Tom_48_97 523 Posted December 7, 2015 07-12-2015Size: ~1 MBTOOLS Addon Builder Removed: Unimplemented dependencies setup button which was confusing users - Dependencies management is done via Arma 3 Launcher and the Steam WorkshopWork Drive Added: First release, support for P driveSteam configuration Added: Needed information for Work Drive Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (0.97.1) 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom_48_97 523 Posted December 14, 2015 14-12-2015Size: ~0.5 MB / ~0.5 MBTOOLSBuldozer configurator Added: Argument /noUI to apply the default config without any question nor UI Added: Can configure a Buldozer install which is not on the P drive (just add the directory in the startup args) Changed: If noUI is used, it will close itself once the settings are applied Work Drive Added: Buldozer install -InstallBuldozer Added: Buldozer uninstall -UninstallBuldozer Added: A warning is displayed when a called application takes too long to finish the work Changed: URL of the online help Removed: Unused dependency Steam configuration Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (0.97.2)SAMPLESScenario Design Added: Sample of usage of Dynamic Groups Added: Sample of usage of the Revive system 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom_48_97 523 Posted December 15, 2015 15-12-2015Size: ~1.2 MBTOOLSArma 3 Tools Launcher Changed: P drive management is now handled by Work Drive Changed: Renamed work drive (p) related buttons Removed: Unused actions for the management of the work drive (p) Work Drive Added: Support for advanced install of Buldozer (will be documented later) Added: Startup argument to prevent any question /y Steam configuration Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (0.97.3) 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom_48_97 523 Posted December 22, 2015 22-12-2015Size: ~1 MB / ~0.5 MBTOOLSArma 3 tools Launcher Fixed: On some systems, Addon Builder could fail to start properlySteam configuration Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (0.97.4)SAMPLESAddons Added: Updated configuration files of basic soldier, vests and helmets according to the new Personal Protective Equipment implementation. It is on par with public documentation. Changed: Stamina restoration time reduced from 90 to 60 seconds (Sample of Legacy Fatigue) Changed: Latest improvements of Legacy Fatigue Mod to samples Changed: Model config of the sample of House no longer uses external classes Changed: 3D model of the sample of scope renamed Fixed: Incorrect legacy proxies in the model (Sample of Tank) Fixed: Incorrect texture paths (Sample of Boat) Fixed: Missing inherited class EventHandlers (Test_Soldier_F) Fixed: Typos in the sound config of the sample of Helicopter Fixed: Typos in the model config of the sample of Plane Fixed: Cargo proxies of the sample of Helicopter Fixed: Path to the wreck model of the sample of Helicopter 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom_48_97 523 Posted February 5, 2016 05-02-2016Size: ~16.8 MB / ~10 MBTOOLS Work Drive Added: Support for Buldozer version 1.55+Binarize Changed: P3D Binarization process now uses 32bit vertex indices Note: Data binarized with this version can only be used with Arma 3 1.55 and newer Mod Hash Calculator Added: New tool to calculate long and short hash of mod foldersFontToTGA Added: Automatically creates directories for the destination location Added: Custom config file definition using command line parameter -cfg=<config file> Added: Max texture size using command line parameter -maxTexSize=<size> (valid values are 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048) Tweaked: Optimized processing speed Tweaked: Better usage of texture space (can create smaller textures in some cases) Arma 3 Tools Launcher Added: Support for ModHashCalculatorSteam configuration Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (0.97.5)SAMPLES Art Added: Template normal map texture to show the new parallax improvements described on Scenario design Added: Spectator sample mission Fixed: End Game sample mission Fixed: Typo in Dynamic groups ReadMe.txt 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom_48_97 523 Posted February 8, 2016 08-02-2016Size: ~9.1 MBTOOLS Binarize Fixed: Incorrect dependencies Note: Data binarized with this version can only be used with Arma 3 1.55 and newer Steam configuration Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (0.97.6) 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom_48_97 523 Posted February 16, 2016 16-02-2016Size: ~0.1 MBSAMPLES Addons Added: Test_Sounds which contains the new sound configuration (sound shaders and sound sets) Changed: The sample of Weapon now uses the new sound configuration 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom_48_97 523 Posted February 22, 2016 22-02-2016Size: ~1.4 MBTOOLS Terrain Builder Fixed: Support for P3D version 70Work Drive Fixed: Installing Buldozer into the root directory of the tools while Arma 3 Tools was running would lead to a CTD Fixed: Work Drive was unable to run BuldozerConfigurator properly when the target path contained a space Mod Hash Calculator Added: added hash override column with a value that can be pasted directly to meta.cpp. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom_48_97 523 Posted March 24, 2016 24-03-2016Size: ~14.3 MB TOOLS FSM Editor Changed: Updated SQF definition (Arma 3 157 rev 134994)Arma 3 Tools Launcher Changed: If the external viewer of Object Builder is not defined to P, the buldozer install won't be checked (no warning).Binarize Added: new parameter "-disablePreBinDataForWRP" to force it not to binarize data Changed: The exclusion list can now take full path Changed: binarize has now a proper console output Changed: Improvement of the binarization of the clutter Publisher Added: a new primary button for adding mod content: "Select mod folder" now let you select the @modFolder and adds it's content as the content of the mod. Added: logging of un-handled exceptions. Added: an options menu to the top right corner. Added: Workshop tag "Editor Extension" Fixed: PublishedId insertion to meta.cpp when the item is published for the first time. Removed: footer (links moved to the options menu). Object Builder Fixed: locked normals are no more recalculated when 'F5' or file savedSteam configuration Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (0.99.1) 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom_48_97 523 Posted April 4, 2016 04-04-2016Size: ~ 2.3 MB TOOLS Game Updater Added: New start-up parameter -beta to use SteamCMD beta Added: Now displays the downloaded data and amount in MB of remaining data to be downloaded Added: New option to handle the Steam client (enabled by default). If this option is set to Yes, and if Steam is running, it will be closed, and once Game Updater logged into the Steam network, the Steam client will be restarted. Tweaked: Process management between Game Updater and the Steam client Tweaked: Small adjustments of the UI Tweaked: More data are logged when in debug mode Fixed: The console output is back when -debug is used Fixed: The debug console was closed as soon as Game Updater was reduced in the notification area Fixed: The install process was showing the credential dialog twice Removed: The directory size from the update form CfgConvert Added: Script to derap (unbinarize) Eden scenariosSteam configuration Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (0.99.2) 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom_48_97 523 Posted April 8, 2016 08-04-2016Size: ~10.1 MB TOOLS Terrain Builder Added: Tool for finding and solving duplicated (over-layered) objects Added: Objects Diagnostics dialog Changed: Format of the layer files (serialization)Previous versions of Terrain Builder won't be able to open the new format (the layer won't be displayed)A back-up is created into the source directory on detection of the old format Fixed: Objects could be duplicated and couldn't be removed nor selected Fixed: Buldozer was freezing for a couple seconds after manipulation of multiple objects Arma 3 Tools Launcher Fixed: On certain conditions, Game Updater was unable to log into Steam when started from the launcherSteam configuration Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (0.99.3) 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom_48_97 523 Posted April 13, 2016 13-04-2016Size: ~2.4 MB TOOLS Work Drive Added: Warning and possibility to cancel the operation (if in interactive mode) when the source of the drive to mount is the Arma 3 Tools directory Added: Support for any drive letter and any source folder Fixed: Incompatibility of some startup parameters Arma 3 Tools Launcher Fixed: Under certain circumstances, the task bar was not updated when the main window was restored (Hide / Show) Tweaked: Methods to run Terrain Builder and Object Builder Steam dumpAccountInfo Added: Support for Arma 3 Apex Changed: When the computer doesn't have access to Internet, it will try to use the cache from the Steam client Fixed: Under some conditions, Arma 3 was returned as owned when it was not Publisher Maintenance updateSteam configuration Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (0.99.3) 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom_48_97 523 Posted April 18, 2016 18-04-2016Size: ~3.8 MB TOOLS Terrain Builder Changed: The "Edit" LOD of objects is now ignored (similar to the binarization process) Fixed: Inaccurate angles when rotating objects Fixed: Terrain Builder wouldn't update the "Selection properties" window on deselection of an object causing a CTD Fixed: Buldozer was not scaling the objects smoothly enough (increased scaling delta) Arma 3 Tools Launcher Maintenance updateSteam configuration Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (0.99.5) 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom_48_97 523 Posted April 19, 2016 19-04-2016Size: ~2.4 MB / ~0.1 MB TOOLS Work Drive Fixed: The Buldozer setup was dismounting the work driveSteam configuration Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (0.99.6)SAMPLES Scenario design Changed: SQM files are now in version 51 (Eden) Fixed: The example of headgear randomization wouldn't load because of a missing dependency 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom_48_97 523 Posted April 25, 2016 25-04-2016Size: ~ 10.5 MB TOOLS Game Updater Changed: Updated version of the Steam CLI Fixed: It would crash in case the branch parameter was missing Binarize Fixed: Binarize was crashing while processing terrainsSteam configuration Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (0.983.1) 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom_48_97 523 Posted May 6, 2016 06-05-2016Size: ~ 2.9 MB TOOLS:Work Drive Added: Ability to extract game data (prototype) Added: New default path for the project drive Added: Kill threads on exit (threaded processes only) Added: Print loaded assemblies on start-up Changed: Colors of the logger Changed: ToolProcess now returns the exit code Tweak: Small re-factoring here and there Game Updater Fixed: The default destination path was systematically replaced by the default value even when it was a valid directoryArma 3 Tools Launcher Added: Extended support for Work Drive Tweaked: Small refactoring Steam configuration Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (0.983.2)NOTES: More information about the update of Work Drive can be found here. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom_48_97 523 Posted May 11, 2016 11-05-2016Size: ~1.5 MB TOOLS:Work Drive Added: Registration of the version number at the end of the unrap process (AddonFolder\rap.txt) Added: Detection of standalone PBOs Changed: The decision to update or skip a PBO is now made upon its version number (among other things) Fixed: Some PBOs were extracted to the wrong path. They are now correctly extracted, according to their prefix. BankRev Added: A new startup parameter -prefix to extract the data to Destination\Prefix\Data instead of Destination\PBOName\Data Arma 3 Tools Launcher Added: Extended support for WorkDrive Changed: Cleaned project drive management Fixed: The option to mount P drive on startup was fired even when the project drive was already mounted Tweaked: Various labels were updated Removed: Option to change the default log folder Removed: About box Steam configuration Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (0.983.3)NOTES: More information about the update of Work Drive can be found here. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom_48_97 523 Posted May 17, 2016 17-05-2016Size: ~2.4 MBTOOLS:Work Drive Added: Support for symbolic link creation and destruction (/linkFolders /unlinkFolders) Added: Closing the application during an operation is now treated as user cancellation Added: DirtyRun flag - It is raised when some non critical errors occur BinMake Added: New exe to handle the rule generation (Arma 3 Tools\BinMakeRules.exe)MapDisk Changed: Functionality fully transferred to Work Drive FuturaToP Changed: Functionality fully transferred to Work Drive MapFolders Changed: Functionality fully transferred to Work Drive DevP Added: Warning on startup Note: DevP is no longer maintained Arma 3 Tools Launcher Changed: Some labels and icons have been changed due to the level up of Work Drive FSM Editor Changed: Updated SQF language definition for Arma 3 1.60+Publisher Added: Error details are now provided when an asynchronous operation performed on Steam fails in PublisherSteam configuration Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (0.983.4) Removed: The second install step (starter) is no longer needed NOTES: More information about the update of Work Drive can be found here. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom_48_97 523 Posted May 25, 2016 25-05-2016Size: ~3.5 MBTOOLS:Work Drive Added: A default project directory (%userprofile%\Documents\Arma 3 Projects) Added: Display of a warning if Work Drive is elevated without parent Added: On error, F1 can be used to open the online help Added: Tobii.EyeX.Client.dll is now copied during the install of Buldozer Added: Better error handling Changed: Startup arguments can start with a - or / Changed: Work Drive will refuse to use the install directory of the tools as project directory Fixed: The symbolic link to the Arma 3 Samples directory was incorrect Fixed: Some startup arguments were incorrectly processed Fixed: The uninstall process of Buldozer was not removing the property files of the Core and Bin folders Fixed: When the destination for the extracted game data had a trailing slash, the process would fail Fixed: When elevated, Work Drive was sometimes displaying the target for P as undefined Fixed: The parent ID of new instances was missing from the logs Fixed: The version of the Buldozer executable was always set to 0 Tweaked: Improved fallback values for Buldozer Tweaked: Better decision whether or not the default project directory should be used TexView 2 Added: Link to the online help (Top menu>>Help) Added: Shortcut to save as (CTRL+SHIFT+S) Changed: Assembly information Changed: User settings are now stored in HKCU\Software\Bohemia Interactive\texView Arma 3 Tools Launcher Changed: Any attempt to use the install directory of the tools (from the option form) as project directory will be denied Changed: A few tool tips have been updated Tweaked: Reworked the Option form DSUtils Added: Ability to use the newly generated key to sign PBOs (check-box from the key generation form) Changed: The signature check now remembers the last paths used Fixed: Potential CTD while generating the info file of the key Publisher Changed: Maintenance updateAddon Builder Changed: Maintenance updateRender Worlds Tweaked: Configs have been updatedSteam configuration Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (0.983.5) 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom_48_97 523 Posted May 27, 2016 27-05-2016Size: ~1.1 MBTOOLS:Work Drive Changed: Lowered severity of 0x50098001 (UAC check) from Fatal to Warning (0x30098001) Fixed: Buldozer couldn't be installed from the main branch of the game (E.g. Tobii.EyeX.Client is only available in the development branch) BankRev Added: UI, ability to use the PBO prefix to determine the final destination directorySteam configuration Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (0.983.6) 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom_48_97 523 Posted June 8, 2016 08-06-2016Size: ~11.7 MB / 0.1 MBTOOLS:Buldozer Added: Support for script\initBuldozer.sqfWork Drive Added: Junction between the sample of Terrain Processor and the A3 directory Added: Ability to install Buldozer with the Diag exe Changed: Order of files to process for the install of Buldozer (optional files are last) Binarize Added: Support for P3D type 71DSSignFile Maintenance updateDSCreateKey Maintenance updateDSCheckSignatures Maintenance updatePublisher Changed: updated overlay messages Fixed: Steam error messages are now being displayed Documentation Added: Link to the Project Directory documentation (docs\manual\) Added: Link to the Work Drive documentation (docs\) Steam configuration Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (0.985.1)SAMPLES:Addons Tweaked: The model config of the boat no longer uses external references (Sample of Boat)Tools Fixed: The folder name of the terrain contained in the sample of Terrain Processor was incorrectly namedNOTES: To prevent Work Drive to use Arma3Diag.exe for Buldozer, you can rename it before running the install. It will be soon turned as an option. 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom_48_97 523 Posted June 10, 2016 10-06-2016Size: ~3.7 MBTOOLS:Work Drive Changed: Install of Buldozer - The usage of the diagnostic executable has been made optional (can be changed via the launcher of the tools)Terrain Builder Added: Support for P3D type 71Arma 3 Tools Launcher Added: Option to tell Work Drive to use the Arma 3 Diag executable during the install of Buldozer when it is possible (default is false). This can be changed from the Option form (CTRL+E) Tweaked: Partial refactorization of the methods to run internal EXE resulting in more information available in the logs Tweaked: Improved startup process Steam configuration Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (0.985.2) 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom_48_97 523 Posted June 20, 2016 20-06-2016Size: ~1.1 MBTOOLS:Publisher Added: New command line interface to publish or edit Steam Workshop entries (PublisherCmd.exe)Steam configuration Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (0.985.3) 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom_48_97 523 Posted July 8, 2016 08-07-2016 Size: ~1 MB TOOLS: Work Drive Added: New startup parameter -BuldozerNoP to use the game as Buldozer program (needs to be combined with -installBuldozer)Buldozer ConfiguratorAdded: Ability to use the game as Buldozer installation (No dependency with the Project Space)FSM EditorChanged: Updated SQF definition (Arma 3 162+)Steam ConfigurationChanged: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (0.985.4) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom_48_97 523 Posted July 11, 2016 11-07-2016 Size: ~9 MB TOOLS: File Assoc Added: Now considers the user settings first when trying to resolve the path to Poseidon Tools Tweaked: Console output in case of failure Tweaked: Various optimizations BinarizeMaintenance updateSteam ConfigurationChanged: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (0.985.5) 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites