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LEA - Loadout Editor for ArmA 3

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Im trying to import Hotshotmike's HK416 into LEA, but it doesnt recognize any of the weapons, just the magazines. any idea whats causing this?

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Hi All,

I have just started using this tool - excellent work by the way. But now I seem to be having some issues with it.

I am making a trial mission to practice with this tool and hopefully use it as a template for other missions. What I am doing is using the INS Revive script pack http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=20196 to get all the basics like settings, respawn, group management sorted. Then I am placing all the playable units in the game. At the moment there are 40 slots. At this point I am testing the mission and everything is working fine.

now is where I am having the issues...

once I have finished using the loadout editor and importing it into the mission I have found that all the units have the correct loadout but I have lost all my other scripts. ie:

No Respawn

No Settings

No Saved loadout

No Revive

Its as if the LEA is overriding every other script. Also when a unit dies it is reloading with the default loadout, not the one I have created. has anyone got and suggestions?



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When genretare loadout script do you set to respawn with LEA loadout or not?

I have tried it with both, I end up with the same result.

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Have you try to disable the call of LEA script form init.sqf file? What happens?

Try to check if your script really excecute by printing a message using hint command.

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this is a copy of my init file

leaFunction =  compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "lea\loadout-init.sqf"; call leaFunction;//line generated by LEA.
// JIP Check (This code should be placed first line of init.sqf file)
if (!isServer && isNull player) then {isJIP=true;} else {isJIP=false;};

// Wait until player is initialized
if (!isDedicated) then {waitUntil {!isNull player && isPlayer player};};

// INS_revive initialize
[] execVM "INS_revive\revive_init.sqf";

// Add GPS
if !(player hasWeapon "ItemGPS") then {player addWeapon "ItemGPS";};

// Wait for INS_revive initialized
waitUntil {!isNil "INS_REV_FNCT_init_completed"};

// Set Time Of Day
if (isServer) then {
skipTime PARAM_TimeOfDay;

when I remove the LEA text

leaFunction =  compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "lea\loadout-init.sqf"; call leaFunction;//line generated by LEA.

all the scripts return without the loadouts.

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Slow progress but its getting there :) thanks

for anyone else that maye have this issue here is a copy of my init file.

// JIP Check (This code should be placed first line of init.sqf file)
if (!isServer && isNull player) then {isJIP=true;} else {isJIP=false;};

// Wait until player is initialized
if (!isDedicated) then {waitUntil {!isNull player && isPlayer player};};

// INS_revive initialize
[] execVM "INS_revive\revive_init.sqf";

// Add GPS
if !(player hasWeapon "ItemGPS") then {player addWeapon "ItemGPS";};

// Wait for INS_revive initialized
waitUntil {!isNil "INS_REV_FNCT_init_completed"};

// Set Time Of Day
if (isServer) then {
skipTime PARAM_TimeOfDay;

leaFunction =  compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "lea\loadout-init.sqf"; call leaFunction;//line generated by LEA.

all the functions seem to be working now. apart from the restore loadout on repawn. it is still setting the default loadout. I will re-export the lea with the restore loadout option ticked and see how that goes. Thanks again for all your help Major

---------- Post added at 23:30 ---------- Previous post was at 23:26 ----------

no luck :( it has defaulted back to the original loadout.

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I guess the LEA respawn with loadout option does not work (but it used to during Alpha stage of ArmA 3). So doesn't use it and find a script that save and restore loadout when player respawn.

Edited by Major_Shepard

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Hi Major. I have continued working on the issue and have discovered that there is no issues with LEA. It was fighting a restore script that was part of the VAS system. When I disabled the VAS restore loadout option your program works fine. Thanks for all your help


Will LEA support JIP? at the moment it seems that when there is a JIP they start with the default loadout

Edited by (AEF)Duck

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A new update of LEA is incoming this week with a good bunch of fixes :)

Edited by Major_Shepard

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Brilliant... looking forward to seeing the fixes MS

One thing I've been thinking about, how could mod builders be better involved - so they create profiles for their mods as part of the release process ? Something similiar to the way in which Sickboy loads on a "here is your mod loaded, come and take ownership" etc etc.

It's frustrating having to unpack mods without the proper config structure or indeed with no images internally, it would be excellent to get this more streamlined? Or more widely accepted within the community?

LEA has to be one of the key if not THE most convenienct mod anyone can run. But 9/10 cats have never heard of it, or know what it does. Hence the VAS box rush every mission start.


Edited by serjames

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Teams I know that use LEA in a regular base have a typically simulation oriented gameplay. I don't think LEA suits Altis-No-Life/Wasteland/Domi-like-style players which are far from a minority in ArmA 3. Also I don't believe LEA will ever been wildly used and then addon makers supported.

Edited by Major_Shepard

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Sorry if this has been asked before, but I have a question about the repository mods

I've seen recently that the NATO & Russian SF mod has added a few new weapons, but I don't see them in LEA because I assume the repository hasn't been updated. Can I add these manually, or is there a way I can update it so I can see the new stuff?

Thanks, awesome program

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NATO and Russians is in the process to be updated, coming very soon ^^

---------- Post added at 12:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:40 AM ----------

Found another problem when trying to use LEA to create a scuba mission. The Diver the player controlls can't move. The AI, also edited with LEA, is able to move, is this a LEA-Bug? Or something other? When i move the charackter to land, i can move without a problem.

Greetz, Don!

I was able to reproduce and it is a ArmA 3 bug. I have reported it to BIS http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=17382

As a workaround use any kind of unit and give a Diver unifrom.

Edited by Major_Shepard

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Awesome, thanks for the quick reply

I added @caf myself but there were some problems with missing images. I can do it myself, but I'm glad there's someone updating the repositories. great work and amazing software

EDIT: New question, is it possible to assign preset loadouts from LEA by unit type? So if I make a mission for about 20+ players, I don't have to go assigning units' loadouts one by one, even if I already made them in LEA for just copy+ pasting. if there's a way to quickly assign many units their loadouts, that would be very cool.

Edited by GDent

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New question, is it possible to assign preset loadouts from LEA by unit type? So if I make a mission for about 20+ players, I don't have to go assigning units' loadouts one by one, even if I already made them in LEA for just copy+ pasting. if there's a way to quickly assign many units their loadouts, that would be very cool.

You can make a discontinous selection of units (CTRL+left click) then right click -> Apply profile.

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LEA v2.0 Released


Use Check for Updates in the Help menu


- Added: user can disable addon from Addon Install panel.

- Added: repository panel now indicates addon status been installed or updated.

- Fixed: @LEA: duplicated Apply Loadout action when player get in vehicle.

- Fixed: Missing one magazine in loadout when same magazine is already in uniform/vest/backpack and loaded with rifle/launcher/pistol.

- Fixed: Ammo crate script generation - missing NVGoggles into crate.

- Fixed: Ammo crate script generation - duplicate backpacks with the number of player in game.

- Fixed: In game script error "error undefined variable in expresion" when disabling a unit from the slot panel in a multiplayer game not hosted on a dedicated server.

- Fixed: Mission Edition - Player respawn with LEA loadout.

- Fixed: Required Addons list is not updated when removing an item from loadout.

- Improved: Addon Filter list in alphabetic order.

- Improved: Addon Editor - multiple improvements in analyse efficiency.

- Modified: Mission Editor - Scripting of named IA and Empty units is now disable by default when importing a mission.sqm file.

Edited by Major_Shepard

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Thanks for sending us the updated release :cool:

Version 2.0 frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Hi Major. Thanks for the update. The more I use this the better I find it. It is now my main editing tool for mission making.

In the last mission I've made we noticed something that came up during the trials. When a human unit is killed, all their equipment is restored to what they first started with. Is there a way that on respawn the equipment that was held is respawn.

for example:

The unit is does not start with a RPG and they pick one up of a dead body. When that unit is killed and respawns they no longer have the RPG. It has gone back to the original LEA loadout.

I have selected restore LEA loadout on respawn.

My question is: have you got a restore loadout option they will save the units equipment on death and reload with that?

Cheers, Duck

additionally -

I have added some more units to a mission after making the original set. For some reason the LEA isn't loading on the new units. Any suggestions?

addition 2 -

I made a new mission just to test LEA. With no other scripts the loadout are not changing. I have noticed this after the update. I am using version 2.0 Build 2.0.15 (2011-2014)

Edited by (AEF)Duck

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Hi Major. Thanks for the update. The more I use this the better I find it. It is now my main editing tool for mission making.

In the last mission I've made we noticed something that came up during the trials. When a human unit is killed, all their equipment is restored to what they first started with. Is there a way that on respawn the equipment that was held is respawn.

for example:

The unit is does not start with a RPG and they pick one up of a dead body. When that unit is killed and respawns they no longer have the RPG. It has gone back to the original LEA loadout.

I have selected restore LEA loadout on respawn.

My question is: have you got a restore loadout option they will save the units equipment on death and reload with that?

Use a script like this one in your mission http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=10785

In LEA do no set to respawn with loadout.

additionally -

I have added some more units to a mission after making the original set. For some reason the LEA isn't loading on the new units. Any suggestions?

You must save the mssion in the ArmA 3 Editor then in LEA menu Mission -> Refresh

addition 2 -

I made a new mission just to test LEA. With no other scripts the loadout are not changing. I have noticed this after the update. I am using version 2.0 Build 2.0.15 (2011-2014)

Loadout script header must display v2.0.15. If not re generate the script.

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So I think I have followed the instructions to the letter, but the menu does not appear in game when I use the scroll wheel to select the loadout. any advice?

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You certainly don't run the @LEA_A3 addon and/or @CBA_A3.

Edited by Major_Shepard

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