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Stars blown out

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For some reason the stars in the night sky on my custom map are enormous. I copied the lighting and most of the rest of the config from Stratis and cannot see what I've missed. Can anyone help me get the nice looking night sky in the real Stratis? There was an identical issue posted on the ARMA feedback site, but the mod there marked it as solved since he couldn't reproduce it. Well, it isn't solved yet. It occurs in my map too.

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Are they also pixelated?

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They're not pixelated, just huge. Here's a screenshot at normal fov, not zoomed in. The screenshot is cropped but not resized. b]

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are you sure you have saved them in the right format?

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Saved what in the right format?

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Isn't the sky just a texture/image?

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I didn't save any image, the config is copied largely from Stratis and the links go to A3 and its files. There's something different going on to produce those huge stars but I don't know what it is. Maybe there's a bit of code that scales the stars image or something.

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Might you post the contents of the config.cpp? There might be something going on in there.

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Here is the config



// ART_Williamsburg

// Synthesis of LIDAR and the 1782 Rochambeau map


#define _ARMA_

//Class ART_Williamsburg : config.bin{

class CfgPatches


class ART_Williamsburg


units[] = {"Williamsburg"};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 0.1;

requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Data_F","A3_Roads_F","A3_Structures_F","A3_Map_Data","ART_Arch"};

version = "April 19, 2014";

author = "Greg Sandor";



class CfgVehicles{};

class CfgWorlds


class DefaultWorld


cutscenes[] = {"Williamsburg_Intro1","Williamsburg_Intro2"};

class Weather


class Overcast;



class CAWorld: DefaultWorld


class Grid{};

class DayLightingBrightAlmost;

class DayLightingRainy;

class DefaultClutter;

class Weather: Weather


class Lighting;

class Overcast: Overcast


class Weather1;

class Weather2;

class Weather3;

class Weather4;

class Weather5;

class Weather6;




class DefaultLighting;

class Williamsburg: CAWorld


dynLightMinBrightnessAmbientCoef = 0.5;

dynLightMinBrightnessAbsolute = 0.05;

class Sea


seaTexture = "a3\data_f\seatexture_co.paa";

seaMaterial = "#water";

shoreMaterial = "#shore";

shoreFoamMaterial = "#shorefoam";

shoreWetMaterial = "#shorewet";

WaterMapScale = 20;

WaterGrid = 50;

// MaxTide = 0;

// MaxWave = 0.25;

MaxTide = .25;

MaxWave = 0.125;

SeaWaveXScale = "2.0/50";

SeaWaveZScale = "1.0/50";

SeaWaveHScale = 1.0;

SeaWaveXDuration = 5000;

SeaWaveZDuration = 10000;


class Underwater


noWaterFog = -0.001;

fullWaterFog = 0.001;

deepWaterFog = 200;

waterFogDistanceNear = 10;

waterFogDistance = 40;

waterColor[] = {0.04,0.16,0.22};

deepWaterColor[] = {0.0,0.001,0.009};

surfaceColor[] = {0.04,0.16,0.22};

deepSurfaceColor[] = {0.0,0.001,0.009};


class SeaWaterShaderPars


refractionMoveCoef = 0.03;

minWaterOpacity = 0.0;

waterOpacityDistCoef = 0.4;

underwaterOpacity = 0.5;

waterOpacityFadeStart = 60;

waterOpacityFadeLength = 120;


startWeather = 0.3;

startFog = 0.0;

forecastWeather = 0.3;

forecastFog = 0.0;

startFogBase = 0.0;

forecastFogBase = 0.0;

startFogDecay = 0.013;

forecastFogDecay = 0.013;

fogBeta0Min = 0.0;

fogBeta0Max = 0.05;

#include "cfg_ART_Lighting.hpp"

humidityUpCoef = 0.1;

humidityDownCoef = 0.05;

hazeDistCoef = 0.1;

hazeFogCoef = 0.98;

hazeBaseHeight = 150;

hazeBaseBeta0 = 6e-005;

hazeDensityDecay = 0.0006;

horizonParallaxCoef = 0.045;

horizonFogColorationStart = "0.8f";

skyFogColorationStart = "0.7f";

soundMapSizeCoef = 4;

satelliteNormalBlendStart = 10;

satelliteNormalBlendEnd = 100;

skyObject = "A3\Map_Stratis\data\obloha.p3d";

horizontObject = "A3\Map_Stratis\data\horizont.p3d";

skyTexture = "A3\Map_Stratis\data\sky_semicloudy_sky.paa";

skyTextureR = "A3\Map_Stratis\data\sky_semicloudy_lco.paa";

access = 3;

worldId = 1;

cutscenes[] = {"Williamsburg_intro1"};

description = "Williamsburg, Virginia, 1781";

icon = "";

worldName = "\ART\ART_Williamsburg\ART_Williamsburg.wrp";

pictureMap = "ART\ART_Williamsburg\Data\pictureMap_ca.paa";

pictureShot = "\ART\ART_Williamsburg\ART_Williamsburg_Picture_ca.paa";

plateFormat = "ML$ - #####";


author = "Greg Sandor";

mapSize = 8192;

mapZone = 35;

longitude = -76.7069;

latitude = 37.2708;

elevationOffset = 0;

envTexture = "A3\Data_f\env_land_ca.paa";

newRoadsShape = "\ART\ART_Williamsburg\data\roads\roads.shp";

class OutsideTerrain


satellite = "ART\ART_Williamsburg\data\s_satout_co.paa";

enableTerrainSynth = 0;

class Layers


class Layer0


nopx = "A3\Map_Data\gdt_grass_green_nopx.paa";

texture = "A3\Map_Data\gdt_grass_green_co.paa";



colorOutside[] = {0.294118,0.333333,0.372549,1};


class Grid: Grid


offsetX = 0;

offsetY = 8192;

class Zoom1


zoomMax = 0.2;

format = "XY";

formatX = "000";

formatY = "000";

stepX = 100;

stepY = -100;


class Zoom2


zoomMax = 0.95;

format = "XY";

formatX = "00";

formatY = "00";

stepX = 1000;

stepY = -1000;


class Zoom3


zoomMax = 1e+030;

format = "XY";

formatX = "0";

formatY = "0";

stepX = 10000;

stepY = -10000;



startTime = "12:00";

startDate = "12/10/1775";

centerPosition[] = {4096,1000,4096};

seagullPos[] = {1024,150.0,1024};

ilsPosition[] = {1531,5019};

ilsDirection[] = {-0.2588,0.08,-0.9659};

ilsTaxiOff[] = {1776.33,5943.46,1796.3,5994.64,1800.18,6000.15,1808.87,6001.77,1846.74,5991.52,1875.43,5943.27,1845.88,5831.4};

ilsTaxiIn[] = {1845.88,5831.4,1613.95,4953.91,1610.09,4947.58,1601.67,4945.44,1528.24,4964.76,1522.46,4968.34,1520.47,4976.63,1525.46,4998.98};

class ReplaceObjects{};

class Sounds


sounds[] = {};


class Animation


vehicles[] = {};


clutterDist = 125;

noDetailDist = 65;

fullDetailDist = 15;

midDetailTexture = "A3\Map_Data\middle_mco.paa";

minTreesInForestSquare = 4;

minRocksInRockSquare = 4;

#include "cfg_ART_Clutter.hpp"

class Subdivision


class Fractal


rougness = 5;

maxRoad = 0.02;

maxTrack = 0.5;

maxSlopeFactor = 0.05;


class WhiteNoise


rougness = 2;

maxRoad = 0.01;

maxTrack = 0.05;

maxSlopeFactor = 0.0025;


minY = -0.0;

minSlope = 0.02;


#include "cfg_ART_Ambient.hpp"

class Names


#include "ART_Williamsburg.hpp"

class City_Williamsburg


name = "Williamsburg";

position[] = {4041,4497.72};

type = "NameCityCapital";

radiusA = 200.0;

radiusB = 200.0;

angle = 0.0;


class Queen_Creek


name = "Queen Creek";

position[] = {6805.86,6708.46};

type = "NameMarine";

radiusA = 236.36;

radiusB = 176.73;

angle = 0.0;


class College_Creek


name = "College Creek";

position[] = {2855.27,1458.91};

type = "NameMarine";

radiusA = 236.36;

radiusB = 176.73;

angle = 0.0;


class Capitol_Landing


name = "Capitol Landing";

position[] = {5299.44,6569.49};

type = "NameVillage";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class College_Landing


name = "College Landing";

position[] = {3098.31,2124.94};

type = "NameVillage";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class Mr_Shields


name = "M.r Shields";

position[] = {2031.37,7801.96};

type = "NameLocal";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class Mr_Crawley


name = "M.r Crawley";

position[] = {1783.06,6861.83};

type = "NameLocal";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class New_magazine


name = "New magazine";

position[] = {2155.35,5920.67};

type = "NameLocal";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class Ludwells_Mill


name = "Ludwell's Mill";

position[] = {2001.75,3247.81};

type = "NameLocal";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class Mr_Ludwell


name = "M.r Ludwell";

position[] = {2054.74,2275.46};

type = "NameLocal";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class Mr_Maupin


name = "M.r Maupin";

position[] = {3602.31,575.906};

type = "NameLocal";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class Southalls_Quarter


name = "Southall's Quarter";

position[] = {5652.07,1109.07};

type = "NameLocal";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class Cokes_Mill


name = "Coke's Mill";

position[] = {5385.52,1840.75};

type = "NameLocal";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class Mr_Saunders


name = "M.r Saunders";

position[] = {4410.47,2485.77};

type = "NameLocal";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class Mr_Powell


name = "M.r Powell";

position[] = {4140.7,5916.8};

type = "NameLocal";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class Custis_Mill


name = "Custis' Mill";

position[] = {4039.49,7787.55};

type = "NameLocal";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class Poor_House


name = "Poor House";

position[] = {5158.93,6980.03};

type = "NameLocal";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class Mr_Taylor


name = "M.r Taylor";

position[] = {5539.02,3050.67};

type = "NameLocal";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class Blairs_Quarter


name = "Blair's Quarter";

position[] = {6487.61,4260.08};

type = "NameLocal";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class Mr_Braxton


name = "M.r Braxton";

position[] = {8062.5,7722.9};

type = "NameLocal";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class Mr_Bryan


name = "M.r Bryan";

position[] = {7877.86,3868.8};

type = "NameLocal";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;



/// Military Camps


1. Gouvernement brule par accident

2. Court-House ou maison de ville

3. Capitole ou Palais de la Justice

4. Eglise Anglicane

5. College

6. Magazin a Poudre

7. Hopital

/// 8. Casernea brulee par les anglais

/// 9. Corps de Troupes Commande par M. de St. Simon

/// 10. Artillerie du meme corps

/// 11. Grande-Garde du meme corps

/// 12. Corps Americain de M.r le M.is de la Fayette

/// 13. Armee de Mr le C.te de Rochambeau

/// 14. Grenadiers et Chassuers de la dite Armee

/// 15. Artillerie de la dite Armee

/// 16. Armee Americaine du General Washington

/// 19. Cantonnement d'une Compagnie du Regim't de Bourbonnais

/// 20. Cantonnement d'une autre Compagnie du meme Regiment

/// 21. Cantonnement de Deux Compagnies du Regiment Royal-Deux-Ponts

class Legende_8


name = "Casernea brulee par les anglais";

position[] = {4140.7,5916.8};

type = "NameLocal";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class Legende_9


name = "Corps de Troupes Commande par M. de St. Simon";

position[] = {2001.75,3247.81};

type = "NameLocal";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class Legende_10


name = "Artillerie du M. de St. Simon";

position[] = {2001.75,3247.81};

type = "NameLocal";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class Legende_11


name = "Grande-Garde du regt M. de St. Simon";

position[] = {4039.49,7787.55};

type = "NameLocal";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class Legende_12


name = "Corps Americain de M.r le M.is de la Fayette";

position[] = {2001.75,3247.81};

type = "NameLocal";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class Legende_13


name = "Armee de Mr le C.te de Rochambeau";

position[] = {6487.61,4260.08};

type = "NameLocal";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class Legende_14


name = "Grenadiers et Chassuers de Mr le C.te de Rochambeau";

position[] = {6487.61,4260.08};

type = "NameLocal";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class Legende_15


name = "Artillerie de Mr le C.te de Rochambeau";

position[] = {6487.61,4260.08};

type = "NameLocal";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class Legende_16a


name = "Armee Americaine du General Washington";

position[] = {6487.61,4260.08};

type = "NameLocal";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class Legende_16b


name = "Armee Americaine du General Washington";

position[] = {6487.61,4260.08};

type = "NameLocal";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class Legende_16c


name = "Armee Americaine du General Washington";

position[] = {6487.61,4260.08};

type = "NameLocal";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class Legende_16d


name = "Armee Americaine du General Washington";

position[] = {6487.61,4260.08};

type = "NameLocal";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class Legende_19


name = "Cantonnement d'une Compagnie du Regim't de Bourbonnais";

position[] = {7877.86,3868.8};

type = "NameLocal";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class Legende_20


name = "Cantonnement d'une autre Compagnie du Regim't de Bourbonnais";

position[] = {5299.44,6569.49};

type = "NameVillage";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class Legende_21


name = "Cantonnement de Deux Compagnies du Regiment Royal-Deux-Ponts";

position[] = {2155.35,5920.67};

type = "NameLocal";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class College_Landing


name = "College Landing";

position[] = {3098.31,2124.94};

type = "NameVillage";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class Mr_Shields


name = "M.r Shields";

position[] = {2031.37,7801.96};

type = "NameLocal";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class Mr_Crawley


name = "M.r Crawley";

position[] = {1783.06,6861.83};

type = "NameLocal";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class Ludwells_Mill


name = "Ludwell's Mill";

position[] = {2001.75,3247.81};

type = "NameLocal";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class Mr_Ludwell


name = "M.r Ludwell";

position[] = {2054.74,2275.46};

type = "NameLocal";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class Mr_Maupin


name = "M.r Maupin";

position[] = {3602.31,575.906};

type = "NameLocal";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class Southalls_Quarter


name = "Southall's Quarter";

position[] = {5652.07,1109.07};

type = "NameLocal";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class Cokes_Mill


name = "Coke's Mill";

position[] = {5385.52,1840.75};

type = "NameLocal";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class Mr_Saunders


name = "M.r Saunders";

position[] = {4410.47,2485.77};

type = "NameLocal";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class Poor_House


name = "Poor House";

position[] = {5158.93,6980.03};

type = "NameLocal";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class Mr_Taylor


name = "M.r Taylor";

position[] = {5539.02,3050.67};

type = "NameLocal";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;


class Mr_Braxton


name = "M.r Braxton";

position[] = {8062.5,7722.9};

type = "NameLocal";

radiusA = 121.02;

radiusB = 90.49;

angle = 0.0;



/// Military Camps



safePositionAnchor[] = {3874.47,4093.64};

safePositionRadius = 1900;

loadingTexts[] = {"If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. ","We ask not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. ","May your chains rest lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen. - Samuel Adams","He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.","He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty and perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation.","He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands.","A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people. ","He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.","He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:","Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. ","Many a disguised Tory has lately shown his head, that shall penitentially solemnize with curses the day on which Howe arrived upon the Delaware. ","What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated","I cannot see on what grounds the king of Britain can look up to heaven for help against us: a common murderer, a highwayman, or a house-breaker, has as good a pretence as he. "};


initWorld = "Williamsburg";

demoWorld = "Williamsburg";


class CfgWorldList


class Williamsburg{};


#include "cfg_ART_Surfaces.hpp"


---------- Post added at 09:09 ---------- Previous post was at 09:03 ----------

Here is cfg_ART_Lighting.hpp

class Lighting: DefaultLighting


groundReflection[] = {0.132,0.133,0.122};

moonObjectColorFull[] = {550,500,450,1.0};

moonHaloObjectColorFull[] = {20,20,20,0.5};

moonsetObjectColor[] = {275,250,225,1.0};

moonsetHaloObjectColor[] = {10,10,10,0.25};

class ThunderBoltLight


diffuse[] = {2120,2170,8550};

ambient[] = {0.001,0.001,0.001};

intensity = 120000;

class Attenuation


start = 0.0;

constant = 0.0;

linear = 0.0;

quadratic = 1.0;



starEmissivity = 60.0;


class DayLightingBrightAlmost: DayLightingBrightAlmost


deepNight[] = {-15,{ 0.005,0.01,0.01 },{ 0.0,0.002,0.003 },{ 0.0,0.0,0.0 },{ 0.0,0.0,0.0 },{ 0.0,0.002,0.003 },{ 0.0,0.002,0.003 },0};

fullNight[] = {-5,{ 0.182,0.213,0.25 },{ 0.05,0.111,0.221 },{ 0.04,0.034,0.004 },{ 0.039,0.049,0.072 },{ 0.082,0.128,0.185 },{ 0.283,0.35,0.431 },0};

sunMoon[] = {-3.75,{ 0.377,0.441,0.518 },{ 0.103,0.227,0.453 },{ 0.04,0.034,0.004 },{ 0.039,0.049,0.072 },{ 0.174,0.274,0.395 },{ 0.582,0.72,0.887 },0.5};

earlySun[] = {-2.5,{ 0.675,0.69,0.784 },{ 0.22,0.322,0.471 },{ 0.04,0.034,0.004 },{ 0.039,0.049,0.072 },{ 0.424,0.549,0.745 },{ 0.698,0.753,0.894 },1};

sunrise[] = {0,{ 0.675,0.69,0.784 },{ 0.478,0.51,0.659 },{ 0.2,0.19,0.07 },{ 0.124,0.161,0.236 },{ { 0.847,0.855,0.965 },0.2 },{ { 0.933,0.949,0.996 },2 },1};

earlyMorning[] = {3,{ { 0.844,0.61,0.469 },0.8 },{ 0.424,0.557,0.651 },{ { 1,0.45,0.2 },1 },{ 0.12,0.26,0.38 },{ { 0.428,0.579,0.743 },2 },{ { 0.844,0.61,0.469 },2.7 },1};

midMorning[] = {8,{ { 0.822,0.75,0.646 },3.8 },{ { 0.383,0.58,0.858 },1.3 },{ { 1.3,0.9,0.61 },2.8 },{ { 0.12,0.18,0.28 },0.5 },{ { 0.322,0.478,0.675 },3.5 },{ { 1.0,0.929,0.815 },4.7 },1};

morning[] = {16,{ { 1,0.95,0.91 },12.2 },{ { 0.12,0.18,0.28 },9.2 },{ { 1,0.95,0.91 },11.2 },{ { 0.12,0.18,0.28 },8.5 },{ { 0.14,0.18,0.24 },11.0 },{ { 0.5,0.6,0.9 },13.2 },1};

noon[] = {45,{ { 0.98,0.94,0.94 },13.8 },{ { 0.2,0.27,0.35 },10.8 },{ { 0.98,0.94,0.94 },13.8 },{ { 0.2,0.27,0.35 },10.8 },{ { 0.5,0.64,1.0 },12.0 },{ { 0.5,0.5,0.5 },14.8 },1,0.5,0.4,0.5,0.4};


class DayLightingRainy: DayLightingRainy


deepNight[] = {-15,{ 0.005,0.01,0.01 },{ 0.0,0.002,0.003 },{ 0.0,0.0,0.0 },{ 0.0,0.0,0.0 },{ 0.0,0.002,0.003 },{ 0.0,0.002,0.003 },0};

fullNight[] = {-5,{ 0.023,0.023,0.023 },{ 0.02,0.02,0.02 },{ 0.023,0.023,0.023 },{ 0.02,0.02,0.02 },{ 0.01,0.01,0.02 },{ 0.08,0.06,0.06 },0};

sunMoon[] = {-3.75,{ 0.04,0.04,0.05 },{ 0.04,0.04,0.05 },{ 0.04,0.04,0.05 },{ 0.04,0.04,0.05 },{ 0.04,0.035,0.04 },{ 0.11,0.08,0.09 },0.5};

earlySun[] = {-2.5,{ 0.0689,0.0689,0.0804 },{ 0.06,0.06,0.07 },{ 0.0689,0.0689,0.0804 },{ 0.06,0.06,0.07 },{ 0.08,0.07,0.08 },{ 0.14,0.1,0.12 },0.5};

earlyMorning[] = {3,{ { 1,1,1 },"(-4)+3.95" },{ { 1,1,1 },"(-4)+3.0" },{ { 1,1,1 },"(-4)+3.95" },{ { 1,1,1 },"(-4)+3.0" },{ { 1,1,1 },"(-4)+4" },{ { 1,1,1 },"(-4)+5.5" },1};

morning[] = {16,{ { 1,1,1 },"(-4)+5.7" },{ { 1,1,1 },"(-4)+4.5" },{ { 1,1,1 },"(-4)+5.7" },{ { 1,1,1 },"(-4)+4.5" },{ { 1,1,1 },"(-4)+7" },{ { 1,1,1 },"(-4)+8" },1};

lateMorning[] = {25,{ { 1,1,1 },"(-4)+10.45" },{ { 1,1,1 },"(-4)+9.75" },{ { 1,1,1 },"(-4)+10.45" },{ { 1,1,1 },"(-4)+9.75" },{ { 1,1,1 },"(-4)+12" },{ { 1,1,1 },"(-4)+12.75" },1};

noon[] = {45,{ { 1,1,1 },10.0 },{ { 1,1,1 },9.0 },{ { 1,1,1 },9.0 },{ { 1,1,1 },8.0 },{ { 0.5,0.64,1 },12.0 },{ { 0.5,0.5,0.5 },14.8 },1};


class Weather: Weather


class ART_LightingNew


class Lighting0


height = 0;

overcast = 0.4;

sunAngle = -14;

sunOrMoon = 0;

diffuse[] = {{ 0.11,0.2744,0.97 },3};

diffuseCloud[] = {{ 0.099,0.24696,0.873 },2.7};

ambient[] = {0.02,0.11,0.54};

ambientCloud[] = {0.018,0.099,0.486};

ambientMid[] = {0.018,0.099,0.486};

ambientMidCloud[] = {0.0162,0.0891,0.4374};

groundReflection[] = {0.0162,0.0891,0.4374};

groundReflectionCloud[] = {0.01458,0.08019,0.39366};

bidirect[] = {0.0284,0.02712,0.0254};

bidirectCloud[] = {0.02556,0.024408,0.02286};

sky[] = {{ 0.001273,0.001838,0.004057 },0.001404};

skyAroundSun[] = {4e-006,0.000104,0.000366};

fogColor[] = {0.1,0.2,0.4};

apertureMin = 5.916064;

apertureStandard = 6.859;

apertureMax = 17.1475;

standardAvgLum = 1.08;

desiredLuminanceCoef = 0.118098;

desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0.059049;

luminanceRectCoef = 0.4;

luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.2;

rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};

mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};

cloudsColor[] = {{ 0.3,0.4,1 },13.61492};

swBrightness = 5;


class Lighting1


height = 0;

overcast = 0.4;

sunAngle = -10;

sunOrMoon = 0;

diffuse[] = {{ 0.11,0.2744,0.97 },2.8};

diffuseCloud[] = {{ 0.11,0.2744,0.97 },2.52};

ambient[] = {0.02,0.11,0.54};

ambientCloud[] = {0.018,0.099,0.486};

ambientMid[] = {0.032,0.176,0.864};

ambientMidCloud[] = {0.0288,0.1584,0.7776};

groundReflection[] = {0.0224,0.1232,0.6048};

groundReflectionCloud[] = {0.02016,0.11088,0.54432};

bidirect[] = {0,0,0};

bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};

sky[] = {{ 0.004316,0.006232,0.013752 },0.014036};

skyAroundSun[] = {0.004332,0.005212,0.009138};

fogColor[] = {0.09,0.18,0.32};

apertureMin = 7.39508;

apertureStandard = 7.22;

apertureMax = 18.05;

standardAvgLum = 1.8;

desiredLuminanceCoef = 0.13122;

desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0.06561;

luminanceRectCoef = 0.4;

luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.2;

rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};

mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};

cloudsColor[] = {{ 0.8,0.81,1 },13.61492};

swBrightness = 5;


// NOTE I removed the other "class Lightingxx" sections to get under the character limit for this forum post -- they are taken straight from the Stratis config as far as I remember

class Lighting71


height = -60;

overcast = 0.95;

sunAngle = 45;

sunOrMoon = 1;

diffuse[] = {{ 0.35,0.9,1 },2.2968};

diffuseCloud[] = {{ 0.35,0.9,1 },2.2968};

ambient[] = {{ 0.142367,0.2079,0.23072 },7.018};

ambientCloud[] = {{ 0.142367,0.2079,0.23072 },7.018};

ambientMid[] = {{ 0.113894,0.16632,0.184576 },6.3162};

ambientMidCloud[] = {{ 0.113894,0.16632,0.184576 },6.3162};

groundReflection[] = {{ 0.067197,0.154678,0.184576 },3.78972};

groundReflectionCloud[] = {{ 0.067197,0.154678,0.184576 },3.78972};

bidirect[] = {0,0,0};

bidirectCloud[] = {0,0,0};

sky[] = {{ 0.32,0.2,0.25 },6.288128};

skyAroundSun[] = {{ 0.4,0.385,0.45 },14.84945};

fogColor[] = {0.005,0.005,0.005};

apertureMin = 22.5;

apertureStandard = 65;

apertureMax = 85;

standardAvgLum = 800;

desiredLuminanceCoef = 0;

desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0;

luminanceRectCoef = 1;

luminanceRectCoefCloud = 1;

rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};

mie[] = {0.006,0.0046,0.004};

cloudsColor[] = {{ 0.8,0.81,1 },13.61492};

swBrightness = 1;



class Lighting: Lighting


class BrightAlmost: DayLightingBrightAlmost


overcast = 0.0;


class Rainy: DayLightingRainy


overcast = 1.0;



class Overcast: Overcast


class Weather1: Weather1


sky = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_veryclear_sky.paa";

skyR = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_veryclear_lco.paa";

horizon = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_veryclear_horizont_sky.paa";


class Weather7: Weather1


sky = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_veryclear_sky.paa";

skyR = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_clear_lco.paa";

horizon = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_clear_horizont_sky.paa";


class Weather2: Weather2


sky = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_veryclear_sky.paa";

skyR = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_almostclear_lco.paa";

horizon = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_almostclear_horizont_sky.paa";


class Weather3: Weather3


sky = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_veryclear_sky.paa";

skyR = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_semicloudy_lco.paa";

horizon = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_semicloudy_horizont_sky.paa";


class Weather4: Weather4


sky = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_veryclear_sky.paa";

skyR = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_cloudy_lco.paa";

horizon = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_cloudy_horizont_sky.paa";


class Weather5: Weather5


sky = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_veryclear_sky.paa";

skyR = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_mostlycloudy_lco.paa";

horizon = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_mostlycloudy_horizont_sky.paa";


class Weather6: Weather6


sky = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_veryclear_sky.paa";

skyR = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_overcast_lco.paa";

horizon = "A3\Map_Stratis\Data\sky_overcast_horizont_sky.paa";




class SimulWeather


noiseTexture = "a3\data_f\noise_raw.paa";

numKeyframesPerDay = 48;

windSpeedCoef = "10.0f";

moonIrradianceCoef = "10.0f";

fadeMaxDistanceKm = 1000.0;

fadeMaxAltitudeKm = 15.0;

fadeNumAltitudes = 8;

fadeNumElevations = 8;

fadeNumDistances = 8;

fadeEarthTest = 1;

autoBrightness = 0;

autoBrightnessStrength = 0.1;

cloudGridWidth = 64;

cloudGridLength = 64;

cloudGridHeight = 16;

helperGridElevationSteps = 24;

helperGridAzimuthSteps = 15;

helperEffectiveEarthRadius = 160000;

helperCurvedEarth = 1;

helperAdjustCurvature = 0;

helperNumLayers = 120;

helperMaxDistance = 160000;

helperNearCloudFade = 0.1;

helperChurn = 10;

cloudWidth = 40000;

cloudLength = 40000;

wrapClouds = 1;

noiseResolution = 8;

noisePeriod = 4.0;

opticalDensity = 1.5;

alphaSharpness = 0.5;

selfShadowScale = 0.05;

mieAsymmetry = 0.87;

minimumLightElevationDegrees = 1.0;

directLightCoef = 0.25;

indirectLightCoef = 0.025;

fogStart = 0;

fogEnd = 2000;

fogHeight = 2000;

class DefaultKeyframe


rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};

mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};

haze = 30;

hazeBaseKm = 5.0;

hazeScaleKm = 1.0;

hazeEccentricity = 1;

brightnessAdjustment = 1.0;

cloudiness = 0.6;

cloudBaseKm = 0.85;

cloudHeightKm = 8.0;

directLight = 0.4;

indirectLight = 1.0;

ambientLight = 3.0;

noiseOctaves = 5;

noisePersistence = 1.0;

fractalAmplitude = 2.8;

fractalWavelength = 190.0;

extinction = 5.0;

diffusivity = 0.001;


class Overcast


class Weather1: DefaultKeyframe


overcast = 0.0;

cloudiness = 0.0;

seqFileKeyframe = 0;


class Weather2: DefaultKeyframe


overcast = 0.2;

cloudiness = 0.3;

diffusivity = 0.5;

seqFileKeyframe = 0;


class Weather3: DefaultKeyframe


overcast = 0.4;

cloudiness = 0.3;

seqFileKeyframe = 3;


class Weather4: DefaultKeyframe


overcast = 0.5;

cloudiness = 0.4;

seqFileKeyframe = 4;


class Weather5: DefaultKeyframe


overcast = 0.8;

cloudiness = 0.9;

seqFileKeyframe = 5;


class Weather6: DefaultKeyframe


overcast = 1.0;

cloudiness = 1.0;

seqFileKeyframe = 7;




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Sorry but, couldn't reproduce this either so far, do you get any error messages while running the map or have anything in the binarizing log files? Could have something to do with your video settings?

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The trees and everything else in that image look terrible, so it might be your graphics settings or your hardware itself. Try to take a single screenshot in the same area with all the settings maxed out.

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"Darkhorse 1-6

The trees and everything else in that image look terrible, so it might be your graphics settings or your hardware itself. Try to take a single screenshot in the same area with all the settings maxed out. "

On Ultra the result is the same. As I mentioned in the first post Altis and Stratis stars look nice. If it was my hardware or graphics settings they would not.


Look in the arma3 rot log too "

What's the "rot log"?


Sorry but, couldn't reproduce this either so far, do you get any error messages while running the map or have anything in the binarizing log files? Could have something to do with your video settings? "

Going through the log I find errors:


Warning: CfgVehicles missing in PreloadConfig - may slow down vehicle creation

Warning: CfgAmmo missing in PreloadConfig - may slow down vehicle creation

Warning: CfgNonAIVehicles missing in PreloadConfig - may slow down vehicle creation

<world = "ART\ART_Williamsburg\ART_Williamsburg.wrp">

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/DefaultWorld.skyColorInfluencesFogColor'.

'/' is not a value

String id 0 is not registered

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/DefaultWorld.skyColorInfluencesFogColor'.

'/' is not a value

String id 0 is not registered

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/DefaultWorld.skyColorInfluencesFogColor'.

'/' is not a value

using non-binarized object a3\plants_f\tree\t_poplar2f_dead_f.p3d

Cannot open object a3\plants_f\tree\t_poplar2f_dead_f.p3d

using non-binarized object a3\plants_f\tree\t_poplar2f_dead_f.p3d

Apparently it can't find my trees. Also there are other errors having to do with my buildings, but the stars issue appeared well before I placed any trees or buildings in the map.

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I believe the milk maid tried to type ".rpt log" but was distracted by some unknown force that then abducted him in the middle of the night. That's the last we'll see of him, I'm afraid. ;)

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Warning: CfgVehicles missing in PreloadConfig - may slow down vehicle creation

Warning: CfgAmmo missing in PreloadConfig - may slow down vehicle creation

Warning: CfgNonAIVehicles missing in PreloadConfig - may slow down vehicle creation

Ignore these - not a problem...

<world = "ART\ART_Williamsburg\ART_Williamsburg.wrp">

Good! - it found your project OK - packer paths are probably correct...

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/DefaultWorld.skyColorInfluencesFogColor'.

'/' is not a value

String id 0 is not registered

Essential stuff probably missing from P:\ drive

using non-binarized object a3\plants_f\tree\t_poplar2f_dead_f.p3d

Cannot open object a3\plants_f\tree\t_poplar2f_dead_f.p3d

This ones a puzzle since it refers to your objects as "non-binarized" which isn't actually possible...

My guess is that your P:\ drive hasn't been properly populated - though there may be other problems as well (those non-binarized objects are a puzzle)...

Sky, stars, weather - all of that stuff is "read" from configs on P:\ during the packing process... if those configs are corrupt, wrong, or just plain unavailable then you'll get errors like above...

I'd suggest you run Arma3P - let it repopulate your P:\ drive (don't worry, its smart enough not to delete any of your own personal stuff) - that should copy all the necessary configs n stuff to your P:\ drive and locate it properly so the packer can find it during the binarizing process...

Assuming no other problems elsewhere, that - should - fix it...


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I'm in the middle of rewriting my config and now using Altis config as a base for it.

A thought just occurred to me, could it be that there's a setting for the size of the map that has an effect? Altis and Stratis are both much bigger than my map (which is 8192 m), so could the stars be "closer" and therefore larger on a smaller map than what they were intended for?

---------- Post added at 03:46 ---------- Previous post was at 02:47 ----------

I have located a reference in map_data to starsObject = "A3\data_f\stars.p3d";

skyTexture = "A3\data_f\sky_semicloudy_sky.paa";

skyTextureR = "A3\data_f\sky_semicloudy_lco.paa";

seaTexture = "a3\data_f\seatexture_co.paa";

clouds[] = {"A3\data_f\mrak1.p3d","A3\data_f\mrak2.p3d","A3\data_f\mrak3.p3d","A3\data_f\mrak4.p3d"};

skyObject = "A3\data_f\obloha.p3d";

starsObject = "A3\data_f\stars.p3d";

pointObject = "A3\data_f\point.p3d";

horizontObject = "A3\data_f\horizont.p3d";

haloObject = "A3\data_f\sunhalo.p3d";

sunObject = "A3\data_f\sun.p3d";

rainbowObject = "A3\data_f\rainbow.p3d";

moonObject = "A3\data_f\moon.p3d";

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After more testing I discovered some more problems with lighting, a campfire for instance was far too bright, and then I flew around in a helicopter, whose spotlight was somehow broken. I then started over from a fresh copy of Altis config and plugged my map's details in, and the problem is solved. The stars are fine now. Thank you everyone for taking a look at this. I still don't know what the problem was but I guess it was a mistake I made somewhere in moving the lighting out to .hpp.

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I had this exact problem before. All stars and local light sources were too bright (chemlights, etc) smoke grenades lasted for about a second. I do NOT know what caused it, but I was using Arma 2 Visitor tutorials and sample files to build a map in Arma 3, so that may have had something to do with it, but I cannot confirm as I dropped that map project due to frustration.

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For future references and searches, the problem is that the map config doesn't have the

class LightingNew;

section under

class Weather


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