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The quality of the resistance

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kojak_2002: This is your third warning to behave, and it is one too many. Say bye bye to your posting rights until you learn how to behave towards other members.

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Im working on a MOD that will make OFP have a little bit better AI...guys will use cover and react to stuff better. If you think you can help just let me know...PM me.

I think that resistance is a great game...My computer cant handle Nogova but hearing what i have heard about it i think its good

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Hmm...So it's about the AI, Well..let see...yep, Close combat got a very good AI (I got all of the series..and yeah those little guys can really fight).

But..I think CC and OFP is rather diffrent..altho..yes, personally I do believe OFP could use a little boost on the AI.

But..let's look at these with more logical mind (more suitable to those "matured" member).

Don't you peoples think its quite funny....Yes, I even think that the AI and how things works in OFPR dosent show much improvement (some even getting worse).

But, instead of cursing and blabbing about it(like a kid), why don't we do this (again) in matured way (well,this...for those who always said he's wayyy more matured than other members),

And urge the guys in BIS to come out with something to fix or make this game better.

And i got this question that any kid could ask and any grown ups could understand..."why do you buy it?".

thank you,

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Good point. Why do you buy it kojak? I buy it because i love the OFP series (well, not really a "series"). I love how you can hop in a plane or a car, or the range of different missions you get, or the great editor or the... the list really does go on.

I never said the AI was perfect, i know it could use some improvements (mostly aiming and flying, imo) but comparing it to other games is just like comparing Englands defence with Brazil's offence. wink.gif (If that makes sense)

tounge.gif PEACE

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What would make the AI better is a 'fear for life'. ie suppressive fire actually suppress. The AI doesn't care if bullets are going over it's head. Real suppressive fire would really add to the game. Flanking and prolonged firefights would be possible. This is one area that GR AI is better than OFP. The men react to gunfire better. They get low, they find cover. I have to micro manage my men if OFP so they don't go standing up and getting hit. GR suppressive fire also works. I've been firefights that last 5 or more minutes with bullets being fired from both sides that don't have a target, but are just being fired over my head. I was pinned down in that game a few times. It was amazing. Really wish OFP had this as well.


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Yes, is certainly agree with Dayglow there. People are always talking about "firefights" and it really makes you want to play OFP but when you do get into a "firefight" it last about 10 seconds then its over. Either that or your shot by some little sov. mad.gif

tounge.gif PEACE

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Yep, The AI in R6 series is quite ok, Too bad sometimes the AI in GR/R6 (mostly in R6) got this super human capability and can hit you straight between the eyes(1 shot) with MP5 at 100M radius.( Back in the day of rogue spears...the AI never miss..they spot you or even when you show yourself no matter how little...wham you're dead..thats why i think the "leaning" position actually useless, since they never miss anyway..).

Well, the bottom line is every game got their own "highlight",

Maybe for small units scaled combat experience GR would suits just fine.

But, If you want a big scaled combat experience than...I think you will fit into OFP turf.

And..yeah, I think OFP AI need a little "fear",...It's just quite funny when a bunch of AI's just stand there or go prone(while still in formation ) while a chopper actually raining them with bullets.... biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

I won't mind tho...IF i'm in the gunner position

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Nightbaron, I know exactly what you mean, and DayGlow too... I had some pretty Hollywood style shootouts with AI in Black Thorn though. Fun as hell.

I find that I do get a few long firefights in Resistance, especially when you really make sure your guys are proned and watching the proper direction, without engaging at will. (but I think it would be nicer to have the AI use a bit more ammo at times, they are too professional about death)

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yes, I have to say to join on this conversation now,

The only way to have long firefights is to select targets for each of your men, and to tell them to engage etc, and while you're doing that, the rest of your men who are on hold fire, get shot to bits.

I HATE the way that firefights last, at best, 10 seconds.

I try to have some really cool firefight kind of thing, with men fighting, and the idea is that some men have to hold out for a while, until the backup gets there. But they always die really quickly.

I think that the AI needs to give maybe more surpressing fire, I'm not really sure what the solution to all of these problems are. The AI don't really hold their position or anything like that.

Its a tad annoying.

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I think the best firefight I have ever been in was in GR with the Black Sun mod. It was the urban map and I was pinned down behind a small pile of rubble. I play with headphones and the sound was amazing. The enemy was just laying down fire on my position and I couldn't move. Bullets were just wizzing by. Now my SAW gunner on his own inisitive moved into position and started to let loose and I was able to move out of there. Amazing. The SAW guy never hit anything, but his cover gave me the opertunity to move. I hate to say it, but I've never had an experience like that in OFP. Every shot in OFP is an aimed shot and firefights are a massicure. Either I slaughter the other squad or I lose everyone within 10 sec. It's just not the same.


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Fire fights with ww2soldiers are quite long lasting(probably because the weapons were not as strong/accurate as they are now) . i tryed setting out three 8 soldíer groups each for the germans and americans in that valley in the nogova map. each team started at an opposite end of the valley. i played as an civilian spectator in a guard tower(front row tickets to a nice battle). anyway, the battle lasted about 3-6min! i dont see any problem with the ai but they could use a little more ammo and the nogova map is great!

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Yeah, world war 2 battles last a while (especially tank battles! smile.gif ).

I also love the nogova map........... but I don't like the way that so many villages don't have adequate road networks running through them. why is that?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (DayGlow @ Aug. 25 2002,19:41)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">What would make the AI better is a 'fear for life'.<span id='postcolor'>

Well, there is an editing option called "allow fleeing", if you set it to 0, the squad won't flee, if its set to 1, they will flee once certain conditions are met.

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how do you set that?

Is there any way to set it to about 0.3 as default?

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Yea, allowFleeing, but there really is SOMEthing missing for the ground firefights in OFP... try Ghost Recon, maybe you will see what I mean. Those firefights bring you into the mood of the fight more.

(I'm not saying GR is a better combat game at all)

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Jamesia @ Aug. 25 2002,23:52)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Yeah, world war 2 battles last a while (especially tank battles!  smile.gif ).

I also love the nogova map........... but I don't like the way that so many villages don't have adequate road networks running through them. why is that?<span id='postcolor'>

do you mean the villages in the far north-east by the mountains and the valley?

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well, theres some that have no roads in them..

and there are some (in the far north) that don't have roads going to them!

how do the poor residents go shopping?

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The WW2 soldiers are acctually good for the sorts of battles I like, well I love the atmostphere of huge battles lasting ages with massive amounts of fire flying each way but not much hitting and casualties being low

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Yeah I once tried to do a mission like that 2nd episode of BoB with a massive firefight ongoing for about 10 minutes with about 1 casualty a minute until some Shermans turned up but everyone was dead in the first minute. another problem is there is little natural cover (not concealment) foxholes little drops in the land felled logs, which you need to hide behind in the open

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Where do you get this 'WW2' stuff? Is it a big file? If so it worth a 56ker D/L?


tounge.gif PEACE

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yeah, I think that operation flashpoint is maybe more based around you as one person really.

for example, it works better when you are a black ops with 2 blokes, rather than having a massive battle with 5 million.

all the missions favour the more single approach, and so battles last as long as you make them.

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C'mon, anyone know where i can get it? sad.gif Im so excited im wetting myself. (well, not really wink.gif )

tounge.gif PEACE

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you can get the ww2 stuff at www.foxypro.dk. the ww2 unit packs are quite large if downloading as an 56k user(they are about 10megs each).

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Hmmm...All this stuff is a little overwhelming. What should i D/L? The units? The Vehicles? sad.gif


wow.gif PEACE

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