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Looks really GTA like (which is a good thing). Some nice models and locations in your video - good luck!

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Can I see some proof as far as Sirel76 (El76) being on your team, or that he consented to giving up his rights, or that you have a legal document showing that he will share in any reward you may receive as a result of this project? Because if there is none then I'm sorry to say that you are, to put it simply, shit out of luck.

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Alright, it's been 2 months and change. If no proof of permissions (As of my initial posting, 7-27-2014, you had no such permissions according to El76) is presented in 24 hours, I'm reporting you/your entry and sending off emails to the appropriate people. I shouldn't be giving you the benefit of the doubt, because you made your position obvious when you deleted my questions on your facebook page, but I'm sleep deprived so what the hell.

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  Darkhorse 1-6 said:
Alright, it's been 2 months and change. If no proof of permissions (As of my initial posting, 7-27-2014, you had no such permissions according to El76) is presented in 24 hours, I'm reporting you/your entry and sending off emails to the appropriate people. I shouldn't be giving you the benefit of the doubt, because you made your position obvious when you deleted my questions on your facebook page, but I'm sleep deprived so what the hell.

So i can safely asume this modification is not gonna be part of the MANW-competition?

Bummer...i was realy looking forward to this :(

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I don't know. I thought it would have been removed already. If you look at el76's modification of Opteryx's "Applegate Lake" source files, you will see that el76 used a license that is meant to prevent it from being used for commercial stuff, eg: people can't make money off of his work. Lost Isles uses his buildings, and are trying to win MANW with them.

Now, because el76's stuff was a modification of Opteryx's Applegate Lake source files, you can go back to the original upload of those source files, right here: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=3489

Take note of the following quote:

I am distributing this source data because I don't forsee myself completing this map. Anyone is granted to use(parts of)/mod it however they may wish and release it. All I demand is that I am credited for the source data AND THAT IT IS NOT USED IN ANY WAY OR FORM COMMERCIALLY.

So, seeing as the island, and the layout of the cities that was later placed on the island, were not made by them, and the person who created the island AND the person who later added all those buildings and stuff to it said no commercial use, this project should have been removed a long time ago.

(I'm not sure whether they replaced Applegate or not, it's possible, but they definitely copied and pasted the entire city layout from el76's updated Applegate, onto "their" map.)

Edited by Darkhorse 1-6

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Darkhorse I am very glad you have taken your time and used your observation skills by noticing that some of the content in The Lost Isles was in fact created by EL76. How very observant of you I have must admit. As for the reason for me not answering you earlier is because I really could not be bothered to respond to some petulant child who goes trolling through forums trying to cause hassle. So congratulations you have been awarded the bored idiot award, cherish it as am very sure it will go it will go well along side all the rest of your failed attempts at being someone of interest.

Well anyway I will grant you the information you requested as I don't want to go through a long drawn out chit chat, sweet love n romance chat or any sort of boring conversation that will help make feel you better about your self.

I personally asked Falcos who was a creator of the content in the Applegate map if we could use the content from his project. In which he came into our teamspeak and said it was fine. After we tried the map it had many issue due to it being created for ARMA 2.

So we then said we would create our own map and take out any of the usable content from EL76.

The Lost Isles Map has now only got a few buildings from EL76, Some of the roads and the traffic lights. This is because most of the EL76 content needed various parts from Arma 2.

The Map of Islands was created by myself if you feel you want me to hold your hand and show you how to do it, hey you know were we are I will hold it for you if it makes you feel wanted.

So as far as not asking about this erm..... The simple answer for you, so you can understand is YES WE DID!!!

As far as your stupid comments keep them to yourself I am not interested in what you have got to say.


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  Falcos said:
however the only thing I and the owner ask is that you credit them give credits to opteryx for the release of the terrain data, as this belongs to the copyrights of the terrain source. and Sirel76 or El76 for making the object pack.

To start with, the content (what wasn't made by Opteryx/BI) in Applegate was made by el76, and Applegate itself was created by Opteryx. When you first put up your entry, you were passing it off as all your own work, without crediting the people who you were hoping to make money off of. The download page for the original terrain source files very clearly states no commercial use. However, since you claim to have discarded that terrain, that can be set aside. What cannot be set aside is the license that el76 included with his objects. He even went so far as to place it on a giant rotating cube inside the terrain itself.

http://arma2.battlegroundeurope.de/el76/credits4_co.jpg (427 kB)

He confirmed that you did not have permissions to enter it into MANW. One of your videos on the MANW page very clearly showed an entire frakking city was copied from the Applegate Community Project (where the source files were uploaded to) and placed on your terrain. Or that you were using Applegate itself. It didn't even require any in-depth analysis, it was so glaringly obvious that I was amazed that anybody with an IQ high enough to register for MANW would think they could get away with it.

As far as asking Falcos goes, what does that have to do with anything? Only el76 himself can give permissions for his work to be used for monetary gain. MANW = monetary gain. If you decided not to enter, didn't upload anything to BI, etc. then there would not have been a problem, as he gave permissions for the community to use it. It's the potentially making money off of it that causes problems. You can send me PMs all day long, tovarisch, but at the end of the day you're just digging a deeper hole, making false claims and generally making yourself look like an idiot.

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I think you must have been in our test server without us knowing you must have missed upon loading that it clearly gives credit to el76 for any objects used and as far as the city. That has changed very much seeing the city was built up of 80% arma 2 buildings. I am sorry to say we don't have the arma 2 content in our mod it has all gone. I will send you an invite to the server when we next do a test so you can then see how things have changed. As for making money out of the project, that is not my intention at all and anyone who followed the project would have seen that during MANW I went working away for 4 months. During that time we created nothing and didn't promote the project at all.

Also so you know we was contacted about the content in our project in MANW and when they asked the various parties about the content we had used they said it was fine. See within the first week past members of A3L and another Life community felt it absolutely necessary report us over and over again for the El76 content. Also claiming that the vehicles in our project had been taken from A3L and on and on.

The true fact at that time we had no need to take any vehicles or any content as most people were still stuck using the arma 2 physics. We had already made around 10 vehicles using full arma 3 properties and was just improving the quality of them to the max possible in the arma 3 engine.

Anyways forget all that I am not going to argue with you over the Bi forums about a project that currently has 2 men working on in their spare time. We aim to finish the project but we are in no rush if we find the right people who want to help or just involved this will obviously help.

Anyway dark I thank you for all your comments you have been a great supporter if you feel you have a few hours a week in your spare time rather than forum posts why not help!!!

Just jump in our teamspeak come speak to my self and I am sure you would be a great help.

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you made all this what is on screens ? whole city, car , trees, buildings etc ?

can you show work in progress of this ? cause you have 7 posts here and show whole city made, looks suspicious for such newbie who just has 7 posts and never modded Arma before

Edited by vilas

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Ah Sorry Vilas your right, I should explain my self more I mean if I go through the pictures add new ones and even show diagrams of work in progress hey I could say do a youtube video on say building a car or a building.

Well I will answer you as best as I can!

Me being a noob and not really understanding Arma or forums i might find this a little difficult and it is such a hard task at hand.

At present we are a team of two not two groups just two men.

we are creating this project in our spare time which is most nights.

We are looking for helpers but we want people we can trust who want to make a really great game.

Ok so first off!

Question 1 the answer is yes i am afraid it was us that created the items in the pictures you see above.

As for the whole city well apart from 3 buildings from EL76 i would also need to say yes to that aswell.

The map was started by 2 of us originally but now it is just me on my lone some which as you can imagine its not much fun talking to your self in the middle of the night say till 3am most mornings but never mind.

The tree's are a mix we have some Arma 3 trees but also we have created about 30 different trees and bushes.

Why only 7 posts well tbh the project did stop for about 5 months while i went working away. The other reason well this!!! I don't mind people jumping in our teamspeak getting involved suggesting ideas even joining in.

Anyway i will now show you working progress even point out bits from the pics above which i will number from top to bottom 1-8.

Well pic 1 at the top is currently in game working and is situated in the second largest city in our map. The has been taken with the in game cam.

Picture 2 has also been taken in game.

Now Vilas if you hadn't noticed picture 3 was actually taken in terrain builder which is the software we are using at the moment to create our own map. if you look close at the top of the image you should see a black info bar form buldozer.

This is the pic from bulldozer when i was creating the area.


And These Pictures are of the same area but now in the game fully working with other bits.



As you can now see the area is starting to look more alive and so on and as we move further on i am sure this area will look amazing.

The 4th picture is work in progress at the moment its a small river, But we have ideas to say turn in into a long river going into a water treatment facility maybe add player functions so it can be part of a process or maybe it will stay a river. This picture was taken in terrain builder.

Picture 5 is the current location what I am working on. I am currently looking for more monuments and grave stones for this area. Also in game I would like to create a mist just inside the grave yard to make it have more presence.

I am sure the rest is quiet obvious now and I feel I really don't need to explain more but I will leave you some extra pictures for you to look at maybe when you reply you might has suggestions even ideas. Hey maybe you could contribute in our project.

Anyways here the pictures I hope you enjoy







---------- Post added at 21:30 ---------- Previous post was at 20:12 ----------


Edited by killernetworkgaming

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Looks great killernetworkgaming! liking those night shots, very GTA.

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  vilas said:
you made all this what is on screens ? whole city, car , trees, buildings etc ?

can you show work in progress of this ? cause you have 7 posts here and show whole city made, looks suspicious for such newbie who just has 7 posts and never modded Arma before

This comment I can't understand.. I.e. only 7 posts can't be able to mod Arma.. Really..:rolleyes:

Whatever leads you to that conclusion ??

Its not mandatory to be here to mod the game you know..

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Hey Killer, whats your teamspeak addy? I am by no means capable of really adding any worthwhile knowledge but would love to chat about your workflow.. who knows, perhaps I could help with some of the more mundane work.. lol

Also, great work!!

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Anyone got any ideas on adding say a mist or fog just inside the boundaries of the grave yards. Maybe on a trigger as players become within a range of the grave yards

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There's an impressive amount of vehicle models you have in there, and they all look pretty good too. Did you guys make those or did you buy them from somewhere?

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We create all our own vehicles and yes at the moment we do have a few. As for buying stuff I doubt we would go down that route. At the moment we also have about 10 half done aswell just need texturing n stuff

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