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ArmA III Ballistics Overhaul

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This is a continuation of my previous WIP thread, final public releases (v1.0+) will be posted here, if you have any questions or concerns about the code please refer to the WIP thread in the Mods Discussions sub-forum, thanks!

I would also like to thank the following for helping me get as far as I have in ArmA editing (listed in no particular order)

RobertHammer - for his amazing work on high quality weapon mods from ArmA to ArmA III

Toadie2k - for his HLC mod which has amazing animations and sounds, also for all of his assistance in config writing

P1nGa - for his help with figuring out ArmA III's speed of sound by sending me the base sound config, with that data I was able to extrapolate ArmA III's Atomospheric Density for use in external ballistics calculators.

BlazenChamber - for his excellent SMA mod, his continued support, and for taking the time to hear me ramble on about ballistics and giving me guidance on issues

LordJarhead - for his amazing detail in HD sounds that transformed ArmA II and now ArmA III into a real live war zone

OpticalSnare - for his Blastcore mod which makes the visual combat environment much more realistic

EricJ - For his excellent weapons pack and continued support for my work

Ruthberg - For his Advanced Ballistics mod and cooperative work with my ballistics, together we are making ArmA a true ballistic simulator

Xeno (and ACE Team) - for his and their revolutionary ACE mod from ArmA to ArmA II (and hopefully ArmA III), and Xeno's Domination game mode which is a blast

Benny - for Warfare BE in ArmA II and now a new Warfare like mode for ArmA III which looks very promising

Olds - For his help in de-pbo, unwrapping configs, and material penetration, without your help there I would never have started this project

Bakerman - for his help with understanding ArmA III ballistics. Bakermans Community Ballistics Calculator is the only reason why my work is as accurate as it is.

Bohemia Interactive - for not being like EA/DICE or Activison/Infinity Ward and making an actual military sandbox where we can create any battlefield of our choosing!

ArmA Community - many of you for your insights, & help in not only my editing but many others as well, ArmA is nothing without its community and I thank you for your support!


Most of the bullets I will be working on will have 3 distinct classes with 3 distinct purposes, they will be categorized as follows....

1. Standard - Usually Full Metal Jacket

2. Hollow Point or Open Tip

3. Special - this could be a special type of hollow point, or a frangible round, even armor piercing if the ballistics data is out there

Most of these ballistics should be within a 3-5% margin of error, the cycle is broken down into research, conversion, in game RHA testing, in game material testing, in game character testing, live fire situations (multiplayer co-op sessions), and final review, then release. The penetration of these ballistics are modeled down to within 0.75mm of mild steel as this is as close as I have been able to test, hit damages are balanced according to real videos and in game HP modeling.

5.56x45mm NATO v2.2 (1/13/2015)

M855A1 EPR 20 Inch Barrel

hit = 8.606374;
typicalSpeed = 960.12;
airFriction = -0.0011336141;
caliber = 0.901;
deflecting = 21;
visibleFire = 3;
audibleFire = 6;

M855A1 EPR 14.5 Inch Barrel

hit = 8.114581;
typicalSpeed = 905.256;
airFriction = -0.0011543787;
caliber = 0.901;
deflecting = 21;
visibleFire = 3.10;
audibleFire = 6;

M855A1 EPR 10.5 Inch Barrel

hit = 7.7320757;
typicalSpeed = 862.584;
airFriction = -0.0011840584;
caliber = 0.901;
deflecting = 21;
visibleFire = 3.15;
audibleFire = 6;

Mk318 Mod 0 SOST 20 inch Barrel

hit = 10.073716;
typicalSpeed = 955.2432;
airFriction = -0.0011487255;
caliber = 0.734;
deflecting = 18;
visibleFire = 3;
audibleFire = 5.5;

Mk318 Mod 0 SOST 14.5 inch Barrel

hit = 9.40832;
typicalSpeed = 892.1468;
airFriction = -0.001243324;
caliber = 0.734;
deflecting = 18;
visibleFire = 3;
audibleFire = 5.5;

Mk318 Mod 0 SOST 10.5 inch Barrel

hit = 9.038702;
typicalSpeed = 857.0976;
airFriction = -0.0012817576;
caliber = 0.734;
deflecting = 18;
visibleFire = 3.1;
audibleFire = 5.5;

Mk262 Mod 1 SPR 20 Inch Barrel

hit = 11.5702505;
typicalSpeed = 868.68;
airFriction = -0.0010867938;
caliber = 0.615;
deflecting = 16;
visibleFire = 2.5;
audibleFire = 5;

Mk262 Mod 1 SPR 14.5 Inch Barrel

hit = 10.798901;
typicalSpeed = 810.768;
airFriction = -0.0011362379;
caliber = 0.615;
deflecting = 15;
visibleFire = 2.65;
audibleFire = 5;

Mk262 Mod 1 SPR 10.5 Inch Barrel

hit = 10.18994;
typicalSpeed = 765.048;
airFriction = -0.0011942625;
caliber = 0.615;
deflecting = 15;
visibleFire = 2.75;
audibleFire = 5;

9x19mm Parabellum v2.0 (9/30/2014)

*Please note that the handgun velocities are for FULL SIZE frames/barrels!

M882 Full Metal Jacket Ball (Pistol)

hit = 4.94577804;
typicalSpeed = 390;
airFriction = -0.002107981;
caliber = 0.531;
deflecting = 28;

M882 Full Metal Jacket Ball (SMG)

hit = 5.359214173;
typicalSpeed = 423;
airFriction = -0.002393437;
caliber = 0.531;
deflecting = 28;

Jacketed Hollow Point +P (Pistol)

hit = 8.114167097;
typicalSpeed = 384;
airFriction = -0.002144635;
caliber = 0.385;
deflecting = 25;

Jacketed Hollow Point +P (SMG)

hit = 8.790347689;
typicalSpeed = 416;
airFriction = -0.002440235;
caliber = 0.385;
deflecting = 25;

Jacketed Hollow Point Subsonic (Pistol)

hit = 7.081782792;
typicalSpeed = 308;
airFriction = -0.001208085;
caliber = 0.334;
deflecting = 21;
visibleFire = 1;
audibleFire = 2.5;

Jacketed Hollow Point Subsonic (SMG)

hit = 7.670762747;
typicalSpeed = 333;
airFriction = -0.00145426;
caliber = 0.334;
deflecting = 21;
visibleFire = 1;
audibleFire = 2;

*Please note that when using a suppressor combined with the SUBSONIC ammo both the Pistol and the SMG's visibleFire should end up equaling .08 and the audibleFire should end up equaling .20 for estimated realism with AI. The reason for some residual muzzle flash and audible noise is that metal makes noise and there is still a little bit of a muzzle flash using subsonic ammo in a suppressed MP5 if you watch videos that were taken at night, its not very detectable but 8m is not very far.

.357 Sig v2.0 (COMING SOON!)

*Please note that the handgun velocities are for FULL SIZE frames/barrels!

Total Metal Jacket Flat Nose

hit = .;
typicalSpeed = .;
airFriction = -0.00;
caliber = 0.;
deflecting = ;
visibleFire = 1;
audibleFire = 2.5;

Jacketed Hollow Point

hit = .;
typicalSpeed = .;
airFriction = -0.00;
caliber = 0.;
deflecting = ;
visibleFire = 1;
audibleFire = 2.5;

*Note: There will be NO SUBSONIC ammo for .357 Sig, its just not practical, the advantage the .357 Sig cartridge has over 9x19, .40S&W, and .45 ACP is its blistering speed, take that away and its effectively just a more expensive 9x19mm round. This does not mean a suppressor could not be used with it, its just that there will be a sonic crack from the round even though its muzzle flash is suppressed and the gasses are contained. My recommendation for a suppressor config is that it reduce the visibleFire from 1 to .25 and the audibleFire from 2.5 to .75; this in theory should mean that visually an AI opponent will see the muzzle flash from 25m and hear the shot from 75m, this should accurately represent real results if this is truly the case. I came up with these numbers by watching videos, and checking velocities at range, both of these rounds will cross the trans-sonic barrier at just about 75 meters (give or take about 5-7 meters), this means that by the time the bullet hits the target at 90m it would be subsonic in speed and the sonic crack would not be as easily traceable.

.40 S&W v2.0 (COMING SOON!)

*Please note that the handgun velocities are for FULL SIZE frames/barrels!

Total Metal Jacket Flat Nose

hit = .;
typicalSpeed = .;
airFriction = -0.00;
caliber = 0.;
deflecting = ;

Jacketed Hollow Point

hit = .;
typicalSpeed = .;
airFriction = -0.00;
caliber = 0.;
deflecting = ;

Jacketed Hollow Point Subsonic

hit = .;
typicalSpeed = .;
airFriction = -0.00;
caliber = 0.;
deflecting = ;

.45 ACP v2.0 (1/11/2015)

*Please note that the handgun velocities are for FULL SIZE frames/barrels!

Full Metal Jacket Ball

hit = 5.317573216;
typicalSpeed = 307.5432;
airFriction = -0.001070194;
caliber = 0.492;
deflecting = 25;
visibleFire = 1;
audibleFire = 2.5;

Jacketed Hollow Point +P

hit = 9.466891709;
typicalSpeed = 328.8792;
airFriction = -0.001389745;
caliber = 0.401;
deflecting = 21;
visibleFire = 1.15;
audibleFire = 2.65;

6x35mm KAC v2.0 (6/8/2014)


Open Tip Match

hit = 8.47993;
typicalSpeed = 739.14;
airFriction = -0.0015027605;
caliber = 0.625;
deflecting = 19;
visibleFire = 2.2;
audibleFire = 4.8;

4.6x30mm H&K v2.0 (7/15/2014)

*These values should be within a 2-3% margin of error thanks to the excellent documentation provided by H&K and RUAG Ammotec.

Full Metal Jacket SX

caliber = 0.649;
typicalSpeed = 619.9632;
airfriction = -0.0022978794;
hit = 4.463697498;

Jacketed Hollow Point SX

caliber = 0.464;
typicalSpeed = 699.8208;
airfriction = -0.0034830077;
hit = 7.3929078;

Armor Piercing SX

caliber = 0.927;
typicalSpeed = 734.8728;
airfriction = -0.0026624051;
hit = 3.583014079;

6.8x43mm SPC v2.0 (12/10/2014)

*Please note these v2.0 values are based off of a 16 inch barrel rifle ONLY.

Full Metal Jacket Boat Tail

hit = 9.8421144;
typicalSpeed = 806.196;
airFriction = -0.001338856;
caliber = 0.675;
deflecting = 23;

Open Tip Match Boat Tail

hit = 11.82275574;
typicalSpeed = 715.0608;
airFriction = -0.000839079;
caliber = 0.359;
deflecting = 18;

7.62x35mm / .300 AAC Blackout v2.0 (9/28/2014)

Full Metal Jacket Boat Tail (16 inch barrel)

hit = 8.419520354;
typicalSpeed = 610;
airFriction = -0.001084469;
caliber = 0.615;
deflecting = 20;

Full Metal Jacket Boat Tail (9 inch barrel)

hit = 7.798408197;
typicalSpeed = 565;
airFriction = -0.001105223;
caliber = 0.615;
deflecting = 20;

Open Tip Match Boat Tail (16 inch barrel)

hit = 10.82971547;
typicalSpeed = 655;
airFriction = -0.001118505;
caliber = 0.417;
deflecting = 17;

Open Tip Match Boat Tail (9 inch barrel)

hit = 10.05262138;
typicalSpeed = 608;
airFriction = -0.001152804;
caliber = 0.417;
deflecting = 17;

Open Tip Match Boat Tail Subsonic (16 inch barrel)

hit = 6.887368253;
typicalSpeed = 312;
airFriction = -0.000327578;
caliber = 0.602;
deflecting = 14;
visibleFire = 1;
audibleFire = 2.25;

Open Tip Match Boat Tail Subsonic (9 inch barrel)

hit = 6.393114377;
typicalSpeed = 290;
airFriction = -0.00028133;
caliber = 0.602;
deflecting = 14;
visibleFire = 1.25;
audibleFire = 2.50;

*Note when using subsonic ammo and a suppressor for .300 Blackout the end results should equal a 0.10 visibleFire and 0.25 audibleFire, this in my estimation should equal 10 & 25 meters of detection by the AI, this is an ESTIMATION, not a guarantee!

7.62x51mm NATO v2.0 (1/13/2015)

M80A1 EPR (24 inch barrel)

hit = 10.03887521;
typicalSpeed = 938.784;
airFriction = -0.00083981;
caliber = 1.075;
deflecting = 21;
visibleFire = 3.1;
audibleFire = 6.15;

M80A1 EPR (20 inch barrel)

hit = 9.696762315;
typicalSpeed = 906.78;
airFriction = -0.00085536;
caliber = 1.075;
deflecting = 21;
visibleFire = 3.15;
audibleFire = 6.20;

M80A1 EPR (16 inch barrel)

hit = 9.17418487;
typicalSpeed = 858.012;
airFriction = -0.00087624;
caliber = 1.075;
deflecting = 21;
visibleFire = 3.25;
audibleFire = 6.30;

M80A1 EPR (13 inch barrel)

hit = 8.896047088;
typicalSpeed = 832.104;
airFriction = -0.00088651;
caliber = 1.075;
deflecting = 21;
visibleFire = 3.315;
audibleFire = 6.40;

Mk316 Mod 0 Special Ball Long Range (24 inch barrel)

hit = 15.15387711;
typicalSpeed = 804.672;
airFriction = -0.00077031;
caliber = 0.449;
deflecting = 18;
visibleFire = 2.95;
audibleFire = 6.1;

Mk316 Mod 0 Special Ball Long Range (20 inch barrel)

hit = 14.89033142;
typicalSpeed = 790.956;
airFriction = -0.00077634;
caliber = 0.449;
deflecting = 18;
visibleFire = 3.1;
audibleFire = 6.15;

Mk319 Mod 0 Ball Barrier (16 inch barrel)

hit = 14.55368532;
typicalSpeed = 896.7216;
airFriction = -0.00111169;
caliber = 0.794;
deflecting = 18;
visibleFire = 3.25;
audibleFire = 6.3;

Mk319 Mod 0 Ball Barrier (13 inch barrel)

hit = 13.6639538;
typicalSpeed = 842.1624;
airFriction = -0.00114246;
caliber = 0.794;
deflecting = 18;
visibleFire = 3.3;
audibleFire = 6.35;

Lapua Full Metal Jacket Boat Tail SUBSONIC (24 inch barrel)

hit = 5.795839451;
typicalSpeed = 359.664;
airFriction = -0.00057641;
caliber = 0.649;
deflecting = 15;
visibleFire = 1.0;
audibleFire = 2.80;

Lapua Full Metal Jacket Boat Tail SUBSONIC (20 inch barrel)

hit = 5.473848371;
typicalSpeed = 339.852;
airFriction = -0.00049784;
caliber = 0.649;
deflecting = 15;
visibleFire = 1.1;
audibleFire = 2.20;

Lapua Full Metal Jacket Boat Tail SUBSONIC (16 inch barrel)

hit = 5.152501272;
typicalSpeed = 320.04;
airFriction = -0.00043541;
caliber = 0.649;
deflecting = 15;
visibleFire = 1.15;
audibleFire = 2.10;

Lapua Full Metal Jacket Boat Tail SUBSONIC (13 inch barrel)

hit = 4.98075123;
typicalSpeed = 309.372;
airFriction = -0.00039082;
caliber = 0.649;
deflecting = 15;
visibleFire = 1.20;
audibleFire = 2.05;

20x102mm for M61 Vulcan (COMING SOON!)

30x113 LW for M230 Chain Cannon (COMING SOON!)

All ballistics versions 2.0+ are using BIS's method of calculating performance in game, I take a real world ballistics calculator and the information gained from extensive research from credible sources including government agencies and contracted partners and plug them into Bakerman's Community Ballistics Calculator and refine and "field test" until they match performance as expected.

Edited by Spartan0536
special thanks added, updated ballistics code
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I've used your values from the Mk318 SOST and noticed it rises a bit compared to the "normal" 5.56 and using Robert Hammer's ACOG fired from my M27 I can hit an 800m target using the 600m setting when the scope is zeroed for 300m. Not complaining too much as it works good against (I use a value of 10 rather than 9..20) and I get good results from it. Nice work!

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  EricJ said:
I've used your values from the Mk318 SOST and noticed it rises a bit compared to the "normal" 5.56 and using Robert Hammer's ACOG fired from my M27 I can hit an 800m target using the 600m setting when the scope is zeroed for 300m. Not complaining too much as it works good against (I use a value of 10 rather than 9..20) and I get good results from it. Nice work!

The ballistics for velocity and airfriction are 100% correct and are the only things I can guarantee that are in a less than 1% margin of error based on professional ballistic calculators. In real life the military 5.56x45mm rounds are standard zeroed for 300m where as many civilian rounds are zeroed for 100 meters.

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Right, I was just passing my observations on what I saw.

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  EricJ said:
Right, I was just passing my observations on what I saw.

I took no offense, I just wanted to state why you may be having those "jumping" issues. Many shooter games assert that bullets fly in a straight line when it fact its usually quite an impressive (I use the word "impressive" loosely) arch, this is why when I was taught tactical handgun techniques the first thing they taught us is aim slightly downward on the target.

I just did a test using Robert Hammers SAM-R with an LRPS scope at maximum magnification at exactly 600m from the target, ballistic calculators were suggesting a 2 1/2 Mil drop with 0 wind and it was right on the money, the ballistics are correct for flight time, speed, and airfriction, they are completely dialed in , the SOST is one of my favorite rounds next to Mk262 Mod 1. When facing light armored units I prefer the SOST, when fighting insurgents I prefer the Mk262 Mod 1.

Edited by Spartan0536

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Personally I've gone with the SOST for the J-SERE IAR. It's been very effective as well as when shot from the SCAR-L (regardless of the scope, the RH ACOG is just a good optic IMO) so ballistic drop aside, it is my preferred round over the RH Mk262, which is what J-SERE uses extensively.

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  Spartan0536 said:
I took no offense, I just wanted to state why you may be having those "jumping" issues. Many shooter games assert that bullets fly in a straight line when it fact its usually quite an impressive (I use the word "impressive" loosely) arch, this is why when I was taught tactical handgun techniques the first thing they taught us is aim slightly downward on the target.

You're half right. The bullet doesn't "jump" out of the barrel, rather the barrel is pointed slightly high in relation to the sight.


Fantastic work, though. Hopefully these values and your research are implemented into more addons and eventually ACE3.

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  b00ce said:
You're half right. The bullet doesn't "jump" out of the barrel, rather the barrel is pointed slightly high in relation to the sight.


Fantastic work, though. Hopefully these values and your research are implemented into more addons and eventually ACE3.

Thanks, my work is not yet finished, I have many more calibers to work on, my 9x19mm is almost ready to go, just need to do some multiplayer testing against various threats and gauge combat performance against actual combat reports (within reason, obviously ArmA is not that realistic). I feel quite confident in the numbers as they stand, if someone does work on a high quality Barrett M468 I will start work on 6.8mm SPC. 7.62x51mm NATO should be easy enough to work with as the munitions the US Military has been using in that caliber have been in existence for years and thus all the ballistic data is readily available. .45ACP will be an interesting challenge as its a favored round and people may not like the fact that even in a +P MFJ cartridge it may not penetrate even level IIa armor as its just too slow for its mass, however the damage potential will be impressive from what I know of the round.

The illustration was also a nice touch, forgot the name of the "jump", it reminded me its called a parabolic arch.

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Some very interesting work here mate. It's very frustrating when an unarmoured insurgent takes four or five rounds to the chest to kill.

So it's 'just' the values, no pbos overriding default BIS values? I don't know anything about which rounds are used in which various US/NATO 5.56mm weapons. Would an M4/M16 use a different round to a M249? What about those designated marksman 5.56mm rifles like the SAM-R and the like?


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BTW using your values on a SCAR-L for the Mk318 round I get more drop even with the Robert Hammer ACOG and again, just an observation. Combat-wise it's still very effective in dropping enemy troops, nice work...

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  Chops said:
Some very interesting work here mate. It's very frustrating when an unarmoured insurgent takes four or five rounds to the chest to kill.

So it's 'just' the values, no pbos overriding default BIS values? I don't know anything about which rounds are used in which various US/NATO 5.56mm weapons. Would an M4/M16 use a different round to a M249? What about those designated marksman 5.56mm rifles like the SAM-R and the like?


all 5.56x45mm rates weapons can use any of the rounds, some weapons in RL have different tolerances to higher pressures, the M855A1 is known to reduce the life of an M4's barrel by 1/3 due to the high chamber pressures. As for ArmA the only thing that is affected by weapons is their accuracy and that depends on what the developer sets for the values. My ballistics are just that, ballistics, the developers use my ballistics code and nothing is overwritten, its simple, effective, and clean. There is absolutely 0 incompatibility that I know of.

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This mod looks like it could be very interesting and has great potential when implemented.

but im curious.... I have been following this thread here in this section since it was posted (here in this section)... I have yet to see a download link. am i missing it??

I have read most of the thread, and i dont see any links posted for an alpha or beta version for testing or anything.... I am curious as to why this is in the completed mods section when there already is a thread in the mods:discussion section? and in this thread, is a continuation of the discussion.. Doesnt all this chatter belong in the discussions thread? i donno, just confused as every time i see an update to this thread i think there is a download link or some pertinent information about the mod.. when its just more talk about bullet values..

Well Anywho,

I am really looking forward to downloading this and giving it a whirl!!. It would be nice to have more realistic simulation going on! Thanks for your work and time! Again lookin forward to the DL.

And Again this is not ment to be in any way insulting... just putting it out there.

Edited by Lordprimate

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  Lordprimate said:

This mod looks like it could be very interesting and has great potential when implemented. but im curious.... I have been following this thread here in this section since it was posted (here in this section)... I have yet to see a download link. am i missing it??

I have read most of the thread, and i dont see any links posted for an alpha or beta version for testing or anything.... I am curious as to why this is in the completed mods section when there already is a thread in the mods:discussion section? and in this thread, is a continuation of the discussion.. Doesnt all this chatter belong in the discussions thread? i donno, just confused as every time i see an update to this thread i think there is a download link or some pertinent information about the mod.. when its just more talk about bullet values..

Well Anywho,

I am really looking forward to downloading this and giving it a whirl!!. It would be nice to have more realistic simulation going on! Thanks for your work and time! Again lookin forward to the DL.

And Again this is not ment to be in any way insulting... just putting it out there.

There is no download, this is a modders resource, if there is enough demand I would make a PBO. For right now its just code values for modders to use to get accurate ballistics our of their weapons.

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Updated front page with additional important information (2/25/2014)

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  Spartan0536 said:
There is no download, this is a modders resource, if there is enough demand I would make a PBO. For right now its just code values for modders to use to get accurate ballistics our of their weapons.


ok i am deffinatly interested in this. I have nothing to contribute, so i will sit patiently.

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New Update as of 2/25/2014!

5.56x45mm updated to v1.1 with refined ballistics down to a 3% margin of error

9x19mm Parabellum added as v1.0 with ballistics down to a 2% margin of error

please be sure to check the first post front page of this thread for additional details and the ballistics code!

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6x35mm KAC rounds added, the only round to ever be manufactured for testing and some field trials was a 65 Grain Open Tip Match bullet to which all my data is based off of shot from a 10 inch PDW barrel. The Velocities are 99% correct minus standard deviation, the penetration and damage values are set based on the few demonstration videos I was able to dig up with some help from the Knights Armament Media Resource Team. The AirFriciton value is a best calculated estimate based on Hornady's Ballistics Calculator and some help from a few members at TheHighRoad.com. For the Ballistics code please see the front page, thanks!

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Apologies as I don't have much time to look closely at what you've done here yet, but the following may be of interest:


This is TMR's ballistics set. You'll find all of my load data and research in the comments. It should be very accurate. It is possible to use a real ballistics calculator with TMR to make headshot-accurate engagements using the mil reticles in TMR. Note that I used 6.5x39mm Grendel, not 6.5x35. I have actually talked to the dev who suggested that 6.5mm be used in Arma 3, and he intended for it to be Grendel. The MX bolts also have 6.5x39 etched on them.

You may also find this useful:


This is my Arma engine ballistics simulator Python script. For performance reasons the engine doesn't use a true ballistics simulation -- you don't want to be doing calculus every frame if you can help it -- but rather does interval-based simulation. I found an interval experimentally which produces results that correspond very, very closely to the values produced in the actual game.

The script is a bit cryptic and undocumented, but the two important values are 'vi' (initial velocity m/s) and 'af' (engine value airFriction). When executed it will print the distance, velocity, and drop of the bullet (m) at each simulated interval. This can be used to ensure that the engine values correspond closely to a real ballistics chart. Due to the interval calculations in the engine, deviation from real values adds up over time and tradeoffs must be made in terms of correspondence to real life ballistics values; consequently, you must choose a range to optimize for. I optimized the TMR ballistics values for common engagement ranges for each caliber.

I used this ballistic sim to make the BDC reticles in TMR, and it produces very accurate results with no config file edit-compile mod-launch Arma-test-repeat cycles whatsoever for ballistics.

I'm interested in your 'caliber' values. Do you have a formula that you use to get those values from the SD of the bullets? I haven't gotten into doing penetration characteristics in TMR yet.

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You may find this useful, Spartan's caliber values are calculated using an earlier version of this, although I can't confirm he uses it for everything. It's a tool set I created using Bohemia's formulas, it outputs config values from real world data. It also includes RHA plates I made for testing penetration.

Baked Ballistics.zip


As promised (long ago) damage calculations are now included :)

I still need to look at impact force to get accurate hit values from HP rounds.

Edited by Bakerman

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  Taosenai said:
Apologies as I don't have much time to look closely at what you've done here yet, but the following may be of interest:


This is TMR's ballistics set. You'll find all of my load data and research in the comments. It should be very accurate. It is possible to use a real ballistics calculator with TMR to make headshot-accurate engagements using the mil reticles in TMR. Note that I used 6.5x39mm Grendel, not 6.5x35. I have actually talked to the dev who suggested that 6.5mm be used in Arma 3, and he intended for it to be Grendel. The MX bolts also have 6.5x39 etched on them.

You may also find this useful:


This is my Arma engine ballistics simulator Python script. For performance reasons the engine doesn't use a true ballistics simulation -- you don't want to be doing calculus every frame if you can help it -- but rather does interval-based simulation. I found an interval experimentally which produces results that correspond very, very closely to the values produced in the actual game.

The script is a bit cryptic and undocumented, but the two important values are 'vi' (initial velocity m/s) and 'af' (engine value airFriction). When executed it will print the distance, velocity, and drop of the bullet (m) at each simulated interval. This can be used to ensure that the engine values correspond closely to a real ballistics chart. Due to the interval calculations in the engine, deviation from real values adds up over time and tradeoffs must be made in terms of correspondence to real life ballistics values; consequently, you must choose a range to optimize for. I optimized the TMR ballistics values for common engagement ranges for each caliber.

I used this ballistic sim to make the BDC reticles in TMR, and it produces very accurate results with no config file edit-compile mod-launch Arma-test-repeat cycles whatsoever for ballistics.

I'm interested in your 'caliber' values. Do you have a formula that you use to get those values from the SD of the bullets? I haven't gotten into doing penetration characteristics in TMR yet.

  Bakerman said:

You may find this useful, Spartan's caliber values are calculated using an earlier version of this, although I can't confirm he uses it for everything. It's a tool set I created using Bohemia's formulas, it outputs config values from real world data. It also includes RHA plates I made for testing penetration.

Baked Ballistics.zip


As promised (long ago) damage calculations are now included :)

I still need to look at impact force to get accurate hit values from HP rounds.

@Taosenai, I calculate my caliber by using real world data and RHA plating that is accurately simulated in game, this is helped my work A TON, a HUGE thanks goes out to Bakerman and Olds for their assistance in this!

@Bakerman, you sir are AWESOME!!!! Thanks for helping me make this mod as real as possible, I will incorporate this into as many ballistics works as I can :)

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Thanks man, I hope it helps. :D

If I may ask for one small favor then it would be to post a link to the tools in your first post. I ask this because I think everybody should have access to it. This will enable the community to provide valuable feedback and improvements, not only on the ballistic values of this thread, but also the calculations used to determine the config values. The formulas I used are taken from VBS2, but they are not set in stone, these formulas can still be improved and expanded.

If I may ask for a big favor it would be to let people post their config values here, if we all agree (final word is with you) that the values are good then we stick them on the first post. This will save you a lot of time and effort and provide a much larger database of values for all different kinds of mods to use, thus improving the quality and consistency of more and more mods across the armaverse.

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  Bakerman said:
Thanks man, I hope it helps. :D

If I may ask for one small favor then it would be to post a link to the tools in your first post. I ask this because I think everybody should have access to it. This will enable the community to provide valuable feedback and improvements, not only on the ballistic values of this thread, but also the calculations used to determine the config values. The formulas I used are taken from VBS2, but they are not set in stone, these formulas can still be improved and expanded.

If I may ask for a big favor it would be to let people post their config values here, if we all agree (final word is with you) that the values are good then we stick them on the first post. This will save you a lot of time and effort and provide a much larger database of values for all different kinds of mods to use, thus improving the quality and consistency of more and more mods across the armaverse.

I would rather make a new thread just for general ballistics where anyone could post their findings or values, as for the tools, absolutely they are community tools, perhaps it will also help the people who think I am full of crap understand where I am coming from.

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  Spartan0536 said:
I would rather make a new thread just for general ballistics where anyone could post their findings or values, as for the tools, absolutely they are community tools, perhaps it will also help the people who think I am full of crap understand where I am coming from.

Cool I understand and thanks. :)

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4/2/2014 UPDATE!

This is a small update for the MK318 Mod 0 SOST round for 5.56x45mm NATO. I have finally gotten the necessary data from reliable sources at AR15.com and TheFiringLine.com to compile accurate data based on barrel length though actual testing. The following barrel lengths are implemented...

20 inch barrel (M16)

14.5 Inch barrel (M4)

10.5 inch barrel (M4 CQBR)

as an additional bonus I have compiled accuracy data from this round from the same test sources, all shots are rated at 200 meters distance on ISA conditions.

*please visit the front page of this thread for the updated values.

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