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=ARC= NATO Offensive Mods (Units & Vehicles)

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Description :
The "=ARC= NATO Offensive" (ARC:NO) mod aims to add content to the blufor side of Arma 3. More exactly, the mod add new units and vehicles from differents NATO countries.
From a technical view, this units and vehicles use the 3D models of the vanilla game with new HD textures.
You have to keep in mind that this is only re-texturation, so some units will use clothes and gear which are not used IRL.
The mod is splitted in "packs". (So people can take only units they wants etc.)

Formely "-E3- Units" mod, so you'll be able to find the units and vehicles from the E3's Mods

Screens :
French units |German Units |Polish Units |Uk Units
US Units 1 |US Units 2 |US Units 3 |US Units 4|
USMC Units |USN Units

Links :
Inf packs : Edited by soronelite
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Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.

Is the common pack required by all other addons or is it a release on itself?


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Thanks FoxHound ! ;)

The common pack is optional, I'm going to specify it on the main post!

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Could be possible to add another link with all the packs together. If I use your addon in one of my missions I prefer to give a single link ( to avoid people micromanaging ).

BTW I really like the idea of this mod, it would allow to simulate international deployments :)

NOTE: Would be even better if you could have the main rifle for each group ( famas, l85, etc. ), but maybe too much to ask.

Edited by MistyRonin

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  MistyRonin said:
Could be possible to add another link with all the packs together. If I use your addon in one of my missions I prefer to give a single link ( to avoid people micromanaging ) :)

Hi ! As you can see in the link list there is a "EU Global Pack", this pack will regroup all EU packs (Fr, Ger,...) in one. (Same for US and for all NATO pack), but right now its not available. I'll work on it this week ;) (I don't want to upload a "big pack" and update it two days after... So i'll wait until I make more content.

Hope you'll understand

  MistyRonin said:
BTW I really like the idea of this mod :)

Thanks for your support !

Send me feedback if possible :)

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  Soronelite said:

Send me feedback if possible :)

I thought that EU Global pack would stand for soldiers with EU flags hahaha

On the other hand, I'll be testing the mod this next days, and probably I'll add it to my campaign ( sorry for repeating, but I really like the idea of having all the diff camos in one mod ). So if I find anything I'll tell you.

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ty sir for being back to model this units ! any chance that u can retexture the backpacks too ? would love to see the carryall backpack in "Tropentarn"

this addon is great for our realism unit cuz we got a few guys in the us, germany, belgium and so on :)

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  MistyRonin said:

On the other hand, I'll be testing the mod this next days, and probably I'll add it to my campaign ( sorry for repeating, but I really like the idea of having all the diff camos in one mod ). So if I find anything I'll tell you.

The "main goal" of the mod is to have many camos and countries in one pack, so don't worry about this ;)

Thanks !

;2538808']ty sir for being back to model this units ! any chance that u can retexture the backpacks too ? would love to see the carryall backpack in "Tropentarn"

this addon is great for our realism unit cuz we got a few guys in the us' date=' germany, belgium and so on :)[/quote']

Hi thanks for your support too ! ;)

Backpacks will be made to ! (As in the E3 units, in two versions : Normal and medic with red cross)

For now, there is no bising and bikey, so warning if you use it in public server, I can't make them right now (don't know why BTW), but I'll work on it !

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  Soronelite said:
The "main goal" of the mod is to have many camos and countries in one pack, so don't worry about this ;)

Thanks !

Hi thanks for your support too ! ;)

Backpacks will be made to ! (As in the E3 units, in two versions : Normal and medic with red cross)

For now, there is no bising and bikey, so warning if you use it in public server, I can't make them right now (don't know why BTW), but I'll work on it !

awsome made, really awsome !

our server isnt protected with keys cuz a few mods like jsrs also have no bikey yet

check this to sign ur addons -> http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/DSUtils_2

EDIT: how to sign an addon -> http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Armed_Assault:_Addon_Signatures

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Thanks Blackburn, it was working with the E3 units (I was on W7), and now I'm on W8 (don't know if it because of that, but don't think so), but its not my priority right now ;)

But I'll try later, this is something important :)

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Hi Soronelite

First I want to tell you that you did a very good Work !

Second I would like to make you a Suggestion :

Why you do not retex the english/british Soldiers were already in the Game?

You could create a "new" Army (Faction) with the existing (modern) Camouflage Patterns and add your (the current) Camouflage too.

The correct flag patches were also present.

The right equipment and Vestparts were already there.

What do you think about it ?

Best Regards


Edited by (ST6)Predator

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I support Predators request ( but keep the actual camo too ).

And maybe giving to some of the armies the vanilla F2000 in tan color ( the AAF weapon )? After all this one is closer to a Famas or a L85 than the MX. And would add variety.

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Hi Predator !

Thanks for your support too ;)

I don't have the English unit from the game yet, I'm not in Dev mode so I've to wait to have them ;)

I saw them in screen for the next free DLC, and they look like US soldier with other camo, and as you maybe see in the mod, i've re-tetured the US uniform with new texture too.

But maybe this new english units have new gear? Don't know anything about it yet !

Correct me if i'm wrong ;)

But I can't wait to see them, cause I really want to remove US flag wich can apears on some units, so I'll take a look asap (in the code).

Yep, the F2000 is a belgian weapon so that make sense ;)

But right now I'm focusing on texture and not code, that why I'm looking for a coder... :p

Anyway thanks for your support and ideas !

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Just downloaded the British and French, they are still exactly like the old E3 units and not like the new ones in the screenshots. Should that be?

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  Banky said:
Just downloaded the British and French, they are still exactly like the old E3 units and not like the new ones in the screenshots. Should that be?

You should have in the editor differents "rifleman" ;)

And as i say, try it with the VAS script or script that allow you to "custom" your character in game and you'll find the new uniforms ;) (like this one : http://dslyecxi.com/arma-3-paper-doll-gear-selector/ but there is others )

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Ive made two Pictures from the new Bis english/british Soldiers .

Ive made two Pictures too from Soronelite english/british Soldiers (with Bis Vest)

Look at the Flagpatches

Thats what i mean in the first Post


Best Regards


Edited by (ST6)Predator

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Hey these are nice! But I must point out a few things:

The British MTP is way too bright, and it appears that there is a difference with the camo between the NATO uniform models and AAF uniform models.

Another thing, would you mind reskinning the Short Sleeved AAF model for each factions?

And lastly, could you make a reskin of the Simple/Plain helmets for each factions? Thanks!

Keep up the amazing work!

EDIT: One last thing: Will you be reskinning the backpacks? And if you (hopefully) are, please, PLEASE, PLEASE do the Kitbag!

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@Predator : Yep i'll wait to have this units and take a look at the code to see how they change the flag ;)


- Difference between uniforms : I'll take a better look at this, but I think its nice too, to have some differences.

- Can't make the Short Sleeved model, cause with this one, don't know why, there is the AAF flag on the right shoulder...

- Yes, for the helmet it'll be done, I just forgot it ! ;)

- Some (I don't know wich yet) bagpacks will be reskin with normal version and medic version (with red cross)

Thanks for your feedbacks ;)

@MistyRonin : Thanks, I'll try it ! But right now I don't want to add others mods in the packs, maybe a configfiles will be better? So people can really take pack and mod they want ;)

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  Soronelite said:
@Predator : Yep i'll wait to have this units and take a look at the code to see how they change the flag ;)


- Difference between uniforms : I'll take a better look at this, but I think its nice too, to have some differences.

- Can't make the Short Sleeved model, cause with this one, don't know why, there is the AAF flag on the right shoulder...

- Yes, for the helmet it'll be done, I just forgot it ! ;)

- Some (I don't know wich yet) bagpacks will be reskin with normal version and medic version (with red cross)

Thanks for your feedbacks ;)

@MistyRonin : Thanks, I'll try it ! But right now I don't want to add others mods in the packs, maybe a configfiles will be better? So people can really take pack and mod they want ;)

You just change the texture to change the flag. No config line changes the flag.

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  antoineflemming said:
You just change the texture to change the flag. No config line changes the flag.

Yep you are right, but during some time there was a US flag on vest and shoulders...

And there is still one on the vest if you look with some light like this :


Not really big deal, but some people don't want patch on their chest ;)

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Also the German Tropentern helmet is invisible.

Will you also reskin the Military caps?

And lastly, can you edit the uniforms to be like combat shirts like the one below?


Edited by Nightmare515

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Hi all !

New update for the FR pack, spécial "Opération Serval"

Screens :

FR boonies

New uniform "opération Serval"

New uniform "opération Serval"

Lien :

FR Pack V0.4

Changelog :

- One new uniform special "Opération Serval"

- New boonies in CE and daguet

Others updates will follow in the next days/weeks for all packs ! ;)

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