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Solid object is transparent :(

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I got a helicopter that you can "clearly" see if a person is running behind it which isn't a wanted effect.

I tried so far:

Remove rvmats, didn't work.

Converted the texture (both as 32 bit, with a white alpha channel and as 24 bits without) with texview and buldozer. Didn't work.

Checked the view geomtry. Looks good.

Checked the shadow geomtry. Looks good.

Any suggestions? :/

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Are you saving your diffuse texture with the correct _ca/_co suffix in the filename before you convert it to .paa?

I've experienced the problem a couple of times in addons where the diffuse didn't have correct filenames and the solution was to re-save the textures as texturename_co.tga then run it through texview again. Simply renaming the .paa doesn't work.

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as the other poster said i only saw this when 32 bit texture was saved as _CO not _CA ( normally with particle effects have some bad resut when near too)

im not expert but also you have this DXT5 or simiar maybe this not correct in texview and now the actual texture was damaged so reconverting bad texture maybe ?

dont suppose the Unit could be the problem , also does with BIS units too ?

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i packed the chopper without the textures.. still transparent, but i noticed if the sun shines on the side i can't see through it, but if I stand on the "shadow" side, i can see shapes through it.

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i packed the chopper without the textures.. still transparent, but i noticed if the sun shines on the side i can't see through it, but if I stand on the "shadow" side, i can see shapes through it.

hmm , i think i hard only one time before and i`m sure thy export and import as bis.txt and it fixed (no promise haha)

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To eliminate different possibilites I use no textures and no rvmats in lod 0.


My shadow lod is inverted, triangulated and closed. Seems to work well, no "leaking" or artifacts..


Thought it was related perhaps to view geo..


and here is from ingame, first I thought it was "reflection" from the env_land stage in the rvmat but then noticed it is the things on the other side, for example the guy.

Since I also removed the rvmat that ruled out that.


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Whats the properties of the LODs ?

Delete all

A guess ....

Export the file as Universal Bistudio txt file, then re-import.

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and here is from ingame, first I thought it was "reflection" from the env_land stage in the rvmat but then noticed it is the things on the other side, for example the guy.

Since I also removed the rvmat that ruled out that.


There is rendered ambient occlusion. That's only if there are used procedural (or any)textures. If you have this "artefact" with co texture, you have probably something bad in rvmat.

I don't know exactly without data...

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Found out it was the rotorblur texture .ca.. i made it into a proxy and that fixed the last problem of the hkp9!

Thanks all :)

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