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@Spencer42 is it already possible thanks to the configurations files :)

New addons are most of time quite good recognized by the default configuration. But sometimes, it is needed to edit the logistics configuration.

In fact, it only depends of the CfgVehicles inheritance tree set by the addon (e.g. http://madbull.arma.free.fr/A3_1.32_CfgVehicles_tree.html ).

The configuration process is explained at chapter IV.2. (page 20) of the documentation ( http://team-r3f.org/madbull/logistics/EN_DOCUMENTATION.pdf ).

If you really want to add ALL objects (including huge objects :omg:), you can use very generic class names like : "Static", "Thing", "All".

You have to put it in the configuration array "R3F_LOG_CFG_can_be_moved_by_player".

But it is more reasonable to put more specific class names provided by the addon.

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Is there any plans to make this mod work with the Alive Mod Logistics? We are running an Alive server and using R3F Logistics with the Creation Factory for supplies etc. However, only objects that are moved and placed using the Alive Player Logistics module are stored in the Alive database. If we place the objects using R3F then they are not stored.

I'm not sure if this is something you can add to R3F or if it needs to happen in Alive but it would be awesome to have the ability to use R3F to stack sandbags and adjust the angles of objects. The Alive mod forces gravity on objects and will only place them in horizontal mode so we can't build awesome FOB's like we can with R3F :(

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@[email protected] I'm not familiar with Alive, but I think you are talking about its persistence feature.

When you save/restore the mission, are the objects created with R3F logistics existing on the map ? Or are they deleted ?

If I understand, the objects are restored, but their positions/orientation are not restored accurately ?

If yes, it should be a limitation of the alive mod. Maybe they need to save more info in the database (altitude, pitch/yaw/roll angles) to restore the objects accurately.

It is also interesting to see if alive is able to properly restore objects created with zeus.

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@[email protected] I'm not familiar with Alive, but I think you are talking about its persistence feature.

When you save/restore the mission, are the objects created with R3F logistics existing on the map ? Or are they deleted ?

If I understand, the objects are restored, but their positions/orientation are not restored accurately ?

If yes, it should be a limitation of the alive mod. Maybe they need to save more info in the database (altitude, pitch/yaw/roll angles) to restore the objects accurately.

It is also interesting to see if alive is able to properly restore objects created with zeus.

Hi madbull,

I've done testing and it appears that only objects that have been moved, or at least picked up and dropped, using the built in Alive Logistics actions are saved. Objects that have been placed using R3F or Zeus do not get saved to the database. I believe that there is something happening when using the Alive Carry/Drop options that flags that object to be saved.

If you place an object only with R3F or Zeus it is not saved or restored by Alive

If you place an object with R3F and then pick it up and replace it with Alive Logistics it is saved in the location that it is after using Alive to move it.

If you move an object with Alive and then later use R3F or Zeus to move it then it will be saved in the initial position after using Alive and ignores moves by Zeuss or R3F

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@[email protected] I also saw your topic here http://alivemod.com/forum/191-persistence-of-objects-in-a-mission

The best and proper way to fully and accurately save the mission state is that Alive reads (itself) the state of all objects, including those spawned with Zeus, R3F or any other script.

Also, it seems that a full compatibility between Alive and R3F will not be possible, especially for the "R3F cargo load" feature, because there is no automatic way for Alive to dump all the setVariable's on the database ( http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=17425 ).

I read the code of the logistics alive module. The solution could be to add this kind of code when creating and moving an object with Zeus or R3F logistics :

[LOGIC_ALIVE,"updateObject",[_moved_or_created_object]] call ALIVE_fnc_logistics;

If you are interested, you can try to add this line in R3F_LOG\objet_deplacable\relacher.sqf at line 12 :

[LOGIC_ALIVE,"updateObject",[R3F_LOG_joueur_deplace_objet]] call ALIVE_fnc_logistics;

It should save the object to the database when your release a movable object.

You must name your alive (logistics ?) module as it : LOGIC_ALIVE

Edited by madbull

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Hi madbull, Thanks! That worked perfectly. The module I had to name is the Alive(Required) module. Once I did that it worked like a charm. Thanks again for your help, R3F Logistics is even better now that it's persistent!

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Cool fix for persistence Madbull. R3F log is a great mod and glad to see it can work nicely with ALIVE!

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Thanks Friznit. The "alive's persistence" fix has just been registered on the first post.

Edited by madbull

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Um is that my Retexture of the Mohawk being used in your work?

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Um is that my Retexture of the Mohawk being used in your work?

Sure you got the right thread? Unless I'm missing something R3F doesn't include assets.

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R3F to good developer but they are also bad citizens who have forgotten the language of the country of their birth (especially for their doc pdf) Shame on them!

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Hi I have this installed for ArmA 3 Epoch but I am getting script restriction #96.

Below is the script.log

if (!is"

15.12.2014 06:31:35: [DZW]Real-killer ( 97db3a600eeacfa70a092a3457243a82 - #96 "["BIS_fnc_diagAARrecord","BIS_fnc_diagKey","BIS_fnc_feedbackMain","BIS_fnc_missionHandlers","BIS_fnc_init","BIS_fnc_getServerVar"

15.12.2014 06:55:22: [DZW]Real-killer ( 97db3a600eeacfa70a092a3457243a82 - #96 "e","_params","_class"];

with uinamespace do {

if (isnil "bis_fnc_init") then {

_functionsInit = gettext (configfile >> "CfgFu"

15.12.2014 07:05:30: [DZW]Real-killer ( 97db3a600eeacfa70a092a3457243a82 - #96 "rom 0 to 5 do {

_animation = 1 + 0.8 * round (1 - abs sin ((BIS_fnc_guiEffectTiles_coef -8/12 + _ix/12) * 180));

for "_iy" from "

15.12.2014 11:04:33: Dred ( dd006ca267258162b2a7e0e7a784b2f9 - #96 "rom 0 to 5 do {

_animation = 1 + 0.8 * round (1 - abs sin ((BIS_fnc_guiEffectTiles_coef -8/12 + _ix/12) * 180));

for "_iy" from "

15.12.2014 11:06:51: Dred ( dd006ca267258162b2a7e0e7a784b2f9 - #96 "rom 0 to 5 do {

_animation = 1 + 0.8 * round (1 - abs sin ((BIS_fnc_guiEffectTiles_coef -8/12 + _ix/12) * 180));

for "_iy" from "

15.12.2014 11:08:50: Dred ( dd006ca267258162b2a7e0e7a784b2f9 - #96 "rom 0 to 5 do {

_animation = 1 + 0.8 * round (1 - abs sin ((BIS_fnc_guiEffectTiles_coef -8/12 + _ix/12) * 180));

for "_iy" from "

Very weird and don't understand it I have googled it and there's nothing... Below here I will post the script.txt lines from 90 to 97 this is the very bottom of the file....

#90 7 _typeofHookMonky

#91 7 _allocMemory

#92 7 _d3d9multipliervariable

#93 7 _runASM

#94 7 _addGFX_hookD3D9eventhandler

#95 7 _BEhookBYPASSBOB


#97 7 "BIS_fnc" !"_fnc_areEqual"

I am guessing its something with #97? and not actually line #96 because #1 would actually be classed as #0 so we just +1 and that will be the correct line... so I don't understand what's wrong with this "BIS_fnc" !"_fnc_areEqual"

Is the log telling me to change this:

"BIS_fnc" !"_fnc_areEqual"


"BIS_fnc" !"_fnc_areEqual" !"BIS_fnc_guiEffectTiles_coef"

I'm not really understanding this battleeye thing I have had 2 hours sleep and just cant rest until I get it working :)

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Edited by SavageCDN

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@dzrealkiller the code throwing a BattlEye restriction is not related to R3F Logistics.

I'm not used to "scripts.txt", but maybe you have to add "BIS_fnc_guiEffectTiles_coef" in it.

And maybe all of these : "BIS_fnc_diagAARrecord","BIS_fnc_diagKey","BIS_fnc _feedbackMain","BIS_fnc_missionHandlers","BIS_fnc_ init","BIS_fnc_getServerVar"

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Nope tried this and does not help still kicked for #96 :S Its weird yesterday I fixed this and today its back but i forgot how i fixed it :(

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The quoted code is not related to R3F Logistics.

I never used BattlEye or scripts.txt. So i have no more idea to help you.

Maytbe search on the forum a thread about BE or script.txt.

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Ok I have everything kinda working, The issue now is that when I tow or lift a vehicle it either teleports it back to where I towed it from or it just deletes it completely. I know you need to enter the vehicle once you untow it to save its location and I would do that but the second I untow or drop a vehicle it vanish... any ideas?

I dont think the vehicles are teleporting back I think there been deleted because... I have lifted a fresh spawned car and dropped it in the same location and it just vanish... I do not take the car away I just lift it up then go straight back down and drop it and it disappears, What would cause this?

Edited by dzrealkiller

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@dzrealkiller I don't understand your problem. But it seems to be related to Epoch, probably a "persistence" system.

Maybe check on Epoch's forum/community to see how they integrated R3F Logistics in it.

How do I increase the capacity of a container/vehicle?
- How to edit the cargo load/capacity of an object/vehicle ? => Chapter IV.2. of the documentation

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For some reason after installing this add on, players have been getting this error when they try to logging to my server. Is there a way that you can look into it?

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@MPG-DarkKnight it looks like the same kind of problem than dzrealkiller.

You can read its posts and the replies : http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?180049-R3F-Logistics&p=2839045&viewfull=1#post2839045

It is about the files scripts.log and script.txt. Check also the RPT file on server and show us some reported error messages.

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I was just wondering if this mod could be implemented server side so that its not it the mission file? (A3ServerROOT/MPMissions/epoch.Altis.pbo/etc...)

And what about BattlEye Filters for this mod?


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