pettka 694 Posted June 20, 2014 (edited) In this thread we'll try to describe updates happening in the Development Branch of Arma 3 Tools. This changelog is not complete, nor confirmed to be working as advertised. Again, Development branch does not pass internal QA before publication. Stick with main branch if you do not want to deal with the (big) potential issues and frequent data transfers. Feel free to discuss the updates to this branch in the relevant thread. The changes are not going to be done daily like the Arma 3 development branch does, but rather in irregular intervals according to needs and additions by our team. 20-06-2014 Fixed: Broken Addon Builder UI Fixed: Copying of files to the target destination in Addon Builder Fixed: "External" feature of Tools Launcher was disabled by error Edited July 14, 2014 by DnA Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pettka 694 Posted July 4, 2014 (edited) 04-07-2014 Size: ~15 MB AddonBuilder Changed: Log is now stored in Arma 3 Tools\Logs\AddonBuilder.rpt Arma 3 Tools Launcher Added: Start-up parameter "-clearSettings" to reset all application settings Added: Support of Publisher (new tool) Improved: Support of external tools (TexView 2, FSM Editor, Mikero Tools & Poseidon) Changed: Now requires a common library Changed: Now uses a unique file to store log output (Arma 3 Tools\Logs\Arma3ToolsLauncher.rpt) Changed: stdout is now in rpt only (no more console) Fixed: Some dependencies were missing and others unused Fixed: Button to BankRev directory was not working Dev-P Changed: stdout is now stored in Arma 3 Tools\Logs\ ImageToPaa Added: Progress bar and information about progress ( Added: Options to show stdout and open log after conversion (saved in application settings) ( Added: Start-up parameter "-clearSettings" to reset all application settings Improved: Layout Improved: Starter rewritten Improved: Config Changed: Now uses a unique file to store log output (Arma 3 Tools\Logs\ImageToPAA.rpt) Fixed: it was needed to restart the UI when a non-existing path was used as source InstallScript Added: Node for Publisher Library (common.dll) <early experimental version> Added: Common functions mapDisk Changed: stdout is now stored in Arma 3 Tools\Logs\ mapFolder Changed: stdout is now stored in Arma 3 Tools\Logs\ Publisher Added: the first iteration of Publisher (no UI skin yet) Changed: Log is now stored in Arma 3 Tools\Logs\Publisher.rpt Samples_F Added: New lamp sample Edited July 4, 2014 by DnA Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pettka 694 Posted July 11, 2014 (edited) 11-07-2014 Size: ~25 MB Addon Builder Added: New icon for Addon Builder Changed: Adjusted version number to 1.0 Fixed: Windows placement Terrain Builder Fixed: Disable lower-casing template names with 'Add directory' mass action Changed: Buldozer cannot find Pal2PacE.exe - changed Pal2PacE.exe binary into ImageToPAA.exe Publisher Added: New icon for Publisher Changed: Adjusted version number to 1.0 Changed: Log is now stored in Arma 3 Tools\Logs\Publisher.rpt Arma 3 Tools Launcher Added: Main menu Added: Icons for external tools Improved: Code (strict mode) Fixed: Detection of Mikero Tools Changed: Force "Run As Administrator" (now need the administrator rights) Changed: Icons for Publisher and Addon Builder Fixed: Application settings Fixed: Notification icon was not disabled after closing the launcher CfgConvert Added: file drag and drop (bin or cpp) over the UI exe ( Improved: Code optimization (strict mode) Arma3Tools Diagnostic script Added: Now checks "path" system variable before anything (throws an error 5 if path is wrong) Changed: Error management File Association Added: First iteration FileBank Added: Remembers last options used (saved in application settings) Added: Startup parameter "-clearSettings" to reset all application settings Improved: Code optimization (strict mode) Fixed: UI layout ImageToPaa Added: Remember last options used (saved in application settings) Improved: "Load" statement rewritten Improved: Config file (consistency & layout) Improved: Code optimization (strict mode) FontToTGA Improved: Code optimization (strict mode) Library (common.dll) Improved: Support of Steam API Improved: Code optimization (strict mode) mapDisk Improved: Better log output (more readable) mapFolder Improved: Better log output (more readable) WAVToWSS Improved: Code optimization (strict mode) Samples_F Added: Blinking pattern to markerlight on test lamp Edited July 11, 2014 by DnA Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pettka 694 Posted August 4, 2014 (edited) 04-08-2014 Size: ~32 MB Publisher Changed: Separate DLL for the Steam interface which is used by Launcher and Publisher Fixed: Remove close on ESC key press Changed: Log file has been renamed to RPT Addon Builder Fixed: Crash on first start, default EXE path was not set Game Updater Added: First iteration, no UI skin yet Buldozer Configurator Added: First iteration Arma 3 Tools Launcher Added: License manager Added: Check installation at startup - Preview stage Added: Splash screen during loading Added: EULA manager Changed: License management Changed: Icon of Addon Builder Changed: The application closed itself when -clearSetting argument was used Fixed: It was possible to use it without agreeing to the license CfgConvert Fixed: Crash while using array extension Common.dll Added: More common functions and modules DevP Added: Window has a descriptive title Fixed: Copy of DLLs on some OS Fixed: "the system cannot find the batch label specified - formateddate" Install Script Added: Game Updater Added: FileAssoc Changed: Version MapDisk Added: Window has a descriptive title MapFolder Added: Window has a descriptive title Object Builder: Added: Standard layout after first installation Samples Added: Sound parameter for doors (house sample) Fixed: Configuration of Lamp sample Fixed: Configuration of House sample Fixed: Configuration of Boat sample Fixed: Configuration of Car sample Fixed: Configuration of Character sample Fixed: Configuration of Heli sample Fixed: Configuration of Plane sample Settings.ini Changed: Now used by Game Updater in some cases Fixed: Arma 3 AppID for development branch Edited August 12, 2014 by DnA Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pettka 694 Posted August 7, 2014 (edited) 07-08-2014 Size: ~15 MB Addon Builder Fixed: On hover issues with buttons (they tried to run away) Buldozer Configurator Changed: Errors are now described Terrain Builder Fixed: Missing DLLs on start-up Game Updater Added: Can store the Steam guard code Fixed: Console allocation when -debug start-up argument is used Fixed: The allocated console is bound to the forms Arma3Tools.exe Changed: Start-up of the application Changed: Menus have been reworked Changed: If run mode is used (/mode=run) and a tool is unsupported, returns an error in Logs\Arma3ToolsOperations.log Fixed: The generated settings.ini wasn't in UTF-8 charset DevP Changed: Improved logs (readability and relevance) Changed: For safety reasons, -clearInstall is no longer executed on uninstall (mainly because Steam run uninstall scripts when it verifies the cache) Fixed: Some systems added a whitespace at the beginning and/or end of strings retrieved from the registry Fixed: DevP was spamming mapDisk and mapFolders logs MapDisk Changed: Improved logs (readability and relevance) Fixed: Some systems added a whitespace at the beginning and/or end of strings retrieved from the registry MapFolders Added: Link Arma 3 path from Game Updater to P Drive (A3_dev) Added: Link Samples_F to P Drive (if P drive is not Arma 3 Tools installation folder) Changed: Improved logs (readability and relevance) Fixed: Some links were wrong Fixed: Some systems added a whitespace at the beginning and/or end of strings retrieved from the registry Samples New: Sample for Functions Addon Edited August 14, 2014 by DnA Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DnA 5162 Posted August 14, 2014 14-08-2014 Size: ~15 MB Addon Builder Fixed: Paths to EXEs were not properly initialized after fresh installation, which caused a crash Game Updater Fixed: Loaded assemblies were not correctly displayed in logs Buldozer Configurator Fixed: Malformed arguments line for Terrain Builder Fixed: In some cases, Buldozer Configurator was unable to start after the license dialog Arma 3 Tools Launcher Known issue: The license dialog can be unresponsive when the license is not yet accepted. Run Buldozer Configurator or File Assoc to validate the license. Added: Menu item to explore the samples folder Added: Menu item to run MapFolders Changed: Order of initialization during startup Changed: "Temporary" deactivation of "Buldozer Check" because of a blocking issue when P drive path is not the same as the tools Fixed: It was not possible to run DSSign utilities Fixed: License check was frozen when the settings.ini file was missing or incorrect Fixed: Loaded assemblies were not correctly displayed in logs Common.dll Changed: Updated assembly info Fixed: Loaded assemblies were not correctly displayed in logs DevP Fixed: Copy of Steam_api.dll Fixed: Copy of PhysX DLLs on some OS InstallScript Changed: Version Samples Added: Sample for Font Addon Fixed: There were some selected parts on first opening of Test_Boat_01.p3d Fixed: There was some selected parts on first opening of Test_Car_01.p3d Fixed: There were some selected parts on first opening of Test_Heli_01_Wreck.p3d Fixed: There were some selected parts on first opening of Test_Heli_01.p3d Fixed: There were some selected part on first opening of test_weapon_01_F.p3d Diagnostic Script Fixed: "Cannot open file <report name>" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pettka 694 Posted August 20, 2014 (edited) 20-08-2014 Size: ~5 MB Common.dll Fixed: The common library wrongly added some parameters in the registry (the next iteration will clean the wrong entries) Game Updater Added: Descriptive filename for Note: Development branch is now the same as main branch, both are equally up to date :icon_twisted: Edited August 20, 2014 by DnA Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pettka 694 Posted August 21, 2014 (edited) 21-08-2014 Size: ~10 MB DevP & Mapdisk Fixed: P wasn't mounted on some Operating Systems (mainly Windows 7) Game Updater Added: Ability to close SteamCMD if it's already running Added: Temp log for unhandled exceptions (Arma 3 Tools\Logs\GameUpdater_UnhandledException.log) Changed: Installation path text box is now read-only, you need to click on [...] to browse and define the path Changed: System EventLog enabled Changed: Improved CrossThread operations Changed: CrossThread operations disabled on Windows 7 (denied by the system) Fixed: In some conditions, GU was unable to write the installation path to the registry, and occasionally, caused a CTD Fixed: Potential CTD on CrossThread operations Fixed: Event listener in case of unhandled exception wasn't killing the child processes Fixed: Kill every sub processes on exit (normal or CTD) Fixed: Systematic CTD during the update on Windows 7 Fixed: Some CrossThread operations were detected as illegal Known issue: GameUpdater can erase your parameters on closure Known issue: GameUpdater can CTD on startup A known solution is to add an existing path to the following registry entry: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\bohemia interactive\gameupdater" "path_d" Edited August 21, 2014 by DnA Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pettka 694 Posted August 25, 2014 (edited) 25-08-2014 Size: ~10 MB Publisher Added: New version with skin and better functionality Game Updater Added: "Delete user data.bat" to erase all generated content (restore to default) Added: Log4net is now used for child processes (log file unchanged) Added: Support of Steam Guard code during the installation Removed: GameUpdater_files, now handled by "Delete user data.bat" Known issue: GameUpdater can crash your Steam client Arma3Tools.exe Added: Menu items in "File" to access some important directories Added: Warning message if a user tries to run Object Builder or Terrain Builder when Arma3Tools was ran from Steam (Buldozer won't work) Changed: Restore function to check for potential issues with Buldozer Fixed: Startup of Publisher when Arma3Tools is ran from Steam Arma3Tools Diagnostics Added: BinMakeRules to the report Samples Added: Inertia to the sample weapon Added: Insignia to the sample character DevP Fixed: Trailing whitespace in the Arma 3 path when defined in settings.ini In case of failure, a previous version can be found here: MapDisk Fixed: Trailing whitespace in the Arma 3 path when defined in settings.ini In case of failure, a previous version can be found here: Edited August 25, 2014 by DnA Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pettka 694 Posted September 1, 2014 (edited) 01-09-2014 Size: ~136 MB Publisher Added: Filter text box Added: Search watermark added Added: Change notes field in summary window hidden when not applicable Added: Empty description of changes notes fields in summary window now displays meta text Changed: Reworked code base Fixed: Force steam_appid.txt load (prevent Publisher to read the Arma 3 Tools cloud instead of Arma 3) Fixed: Text boxes in the summary window having unnecessary vertical scroll bars Fixed: An invalid font family reference to Purista in labels and text boxes Fixed: Font and label in the published items filter text box Addon Builder Added: Author name is now written into the CfgPatches class before packing Added: New author option in options window Changed: The clear temp option now moves files to the recycle bin instead of doing a permanent deletion Fixed: Deletion of source data if an addon prefix is specified as rooted path ( DevP Changed: Use short paths (instead of searching and removing trailing white-spaces) MapDisk Changed: Use short paths (instead of searching and removing trailing white-spaces) ImageToPAA Added: Ability to handle TGA files created in 3D graphics software (using DirectX TGA) Arma3Tools.exe Changed: Now uses .net Framework 4.5.1 (instead of 4.0) Changed: Reworked method to launch some tools Changed: Updated manifest to handle "starter.exe" Changed: Reworked "Buldozer check" InstallScript Changed: Version (0.74) Steam Configuration Changed: Object Builder and Terrain Builder are now launched from starter.exe to fix the very common issue "Failed to attach viewer" Removed: Mounting P Drive directly from Steam Added: .NET framework 4.5.1 Note: Development branch is now the same as main branch (both are equally up to date). Edited September 1, 2014 by DnA Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pettka 694 Posted September 8, 2014 (edited) 08-09-2014 Size: ~3 MB Addon Builder: Fixed: Issues with P3Ds Fixed: Addon Builder failed to sign binarized PBOs Fixed: Addon destination filename Arma3Tools.exe Added: Check more dependencies on startup (Visual Runtime 2010 and 2012) Added: Log files handled by Arma 3 Tools\logger.xml are created on startup Added: Tooltip on moving over "Game Updater" Added: Menu item "View" containing links to important directories Added: About box Changed: Native methods rewritten Changed: Now mainly uses Log4Net instead of Common library Changed: Updated Application manifest Changed: Removed menu item "File" >> "Show License" because it was a duplicate Changed: Removed menu item "Misc" >> "Buldozer Configurator" (There is another link in Preferences) Changed: Removed menu item "Help" >> "Launcher" Changed: Removed directory links from menu item "File" Changed: Versioning convention (<Arma3 Tools Version>.<Release Number>) E.g. This is 0.75.1 Fixed: Icon of the menu item "Preferences" >> "Settings" was missing Fixed: A message box was displayed on startup of some tools Fixed: Mikero tools menu item in the notification context menu Starter Added: Ability to mount P drive Changed: Uses its own log file (Logs\Start.rpt) Changed: Improved log (relevance & readability) Changed: Versioning convention Changed: Now uses Log4net instead of Common library Changed: Reads only the 3 first parameters instead of throwing an error if more than 3 startup parameters are parsed Steam dumpAccountInfo Added: Returns if Arma 3 content has been marked as corrupted by Steam Added: Errors are stored in Steam_dumpAccountInfo.log Changed: Now uses Log4net instead of Common library installscript Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (Development branch, RC 1) ImageToPAA Added: New classes of conversion (mask, prt, ambient_diffuse_shadow, detail_specular_diffuseinverse_map, AddAlphaNoise, TexRGBA4444, TexRGBA4444, TexRGBA1555, TexAI88, TexDXT1, TexDXT5) Steam configuration Fixed: Starting "Arma 3 Tools" directly from Steam with additional parameters (e.g. -config=server.cfg) may cause some of them to have an error on startup. Samples Added: Advanced Flight Model for the sample helicopter (including XML) Added: Example campaign from our Playable Content department (kudos to Zipper5 and ZoZo) Fixed: Class AnimationSources in the Tank sample Edited September 9, 2014 by DnA Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pettka 694 Posted October 3, 2014 (edited) 03-10-2014 Size: ~4 MB Addon Builder Changed: Variety of visual tweaks related to the font update (new Purista font has different metrics then the old one) Fixed: P3D move via fixing temp path Fixed: Exclude LST in packing Game Updater Added: Copies Arma3GU.exe to the installation directory Added: Control method for installed or updated copy of Arma 3 Changed: A log per day instead of a log per start-up Changed: Usage of log4net instead of common.dll Fixed: An irrelevant additional log file was created Fixed: In some cases, Game Updater was unable to finish the installation process after the download Publisher Added: Publisher now has descriptive log dump Changed: Variety of visual tweaks related to the font update (new Purista font has different metrics then the old one) Fixed: Texts sent and received from Steam service are corrupted Arma3Tools.exe Added: NativeMethods.dll to improve security and compatibility Changed: Mount P-Drive method (bypassing UAC) (no change to mapDisk) Fixed: Cannot find registry.xml on installation Fixed: Tools log file size warning was incorrect (digits after the comma) Starter Changed: Improved base code Documentation Added: Folder Added: Shortcuts to online documentation Added: Folder Manuals with links to online manuals Added: License of "protobuf-net" Changed: License file names for consistency Changed: Cleaned folders (licenses) Fixed: GDAT license was incorrect Arma3GU.exe (part of Game Updater) Added: Now uses the current directory if it contains Arma3.exe Added: Detection method of the Arma 3 installation to start Added: Log file (Arma3GU.log, in Arma3GU.exe directory) Changed: Improved detection method of the GU installation directory Changed: Extended output in the GUI Changed: Relevant data have been added to the read me (Arma3GU.txt) Changed: Improved closing methods Changed: Order of detection methodsUse the current directory if Arma3.exe exists Use last installation path from Game Updater if Arma3.exe is missing from the current directory [*]Fixed: The application does not close after a fatal error [*]Fixed: False positive "Unable to determine Arma 3 GU path" error Samples Added: Sample plant Install script Added: Firewall rule for Publisher Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (Development branch, RC 2) Steam configuration Fixed: Starting "Arma 3 Tools" directly from Steam with additional parameters (e.g. -config=server.cfg) may cause some of them to have an error on start-up Edited October 6, 2014 by DnA Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pettka 694 Posted October 14, 2014 (edited) 14-10-2014 Size: ~3 MB Development branch has been updated to be on par with main branch, see TECHREP for more details. Publisher Fixed: Maximized window is slightly cropped by screen boundaries Fixed: Maximized main window overlaps system taskbar Added: Updated placement & look of caption buttons in windows Fixed: Publisher crashed when adding a PBO file via the browse button Changed: Description instead of change notes in summary window Added: Better PBO loading handling (parse exception thrown if loading fails) Arma3Tools.exe Changed: Reference to the licenseMgr.dll Added: New application parameter to mount P on startup (Preferences >> Mount P drive on startup) Fixed: Deletion of the text clipboard while mounting P Drive Fixed: Application parameters were not correctly set/read on startup GameUpdater Changed: Updated dependencies licenseMgr.dll Changed: Now uses .NEt Framework 4.5.1 Changed: Key check improved ImageToPAA Changed: Now uses .NET Framework 4.5.1 (instead of 4.0) Changed: Updated dependencies WAVToLIP Changed: Now uses .NET Framework 4.5.1 (instead of 4.0) Changed: Updated dependencies WAVToWSS Changed: Now uses .NET Framework 4.5.1 (instead of 4.0) Changed: Updated dependencies WSSDecoder Changed: Now uses .NET Framework 4.5.1 (instead of 4.0) Changed: Updated dependencies Samples Updated: Sample of helicopter with Firing from Vehicles functionality Edited October 14, 2014 by DnA Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pettka 694 Posted October 16, 2014 16-10-2014 Size: ~1 MB Publisher Fixed: Publisher had a wrong appID while run directly from Steam Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pettka 694 Posted November 4, 2014 04-11-2014 Size: ~1 MB Development branch has been updated to be on par with main branch, see TECHREP for more details. Game Updater Added: Now uses NativeMethods.dll to improve security and compatibility Changed: Verbose mode disabled Changed: Improved update interface Fixed: Game version Publisher Changed: Better Steam app ID handling Changed: URL of the support page Changed: Author is not changed when adding the same addon with a different author name Fixed: Crash while when opening not binarized PBO Starter Added: Ability to display messages from batch scripts Changed: The log level has been decreased to "INFO" Arma3Tools.exe Changed: Aspect of the buttons Changed: Updated dependencies Changed: Version is now 0.78 Buldozer Configurator Fixed: Generated configuration caused some issues with the keyboard controls of Buldozer Samples Changed: Updated Advanced Flight Model properties XML Fixed: Wrong model name referenced in model.cfg in the Helicopter sample BankRev Changed: Now uses .NET Framework 4.5.1 (instead of 4.0) Changed: Updated dependencies CfgConvert Changed: Now uses .NET Framework 4.5.1 (instead of 4.0) Changed: Updated dependencies DSCreateKey Changed: Now uses .NET Framework 4.5.1 (instead of 4.0) Changed: Updated dependencies DSSignFile Changed: Now uses .NET Framework 4.5.1 (instead of 4.0) Changed: Updated dependencies FileBank Changed: Now uses .NET Framework 4.5.1 (instead of 4.0) Changed: Updated dependencies FontToTGA Changed: Now uses .NET Framework 4.5.1 (instead of 4.0) Changed: Updated dependencies FileAssoc Changed: Updated dependencies Diagnostics script Added: Tree view of Arma 3 Tools directory if Windows 7 or newer is detected DevP Added: Console output Added: Errors are now displayed in a message box mapDisk Added: Console output Added: Errors are now displayed in a message box mapFolders Added: Console output Added: Errors are now displayed in a message box Steam dumpAccountInfo Changed: Updated dependencies Steam configuration Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pettka 694 Posted November 11, 2014 (edited) 11-11-2014 Size: ~13 MB Arma3Tools.exe Added: Update mode from DevP window Added: Shortcut to FuturaToP Changed: Icon of the license agreement window Fixed: DevP window position FuturaToP Added: First iteration Binarize Fixed: Removed references to GameSpy Steam configuration Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (0.79.1) Diagnostics script Added: Tree view when Windows 10 is detected Added: Window parameters (color & size) Steam dumpAccountInfo Added: Support of Arma 3 Helicopters DLC DevP Added: New mode to perform an update of Buldozer (devp.bat -update) Added: Window parameters (color & size) MapDisk Added: Window parameters (color & size) MapFolders Added: Window parameters (color & size) Steam configuration Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (0.79.1) Samples Fixed: String badly formatted in the configuration of the Helicopter sample Fixed: "No token" error in the config file of the Tank sample Fixed: "No token" error in the config file of the Weapon sample BankRev Added: New EXE icon Changed: Assembly information updated cfgConvert Added: New EXE icon Changed: Assembly information updated DSCreateKey Added: New EXE icon Changed: Assembly information updated DSSignFile Added: New EXE icon Changed: Assembly information updated FileBank Added: New EXE icon Changed: Assembly information updated FontToTGA Added: New EXE icon Changed: Assembly information updated ImageToPAA Added: New EXE icon Changed: Assembly information updated WaveToWSS Added: New EXE icon Changed: Assembly information updated WaveToLIP Added: New EXE icon Changed: Assembly information updated WSSDecoder Added: New EXE icon Changed: Assembly information updated Edited November 11, 2014 by pettka Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pettka 694 Posted November 24, 2014 (edited) 24-11-2014 Size: ~13 MB Arma3Tools.exe Changed: Rebuilt the tab index Fixed: The splash screen title was not displayed Fixed: The splash screen icon was not defined Fixed: Some links to external tools were not working Game Updater Added: Basic controls of the Steam credentials before starting the update process Added: Exit code of the update process is now logged (if it's not equal to 0x0 or 0x103, it means an error occurred) Changed: New method to handle forms display (in order to prevent exceptions on some OS) Changed: Refreshed dependencies Changed: The generation of the data file is no longer handled by Steam, in order to avoid the need to re-enter the Steam credentials after each update Changed: Updated "Steam configuration" Changed: Log level is now "INFO" (instead of "DEBUG") Fixed: The installation was not asking for Steam credentials before the installation Fixed: Various icons were missing Fixed: The merge of the application manifests now works as expected (installDir\appManifest.acf) Fixed: Steam logging out when the process is done Fixed: Missing strings at the beginning of the update Steam configuration Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (0.79.2) FileAssoc Added: New EXE icon Starter Changed: New build Samples Added: Example Supports scenario Edited November 24, 2014 by pettka Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pettka 694 Posted November 26, 2014 (edited) 26-11-2014 Size: ~3 MB Addon Builder Added: OK / Cancel dialog buttons to Option dialog Added: An error message preventing the user from packing if the source or destination directory doesn't exist Added: Authorship support for packed addons only Added: Support for screens with higher DPI Fixed: Binarized P3Ds were overwritten by P3D sources if *.P3D was present in the whitelist option Fixed: Default window size Fixed: Copyright mention in the assembly Publisher Added: "Mod" as default tag for new items (see this thread for more details) Fixed: Changed notes still showing up after update Fixed: Reading addon info from packed only addon Fixed: Packed only PBO config values reading Fixed: Copyright mention in the assembly Game Updater Changed: Improved CrossThread operations Changed: Dependencies updated Removed: Unnecessary files Arma3Tools.exe Changed: New build Steam configuration Changed: Increased version to reflect the current stage (0.79.3) Edited November 26, 2014 by DnA Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pettka 694 Posted December 1, 2014 (edited) 01-12-2014 Size: ~3 MB Arma3Tools.exe Changed: Updated dependencies Changed: Version Fixed: The license key was incorrect with some applications Fixed: The maximum value of the progress bar (splash screen) was too low Addon Builder Added: Requirements check for the Visual C++ runtime Changed: Requirements check moved to a more appropriate place just before main window initialization Fixed: The Addon temp folder was not created when the source path equaled the project path Fixed: An incorrect error message, which appeared in case the Source directory was not a sub folder of the Project directory Game Updater Added: Informative message on loss of Internet connection (you may have to restart the process to resume the update) Added: Descriptive errors if it fails to update the game Added: Log every available hard drive on start-up (to keep track in case of errors) Changed: Improved installation process Changed: Better handling of exceptions Changed: Updated dependencies Common Libraries Changed: Better error handling Changed: Optimization of some methods Edited December 2, 2014 by DnA Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pettka 694 Posted December 2, 2014 (edited) 02-12-2014 Size: ~66 MB Publisher Added: Requirements check for the Visual C++ runtime Changed: Requirements check moved to a more appropriate place just before main window initialization Fixed: Available space in Steam Cloud storage was not counted correctly Samples Added: PSD source textures to create Huron liveries Added: Pilot camera configuration to sample of helicopter - enjoy this powerful tool by Dr. Hladik himself Diagnostics script Added: Tree generation is now supported for Windows 10 (tech preview) Added: Version displayed on startup Steam configuration Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (0.79.5) Edited December 2, 2014 by DnA Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pettka 694 Posted December 9, 2014 (edited) 09-12-2014 Size: ~100 MB Samples Added: PSD source textures to create Taru liveries, including pods (see Arma 3 Tools folder \Samples_F\HelicoptersDLC_Textures\) FuturaToP Added: Check if DeOGG is present Added: Full support of Source & Destination folders FuturaToP.bat "SourceDir" "DestinationDir" Changed: Lock file creation moved to a better place (it will be created as soon as futuraToP will start the operations) Fixed: A false Error 6 was thrown when a destination folder was defined WAVToWSS Added: Support for resampling rate (Hz) Added: Display of basic information about the selected wave file Fixed: Support for Stereo samples Steam configuration Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (0.81.1) Edited December 9, 2014 by DnA Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pettka 694 Posted December 12, 2014 12-12-2014 Size: ~3 MB Addon Builder Added: -silent parameter for binarize.exe in GUI Tweaked: Better packing task creation, process logger does not inherit appenders from now on (should fix some strange long packing caused by logging) Fixed: P3Ds copying Steam configuration Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (0.81.2) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pettka 694 Posted January 12, 2015 (edited) 12-01-2015 Size: ~5 MB Arma3Tools.exe Changed: The startup checks have been improved and cleaned up Steam configuration Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (0.81.3) Samples Added: Basic example of an extension (DLL) (Visual Studio 2013 project) Edited January 12, 2015 by DnA Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pettka 694 Posted January 15, 2015 (edited) 15-01-2015 Size: ~3 MB Arma3Tools.exe Added: Now checks if every folder is present Added: Support for FSMEditor and TexView Tweaked: Improved startup process, it should be faster on most computers Tweaked: Method responsible for the launch of the other tools Fixed: It was starting even in case of a faulty installation FSMEditor Added: Release of a legacy version (same as the old BI Tools) TexView 2 Added: Release of a legacy version (same as the old BI Tools) Starter Changed: Support for installation process (patch for version 0.81.4) Steam configuration Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (0.81.4) Edited January 16, 2015 by DnA Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pettka 694 Posted January 16, 2015 (edited) 16-01-2015 Size: ~3 MB Arma3Tools.exe Tweaked: Process handler Changed: Fields relative to mapFolders have been disabled Removed: Detection of 'third party' installations of FSMEditor and TexView GameUpdater Changed: Background color of the log output textbox during the update Fixed: On some computers, the UI was laggy during the update process (increased refresh interval of the UI) AddonBuilder Changed: Logging for SteamLayer disabled by default because it's quite heavy Publisher Added: Extended logging of publishing operations Changed: Logging for SteamLayer disabled by default because it's quite heavy Fixed: Changed casing of the "Change notes" heading to title case ("Change Notes"), to be consistent with the other headings Fixed: Removed contributed items from Publisher's published items list mapfolders Removed: References to FSMEditor and TexView Starter Tweaked: Better performance at startup (starting a tool from can be faster on some computers) Steam configuration Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (0.81.5) Edited January 21, 2015 by DnA Share this post Link to post Share on other sites