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ALiVE - Advanced Light Infantry Virtual Environment

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Ok i just wanted to ask to be clear and sure i have the right answer....currently latest ALIVE build still does not support SAVE/LOAD feature in Single Player correct? If it does, any special setup requirements to make it work?

Thank you!

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I have found a way to enable the save game option when using the alive mod

in single player missions. In the editor build your mission as normal using the alive modules.

Then hit f1 for Units place a Game Logic

Class should be Objects

Unit should be Game Logic

in the init field of the Game logic.............enableSaving true;

I have tested this with my missions in the editor and exported to scenarios and it works, the only downside is it takes about 30 seconds to save and approx 1 minute to load, but i think that is a small price to pay to be able to use the great alive mod

for people like me who only play single player.

Big thanks to all the Alive Team

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I have found a way to enable the save game option when using the alive mod

in single player missions. In the editor build your mission as normal using the alive modules.

Then hit f1 for Units place a Game Logic

Class should be Objects

Unit should be Game Logic

in the init field of the Game logic.............enableSaving true;

I have tested this with my missions in the editor and exported to scenarios and it works, the only downside is it takes about 30 seconds to save and approx 1 minute to load, but i think that is a small price to pay to be able to use the great alive mod

for people like me who only play single player.

Big thanks to all the Alive Team

Thanks man but let me clarify. I was able to enable the save function, just seems to crash when loading a save point. I was asking if it was officially supported yet. If so if there are specific modules i need to place and such. For example, i see the new DB and persistent modules, but not sure if these are strictly for MP or both... Thanks

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One problem I've found regarding my post above, resume function doesn't work if you switch off pc and then try to resume saved mission later. from what I've read on the wiki and forums

database and persistence modules are MP only.

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The_Asset - The Profiles module is correctly profiling an AI unit. That's not a bug, it's how it works! Sync the unit to Profiles module and set it to not profile synced units.

JCae2798/blackabbot - as you've discovered, BIS saving is buggy and doesn't reload properly. You can use ALiVE Database by running up a "local server" and registering it with the ALiVE War Room, then you can join it from the same PC and enjoy ALiVE persistence no probs. You just have to update the IP in War Room settings every time you get assigned a new one by your ISP (unless you pay for a fixed IP from them of course). The BI Server Forum has lots of info how to set up servers. Still, it works best on a proper dedi server!

Droopy: http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php?title=Script_Snippets#Detect_Virtual_Units_.28Profiles.29_in_a_Trigger_Area

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Love the mod and I'm trying to make a modified version of your released Insurgency style mission. I've added my units modpack and also CAF_AG. I have forced the faction Eastern European Rebels Faction: caf_ag_eeur_r on all the modules and when testing on my own machine it works great all the units spawn as CAF units. Yet, when I upload it onto our dedicated server it spawns only CSAT units. This is rather odd as we have been using ALiVE and CAF for the last few months.

Wondering; has anyone else encountered this problem or does anyone have a fix?



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Are you sure your DS is loading @CAF_AG?

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can anyone point me to some docs or help me with using the persistent database. I can't get it to restore position etc of players even when using save player data and server save and exit.

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Are you sure your DS is loading @CAF_AG?

Yes, there are no errors in the logs and it works with other missions on the DS. Its just the insurgency missions that fails

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The modules in that mission might be from the previous version of alive. Open each them in the editor and press ok. Save and try it again in the DS. You may have already done that, but I'm not sure what else it could be.

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The modules in that mission might be from the previous version of alive. Open each them in the editor and press ok. Save and try it again in the DS. You may have already done that, but I'm not sure what else it could be.

Yeh ive even deleted them and replaced them all. Thanks anyway :)

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Since the new release I'm finding that transport choppers under the Combat Support bug out occasionally.

Now and then when I call them in for a pickup or if i'm in the chopper and RTB, the chopper will reach the destination then start ascending. It will just keep ascending into the sky.

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The_Asset - The Profiles module is correctly profiling an AI unit. That's not a bug, it's how it works! Sync the unit to Profiles module and set it to not profile synced units.

Hi friznit2,

Perhaps I explained it incorrectly (or didn't give additional information). The profile module is set to "only profile synced units" (not "profile all editor units except synced units", so the playable unit is not synced to the module).

Even if the unit were to become profiled, wouldn't it be expected that unit spawn in place when one nears its position? The unit never re-appears.

Further to this, if I modify the mission and change the unit to be "non-playable", the unit is present in the mission and the profile system does not alter it. Changing it back to "playable" (and not choosing to play as that unit at mission start) causes the above issue.

This only happens in multiplayer mode (server mode or on a dedicated server).


It appears that you the function ALIVE_fnc_createProfilesFromPlayers handles creating profiles for player units. Is there a missing "hasInterface" conditional check somewhere?

Edited by The_Asset

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Hi, right I was told on here that triggers work fine, so I repeated some actions ok

1. Laid down all the regular perquisites of ALiVE including a enemy and ally teams

2. Laid a standard unit on my team called bob

3. Laid a trigger with "!alive bob" without quotes in the condition & some simple text with in the triggers effects saying bob dead

4. Start mission bob dead text already showing, but bobs not dead, I haven't killed bob, so me and bob have become friends.

So why can't I get that trigger to work? I really love the mod its so damn good, but I could use a answer other than look at the wiki, because unless I'm looking at a wrong wiki there is very little there.

The other thing is I've copied my descript init and folder from grimes revive over it doesn't seem to function is this also known? if so is there one that works as I've tried =BTC= Revive as well now.

Thx for your time

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Hi, right I was told on here that triggers work fine, so I repeated some actions ok

1. Laid down all the regular perquisites of ALiVE including a enemy and ally teams

2. Laid a standard unit on my team called bob

3. Laid a trigger with "!alive bob" without quotes in the condition & some simple text with in the triggers effects saying bob dead

4. Start mission bob dead text already showing, but bobs not dead, I haven't killed bob, so me and bob have become friends.

So why can't I get that trigger to work? I really love the mod its so damn good, but I could use a answer other than look at the wiki, because unless I'm looking at a wrong wiki there is very little there.

The other thing is I've copied my descript init and folder from grimes revive over it doesn't seem to function is this also known? if so is there one that works as I've tried =BTC= Revive as well now.

Thx for your time

As far as I know, if an object (like "bob") is profiled, then it won't be a named object anymore. Even if it starts off inside the spawned range. Since those types of objects should be relatively rare, I'd just make sure it isn't profiled.

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BOBS DEAD!!! Thx my man :D

Now why aint revive working ;) and do the standard modules working then? the task ones? have I gotta sync all those with the profiler if they do?

Don't worry that works now, so the profiler is key to everything, anything I want my "own" control of basically don't profile

Edited by DroopyPiles

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Think of any object that is profiled as a placeholder - they don't maintain any of the links, names, etc. that you would have assigned in the editor.

If a specific unit matters because its named, part of a trigger, etc. then it must not be profiled.

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Has anyone tried N'Ziwasogo with ALiVE?

Yep. My group has been on that map for a month now and just finished up our campaign. Awesome map and works great with ALiVE.

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What units do you guys use where vehicles actually spawn? My favorite Blufor and Opfor units don't. Thinking about switching over to default NATO but idk want units using those god awful new weapons. Not to mention I need some sort of rebellion unit for Opfor. Any ideas guys?

Also, side note to the devs. Will the next logistics update include any kind of transportation for AI units?

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I set up the map with @CAF_AG pirates as the primary OPFOR (Rebels) units and used Vanilla IND_F (AAF) as the "local military force" - had them aggressive to each other so there was a lot of ambient combat and we were in the middle of it. Our units were Vanilla NATO but we use a lot of weapon/uniform addons. I didn't have any friendly units on the map. Lots of AAF and Pirate vehicles spawned.

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I set up the map with @CAF_AG pirates as the primary OPFOR (Rebels) units and used Vanilla IND_F (AAF) as the "local military force" - had them aggressive to each other so there was a lot of ambient combat and we were in the middle of it. Our units were Vanilla NATO but we use a lot of weapon/uniform addons. I didn't have any friendly units on the map. Lots of AAF and Pirate vehicles spawned.

Do you know of any replacement weapon packs for the Nato guys?


that work with ALiVE?

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None that we have tried - have you tried Drongo's Middle East Conflict addon?

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Yes, I love it. Sadly, none of the vehicles work with it.

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Hi folks,i just got around to using the trigger to set a custom objective on the fly for opcom.

Its a great feature,but is there any way for me to limit it to only one opcom and not both opcoms? As i only want to use it to get opcom off his ass when i need it to get troops somewhere ASAP.


This is a rather old question, but I thought I'd pipe in with a function I wrote recently to do this. After all, military forces don't always have the same objectives and it took quite awhile to figure out what I needed to do.

cjb_addObjectiveToSides = {
_objectiveParams = _this select 0;
_factions = _this select 1;
	_opcom = _x;
		_faction = _x;
		_opcomSide = [_opcom,"side",""] call ALiVE_fnc_HashGet;

		if( _opcomSide == _faction) then {
			[_opcom, "addObjective", _objectiveParams] call ALiVE_fnc_OPCOM;
	} forEach _factions;

The first parameter is an array that is passed straight to ALiVE_fnc_OPCOM - set it as you would when calling addObjective. The second argument is an array of strings for the factions that should get the objective (strings - just to emphasis that you must pass the string that ALiVE is expecting).


[ ["opforComRetake_obj", getMarkerPos "opforComRetake", 200,"MIL"], ["EAST"] ] call cjb_addObjectiveToSides;

It's worth noting that the OPCOM may not immediately notice the new objective, and of course it's still prioritized so there might not be any units to send.

ALSO NOTE! If you have a marker with the same name as the first argument ("opfoComRetake_obj"), ALIVE will kind-of-sort-of take it over. I recommend that you do not use a marker name as the objective name.

Edited by cameroon

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