc1 object's location will determine initial GUI screen camera shot); 6. Set copied unit (dummyPlayer) as player unit; 6b. (Ignore this point, unless you're porting mission to the map from older games of Arma series (OFP, Arma 1/2/OA)) For A2 and older maps, additional step is required: Add in editor another object: an empty, square trigger, that will cover the part of map, you wish to contain a possible battlefield. This trigger must be named: RydBB_MC. Length of the edge should be divisible by 500 (single sector dimension). 7. Save the mission; 8. Go, where you stored de-PBOized HWS, copy everything inside HWS' folder except mission.sqm and paste that as is into newly created mission folder; 9. Return to the editor, reload and preview new mission. If is working - Mission is ready for use/pbo-ize. Notes - Idea behind HWS is to give HETMAN experience for all, also those, who up to now considered HAL as complicated to use; - scripters and Hetman veterans may find the GUI text field very useful for advanced mission/Hetman/spectator mode setup eg by pasting favourite init configs. However keep in mind, not all Hetman settings have a sense; - yes, Hetman in HWS is able to make good use also for custom content without any manual RHQ mambo-jumbo. Is used special piece of code, that constructs RHQ set automatically. It is based on assumption, so unit's config is following some typical patterns established by BIS' vanilla configs. Weirdly configured custom units may be misused; - used settings are stored for the next play. Hit ESC key to restore defaults. Mission is released under APL-SA license. Voice acting: DuddBudda, SiC_Disaster, nettrucker. Enjoy the war stories. Rydygier 2 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted August 1, 2014 What a great idea. Have downloaded it and will check it out now mate ! Well done ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
delta99 34 Posted August 1, 2014 Great idea Rydygier, I will hopefully check it out soon. Its unfortunate that there aren't too many (or at least seems that way) using HETMAN to create missions. I've used it for private missions for years and its great. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jcae2798 132 Posted August 2, 2014 Maybe its me but with addons enabled, are other experiencing issues with other factions not loading? For example i have CAF enabled and can choose them as faction but mission fails to load... I did play one round with CSAT and it was pretty cool. I gotta play around with this some more as i think i just found a new mod i will fall in love with. Thanks! ---------- Post added at 04:50 ---------- Previous post was at 04:48 ---------- BTW appreciate you putting this out. I originally saw the MOD but since i'm not from ARMA2 wasnt sure what it was until now (still not 100% what this thing can do but im learning)! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1322 Posted August 2, 2014 (edited) Maybe its me but with addons enabled, are other experiencing issues with other factions not loading? All possible on this stage. I'll test that. Thanks for reporting. Its unfortunate that there aren't too many (or at least seems that way) using HETMAN to create missions. Well, maybe this will change that. I suppose, JCae2798 is not the only who simply isn't sure what is that, the Hetman thingy, but seems complex to use, so better ignore and move along. still not 100% what this thing can It can many things, but all may be described as organized conducting the battle for pointed area(s) using all or pointed groups of chosen side. Hetman is trying to make organized, effectively used force from any bunch of groups you give him. Edited August 2, 2014 by Rydygier Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
G.Duncan 0 Posted August 2, 2014 I am also experiencing a loading issue when using custom addons. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1322 Posted August 2, 2014 (edited) All right, I found possible source of the problem and fixed it. Mission updated to 1.01. Now for me units from Aggressors or African Conflict are loaded properly. BTW Infantry/armored proportions depend on terrain, where battle will be fought. Now I see, I must find a way for better balancing of armored forces. IMO Too many mobile artillery... Edited August 2, 2014 by Rydygier Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sixt 26 Posted August 2, 2014 Great Rydygier :-) Fifling with rhq_ variables, takes alot of time when using custom units, so looking forward to trying this :-) one question, is it dedicated server compatible, like normal HAL?? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1322 Posted August 2, 2014 one question, is it dedicated server compatible, like normal HAL?? Currently scripting is server side as HAL, but there is only one player unit, that must be local. Also initial "dummy player" is after GUI setup replaced by spawned unit, not sure, how to proceed with that in MP (I know too little). And we have features, that IMO can't be MP compatibile, like spectator mode. Not sure about initial GUI and jingles... Well, HAL by itself is MP compatibile, perhaps with some effort and sacrifices battle generating code may be somehow adjusted for MP. Maybe. As usual however, I'm NOT enthusiastic as for any MP scripting. :) About such things I may think, when code is mature enough (bug-free and complete as for requested features). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1322 Posted August 2, 2014 (edited) 1.02 already here... - improved balance of forces and units placement; - various code fixes. Edited August 2, 2014 by Rydygier Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gfresco 21 Posted August 2, 2014 I played a single round as CSAT forces with this. Pretty frickin' cool, it was really tense was I was a medic in a 4 man patrol squad when suddenly could hear artillery and gun fire opening up over a ridge near us, but none of the combat was in sight. I'm going to have to play around with this much more. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1322 Posted August 2, 2014 I'm glad you like it. :) Decided to introduce also for this project "dev branch" politics, so I could update as often, as I want (fast development with many small updates is probable), without bothering Armaholic with official new versions few times per day. See first post for link to newest wip version. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ante185 2 Posted August 2, 2014 (edited) this doesn't require any addons does it? i mean im sure you'd provide a link or a note if it did, but the way it's written makes me think otherwise (I think i saw something about a script version when i downloaded HETMAN) Edited August 2, 2014 by ante185 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1322 Posted August 2, 2014 (edited) No addons required, works on vanilla fine, but custom units (factions) may be used if such addon is loaded and player wishes that. HETMAN itself is built-in into the mission as script. Tried to make it a bit clearer in the descrition. Thanks for pointing that problem. Edited August 2, 2014 by Rydygier Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jcae2798 132 Posted August 2, 2014 Hey so its been working great with the CAF addon now. Looks like others may still be broken. For example the SBE_ARMY addon, but i'm not complaining as long as the default and CAF one works that awesome enough. I'm not sure what the full future plans are, but would it be possible to have more options to choose from on startup? Like role type? Unit types? Light Infantry only vs all armor etc... I tried porting this to Takastan as well and seemed to work great, however it kept spawning me in tanks 95% percent of the time. Not sure if your scripts allow this same style to be ported to other maps but thats less important. Keep the updates coming and i'm happy to help anyway i can! THanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1322 Posted August 3, 2014 (edited) Unfortunatelly, I'm unable to test it with every single units addon out there. I think, it is prepared to work well with any well configured custom content, but can't be certain of that and can't be certain about quality of config of each such addon. If you see such problems, you can show me RPT logs from that gameplay, maybe there are some clues. As for more options - yes, I was counting on ideas and requests about those - GUI window will be not bigger, I think, but advanced setup field may be smaller, I suppose, so few more settings may be added in the future. Not all possible though. You can't choose your role at GUI screen, as at this stage it is still unknown, what units will be available to choose from - only after this window is closed, code knows, what factions should be spawned and only then is randomizing and spawning forces for these factions. May be set, if player should be infantry, crew member (if any vehicle will be spawned, what isn't guaranteed) or both. At this stage may be decided also, if player should be a team leader or subordinate. Possible alternative may be to make all units of A side switchable. Somehow I do not like this much (spoils immersion, if you can re-incarnate any moment), but it is doable. Kind of units to spawn is possible to set, but I forsee another flaws with that. What choose I could give? Foot infantry, mobile infantry or armored. Should that kind be the only, or some auxiliary units should be added too? Also, if you choose eg armored and battle bigger than small, it is likely, so lags will occur, as many armored units are CPU-heavy. The worse - consider quality of driving AI. Even now stucking and collisions are common. If there will be only lots of vehicles - it will become a circus of absurd due to driving skills of AIs... Porting of this should be easy enough, of course, if whole map is vehicle-friendly (rather flat, not much trees), you'll get armored forces often. However, befire any officil port will be made, I want to end main development stage, as I don't want to fix simultanously several copies of the same code. BTW - decided, so loading stuck issue fixed for 1.03 beta is too serious to keep 1.02 as official version - 1.03 update reeleased. Edited August 3, 2014 by Rydygier Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jcae2798 132 Posted August 4, 2014 Makes sense. So right now I've been playing some more and i am finding when i am not in command the AI driver goes back and forth asking to dismount and mount multiple times. Finding myself sitting around wasting countless time doing nothing. Would be nice to have an objective at all times....even if its patrolling an area that might not have any units. Right now just finding way to much of a wait time not doing anything. i also dont know what the possiblies are but in between each firefight or when things slow down, have a moment to RTB for rearm? Just ideas if its at all possible. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1322 Posted August 4, 2014 (edited) i am not in command the AI driver goes back and forth asking to dismount and mount multiple times. Saw this once. Reason unclear. There wasn't such thing earlier, so maybe something was broken lately and no longer works with Hetman (charms of scripting for unfinished/still developed game). One of things, I must investigate. nice to have an objective at all times....even if its patrolling an area that might not have any units. Right now just finding way to much of a wait time not doing anything. Yeah, I feel, I will have to repeat that many times. Users are used to player-centric battles. Hetman isn't the case. Its goal isn't to provide entertainment for player, it's goal is to win the battle using available assets, including player. And IMO, paradoxically, that approach gives player better immersion, as player-centric battles are not taken that seriously because "it is only a spectacle for the player's eyes", nothing "for real". Battle is more convincing, if is not built around the player's needs. There are idle, dummy orders for foot infantry to guard something or partol area, but anyway - that, how it looks, player is used when needed, and not used, when not needed - logical, isn't? Battle is developing indepedently and dynamically, no one can predict who will be needed where and when. Also, player isn't compelled in any way to do nothing when without orders, just do not expect babysitting from Hetman side, that will monitor level of player's boredom and figuring out entertaining events to make player busy. No. He has battle to win. More. Player isn't compelled to follow given orders. You're free. You may go and seek for action for yourself, if that doesn't ruin for you immersion of beeing an obedient cog in the war machine. So, player left without any orders (means: with order to wait for orders, IMO usual thing in the RL armies) he can do at least four things: - wait, if he is for roleplaying his army role; - look for action on his own; - enable spectator mode provided for such idleness moments; - at the end he always can reset the mission. Idleness periods will happen. Not each battle though. Well, that may be another argument for making many units switchable. have a moment to RTB for rearm? There is no any "B" for "RT" it. It is not about two bases sending against each other portions of units, like in some RTS or warfare mode. It is about two hostile forces on the move meeting in the middle of somewhere in various tactical situations. No bases. Hetman is monitoring level of health and ammunition of every group. If group is considered "combat ineffective", it is withdrawn and if proper support vehicle is present and free, is send there, if it's safe enough. If group manage to be effective again, may be used again. If no, if eg it lost too many men, is left behind the front line. Of course, player may seek for ammo or weapons by looting bodies or by searching trunks of the vehicles. In fact, there is some advanced mechanics in Hetman allowing designated chopper to deliver pointed ammo boxes towards the groups in need of ammo via parachute, but it isn't implemented in War Stories (yet). Not sure, if will be. BTW I'm moving soon and this week must focus on preparations, so low chance for updates until it's done. Edited August 4, 2014 by Rydygier Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
delta99 34 Posted August 4, 2014 Further comment on RTB. If you have ammo trucks etc in mission they will venture out to resupply by HETMAN. At least that used to sort of work before. I know I've witnessed it and saw issues with it but still. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1322 Posted August 4, 2014 After all managed to put together new version. "Dev branch" updated to 1.04 beta1: expanded HAL config to make Leaders more aggressive (more groups to take objective, some idle groups will slowly push forward too) and interesting (air evac, dynamic formations); Leaders should look for shelter if close to the buildings; safer spawning positions; various code changes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jcae2798 132 Posted August 5, 2014 Thanks this all makes sense and appreciate the continued work and efforts. Here's another idea....Any idea of this possibly working with ALIVE? Profiled units? Not sure if there is a way you can partner with them to incorporate this type of command system with their OPCOM modules. I'm really liking this concept! My only problem is my knowledge of mission making and script is limited. SO i fall alot to other scripts already released or MODs that allow spawning of units. Thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1322 Posted August 5, 2014 (edited) There was some preliminary discussion about HAL cooperating with ALiVE. Main problem, and I mean really BIG one is, HAL doesn't tolerate nor handle caching well, especially ALiVE's. To change that I would most probably need to expand it wastly by rewriting most of the code. As idea is very tempting, this may happen some day. Here is some conversation about this. Edited August 5, 2014 by Rydygier Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
virtualvikingx 19 Posted August 5, 2014 I just spawned as a static HMG! :) No soldier, just as the gun. Excellent work on this mission, Ryd. Really loving it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1322 Posted August 5, 2014 I just spawned as a static HMG! No soldier, just as the gun. :D You're AI of autonomous turret. Congratulations. It is still under consideration, if I should allow unmanned turrets to spawn. This I would take as argument "pro". :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stlassen 16 Posted August 5, 2014 I just spawned as a static HMG! :) No soldier, just as the gun. Excellent work on this mission, Ryd. Really loving it. LOL - Yeah! Why not! ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites