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Modules - Civilian

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Hey 1 question, where did i find the "Module - Sites - Civilian" stuff? In Alpha/Beta it was available, in the stable RLS i didnt find it.

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It was removed and hasn't come back.

any alternatives?

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TPW Mods have such a function.

I'm not sure but I think those don't work on dedicated server.

As stated in the title, these are single player mods. They might or might not work in MP client, and will definitely not work on a server.

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*BUMP* >4month gone, still no civilian module, will it ever return?

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it s*cks the bi just removed it please bring it back its a very usefull modul.

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After failing to get MAD ambient life to work on A2 maps (even after extending the house list, as done in TPW) I found that Karma Modules "garrison" does a pretty decent job. It works well with combinations of civs and military (even none BIS units!) so you can easily set up a town with wandering civilians AND opfor in CQB positions. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?168326-Karma-Modules

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