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Defining different weapon as default

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Hi, is it possible to edit BIS soldier models to equip them with different gun? or you will have to model a soldier first then the gun you want

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Hi, is it possible to edit BIS soldier models to equip them with different gun? or you will have to model a soldier first then the gun you want

what? 5char

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Well of course you can equip guns... or havent you played the game?

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I think PuFu was confused by your question, as am I. It's in the O2 modelling thread topic. Simply equip different weapons ingame? I'd have to ask the same question as Fennek

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i understand you can do that in the editor but you'll have to place a code in the init field or use the box containing the guns. i want the soldier to have it as his default weapon and the only way to do that i guess is to model a unit a gun of your own

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poofuu, if you dont have an answer, dont bother to reply

you seem to be confused by your own question...I don't have an answer because you're question has no meaning.

i understand you can do that in the editor but you'll have to place a code in the init field or use the box containing the guns. i want the soldier to have it as his default weapon and the only way to do that i guess is to model a unit a gun of your own

Wrong! How did you come to that conclusion?

You can create your own config for your own units, name them as you please, equip them as you please, pack it as an addon, but all that has nothing to do with modelling.

You can also create a script executed at the start of your missing and equip them as you wantl without the need to write code in each init field.

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you seem to be confused by your own question...I don't have an answer because you're question has no meaning.

Wrong! How did you come to that conclusion?

You can create your own config for your own units, name them as you please, equip them as you please, pack it as an addon, but all that has nothing to do with modelling.

You can also create a script executed at the start of your missing and equip them as you wantl without the need to write code in each init field.

Why does everyone want to flame you, PuFu? All you want to do is help. JeezUS!


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To create a new unit (based on a existing unit) you just need a config which inherits from the desired existing unit and redefine it's initial loadout.

Thread renamed and moved to the correct section.

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Why does everyone want to flame you, PuFu? All you want to do is help. JeezUS!


nice one

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it sounds simpler than i thought but still too completed for me. would any one care to make a video about it or write instructions

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Oh come on, you havent even tried.

And there is a perfectly fine sample that comes with the A3 Tool Package... found in /Sample_F/Test_Character_01/config.hpp

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Oh come on, you havent even tried.

And there is a perfectly fine sample that comes with the A3 Tool Package... found in /Sample_F/Test_Character_01/config.hpp

very nice information Fennek:yay:, now it will be through trials and errors before i get it working. that is if im lucky

Make a config overview for the above mentioned config dump mission in the editor; cfgVehicles for infantry or vehicles, cfgWeapons for weapons (or make subsets like CAManBase, AllVehicles, Tank, Cars, etc); for sounds cfgAmmo and cfgMagazines are also relevant and a few other specific classes for UI or terrain sounds

i dont get this line

Thanks big time by the way

Edited by killerwhale

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#include "basicdefines_A3.hpp"

class DefaultEventhandlers;

#include "cfgPatches.hpp"

class UniformSlotInfo;

class CfgVehicles


class Man;

class CAManBase: Man


class HitPoints


class HitHead;

class HitBody;

class HitHands;

class HitLegs;



class SoldierWB: CAManBase


threat[] = {1, 0.1, 0.1};


//Base class for BLUFOR soldiers

class Test_Soldier_base_F: SoldierWB


faceType = Man_A3; /// this soldier is going to use standard faces

side = 1; /// that means BLUFOR

faction = BLU_F; /// Standard NATO faction

genericNames = "NATOMen"; /// Standard names for lads of NATO

vehicleClass = Men; /// Should be listed under Men

scope = 0; /// base class should not be visible in editor

class Wounds /// changes material of skin according to damage


tex[] = {};

mat[] = {

"A3\Characters_F\Common\Data\basicbody.rvmat", /// what material is changed

"A3\Characters_F\Common\Data\basicbody_injury.rvmat", /// how does the material look like in damage 0.5 and more

"A3\Characters_F\Common\Data\basicbody_injury.rvmat", /// how does the material look like while the part has damage 1

"A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_bald_muscular.rvmat", /// next materials are used through personality of the soldier

















model = "\Samples_f\Test_Character_01\A3_character_example.p3d"; /// path to model

modelSides[] = {3, 1}; /// what sides could use this uniform, means civilians and BLUFOR can use it

nakedUniform = "U_BasicBody"; /// what "uniform" does this soldier use without any other uniform

uniformClass = "U_Test_uniform"; /// standard uniform used by this soldier, there is a special one defined later

class UniformInfo /// defines allowed slots of the uniform


class SlotsInfo


class NVG : UniformSlotInfo{slotType = NVG_SLOT; };

class Scuba : UniformSlotInfo{slotType = SCUBA_SLOT;};

class Googles : UniformSlotInfo{slotType = GOGGLE_SLOT;};

class Headgear : UniformSlotInfo{slotType = HEADGEAR_SLOT;};



class HitPoints : HitPoints


class HitHead:HitHead {armor = 0.3*HeadArmourCoef;}; /// default soldier doesn't have any head armour, uses helmet

class HitBody:HitBody {armor = 0.5*BodyArmourCoef;}; /// default soldier doesn't have protective uniform on body, uses vest

class HitHands: HitHands {armor = 0.8*HandArmourCoef;}; /// some protection for hands by uniform

class HitLegs: HitLegs {armor = 0.8*LegArmourCoef;}; /// some protection for legs by uniform


hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; /// selection defined in sections of model that may have texture and materials changed by setObjectTexture or next parameter

hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\a3\characters_f\common\data\basicbody_grey_co.paa"}; /// what texture does this soldier use for camo selection

weapons[] = {Test_weapon_01_holo_pointer_F, Throw, Put}; /// we have a sample weapon, why not use it? Throw and put weapons are required for grenades/mines

respawnWeapons[] = {Test_weapon_01_holo_pointer_F, Throw, Put}; /// should be the same as previous most of the time

Items[] = {FirstAidKit}; /// one First aid kit is good to start with

RespawnItems[] = {FirstAidKit};

magazines[] = {30Rnd_test_mag, 30Rnd_test_mag, 30Rnd_test_mag, 30Rnd_test_mag, 30Rnd_test_mag, 30Rnd_test_mag, 30Rnd_test_mag, HandGrenade, HandGrenade};

respawnMagazines[] = {30Rnd_test_mag, 30Rnd_test_mag, 30Rnd_test_mag, 30Rnd_test_mag, 30Rnd_test_mag, 30Rnd_test_mag, 30Rnd_test_mag, HandGrenade, HandGrenade};

linkedItems[] = {V_Test_Vest, H_Test_Headgear, ItemMap, ItemCompass, ItemWatch, ItemRadio, NVGoggles}; /// items directly in inventory slots

respawnLinkedItems[] = {V_Test_Vest, H_Test_Headgear, ItemMap, ItemCompass, ItemWatch, ItemRadio, NVGoggles};


class Test_Soldier_F: Test_Soldier_base_F /// class visible in editor


scope = 2; /// scope needs to be 2 to have a visible class

displayName = "Test Soldier"; /// what's displayed in editor or on cursor over



class cfgWeapons


class InventoryItem_Base_F;

class ItemCore;

#include "cfgUniforms.hpp" /// sample uniform is defined in a separate file to make it cleaner

#include "cfgVests.hpp" /// sample vest is defined in a separate file to make it cleaner

#include "cfgHeadgear.hpp" /// sample cap is defined in a separate file to make it cleaner


Help please, the part i have in red is the part i want to change. I want the soldier's default weapon to be M16A2 rifle that i downloaded. i don't know how to go about this. i understand "test_weapon_01" is in the weapon sample and im working on the character sample, how do i link the test_weapon to the character im about to create

Edited by killerwhale

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