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enemy ambient fast air

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Morning folks,

I was wandering if someone could show me how to create the effect from the campaign where we see aaf fast air flying around & bombing things in the background please?

Id like the plane to have have unlimited bombs so it can carry on this ambient bombing while the mission is going on. I'd also like the plane to start from the runway. I would also like to hear the whistle of the bombs dropping like in the campaign.

Many thanks in advance

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^^ tpw's scripts don't have attacking enabled, so it will be useless for Pipyn

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Did you get it sorted? I would like to know how when you do :)

Ive not got it sorted yet. My thinking behind asking was, ive seen that some people have stripped the campaign pbo's before & I was hoping after seeing it in action that someone might of thought "lets see how bis done that" & shared it. Guess I'llhave to wait for it, lol. If I do find out I will let everyone know. That flyby function sounds interesting & could come in handy.

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Taking a guess I'd say that the jets in the campaign are engaging existing targets, judged by the performance during the mission and looking into former BIS campaigns.

So just place some tanks on the map, make them hostile to the jet and you're set.

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Taking a guess I'd say that the jets in the campaign are engaging existing targets, judged by the performance during the mission and looking into former BIS campaigns.

So just place some tanks on the map, make them hostile to the jet and you're set.

Thanks mate, I never thought it might be that simple. I thought it would be script or loads of markers. One question thou: is it possible to make this last a 2hr mission? I understand about setting the vehicles to dostop & never fire but but the thing im trying to get my head round at the moment is how to make the jet have infinite bombs? Just so ive got this right, all I have to do is give the jet move wps followed by destroy wp (sinc to vehicle I want destroyed? ),then more move wps to the next target?

sorry if that sounds basic but ive never had any luck trying this out so far.

thanks for all the advice

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why not in init of tanks: tankname allowdamage false; and in every waypoint of jet (dont forget to cycle them) jetname setvehicleammo 1;

thus they should bomb and bomb, not destroying anything tho ^^ not tested either.

ps: if you want them to actually blow up, try setting trigger for every tank with condition "!alive tankname" and on activation "tankname setdamage 0"

pps: jetname setfuel 1; in one of the cycled waypoints might help those guys dont fall off the sky after some time ;0)

Sent from mobile

Edited by nomisum

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