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[MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

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6 minutes ago, eric963 said:

Changelog item from 1.16.1

- Add: ACE3 mine detector support


Should I be able to detect IED's or are mines different. 


Keep getting blown up when I have the either the vmm3 or vmh3 mine detector enabled  ( I approach the suspected IED and never get the audio warning and then it explodes) but if I place a mine down it picks it up.






you need to search around (2 meters) with a vmm3 or vmh3  to find a charge hidden by the opfor. Then if you are an engineer you can disarm it.



Have a good luck

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3 minutes ago, Vdauphin said:



you need to search around (2 meters) with a vmm3 or vmh3  to find a charge hidden by the opfor. Then if you are an engineer you can disarm it.



Have a good luck


Pretty sure that's what my problem was, was looking at the wreck and didn't see the charge.


Great mission!!! My small group have been having a blast playing it.

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Skill settings question.


You skill settings go from 0 to 10.


I'm used to the BI settings that go from 0 to 1.0, can you explain like what your numbers are related to? Like is your setting of 10 the same as the BI setting of 1?




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Just now, eric963 said:

Skill settings question.


You skill settings go from 0 to 10.


I'm used to the BI settings that go from 0 to 1.0, can you explain like what your numbers are related to? Like is your setting of 10 the same as the BI setting of 1?





Ask to @giallustio , he did it. I didn't work on it.

Here is the H&M skill setting param  : https://github.com/Vdauphin/HeartsAndMinds/blob/master_stable/%3DBTC%3Dco%4030_Hearts_and_Minds.Altis/core/def/param.hpp#L170

Here is the conversion from parameter to BI skill setting : https://github.com/Vdauphin/HeartsAndMinds/blob/master_stable/%3DBTC%3Dco%4030_Hearts_and_Minds.Altis/core/def/mission.sqf#L37

As you can see : H&M skill setting are identical to BI skill setting.

Here is the fonction applying BI skill on units : https://github.com/Vdauphin/HeartsAndMinds/blob/master_stable/%3DBTC%3Dco%4030_Hearts_and_Minds.Altis/core/fnc/mil/set_skill.sqf


What I understand is simple : H&M skill setting and BI skill setting are the same. H&M skill setting above 1.0 are useless.

But may be I am wrong that why I didn't change that in the past :/

Have fun :)

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skill value is just a moltiplicator. You can set whatever you want and you'll have a different value. (At least before the patch, it needs to be tested now)

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15 hours ago, giallustio said:

 (At least before the patch, it needs to be tested now)

I am agree :)


9 hours ago, Pourteeus said:

Hey @Vdauphin is it possible to disable the fatigue system for mission without breaking the mission?

I think you can disable fatigue system safely.


See you.

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Hey @Vdauphin so this past weekend I tried to the remove the stamina/fatigue system, but when doing so you load in as a rifleman or any other slot and the fatigue system is gone but after waiting a few your character resets to a blank loadout and in return this gives the stamina back to the user. Any idea on how to fix that?


Also, I notice you have the basic ace medical system in the mission, I wasnt able to change that to the advance medical system without it breaking the mission file.


Your help would be greatly appreciated.

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1 hour ago, Pourteeus said:

so this past weekend I tried to the remove the stamina/fatigue system, but when doing so you load in as a rifleman or any other slot and the fatigue system is gone but after waiting a few your character resets to a blank loadout and in return this gives the stamina back to the user. Any idea on how to fix that?


How do you remove stamina ?

Also RTP from server and client will be usefull.

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2 hours ago, Vdauphin said:


How do you remove stamina ?

Also RTP from server and client will be usefull.

I've tried going through and selecting each unit in the editor and unchecking the 'Enable Stamina' box in the editor and also I have tried adding "player enableFatigue false;" in the init.sqf file, if i changed it to "player enableStamina false;" would that work?

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1 hour ago, Pourteeus said:

each unit in the editor and unchecking the 'Enable Stamina' box in the editor

I don't know the behavior of this on dedicate server... For deidcate use the second approch for better results.


1 hour ago, Pourteeus said:

 if i changed it to "player enableStamina false;" would that work?

I never remove the stamina because it is decreasing the simulation level that I like. As I see here https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/enableStamina should work.


1 hour ago, Pourteeus said:

"player enableFatigue false;" in the init.sqf file

But this will not works. You should see an error in the rtp client.

Why ? Because "player" variable is not define because when the init.sqf is executed by your computer, YOU don't exist on the server ^^


To avoid this you need to wait until the dedicate server create YOU (H&M is waiting for you)


Go in /core/init_player.sqf Line 6

And juste after

waitUntil {!isNull player};

Add :


player enableStamina false;

Now you should be allow to run for ever without breaking the mission...

Have fun time!!

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Thanks for this mission Vdauphin our squad is enjoying it, I have read through previous pages but cant seem to find what I am looking for so Can this be ported over to Takistan? and If so, how do you do it?

I fairly new at trying to port missions over to new maps and any help would be greatly appreciated



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4 hours ago, cdfc79 said:

Thanks for this mission Vdauphin our squad is enjoying it, I have read through previous pages but cant seem to find what I am looking for so Can this be ported over to Takistan? and If so, how do you do it?

I fairly new at trying to port missions over to new maps and any help would be greatly appreciated




Hello, welcome!



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I tried modifying the mission to replace the Huey with a RHS Blackhawk. I made certain to replace the name in the lift config file, as well as its init being the 'dont delete' line, and it is in the btc_veh_ list. Everything was working fine  until the Blackhawk got shot down with an AA rocket and crashed.. We were able to lift it back to base, but when we tried the 'full repair' option on the repair pad, it kept telling us that it wasn't a wreck.


Any idea why this is happening?

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After running a Liberation server for the last year. I've been looking for a replacement mission. Hearts and Minds seems to be a possible replacement. After some testing, I don't think the AI skill parameters are working properly. I've bumped up all skills to .7, but the AI take forever to spot players and their aim is very poor. At a skill of .7 aimingAccuracy the AI should be deadly but they are not. Are you sure these parameters are working?

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1 hour ago, doctorbutts said:



I tried modifying the mission to replace the Huey with a RHS Blackhawk. I made certain to replace the name in the lift config file, as well as its init being the 'dont delete' line, and it is in the btc_veh_ list. Everything was working fine  until the Blackhawk got shot down with an AA rocket and crashed.. We were able to lift it back to base, but when we tried the 'full repair' option on the repair pad, it kept telling us that it wasn't a wreck.


Any idea why this is happening?

I think you did everything very good. Does the problem appear on other vehicles ?

From my point of view, the function repairing the wreck search objects 10 meters around (may be you ?). Try to move/remove all objects around to avoid this issue.

You could also save and change the line 9 in the repair function like this:

if (damage (_array select 0) != 1) exitWith {hint format["It is not a wreck! Near objects detected: %1", _array ]};


The first objects should be the objects creating the bug.



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1 hour ago, Sgt DeWolf said:

After running a Liberation server for the last year. I've been looking for a replacement mission. Hearts and Minds seems to be a possible replacement. After some testing, I don't think the AI skill parameters are working properly. I've bumped up all skills to .7, but the AI take forever to spot players and their aim is very poor. At a skill of .7 aimingAccuracy the AI should be deadly but they are not. Are you sure these parameters are working?


Here you can see a quick explanation how the mission apply skill.

On 25/02/2017 at 7:52 PM, Vdauphin said:


Ask to @giallustio , he did it. I didn't work on it.

Here is the H&M skill setting param  : https://github.com/Vdauphin/HeartsAndMinds/blob/master_stable/%3DBTC%3Dco%4030_Hearts_and_Minds.Altis/core/def/param.hpp#L170

Here is the conversion from parameter to BI skill setting : https://github.com/Vdauphin/HeartsAndMinds/blob/master_stable/%3DBTC%3Dco%4030_Hearts_and_Minds.Altis/core/def/mission.sqf#L37

As you can see : H&M skill setting are identical to BI skill setting.

Here is the fonction applying BI skill on units : https://github.com/Vdauphin/HeartsAndMinds/blob/master_stable/%3DBTC%3Dco%4030_Hearts_and_Minds.Altis/core/fnc/mil/set_skill.sqf


What I understand is simple : H&M skill setting and BI skill setting are the same. H&M skill setting above 1.0 are useless.

But may be I am wrong that why I didn't change that in the past :/

Have fun :)

I never saw any bug on it. I tweaked the skill to the corresponding level of difficulty without issue.


1 hour ago, Sgt DeWolf said:

.7 aimingAccuracy the AI should be deadly

This is not obvious for me. The aimingaccuracy depend of the target (if the player is a medic or teamleader or a simple soldier) and a lot of the optic used by the AI. By default you are fighting against  Guerrilla (A3) . They have poor little gun without optics. But I really don't know much...

If you see any bug, do not hesitate to report it :)


See you soon

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55 minutes ago, Vdauphin said:

I think you did everything very good. Does the problem appear on other vehicles ?

From my point of view, the function repairing the wreck search objects 10 meters around (may be you ?). Try to move/remove all objects around to avoid this issue.

You could also save and change the line 9 in the repair function like this:

if (damage (_array select 0) != 1) exitWith {hint format["It is not a wreck! Near objects detected: %1", _array ]};


The first objects should be the objects creating the bug.




Thanks for your response.

It does not happen with other vehicles I've replaced such as the AH64 with the RHS AH-6M. So far I'm only able to replicate the issue with the RHS_UH60M and RHS_UH60M_d. I have even tried changing

if (damage (_array select 0) != 1)


if (damage (_array select 0) < 0.5)

on the suspicion that the wreck damage was not 1. It did not work.

I even tried commenting out the line entirely and tried to see what would happen if I tried to repair and it did nothing at all.


I think there's something wrong with the object itself, at this point.



Also: I notice that whenever I try to move the UH60 around in Eden, a piece of it doesn't move with it for some reason.


Edit: I tried this with the ghosthawk and I'm still having the problem. Where I described above about the object that sticks around, I think it might be a FRIES bar




Another person is working with it too and they saw this error:



So could it be the FRIES bar or maybe the fast rope thing causing the issue?




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Hey, we are able to confirm that ACE_friesAnchorBar is causing the issue.


I'll put a report on the github.

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6 hours ago, doctorbutts said:


Thanks for your response.

It does not happen with other vehicles I've replaced such as the AH64 with the RHS AH-6M. So far I'm only able to replicate the issue with the RHS_UH60M and RHS_UH60M_d. I have even tried changing

if (damage (_array select 0) != 1)


if (damage (_array select 0) < 0.5)

on the suspicion that the wreck damage was not 1. It did not work.

I even tried commenting out the line entirely and tried to see what would happen if I tried to repair and it did nothing at all.


I think there's something wrong with the object itself, at this point.



Also: I notice that whenever I try to move the UH60 around in Eden, a piece of it doesn't move with it for some reason.


Edit: I tried this with the ghosthawk and I'm still having the problem. Where I described above about the object that sticks around, I think it might be a FRIES bar



Another person is working with it too and they saw this error:


So could it be the FRIES bar or maybe the fast rope thing causing the issue?





3 hours ago, doctorbutts said:



Hey, we are able to confirm that ACE_friesAnchorBar is causing the issue.


I'll put a report on the github.


Thank you very much for this clear report :)

A FIX has been published https://github.com/Vdauphin/HeartsAndMinds/pull/306

Good Job!

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Is it possible to change this mission so players have a premade starting Kit rather than the arsenal? I can remove the arsenal box in the editor but that breaks the mission on start.  I want to run this mission as an event, and people spending 30-40 minutes picking through the arsenal is just killing the flow. 

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