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Group Callsigns on Globalchat, Vehiclechat, and Commandchat

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Hi - does anyone know if there's a way to get rid of the numerical digits in a callsign on the commandchat? And is there a way to replace the BLUFOR callsign on globalchat? (setgroupID doesn't do the job), and lastly, on the vehiclechat, can you get a callsign instead of just 'Pilot'/'Driver'? Thanks to anyone who can help with this!

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Blackburn - thank you for your reply (I DO appreciate it!) but - that command doesn't work in relation to my question - sorry! :p As I said above, I'm trying to get rid of the number digit on Commandchat, the BLUEFOR callsign on globalchat, and the "pilot" or "diver" tag on Vehiclechat. Sidechat is fine. No problems there. Again, I appreciate your response - thank you. Does anybody know how to sort this issue? SetgroupID is REALLY limited!

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No worries mate! :) I wonder how BI did it in the showcases? Maybe it's hard coded?

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It's probably the conversation system introduced in A2. Look for kbTell, kbAddTopic etc. It was quite a lot of work to do stuff with it though.

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Man - that's well above me! Thank you Pete, but, I'm not sure if I can handle that! :p I'll give it a go!

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You can try it. But it doesn't really make sense until you want to use voiceacting and/or multiple choice conversations. For that it's really great, for normal stuff i'd advise you to live with the stupid "Barvo 1" and "BLUFOR". Let me know if you need help, i still have some examples from Arma 2 somewhere. Maybe i can reconstruct what i did and pass the knowledge your way as the documentation is quite rare on this topic.

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Thanks ever so much Pete - I think I'm going to stick with the limitations on the Radio Chat module. To be fair, I've viewed the showcases and, from the Night showcase, I could see that they still only have 'Driver' on the vehiclechat, and most of the other conversations are conducted through the sidechat. I'm going for professionalism here, so if BI do it that way, guess it'll be good enough for me. Shame I can't get the names in different colours though - that'd be awesome. Anyway, I might take you up on that offer for assistance in the future - when I'm feeling brave! :p Again, thanks ever so much for your help - it's hugely appreciated!

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No problem, i can remember my struggles with the conv system. I'm happy if i can help with this one.

One thing might be interesting for you. I wrote a standard function for my missions to create conversations without voiceacting.


private ["_speaker", "_sentence", "_len"];
_x = 0.1;

_speaker = _this select 0; 
_sentence = _this select 1;
_wichChat = toUpper(_this select 2);
if (count _this > 3) then {_len = _this select 3} else {_len = (count (toArray _sentence) * _x)};

switch (_wichChat) do {
case "SIDE": {_speaker sideChat _sentence};
case "GROUP": {_speaker groupChat _sentence};
case "VEH": {_speaker vehicleChat _sentence};
case "CUT": {titletext [format ["%1", name _speaker] + ": """ + _sentence + """","PLAIN DOWN"]};
case "DIRECT": {_speaker commandChat _sentence};
case "GLOBAL": {_speaker globalChat _sentence};
default {hint format ["%1 not recognized!", _wichChat]};

sleep _len;

Parameters should be self-explaning. Key aspect was for me to get automatic delays within conversations so the player has time to read it and i don't have to calculate that for every damn sentence by myself every time. It also automatically determines unit names and callsigns. Fourth param is optional, you can pass a custom delay or let the function calculate it by the length of the given text (not accurate in some cases, you can change the multiplicator _x). "CUT" is plain text i use for cutscenes which is probably interesting for you, because it shows the speakers name. "DIRECT" is actually commandChat but i use it most of the time to simulate face-to-face conversations.

To use put in init.sqf:

IP_RADIO = compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "IP_fnc_radio.sqf");

and somewhere else:

[mosby, "Devil-3-3 report, over.", "SIDE"] call IP_RADIO; // script will automatically be delayed so player has time to read
[player, "Devil-3, made contact with unknown scout group, attacked us on sight.", "SIDE"] call IP_RADIO;

Maybe you can use and/or improve that. ;)

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Ah thanks man! I'll certainly have a look! Thanks ever so much for your advice!

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If it is of any help, here's a tutorial:



Ah, looks good. Thanks for posting. I somehow hoped that BIS would kind of lighten the whole conversation system in Arma 3 to make it easier to use. It offers great possibilities but it's a lot of work to get along with it.

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Interesting tutorial - and I see that the digital suffix (e.g. 'John Rayner 1') is an insurmountable problem at present. Least I know it is a limitation. Kinda feel better about it all now! :p

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Indeedpete that is pretty cool i really like the CUT, it there a way to make the lips of an AI move like when you press Capslock in multiplayer that you know of?

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Capslock in multiplayer? I'm sorry, i'm a little confused, how does that work, what does it do?

If you want lipsynch or lip movement then you have to use real soundfiles (wich my script does not support yet) and you have to use wave2lip from the latest "BI Tools". I guess it's still version 2.5 and i've also read that lipsynch doesn't really work in Arma 3 yet. So, keep waiting for BI Tools for Arma 3.^^

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I've managed to get a bit of a work around on the lip synch which, doesn't look too bad at all really! Basically, use the 'this setrandomlip true' and set it to sleep for pauses in conversation or between sentences. Takes a bit of patience to get it to look right, but I think you'll probably be happy with the results.

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Thanks, that works fine. Though it seems to be a little too fast.

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That's no problem, i'll just pretend they speak spanish really fast. :D

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I somehow hoped that BIS would kind of lighten the whole conversation system in Arma 3 to make it easier to use. It offers great possibilities but it's a lot of work to get along with it.

There is a new kbtell function, but I haven't been able to get it to work. I think it only works with BIS missions.

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Okay, will try to take it apart when i'm bored sometime. :D

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You can try this stuff by using an empty dummy file. But that's definately the A2 version, so BIS probably changed some stuff in A3.

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It's interesting, but on the campaign, BI have managed to get the globalchat 'BLUFOR' prefix into different names. This would be brilliant if we knew how! Anybody found out the answer through de-coding the campaign .PBO? I found some cool stuff, but not in relation to this!

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