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Niko's Uniforms Mega Packs

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ahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yessssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!! :D haha dude im so pumped! You have my favorite units. If i havent fanboy-d enough in this thread... haha ;)

Haha wow, I'm quite flattered. :p

Would anyone be interested in solid colored BDU's as well, in a separate pbo? I've got like solid black, navy blue, OD, Tan, MAS Grey, etc already done for the group of guys I play with, curious if that's something some of you would also like.

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Nikos you did a great job with this mod i love it. when you are going to add other countries can please you add some Dutch units?

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haha youre welcome! And yes, the plain colors would be rad! I dont know if you have them "mixed up" but that could be cool too! like tan pants/od shirt. stuff like that. If you did that it would pretty much be a one stop shop as far as uniform mods go haha those style of mismatched bdu colors are my favorites. Like your night dessert pants and differnt camo tops; so having the plain colors to do the same with would rule. Especially when you find one you always use, makes it feel more like "your character".

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Nikos you did a great job with this mod i love it. when you are going to add other countries can please you add some Dutch units?

Of course! I'm actually part Dutch so I'm p much obligated to. ;p

Any particular patterns you'd like to see?

haha youre welcome! And yes, the plain colors would be rad! I dont know if you have them "mixed up" but that could be cool too! like tan pants/od shirt. stuff like that. If you did that it would pretty much be a one stop shop as far as uniform mods go haha those style of mismatched bdu colors are my favorites. Like your night dessert pants and differnt camo tops; so having the plain colors to do the same with would rule. Especially when you find one you always use, makes it feel more like "your character".

Sure, I'll do some black shirts with tan or od pants and stuff like that. :)

I'll release the solid colors at the same time as I release this pack, to try and make up for the constant delays. :p

I'm actually really glad you felt that way about the mixed patterns, that's exactly what I was going for. My first test version had no mixed patterns, and it didn't feel very unique that everyone was wearing full uniforms of the same patterns. Also this way you can have teams wearing the same patterns but not have them identical to each other.

IMO I wouldn't mind seeing some NATO versions as well. :)

I've considered it, but I personally don't like the NATO/Blufor uniforms too much.. It also took me a pretty large amount of time to build these 80 something uniforms on the indepent uniform, not yet willing to move them to the Blufor uniform. Maybe in the future, but it won't be until after all the other packs are done.

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I've considered it, but I personally don't like the NATO/Blufor uniforms too much.. It also took me a pretty large amount of time to build these 80 something uniforms on the indepent uniform, not yet willing to move them to the Blufor uniform. Maybe in the future, but it won't be until after all the other packs are done.

I can supply a template. :)

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I can supply a template. :)

Haha, oh, well that'd help. Still though, I'd like to get the Russian and Rest of World packs done before I expand on the US one any further. :)

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Did someone say surprise content update


up to 111 uniforms now lol

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Did someone say surprise content update

No, go to your time out corner! Nice work on these, loving your Multicam variants. What's the camo above the "T-Pat"?

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No, go to your time out corner! Nice work on these, loving your Multicam variants. What's the camo above the "T-Pat"?


That's the old Mitchell Fall pattern. Really only ever seen on the inside of the reversible shelter halfs for the USMC in the 50's.

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Sure, I'll do some black shirts with tan or od pants and stuff like that. :)

I'll release the solid colors at the same time as I release this pack, to try and make up for the constant delays. :p

I'm actually really glad you felt that way about the mixed patterns, that's exactly what I was going for. My first test version had no mixed patterns, and it didn't feel very unique that everyone was wearing full uniforms of the same patterns. Also this way you can have teams wearing the same patterns but not have them identical to each other.

Exactly! that is so awesome. The personal touch is everything here haha :) Those new patterns look so rad too. Love the green digi paterns near the bottom, and the tpat has always been my favorite "urban" pattern. Can not wait!!!

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as for the Dutch units, DPM, MTP and i know they don't use this but the tiger stripe camo would be cool

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Hey ah, if it's not too much trouble, any chance of a version of these with rolled up sleeves?

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How do I access those tactical hoods in the screenshots?

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dudeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the aaf vest look amazing! finally a green one that is actually a proper green haha so pumped right now haha :D

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Rolled up sleeves will be included when I finish this update. :)

The face covers are the vanilla BI ones.. They should be in with the glasses.

Also I've been testing out the AAF vest:

http://puu.sh/cuojO/376784ac74.jpg (126 kB) http://puu.sh/cuoBQ/1d9f8de40a.jpg

http://puu.sh/cuoGr/47b249eaf6.jpghttp://puu.sh/cuoRJ/2221b64ac6.jpg (129 kB)

(Very WIP)

Yuuuuuuuuus, can't wait for that update then!

>Sees a blue uniform that actually looks great


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About the Russian/East Europe Megapack you said that was WIP, will the Takistani uniforms and ammo belts from Arma 2 be added?

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Man everythime I see at your pics I get soooo excitated !!!!! Can't wait for the next release :yay:

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Sorry for the total lack of updates, hit the busy season at work and I'm pulling 50-70 hour weeks at the moment..

The US uniforms are VERY close to release though, here's the complete list:


Edited by NikolaiSergeyev

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Damn, that's a lot of unis.

I probably spend more time in the arsenal playing fashion catwalk than I do playing the actual game.

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Just entering the final phases before release, doing some closed testing with the pack. Expect the release soon!

In the mean time, have some screenshots of the uniforms in Zargabad:





Also as a bonus, solid colors resembling the Praying Mantis PMC from MGS:



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Get hype :(

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Will the very nice and well looking uniforms work with the arm-patch/insignia's...?

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