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Desync Value

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In 2002 Suma said of the Desync value:

It is a kind of metrics of "out-of-sync" status. The smaller, the better.

Does anyone know how it is calculated? The max value seems to be 100,000, which I saw another player have last night during a mission. The desync values each player showed fluctuated wildly, 0 or very small numbers all the way up into the 5000-10000 range when combat action began taking place. It is a dedicated server with about 1.5Mbps up and 15Mbps down. There were only 9 clients connected.

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1.5Mbps up will be bottle necking at 9 people and causing a bit of desync.

Rough rule of thumb is between 256-512 kb/sec per player, can't find the source now, will check later.

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how can i configure the upload bandwith that my arma 3 server uses?

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can´t agree with that. our Server has just upload of 1 Mbps and we are playing every weekend with 6+ Player´s. We have NEVER desync. My experience is that desync´s will appear when Serverfps will be a longer time below 20... if it is above we never had this before

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It will depend on the mission as to how much upload per client is required. Heavy missions like MSO/ALiVE I would suggest 256kpbs/client whereas most 'normal' missions will require only 128kpbs/client*

*based on Arma 2 - I've read A3 might be higher in terms of required bandwidth

how can i configure the upload bandwith that my arma 3 server uses?


Edited by SavageCDN

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