ardhocool 0 Posted May 6, 2017 Why i just have the black screen on Orbat group Mdules Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sweedn 22 Posted June 17, 2017 (edited) Hello, I tried to get a custom icon texture in orbat viewer : The thing is the picture is loading with good colors somewhere else like in the insignia part, but not the icon which became green.I'm not a SF fanboy, it's just a concept-proof. edit 17/06/2017 15h13 :from arma 3 official discord Quote thats because the ORBAT screen adds blue to a certain degree. those flags you see there, their texture actually is gray. some config entry decides which color they will have edit 17/06/2017 22h53 : Found a solution, I added this block of code, seems to works now ! texture = __EVAL((__FILE__ select [0, count __FILE__ - 15]) + "seal_team_v_insignia.paa"); color[] = {255,255,255,1}; edit 18/06/2017 17h20 : WIth some time and patience you can do stuff like this Edited June 18, 2017 by Sweedn edit 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SeanCityNavy 0 Posted August 4, 2017 Hey, sorry to randomly come out of now where but I have this script and I keep having the class not found issue Spoiler class CfgORBAT { class scmod { id = 1; idType = 0; side = "West"; size = "ArmyGroup"; type = "hq"; commander = "Sean Michalek"; commanderRank = "General"; text = "Sean City Ministry Of Defense"; textShort = "Ministry of Defense"; subordinates[] = {scmodtec}; description = "Sean City Ministry of Defense is the Ministry in charge of Defensive operations and Anti-Terrorism operations within Sean City Limits, as well as Joint Military operations with allied countries. Sean City Ministry of Defense works closely with North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the United Nations for peacekeeping operations in other countries."; }; class scmodtec { id = 1; idType = 0; side = "West"; size = "Army"; type = "hq"; commander = "Watson"; commanderRank = "Major"; text = "Sean City Ministry Of Defense Test and Evaulation Command"; textShort = "Test and Evaulation Command"; subordinates[] = {hq, inf1, inf2, car, inf3}; description = "Major Watson is a AI developed by IBM Student Academy, brought by the Sean City Ministry of Defense for advances in the MOD's Training and Artillary Computing, Major Waston can be found on Sean City Proving Grounds and RAF Michalek."; }; class inf1 { id = 1; idType = 0; side = "West"; size = "division"; type = "infantry"; commander = "James"; commanderRank = "Lieutenant"; text = "56th Range Operations"; textShort = "North Range"; description = "The North Range is operated by the 56th Range Operations."; }; class inf2 { id = 1; idType = 0; side = "West"; size = "division"; type = "infantry"; commander = "Watson"; commanderRank = "Lieutenant"; text = "MOUT Course Operations"; textShort = "MOUT Course Ops"; description = "MOUT Course is operated by the MOUT Course Operations."; }; class art { id = 1; idType = 0; side = "West"; size = "division"; type = "artillery"; commander = "Watson"; commanderRank = "Lieutenant"; text = "56th Heavy Ordinance Range Operations"; textShort = "Heavy Ordinance Range Ops"; description = "the Heavy Weapons and Ordinance Range is operated by the 56th Heavy Ordinance Range Operations."; }; class car { id = 1; idType = 0; side = "West"; size = "division"; type = "motorizedinfantry"; commander = "Watson"; commanderRank = "Lieutenant" text = "Driving Test Course Operations"; textShort = "Driving Test Course"; }; class inf3 { id = 1; idType = 0; side = "West"; size = "division"; type = "infantry"; commander = "Watson"; commanderRank = "Lieutenant"; text = "EOD Range Operations"; textShort = "EOD Range Ops"; }; class air { id = 1; idType = 0; side = "West"; size = "division"; type = "fighter"; commander = Watson"; commanderType = "Lieutenant"; text = "87th Flight Training Squadron"; textShort = "Flight Training" }; }; Thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dachi 10 Posted June 11, 2018 Hello @Sweedn how did you get that image in the background of your OBRAT?? Been trying for a few hours now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sweedn 22 Posted June 15, 2018 On 11/06/2018 at 1:00 PM, Dachi said: Hello @Sweedn how did you get that image in the background of your OBRAT?? Been trying for a few hours now. It's a line to add in class insignia = __EVAL((__FILE__ select [0, count __FILE__ - 15]) + "pictures\seal_insignia.paa"); 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bruno ESPARZA Requena 1 Posted July 28, 2018 On 17/06/2017 at 9:03 AM, Sweedn said: edit 18/06/2017 17h20 : WIth some time and patience you can do stuff like this Hello guys. Seeing this thread made me want to register on the forum just to ask how this was done. I did a small attempt to try to put textures like this beautiful ORBAT I quoted... My description.ext is: Spoiler class CfgORBAT { class petros { id = 1; idType = 0; side = "Unknown"; size = "Section"; type = "HQ"; insignia = __EVAL((__FILE__ select [0, count __FILE__ - 15]) + "SOMBRA.paa"); colorInsignia[] = {255,255,255,1}; commander = "Georgios 'Petros'"; commanderRank = "Lieutenant"; text = "Resistência de Altis"; textShort = "Rst Altis"; description= "Ampla Liberdade ao Front Altis - ALFA."; assets[] = {{C_Truck_02_covered_F},{C_Truck_02_covered_F},{C_Offroad_01_red_F},{C_Offroad_01_red_F},{I_Quadbike_01_F},{C_Van_01_fuel_F}}; class SOMBRA { id = 1; idType = 0; side = "Unknown"; size = "Section"; type = "MotorizedInfantry"; insignia = __EVAL((__FILE__ select [0, count __FILE__ - 15]) + "SOMBRA.paa"); colorInsignia[] = {255,255,255,1}; commander = "Bruno 'Esparza' Requena"; commanderRank = "Sergeant"; text = "Grupo de Resistência Simulação Online Militar Brasileira com ARMA 3"; textShort = "Gp Rst S.O.M.Br.A."; texture = __EVAL((__FILE__ select [0, count __FILE__ - 15]) + "SOMBRA.paa"); color[] = {255,255,255,1}; description= "S.O.M.BR.A. é um grupo de operadores sagazes e flexíveis, que conduzem as operações de libertação de Altis"; assets[] = {{C_Truck_02_covered_F},{C_Truck_02_covered_F},{C_Offroad_01_red_F},{C_Offroad_01_red_F},{I_Quadbike_01_F},{C_Van_01_fuel_F}}; class SOMBRA1 { id = 1; idType = 0; side = "Unknown"; size = "Squad"; type = "MotorizedInfantry"; insignia = __EVAL((__FILE__ select [0, count __FILE__ - 15]) + "SOMBRA.paa"); colorInsignia[] = {255,255,255,1}; commander = "'Ricardo' Pinto Paiva"; commanderRank = "Corporal"; text = "1ª Esquadra de Resistência S.O.M.Br.A."; textShort = "1ª Esq Rst S.O.M.Br.A."; description= "S.O.M.BR.A. é um grupo de operadores sagazes e flexíveis, que conduzem as operações de libertação de Altis"; assets[] = {{C_Truck_02_covered_F},{C_Offroad_01_red_F}}; }; class SOMBRA2 { id = 1; idType = 0; side = "Unknown"; size = "Squad"; type = "MotorizedInfantry"; insignia = __EVAL((__FILE__ select [0, count __FILE__ - 15]) + "SOMBRA.paa"); colorInsignia[] = {255,255,255,1}; commander = "'Giovani' Feger Silva"; commanderRank = "Corporal"; text = "2ª Esquadra de Resistência S.O.M.Br.A."; textShort = "2ª Esq Rst S.O.M.Br.A."; description= "S.O.M.BR.A. é um grupo de operadores sagazes e flexíveis, que conduzem as operações de libertação de Altis"; assets[] = {{C_Truck_02_covered_F},{C_Offroad_01_red_F}}; }; }; }; }; But the result I get is this:( (Background texture is almost invisible, The texture on the map is also almost invisible, and I have no texture on the units' pop up description) I am also attaching my .paa so it will be easier to diagnose the problem. ( I thank you in advance for your time! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ITrixter 0 Posted April 3, 2019 Maybe This will help Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CDNSniper 0 Posted April 26, 2019 (edited) Hello, hopefully this topic isn't dead. Need help with this one. This is my Orbat Config. When i jump in to edit my mission, im getting an error "Line 2:/CfgOrbat/: 'F' encountered instead of '{' Spoiler class cfgORBAT { class TaskForceAthena { id = 0; idType = 0; side = "West"; type = "Unknown"; commander = "Mattis"; commanderRank = "General"; text = "Task Force Athena"; textShort = "TF Athena"; texture = "\a3\missions_f_epa\data\img\orbat\B_Aegis_texture_ca.paa"; color[] = {0,0,0,1}; class NATO { id = 0; idType = 0; side = "West"; text = "North Atlantic Treaty Organization"; textShort = "NATO"; texture = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\markers\flags\nato_ca.paa"; color[] = {1,1,1,1}; class NATOBG { id = 0; idType = 0; side = "West"; size = "Battalion"; type = "MechanizedInfantry"; commander = "Vance"; commanderRank = "Colonel"; text = "NATO BattleGroup"; textShort = "NATO"; class 1Co { id = 1; idType = 2; side = "West"; size = "Company"; type = "MechanizedInfantry"; text = "Alpha Company"; textShort = "A Coy"; }; class 2Co { id = 2; idType = 2; side = "West"; size = "Company"; type = "MechanizedInfantry"; text = "Bravo Company"; textShort = "B Coy"; }; class 3Co { id = 3; idType = 2; side = "West"; size = "Company"; type = "MechanizedInfantry"; text = "Charlie Company"; textShort = "C Coy"; }; class 4Sq { id = 4; idType = 2; side = "West"; size = "Company"; type = "Armored"; text = "Delta Squadron"; textShort = "D Sq"; }; class 5Sq { id = 5; idType = 2; side = "West"; size = "Company"; type = "Support"; text = "Echo Squadron"; textShort = "E Sq"; }; class 6Ba { id = 7; idType = 2; side = "West"; size = "Company"; type = "Artillery"; text = "Golf Battery"; textShort = "G Bty"; }; }; }; class EUDF { id = 0; idType = 0; side = "West"; text = "European Union Defence Force"; textShort = "EUDF"; texture = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\markers\flags\EU_ca.paa"; color[] = {1,1,1,1}; class EUBG { id = 0; idType = 0; side = "West"; size = "Battalion"; type = "MechanizedInfantry"; commander = "Montgomery"; commanderRank = "Colonel"; text = "EUDF BattleGroup"; textShort = "EUDF"; class ACo { id = 1; idType = 2; side = "West"; size = "Company"; type = "MechanizedInfantry"; text = "Alpha Company"; textShort = "A Coy"; }; class BCo { id = 2; idType = 2; side = "West"; size = "Company"; type = "MechanizedInfantry"; text = "Bravo Company"; textShort = "B Coy"; }; class CCo { id = 3; idType = 2; side = "West"; size = "Company"; type = "Infantry"; text = "Charlie Company"; textShort = "C Coy"; }; class DSq { id = 4; idType = 2; side = "West"; size = "Company"; type = "Recon"; text = "Delta Squadron"; textShort = "D Sq"; }; class ESq { id = 5; idType = 2; side = "West"; size = "Company"; type = "Support"; text = "Echo Squadron"; textShort = "E Sq"; }; class GBa { id = 7; idType = 2; side = "West"; size = "Company"; type = "Artillery"; text = "Golf Battery"; textShort = "G Bty"; }; }; }; class AltisArmedForces { id = 0; idType = 0; side = "Resistance"; type = "unknown"; commander = "Achaeus"; commanderRank = "General"; text = "Altis Armed Forces"; textShort = "AAF"; texture = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\markers\flags\AAF_ca.paa"; color[] = {1,1,1,1}; class 1Reg { id = 1; idType = 0; side = "Resistance"; size = "Battalion"; type = "MechanizedInfantry"; commander = "Balakros"; commanderRank = "Colonel"; text = "%1 Regiment"; textShort = "1st Reg"; class AgCo { id = 1; idType = 2; side = "Resistance"; size = "Company"; type = "Infantry"; text = "Agetas Company"; textShort = "A Coy"; }; class CyCo { id = 3; idType = 2; side = "Resistance"; size = "Company"; type = "MechanizedInfantry"; text = "Cycliadas Company"; textShort = "C Coy"; }; class ArSq { id = 112; idType = 0; side = "Resistance"; size = "Company"; type = "Armored"; text = "%1 %2 Squadron"; textShort = "112th Armor Sq"; }; }; class 2ASq { id = 2; idType = 0; side = "Resistance"; size = "Company"; type = "Helicopter"; text = "%1 Aviation Squadron"; textShort = "2nd Avn Sq"; }; }; class 11SF { id = 0; idType = 0; side = "West"; type = "Unknown"; commander = "Cole Taylor"; commanderRank = "Colonel"; text = "11th Special Forces Operations Group"; textShort = "11 SFOG"; texture = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\markers\flags\USA_ca.paa"; color[] = {1,1,1,1}; class 75Rangers { id = 5; idType = 0; side = "West"; size = "Company"; type = "Infantry"; text = "5th Battalion 75th Rangers"; textShort = "5/75"; }; class TFAegis { id = 0; idType = 0' side = "West"; type = "Unknown"; text = "Task Force Aegis"; textShort = "TF Aegis"; }; class 160th { id = 160; idType = 0; side = "West"; size = "Company"; type = "Helicopter"; text = "%1 Special Operations Aviation Regiment"; textShort = "160th SOAR"; }; }; }; }; Edited August 2, 2019 by Dedmen Config put in spoiler tag Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CDNSniper 0 Posted April 26, 2019 (edited) I've solved the issue. Problem was I had spaces in the class names. But now, when i place the orbat module down, im only getting Task Force Athena icon, which is sync'd to a unit, NATO,EU flags, but no sub unit. For my NATO marker, which isn't sync'd to a unit and shows up on the map. missionConfigFile >> "CfgORBAT" >> "TaskForceAthena" >> "Nato" missionConfigFile >> "CfgORBAT" >> "TaskForceAthena" But when I want to place my NATO BattleGroup. not sync'd to a player. Doesn't show up on my map. missionConfigFile >> "CfgORBAT" >> "TaskForceAthena" >> "NatoBG" missionConfigFile >> "CfgORBAT" >> "TaskForceAthena" Edited April 26, 2019 by CDNSniper Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GamesAngel 0 Posted August 2, 2019 On 1/2/2014 at 3:39 AM, laxemann said: Hey guys, me again, has anyone found out how to mark an ORBAT-Group as "dead" or defeated just like in the campaign? Probably custom images...? Edit: After one hour of whirling myself through the missionflow.fsm of the first campaign mission, I found out the solution! 🙂 Quite simple: it's a function and it's called BIS_fnc_ORBATAddGroupOverlay Usage: [YOUR ORBAT PATH,"mil_destroy", [1,0,0,1], 1.2,1.2,45] call BIS_fnc_ORBATAddGroupOverlay; Example: [missionconfigfile >> "CfgORBAT" >> "3Squ","mil_destroy", [1,0,0,1], 1.2,1.2,45] call BIS_fnc_ORBATAddGroupOverlay; Take care, guys. Hi, i don t know if you will respond or anybody but i m stuck. I tried to put your script in to a trigger and it just don t work. The trigger activates finely but the script is not executed, heck, i don t get any error messages either. Could you be more specific about how to use this script ty. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cry me a river kids 7 Posted March 23, 2022 On 2/15/2016 at 3:55 PM, pierremgi said: Hi, I don't understand with my poor English, what is it for? Displaying icons? I followed the explanation and i have icons on my map, but no units! So, where is the link between ORBAT and units on map???? Thanks Look up ORBAT tutorials on youtube. You need to define class names for a unit in a description.ext file in your mission folder. Then, you use the ORBAT module in the editor to actually show this unit. Where ever you place the module will be where that unit is displayed, and the ORBAT path determines what unit is displayed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cry me a river kids 7 Posted March 23, 2022 On 8/2/2019 at 8:19 AM, GamesAngel said: Hi, i don t know if you will respond or anybody but i m stuck. I tried to put your script in to a trigger and it just don t work. The trigger activates finely but the script is not executed, heck, i don t get any error messages either. Could you be more specific about how to use this script ty. I put it into an init.sqf file in my mission folder and it works just fine. You can just create a text file with that script and save it. WIth file extensions turned on, turn the .txt file into a .sqf file and you're done. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cry me a river kids 7 Posted March 23, 2022 On 4/15/2016 at 5:41 AM, Mr. Green said: I can't quite figure this one out. I keep getting the error message that I'm missing a semicolon ; Any help would be appreciated. post your script. I copied the example and edited the path and that's it. I put it into my init.sqf file in the mission folder and saved it. Works like a charm. Here is my script: [missionConfigFile >> "CfgORBAT" >> "TFE" >> "AA" ,"mil_destroy", [1,0,0,1], 1.2,1.2,45] call BIS_fnc_ORBATAddGroupOverlay; Do you know how to create the init.sqf file? Just create a text file and type out your script. Save it. When file extensions are turned on, you can edit the file type simply by changed .txt to .sqf and that's it. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pierremgi 4944 Posted March 23, 2022 @cry me a river kids OK thanks for your clarifications but you don't have to reply for some 6 year old questions! A single post with all your remarks is OK. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Captinlarry 0 Posted July 20, 2022 Any Help on how to get this to work on a multiplayer server? Works just fine in SP and when I test Mp but nothing shows up when I test on the server Box Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fabianbecker19 1 Posted December 5, 2023 On 2/12/2014 at 3:04 PM, evans d [16aa] said: Well gentlemen, it would seem that the PC Gods hate me. I told you I'd get this video uploaded several days ago. Since then, I've lost a grandmother, my PC is derping around, and for some reason my own code isn't working (which is a tad alarming as it's me that's making the tutorial!). I'm really sorry gents, but what with things going nuts around here it seems that update 2.0 of this tutorial is on standby. On the upside... Have some strings that I should have posted AGES ago! Available values of side attribute: West East Resistance Civilian Unknown Available values of size attribute: FireTeam Squad Section Platoon Company Troop Battalion Squadron Regiment Brigade BCT IBCT HBCT Division Corps Army ArmyGroup Available values of type attribute: Unknown Infantry MotorizedInfantry MechanizedInfantry Armored Recon Cavalry Airborne Helicopter CombatAviation AttackRecon GeneralSupport Assault AviationSupport Fighter UAV Medical Artillery Mortar HQ Support Maintenance Service Maritime Avialable values of rank attribute: Private Corporal Sergeant Lieutenant Captain Major Colonel Love, Bashie. "AntiAir" is another Type that work Share this post Link to post Share on other sites