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Yolo Joe

Turning a unit into "dust" when killed?

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How can I turn a unit in to a small smoke cloud upon death?

Edited by Chillroy

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You can run an event handler to make sure the unit is dead, delete the unit, then spawn an effect.

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_killed = (_this select 0);
_posKilled = getPos killed;
deleteVehicle _killed;
"SmallSecondary" createVehicle posKilled;

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_killed = (_this select 0);
_posKilled = getPos killed;
deleteVehicle _killed;
"SmallSecondary" createVehicle posKilled;

exactly. just add that into an event handler. So if you add this into a unit's init it should work

this addEventHandler ["killed", {
_killed = (_this select 0); 
_posKilled = getPos _killed; 
deleteVehicle _killed; 
"SmallSecondary" createVehicle _posKilled; 

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No, I do not want an explosion. Simply a small dust cloud would do the trick. Where can I find a list of the effects?

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No, I do not want an explosion. Simply a small dust cloud would do the trick.

Something like this?

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Something like this?

Yes Please! Can you share the code for this?

Also, where in the cfgVehicles do I find "SmallSecondary" and the others?


Edited by BEAKSBY

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Yes! Like that! would you mind sharing that code? ;D

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Alright gents. Here's the download link to the sample mission. 5 targets, each with different size of dust cloud on death. I hope that helps.


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I'm not interested in PLAYING the scenario :P I want the CODE! :bounce3: :bounce3:

Can you put out a download link to the SQM file? So I can open it in the editor?

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You should download PBO manager or something. Extremly useful tool. I used that to extract the data necessary. They simply added this code into the units init inside the mission.sqm file

init="this addEventHandler [""killed"", {  _killed = (_this select 0);   _pos = getPos _killed;  _xpos = _pos select 0;  _ypos = _pos select 1;  _zpos = _pos select 2;         sleep 0.3;    for ""_i"" from 0 to 3 do  {        _xvel = 0;        _yvel = 0;     _zvel = 0;             _tnt = 0;          drop [[""A3\Data_F\ParticleEffects\Universal\universal.p3d"", 16, 7, 48], """", ""Billboard"", 0, 1 + random 0.5,          [_xpos, _ypos, _zpos],    [ _xvel, _yvel, _zvel ],    1,    1.2,    1.3,         0,    [1],    [     [0.55, 0.5, 0.45, 0],     [_tnt + 0.55, _tnt + 0.5,  _tnt + 0.45, 0.16],     [_tnt + 0.55, _tnt + 0.5,  _tnt + 0.45, 0.12],     [_tnt + 0.5,  _tnt + 0.45, _tnt + 0.4,  0.08],     [_tnt + 0.45, _tnt + 0.4,  _tnt + 0.35, 0.04],     [_tnt + 0.4,  _tnt + 0.35, _tnt + 0.3,  0.01]    ],       [0],    0.1,    0.1,    """",    """",    """"    ];  };  deleteVehicle _killed;  Hint ""Size 1 dust"";  }];";

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I'm not interested in PLAYING the scenario :P I want the CODE! :bounce3: :bounce3:

Put this in your init.sqf

	{_x addEventHandler
	["killed",{_this spawn {_unit = _this select 0;_pos = getPos _unit;_xpos = _pos select 0;_ypos = _pos select 1;
	_zpos = _pos select 2;sleep 0.3;for "_i" from 0 to 3 do {_xvel = 0;_yvel = 0;_zvel = 0;_tnt = 0;
	drop[["A3\Data_F\ParticleEffects\Universal\universal.p3d",16,7,48],"","Billboard",0,1 + random 0.5,[_xpos,_ypos,_zpos],	
	[_xvel,_yvel,_zvel],1,1.2,1.3,0,[2],[[0.55,0.5,0.45,0],[_tnt + 0.55,_tnt + 0.5,_tnt + 0.45,0.16],
	[_tnt + 0.55,_tnt + 0.5,_tnt + 0.45, 0.12],[_tnt + 0.5,_tnt + 0.45,_tnt + 0.4,0.08],
	[_tnt + 0.45,_tnt + 0.4,_tnt + 0.35,0.04],[_tnt + 0.4,_tnt + 0.35,_tnt + 0.3,0.01]],[0],0.1,0.1,"","",""];};
	deleteVehicle _unit};}];
} forEach allUnits;

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Exactly. That's the code. Size 1 and size 2 dust respectively. And I thought you have a pbo extractor with you. :)


On a similar topic about ParticleEffects, here is a demo of spawn clouds and death clouds. Arcadey? Will serve purpose in my project as some sort of visual indicator.

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exactly. just add that into an event handler. So if you add this into a unit's init it should work

this addEventHandler ["killed", {
_killed = (_this select 0); 
_posKilled = getPos _killed; 
deleteVehicle _killed; 
"SmallSecondary" createVehicle _posKilled; 

Where can I find other particle effects like "SmallSecondary"?

Also, does the explosion damage units near it or is just a particle effect?

BASICALLY, I want an even smaller explosion than "SmallSecondary"...

Edited by BEAKSBY

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Also, does the explosion damage units near it or is just a particle effect?

Yes it does, and thats why I can't use it. I need to be able to kill them with grenades, but they can't kill their teammates when dying.

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this addEventHandler ["killed", {
_killed = (_this select 0); 
_posKilled = getPos _killed; 
deleteVehicle _killed; 
"A3\Data_F\ParticleEffects\Universal\universal.p3d" createVehicle _posKilled; 

Try this out. I do not know where the particle effect classnames are listed but they are probably within Data_F and then inside one of the config.bin's. Im honestly not that interested in diving into their config's again as I just got through redefining a piece every single default vehicle in Arma 3 because they were incorrectly defined (except a precious few). If I have time later I will post in here a list.

Just a particle effect is just that. An effect. To actually deal damage it has to be tied to some type of Ammo class (aka created by one)

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