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Detecting player in vehilce or on foot

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Hi. I'm trying to detect units within certain radius whther they are on foot, in a tank, in a car or in a heli. Right now units are only detected if on foot.

the code i am using is:

_detected = _towncenterpos nearEntities [["Man","LandVehicle","Air"], _activatedist];

where _activedist is just the distance detection happens at (usually 500)

what am i misunderstanding?

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I don't quite understand what you are asking, but here is the logic to check a unit's vehicle type

if (vehicle _unit == _unit) then 
       //unit on foot
       if (vehicle _unit isKindOf "Tank")then 
                 //_unit in tank

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_detected = (getPosATL Player) nearEntities [["Man","LandVehicle","Air"], 500];
diag_log (str (_detected));


"[O Alpha 1-1:1,O Alpha 1-2:1,O Alpha 2-1:1,B Alpha 1-1:1 (Falsche9),Agent 0x3ac8c080,Agent 0x3c08a080,Agent 0x3ac78080,O Alpha 1-3:1,Agent 0x3a466080,Agent 0x35278080,Agent 0x3a3e8080,Agent 0x3a4a2080]"

I have here: 1x player, 1x soldier, 1x apc, 1x helicopter, 1x car. So the code does detect vehicles and other things - what is Agents? edit: snakes?

Edited by Falsche9

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_detected = _towncenterpos nearEntities [["Man"], _activatedist];
waitUntil {{vehicle _x isKindOf "Air";} forEach _detected};
hint "They're all in an Aircraft.";

---------- Post added at 17:46 ---------- Previous post was at 17:42 ----------

waitUntil {vehicle player isKindOf "air"};
hint "You're in an aircraft";

---------- Post added at 17:54 ---------- Previous post was at 17:46 ----------

And yeah the agents are animals. You'll need to filter those out with a civilian check.

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vehicle player == player is the quickest way unless you're looking for a particular vehicle

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I think he wanted to know the type of the vehicle the units were in. The title is a bit misleading, unless I'm reading the OP wrong.

Edited by Iceman77

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waitUntil {isTouchingGround theHelo && {isTouchingGround player}};
hint "The helicopter and the player has touched the ground.";
//do some things

waitUntil {isTouchingGround theHelo || {isTouchingGround player}};
hint "The helicopter or the player has touched the ground.";
//do some things

waitUntil {isTouchingGround theHelo && {! (player in theHelo)}};
hint "The helicopter has touched the ground and the player isn't in the helo.";
//do some things

waitUntil {isTouchingGround theHelo && {! (player in theHelo) && {isTouchingGround player}}};
hint "The helicopter has touched the ground, the player isn't in the helo and the player isn't in a parachute.";
//do some things

waitUntil {(getPosATL theHelo) select 2 < 2 && {! (player in theHelo) && {(getPosATL player) select 2 < 2}}};
hint "The helicopter is near the ground, the player isn't in the helo and the player probably isn't in a parachute.";
//do some things

Of course you can use 'IF' control structure if you want.

this is from one of my threats answer from iceman .

maybe this helps..............

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And yeah the agents are animals. You'll need to filter those out with a civilian check.

No need for extra check:

"man" includes animals

'CAmanBase" is humans only

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Yup. Here is the Arma2 tree in an easily digestable form: Arma3 uses the same "logic" (yeah, there is not much logic in there, but there is not a word for Arma-way-of-thinking :) ) : http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2:_CfgVehicles

The interesting nodes IMHO are "man" and "building"/"houses": so get familiar with these and THEN open up Arma3's config browser. (My favourite are sea-weeds being buildings)

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