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How to put custom Textures in a mission !

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Hi guys!

I'm doing a mission, I need to put textures in the units and vehicles

Already have textures, put it in a folder called "textures".

and then put it in the init field of a vehicle called "offroad":

offroad setObjectTexture [0,"textures\police_offroad.paa"]; 

but does not work .. what else I need?

The units can also add textures?

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I forgot to say, that should work well in multiplayer

someone who help me

Edited by exevankeko

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On 7/26/2014 at 10:51 AM, SilentSpike said:

Did you try the method I posted? Because it should work fine in multiplayer.

None of the methods mentioned in the wiki since 1.64 work either as I've tried them.


If you got any more suggestions, let's hear them.

Edited by R0adki11
removed foul language

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26 minutes ago, The Black Fox said:

None of the methods mentioned in the wiki since 1.64 work either as I've tried them.


If you got any more suggestions, let's hear them.


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This script does not exist?



	Author: Sarogahtyp



	Return value:


if(!hasInterface) exitWith {true};

params ["_obj"];
_flicker_delay = 5;

// setting_sarray contains all camera and texture settings for specific vec types
// [classname, [cam_defs], [tex_defs], massfactor]

//[mount point, vdir, vup, [x offset, y offset, height], Fov]

//mount point
//string - can be "left", "right" , "front", "rear", "top" or "bottom"

//tex defs
//[selection index, index of cam to render]

_settings_array = [ 
["MBT_01_base_F", [ ["right", [0,0,-1],[-1,0,0], [2, -8, 3], 1.5], ["right", [0,0,-1],[-1,0,0], [2, -3, 3], 1.5] ], [[0,0], [1,1], [2,1]], 2],
["Helicopter_Base_F", [ ["top", [0,0,-1],[-1,0,0], [2, -8, 3], 1.5], ["right", [0,0,-1],[-1,0,0], [2, -3, 3], 1.5] ], [[0,0], [1,1], [2,1]], 2]
_actual_settings = _settings_array select {_obj isKindOf (_x select 0)};

if (count _actual_settings isEqualTo 0) exitWith {true};

 _actual_settings params ["_settings"];
 _settings params ["", "_cam_defs", "_tex_defs", "_mass_factor"];
_cam_num = count (_settings select 1);

_mass = getMass _obj;

_obj setMass _mass_factor * _mass;

_Saro_cam0 = "camera" camCreate [0,0,0];
_Saro_cam1 = "camera" camCreate [0,0,0];

_bbox = boundingBoxReal _obj;
_bbox select 0 params ["_x1", "_y1", "_z1"];
_bbox select 1 params ["_x2", "_y2", "_z2"];
_bbox = nil;

_att0pos = [abs(_x2-_x1)/2, abs(_y2-_y1)/2, _z1];

_Saro_cam0 attachTo [_obj, _att0pos];
_Saro_cam0 setVectorDirAndUp [[0,0,1],[1,0,0]];
_Saro_cam0 cameraEffect ["Internal", "Back", "Saro_cam0rtt"];
_Saro_cam0 camSetFov 1.5;
_Saro_cam0 camCommit 0;

_att1pos = [_x2+2, abs(_y2-_y1)/2 - 3, _z1 + 23];

_Saro_cam1 attachTo [_obj, _att1pos];
_Saro_cam1 setVectorDirAndUp [[0,0,-1],[-1,0,0]];
_Saro_cam1 cameraEffect ["Internal", "Back", "Saro_cam1rtt"];
_Saro_cam1 camSetFov 1.5;
_Saro_cam1 camCommit 0;

_old_tex = getObjectTextures _obj;

_obj setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "#(argb,512,512,1)r2t(Saro_cam0rtt,1)"];  
_obj setObjectTextureGlobal [1, "#(argb,512,512,1)r2t(Saro_cam1rtt,1)"];  
//_obj setObjectTextureGlobal [2, "#(argb,512,512,1)r2t(Saro_cam1rtt,1)"];

sleep 120;

_flicker_time = diag_tickTime + _flicker_delay;
_flicker_sleep = 1;

_obj setMass [_mass, _flicker_delay];

 sleep (_flicker_sleep + random _flicker_sleep);
  _obj setObjectTextureGlobal [_forEachIndex, _old_tex select _forEachIndex];  
 } forEach _old_tex;
 sleep _flicker_sleep;
 _obj setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "#(argb,512,512,1)r2t(Saro_cam0rtt,1)"];  
 _obj setObjectTextureGlobal [1, "#(argb,512,512,1)r2t(Saro_cam1rtt,1)"];  
 _obj setObjectTextureGlobal [2, "#(argb,512,512,1)r2t(Saro_cam1rtt,1)"];

 _flicker_sleep = _flicker_sleep / 2;
 diag_tickTime > _flicker_time

  _obj setObjectTextureGlobal [_forEachIndex, _old_tex select _forEachIndex];  
 } forEach _old_tex;
_Saro_cam0 cameraEffect ["terminate", "back"];
_Saro_cam1 cameraEffect ["terminate", "back"];

camDestroy _Saro_cam0;
camDestroy _Saro_cam1;



This video shows not the Modern Camoflage Texture on Huron?


The world is a disc?

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23 minutes ago, sarogahtyp said:

The world is a disc?

Who tf wants to use a long script when you can just put one or two lines in the init of an object as long as the texture is stored in the A3 folder?

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watch your language kid!

nobody told you to use a script which is such long! But it uses the methods which work well and which you told that they don't.

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42 minutes ago, sarogahtyp said:

watch your language kid!


What language? I haven't sworn once.

Nobody told me to, but you suggested it.

I want to change one texture on one vehicle in one mission, I don't need a script to do so.

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then just do it! read the wiki, try it, show ur effort, try to be kind and Im sure that u ll get help.

Don't just say the wiki is telling shit andnothing is woorking from there. There are many people which are spending a lot of hours to create and update the wiki pages as they are and they are very good and the very most of the wiki is working as shown there!!!

Do not insult others' work just because you do not understand it.

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22 minutes ago, sarogahtyp said:

show ur effort,



22 minutes ago, sarogahtyp said:

Don't just say the wiki is telling shit andnothing is woorking from there.



23 minutes ago, sarogahtyp said:

Do not insult others' work just because you do not understand it.

I'm not insulting anyone. Calm down.

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with "effort" I meant your code that you tried already...


if(!isServer) exitWith {};
_old_tex = getObjectTextures this;
 this setObjectTextureGlobal [_forEachIndex, "YOURTEXTURENAME.EXT"];
} forEach _old_tex;

this code sets your texture on each plane where a texture can be changed on ur desired object. Its designed to throw in it's init line.

look at the notes in setObjectTexture to get a clue which texture formats and which resolutions are accepted by armas engine.

Edited by sarogahtyp
added server only execution

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11 hours ago, The Black Fox said:

None of the methods mentioned in the wiki since 1.64 work either as I've tried them.

Let me guess, you used setObjectTextureGlobal from an objects init field?

Check the wiki link for the command as posted above and go through the linked discussion to see use cases on how to properly use this command to work in MP environment.


As for suggestions you might post how/what you tried if you want to get any closer to a possible solution.



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On 3/26/2019 at 5:56 AM, Grumpy Old Man said:

Check the wiki link for the command as posted above and go through the linked discussion to see use cases on how to properly use this command to work in MP environment.

already did that, and no, I'm not using that command.


The mission doesn't load when using a PBO as using a PBO would theoretically allow it to run properly.

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