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Really great mod thanks for the update :)

With the next update i will add a name&rank displaying module ^^ then its rlyepic :F

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Like a "look at the player, see their name and rank above their head" module?

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Like a "look at the player, see their name and rank above their head" module?

More like "50 meters and you see the names" module

Join my a3 server for a propper example (just search unitedtacticalforces.de )

Greets x39

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Ah yes... ALiVE has a similar feature although you can select display when < distance or only when looking directly at the player

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As im now at home

i can share the script (no module required) variant with you guys:

   if(!isDedicated && hasInterface && isNil "X39_XLib_ShowFactionNamesAndRank_EH_Draw3D") then
       FONTSIZEBASE = 0.1; 
       X39_XLib_ShowFactionNamesAndRank_VAR_displayColor = [1,1,1,1];

       X39_XLib_ShowFactionNamesAndRank_EH_Draw3D = addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", {
               if(side _x == playerSide) then
                   if(!lineIntersects[getPosAsl _x, getPosAsl player, _x, player]) then
                       _dst = (_x distance player);
                       _size = 1 - (_dst / 100);
                       _pos = position _x;
                       _pos set[2, (_pos select 2) + 2.25];
                       if(_dst < 50) then
                           drawIcon3D [format["\A3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\Ranks\%1_gs.paa", rank _x], X39_XLib_ShowFactionNamesAndRank_VAR_displayColor, _pos, _size, _size, 0, name _x, 0, FONTSIZEBASE * (_size * 0.5), "PuristaSemibold"];
                           drawIcon3D [format["\A3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\Ranks\%1_gs.paa", rank _x], X39_XLib_ShowFactionNamesAndRank_VAR_displayColor, _pos, _size, _size, 0, "", 0, 0, "PuristaSemibold"];
           }count nearestObjects[position player, ["CAManBase"], 100];

just throw this into the init.sqf and it is doing the trick ^^

to the customization of the module:

yeah ... probably it will also receive a cursorTarget solution ^^

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Thanks a lot for informing us about the new version mate :cool:

Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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to the customization of the module:

yeah ... probably it will also receive a cursorTarget solution ^^

Might be a good idea.. .with ALiVE there has been feedback with regards to this and some players found the floating names annoying and preferred the "only show when looking at player" option.


Edited by SavageCDN

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Release 1.2.5




       |- reduntant function X39_XLib_fnc_scalarToBool (exists also as X39_XLib_fnc_intToBool)
       \- "Display Name/Rank" Module --> Displays name (up to 50 meter) & rank (up to 100 meter) of any unit on the side of the player on the HUD
       \- InsurgencyModule groupRecreation if old group got deleted was not creating a RED;COMBAT group
       \- GarbageCollector module icon

Additional notes

New "Display Name/Rank" module has following parameters:

  • Color - Sets how the color should be in the format: [Red,Green,Blue,Alpha]
  • Allow Intersection check - Adds some immersion to the game (default no because armas intersect command is kinda odd ...)
  • Disallow areal display - Only show rank/&name when directly looking at a faction unit
  • Show Rank - Sets wether to display or not the rank
  • Allow rotation of rank image - Rotates the image (fake rotation using 'abs sin (time * 100)')
  • Name display range - Sets how far the name is visible (needs to be < rankDisplayRange)
  • Rank display range - Sets how far the rank is visible (needs to be > nameDisplayRange)

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I have been testing this addon on our servers. Also in singleplayer and editor, the addon works fine, no problem. But when we try it on our servers, multiplayer with 2 or more players, the enemies are non-stop spawning in constantly unlike in singleplayer, (the enemies stop spawning when your in the grid or around buildings in singleplayer/editor and when your by your self in multiplayer), even when your right around a corner or in the same compound, and the grid won't turn green, we search for a while around the grid, all enemies are down, but again they respawn instantly in the same buildings over and over, and this only happens when theirs more than 1 person in the area in multiplayer. Not sure if this is a common problem, but I'm sure its a problem on my side, if anyone can help that would be great, I look forward to this addon. If anyone needs a video I can try to record us playing it.


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Thanks a lot for informing us about the new version mate and sorry for the delay :cool:

Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Is it possible to set the eq. "MUPP (Max Units Per Player)" option for the "X39 GM Insurgency Module" on mission start as option parmater like described on https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Mission_Parameters?

If yes how ca i do this?




but i could extend the module (or to be more precise, add another module) which makes that possible



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but i could extend the module (or to be more precise, add another module) which makes that possible



Wow, this would be great. This feature would give us more individuality for running an Insurgency.

If you need a tester for this feature, i'll do that for you. :cool:

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Guest HellGhost


That's surely a nice mod, but I must say I can't know it.

Actually, I try to use the XLib + XTactical Hud, but having always the same error at launch :

"Arma 3 include file X39_MS2_Scripting\Functions\HitZones\hitZones.hpp not found"

So, I can't even launch the game with the mods.

Too bad, the TacticalHud seems to be really usefull.

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That's surely a nice mod, but I must say I can't know it.

Actually, I try to use the XLib + XTactical Hud, but having always the same error at launch :

"Arma 3 include file X39_MS2_Scripting\Functions\HitZones\hitZones.hpp not found"

So, I can't even launch the game with the mods.

Too bad, the TacticalHud seems to be really usefull.

very strange

will check it asap (about today)

issue located

seems like i forgot to remove some XMS2 artifacts while updating the debug.hpp

im very sorry for the late reply on this issue (fix is currently being built and will be released today!)

Edited by X39

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Guest HellGhost

I see that you find how to fix the problem I reported.

That I find strange, is that apparently, it happens to me but not specially to others, right ?

Even using the whole library of your mod, that I forget to informed you.

That's great, I'll download again and test this.

Thanks for your work.

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I see that you find how to fix the problem I reported.

That I find strange, is that apparently, it happens to me but not specially to others, right ?

Even using the whole library of your mod, that I forget to informed you.

That's great, I'll download again and test this.

Thanks for your work.

as said ^^ it was XTacticalHud which is baerly used

if you spot another bug, simply report it to the forum or (better as i get a mail then and not checking the forum on a that regular base anymore) at the github page of the specific mod (visit https://github.com/X39?tab=repositories for the repositories)

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I'm having an error now when I try and start ArmA - it's saying "Include file X39_XLib_ModProperties\modPropertiesIncludes.hpp not found"

How do I correct this? I can't launch the game.

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I'm having an error now when I try and start ArmA - it's saying "Include file X39_XLib_ModProperties\modPropertiesIncludes.hpp not found"

How do I correct this? I can't launch the game.

download the mod again

X39_XLib_ModProperties is a pbo in XLib

so either your XLib installation is corrupt or you use another mod using XLib as ref. but having an outdated installation

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Been a while but had a chance to play around with this again.. love the Insurgency module stuff. A suggestion - instead of a module to prevent INS objects from spawning in an area have you considered the opposite? A module that spawns INS objects ONLY in that area? I ask because for certain maps it would be easier to whitelist one or two areas instead of blacklisting a bunch.

Thanks again for this great mod!

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Been a while but had a chance to play around with this again.. love the Insurgency module stuff. A suggestion - instead of a module to prevent INS objects from spawning in an area have you considered the opposite? A module that spawns INS objects ONLY in that area? I ask because for certain maps it would be easier to whitelist one or two areas instead of blacklisting a bunch.

Thanks again for this great mod!

problem with that idea is how the module has been created in its concept (it scans the ENTIRE map in first place ... so the "add" module can be kinda tricky)

((the funny thing is ... the module was just a "proove of concept" module :F also not many know about it so its kinda "insider" thingy ^^))

it will be rewritten in close future anyway ... tickets for that might be rased after next XMS2 release

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You're right about not many people knowing about it (compared to say XMS) I'm amazed it's not used a lot in missions.

Another question for you.. I noticed after a few squares spawn in the units seem to move to formation as if they were part of a group (the one I saw had 8-10 members in the group). So units spawn in the buildings but then move out to form up in a wedge behind the leader. It doesn't seem to happen all the time (or at least I haven't noticed if it does). Is this normal behaviour? It seems to me the units should be in 1 man groups instead?

edit: now that I think of it I may have had ASR_AI enabled as well... which might affect the grouping

Edited by SavageCDN

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