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View distance options

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Hi mates,

me and my clan are using the TAW_VD view distance script for changing the clients view distance on a dedicated server.

But as I was playing King of Hill public I noticed that I was able to change my view distance with my normal video options. I then checked the King of Hill's .pbo for any scripts or logics or description.ext entries, allowing to do this, but I didn't found any.

So here's my question:

How did they enable this? It seems to be an entry in the server config. If any of you knows how to enable this, I'd be very glad.



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Yeah, I know that command. But this command won't apply the view distance every specific player set in the video options. Or does "to reset the view distance" mean, that the video settings view distance will be applied?

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The following is the priority for setting viewdistance

The higher priority, if defined overwrites the lower priority

1) Players profile difficulty settings

2) Server viewdistance setting

3) Mission code viewdistance setting (e.g TAW viewdistance)

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But as I tested it on our dedicated, there were no changes in view distance, as I set the view distance higher than the default option. There were only changes as I set it lower than default. Do you know any reasons for that?

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Works fine for me, not specifying VD in the mission just on command.

What I'm waiting for is setObjectViewDistance to be fixed so I can specify that too as at the moment setviewdistance is a bit pointless if your object level requires manually increasing.


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What I'm waiting for is setObjectViewDistance to be fixed so I can specify that too as at the moment setviewdistance is a bit pointless if your object level requires manually increasing.

+1 needs to be fixed

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