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ArmA 3 - Error: Too Many Vertices

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I am working on a new vehicle which is - Points: 23318 : Faces: 29749, And that works fine and dandy in both Buldozer and Arma 3 itself, My issue is, when I made the new Model(Copy+Paste into new P3D basically) I wanted to add another 3D model I have onto it. So I added a proxy to add a Lightbar to the top of my car, and it worked on bulldozer, I was wrapped with it. So I go to ArmA 3 and set up the 3 versions of the car I have (Rally, Black, Police) side by side, and when the game loads it says "(Evo_Police) Error: Too Many Vertices"; This has confused me as the model loaded fine in Bulldozer.

Anyone care to shed some light on this?

Cheers all,

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I haven't gotten anything over 20k points to work in bulldozer or arma 3. Perhaps re check the models seperately, maybe the three together are too much for one scene?

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Honestly, I am unsure how you got it to load into Buldozer! Generally I try and keep a model under 20k poly count. I would try making a proxy of some of the higher poly components of the vehicle. I could also suggest ensuring you have plenty of LODs for the resolution of the model for loading purposes.

To clarify also, does this error occur when you only load one vehicle into the editor of this Mitsubishi Evo?


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Likely some commercial model pulled from elsewhere.

That being the case simple depreciate some detail for areas like;



Un nessisary Interior detail for exterior view LODs

Just a few changes in those areas can make a big difference to poly count.

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About an polycount. It depends on each model. When you have many sections (textures, materials, smoothgroups, UVs...) the model has to have less polycount.

Just absolutely hypothetically, when you try the model with only one section with 20k points, it can work, but when you add the proxy (you add also section), then model should not work.

In real the best results are with models with less then 16k points. That's ok. When you need more, you can use proxies.

But when you make more "clean" mesh, you can have nice model with these limits, too.

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the reason that you think you are below the vertex count is that the engine splits your geometry

look at this section to see what can cause splits, visualizing what sir redstone said.


with some explanation

-> if you don't use smoothing groups at all on your model, you have alot of extra polygons, even if you optimized your geometry. Every hard edged flat surface that has more then one triangle should have a smoothing group with the adjacent faces.

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