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Custom Logos on helicopters in MP

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I noticed when playing on say 7th cav's public server... some helicopter pilots seem to have their own custom logo on the door of the helicopter... I searched around but where are they going to do this? Is it just helicopters that this can be done?

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It works like for Arma 1&2, yes. But it may be limited to the community members of the specific server.

Edited by SwiftN7

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I am thinking about personal patches,

so would it be possible to make a custom logo for every player (like a custom face) with the squad xml - aka one id=one personal logo?

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I've never seen that before. How can you whitelist squad.xml?

As far as I know it's always whitelisted, since each player must have an entry with his unique ID.

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1.) I played on servers where my squad.xml was not shown, so there must be a switch for that in the server config, I assume. The squad.xml's of the community members for sure is on the server, but as a guest player, when your own xml is stored somewhere in the www, it will most probably not be loaded.

2.) Yes you need to setup every player individually. There are tools around in the www to make it easier like this: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=1490

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Player name and ID need to be linked to a particular squad.xml

Then you simply add that squad.xml url into the box in your Profile.

Yes the relevant logos have to be uploaded into the server database.

The URL and squad.xml merely tell the server to put the assigned logo onto the side of your vehicle.

IMO the only vehicle they look great on is the MH-9.

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