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Floating Car

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Thank you! I also tweaked the physx config so it pretty much fixed it. Thank you :)

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Sorry for bringing this up again after so much time.

When you were talking about wheels in geometry LOD, do they need particular characteristics? Like a certain size or distance to the wheel bounds? Or do they need to overlap?

I'm having the same problem but have not been able to solve it so far.

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These problems typically appear when the sprungMass, springStrength and springDamperRate are incorrect. Incorrect means, the springMass is not a quarter of the vehicle mass as it is defined in the geometry lod.

Check the total mass in the geometry lod, divide it by the amount of wheels and set this as sprungMass for the appropriate wheels, then compute springStrength and springDamperRate from there on.

This always fixed the floating wheel problems for me

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Does the wheel mass need to be equivalent to the wheel mass in the geometry LOD?

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Does the wheel mass need to be equivalent to the wheel mass in the geometry LOD?

No, set the wheel mass to something appropriate, like 20. I'd also suggest making all components of the geometry lod 0 weight, but add "weights" to the Gemoetry lod that contain the actual weight. Check how the Test Car from the samples package defines it's weight. This allows you a better control of the center of weight for the car.

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Yes i noticed, as a matter of fact it's one of the first things i did since all sample vehicles share that. :)

I'm porting a wheeled APC so i guess it's reasonable for the wheels to weight something more (the vehicle itself is around 13 tons).

I'll try what you suggested but the first time it wasn't really a success.

Thanks for your time anyway. :rolleyes:

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Yes i noticed, as a matter of fact it's one of the first things i did since all sample vehicles share that. :)

I'm porting a wheeled APC so i guess it's reasonable for the wheels to weight something more (the vehicle itself is around 13 tons).

I'll try what you suggested but the first time it wasn't really a success.

Thanks for your time anyway. :rolleyes:

If you're porting Arma 2 assets, I suggest you check out CUP (see my signature)!

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I recalculated again all the data for sprungmass and so on and the vehicle is still floating.

The vehicle behaves somewhat correctly, it just sits 40cm above the ground.

I'm starting to think the problem might be in the damper animations in the model.cfg or in the p3d, even though i did everything by the book. :confused:

EDIT: as a matter of fact, a few strings in the model.cfg were wrong. After i fixed them the vehicle is now ALMOST aligned to the ground, it still sits 5cm off the ground and in tight turns the wheels go below the ground. I feel victory is near. :cool:

Edited by Chairborne

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Sorry to revive an old thread im now having the exact same problem how did you fix it if you wouldn't mind sharing that information.

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Make sure your Geometry LOD is correct. Easiest way is to select one of the objects and make it a component convex hull. Then make sure your LandContact LOD is correct. If that doesn't do it, check your RPT to see if its giving you any warnings. To see correct versions of these LODs refer to the sample models

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I've fixed this issue by editing the Memory LOD Bound axis (Moving it up). And edited the sprungMass , springStrength , springDamperRate

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