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AH-64D Apache Longbow for ArmA2 by Nodunit and Franze

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The HMD used on the Apache is a custom one done via scripting and resources. The vanilla game uses the tried and true 'MFD' feature that has been in there since FP.

You can see the entry for the 'Comanche' used in A3 here:

class MFD {
class AirplaneHUD {
borderbottom = 0;
borderleft = 0;
borderright = 0;
bordertop = 0;
bottomleft = "HUD LD";
color[] = {0, 1, 0, 0.1};
helmetdown[] = {0, -0.05, 0};
helmetmounteddisplay = 1;
helmetposition[] = {-0.025, 0.025, 0.1};
helmetright[] = {0.055, 0, 0};
topleft = "HUD LH";
topright = "HUD PH";
class Pos10Vector {
pos0[] = {0.502, 0.49};
pos10[] = {1.112, 1.03};
type = "vector";
class Bones {
class PlaneW {
pos[] = {0.502, 0.49};
type = "fixed";
class WeaponAim: Pos10Vector {
pos0[] = {0.502, 0.49};
pos10[] = {1.112, 1.03};
source = "weapon";
type = "vector";
class GunnerAim: Pos10Vector {
pos0[] = {0, -0.0025};
pos10[] = {0.01, 0.0025};
source = "weapon";
type = "vector";
class Target: Pos10Vector {
pos0[] = {0.502, 0.49};
pos10[] = {1.112, 1.03};
source = "target";
type = "vector";
class Velocity: Pos10Vector {
pos0[] = {0.5, 0.49};
pos10[] = {1.11, 1.03};
source = "velocity";
type = "vector";
class ILS_H {
pos0[] = {0.5, 0.49};
pos3[] = {0.683, 0.49};
type = "ils";
class ILS_W: ILS_H {
pos0[] = {0.5, 0.49};
pos3[] = {0.5, 0.652};
type = "ils";
class Level0: Pos10Vector {
angle = 0;
pos0[] = {0.5, 0.49};
pos10[] = {1.11, 1.03};
type = "horizon";
class LevelP10: Level0 {
angle = 10;
pos0[] = {0.5, 0.49};
pos10[] = {1.11, 1.03};
type = "horizon";
class LevelM10: Level0 {
angle = -10;
pos0[] = {0.5, 0.49};
pos10[] = {1.11, 1.03};
type = "horizon";
class LevelP20: Level0 {
angle = 20;
pos0[] = {0.5, 0.49};
pos10[] = {1.11, 1.03};
type = "horizon";
class LevelM20: Level0 {
angle = -20;
pos0[] = {0.5, 0.49};
pos10[] = {1.11, 1.03};
type = "horizon";
class LevelP30: Level0 {
angle = 30;
pos0[] = {0.5, 0.49};
pos10[] = {1.11, 1.03};
type = "horizon";
class LevelM30: Level0 {
angle = -30;
pos0[] = {0.5, 0.49};
pos10[] = {1.11, 1.03};
type = "horizon";
class LevelP40: Level0 {
angle = 40;
pos0[] = {0.5, 0.49};
pos10[] = {1.11, 1.03};
type = "horizon";
class LevelM40: Level0 {
angle = -40;
pos0[] = {0.5, 0.49};
pos10[] = {1.11, 1.03};
type = "horizon";
class LevelP50: Level0 {
angle = 50;
pos0[] = {0.5, 0.49};
pos10[] = {1.11, 1.03};
type = "horizon";
class LevelM50: Level0 {
angle = -50;
pos0[] = {0.5, 0.49};
pos10[] = {1.11, 1.03};
type = "horizon";
class Draw {
alpha = 0.6;
color[] = {0, 0.5, 0.05};
condition = "on";
class PlaneW {
clipbr[] = {1, 0};
cliptl[] = {0, 1};
points[] = {{"PlaneW", {0, -0.0177049}, 1}, {"PlaneW", {0.014, -0.0123934}, 1}, {"PlaneW", {0.02, 0}, 1}, {"PlaneW", {0.014, 0.0123934}, 1}, {"PlaneW", {0, 0.0177049}, 1}, {"PlaneW", {-0.014, 0.0123934}, 1}, {"PlaneW", {-0.02, 0}, 1}, {"PlaneW", {-0.014, -0.0123934}, 1}, {"PlaneW", {0, -0.0177049}, 1}, {}};
type = "line";
width = 4;
class PlaneHeading {
clipbr[] = {1, 0};
cliptl[] = {0, 1};
points[] = {{"Velocity", {0, -0.0177049}, 1}, {"Velocity", {0.014, -0.0123934}, 1}, {"Velocity", {0.02, 0}, 1}, {"Velocity", {0.014, 0.0123934}, 1}, {"Velocity", {0, 0.0177049}, 1}, {"Velocity", {-0.014, 0.0123934}, 1}, {"Velocity", {-0.02, 0}, 1}, {"Velocity", {-0.014, -0.0123934}, 1}, {"Velocity", {0, -0.0177049}, 1}, {}, {"Velocity", {0.04, 0}, 1}, {"Velocity", {0.02, 0}, 1}, {}, {"Velocity", {-0.04, 0}, 1}, {"Velocity", {-0.02, 0}, 1}, {}, {"Velocity", {0, -0.0354098}, 1}, {"Velocity", {0, -0.0177049}, 1}, {}};
type = "line";
width = 4;
class Static {
clipbr[] = {1, 0};
cliptl[] = {0, 0.1};
points[] = {{{0.79, 0.52}, 1}, {{0.81, 0.5}, 1}, {{0.79, 0.48}, 1}, {}, {{0.52, "0.08+0.06"}, 1}, {{0.5, "0.06+0.06"}, 1}, {{0.48, "0.08+0.06"}, 1}, {}, {{"0.5-0.1", "0.9-0.04"}, 1}, {{"0.5-0.1", "0.9+0.04"}, 1}, {{"0.5+0.1", "0.9+0.04"}, 1}, {{"0.5+0.1", "0.9-0.04"}, 1}, {{"0.5-0.1", "0.9-0.04"}, 1}, {}, {{"0.5-0.1", 0.9}, 1}, {{"0.5-0.092", 0.9}, 1}, {}, {{"0.5+0.1", 0.9}, 1}, {{"0.5+0.092", 0.9}, 1}, {}, {{0.5, "0.9-0.04"}, 1}, {{0.5, "0.9-0.032"}, 1}, {}, {{0.5, "0.9+0.04"}, 1}, {{0.5, "0.9+0.032"}, 1}, {}};
type = "line";
width = 4;
class Gunner {
points[] = {{"GunnerAim", {"0.5-0.015", "0.9-0.008"}, 1}, {"GunnerAim", {"0.5-0.015", "0.9+0.008"}, 1}, {"GunnerAim", {"0.5+0.015", "0.9+0.008"}, 1}, {"GunnerAim", {"0.5+0.015", "0.9-0.008"}, 1}, {"GunnerAim", {"0.5-0.015", "0.9-0.008"}, 1}};
type = "line";
width = 4;
class MGun {
condition = "mgun";
class Circle {
points[] = {{"WeaponAim", {0.05, 0}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.015, 0}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {0, 0.0442623}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0, 0.0132787}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.05, 0}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.015, 0}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {0, -0.0442623}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0, -0.0132787}, 1}, {}};
type = "line";
width = 4;
class Bomb {
condition = "bomb";
class Circle {
points[] = {{"WeaponAim", {0, -0.0885246}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.05, -0.0770164}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.087, -0.0442623}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.1, 0}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.087, 0.0442623}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.05, 0.0770164}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0, 0.0885246}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.05, 0.0770164}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.087, 0.0442623}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.1, 0}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.087, -0.0442623}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.05, -0.0770164}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0, -0.0885246}, 1}, {}, {"Velocity", 0.001, "WeaponAim", {0, 0}, 1}, {"Velocity", {0, 0}, 1}, {}, {"Target", {0, -0.0619672}, 1}, {"Target", {0.07, 0}, 1}, {"Target", {0, 0.0619672}, 1}, {"Target", {-0.07, 0}, 1}, {"Target", {0, -0.0619672}, 1}};
type = "line";
width = 4;
class AAMissile {
condition = "AAmissile";
class Circle {
points[] = {{"WeaponAim", {0, -0.221311}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.125, -0.192541}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.2175, -0.110656}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.25, 0}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.2175, 0.110656}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.125, 0.192541}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0, 0.221311}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.125, 0.192541}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.2175, 0.110656}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.25, 0}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.2175, -0.110656}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.125, -0.192541}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0, -0.221311}, 1}, {}, {"Target", {0, -0.0619672}, 1}, {"Target", {0.07, 0}, 1}, {"Target", {0, 0.0619672}, 1}, {"Target", {-0.07, 0}, 1}, {"Target", {0, -0.0619672}, 1}};
type = "line";
width = 4;
class ATMissile {
condition = "ATmissile";
class Circle {
points[] = {{"WeaponAim", {-0.15, -0.15}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.15, "-0.15+0.02"}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.15, 0.15}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.15, "+0.15-0.02"}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {0.15, -0.15}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.15, "-0.15+0.02"}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {0.15, 0.15}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.15, "+0.15-0.02"}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.15, -0.15}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {"-0.15+0.02", -0.15}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.15, 0.15}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {"-0.15+0.02", 0.15}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {0.15, -0.15}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {"0.15-0.02", -0.15}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {0.15, 0.15}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {"0.15-0.02", 0.15}, 1}, {}};
type = "line";
width = 4;
class Rockets {
condition = "Rocket";
class Circle {
points[] = {{"WeaponAim", {-0.25, -0.25}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.25, "-0.25+0.05"}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.25, 0.25}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.25, "+0.25-0.05"}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {0.25, -0.25}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.25, "-0.25+0.05"}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {0.25, 0.25}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.25, "+0.25-0.05"}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.25, -0.25}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {"-0.25+0.05", -0.25}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.25, 0.25}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {"-0.25+0.05", 0.25}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {0.25, -0.25}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {"0.25-0.05", -0.25}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {0.25, 0.25}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {"0.25-0.05", 0.25}, 1}, {}};
type = "line";
width = 4;
class SpeedNumber {
align = "right";
down[] = {{0.06, 0.52}, 1};
pos[] = {{0.06, 0.47}, 1};
right[] = {{"0.14-0.02", 0.47}, 1};
scale = 1;
source = "speed";
sourcescale = 3.6;
type = "text";
class AltNumber: SpeedNumber {
align = "right";
down[] = {{"0.86-0.15", 0.52}, 1};
pos[] = {{"0.86-0.15", 0.47}, 1};
right[] = {{"0.94-0.15-0.02", 0.47}, 1};
scale = 1;
source = "altitudeAGL";
sourcescale = 1;
type = "text";
class AltScale {
align = "right";
bottom = 0.2;
center = 0.5;
down[] = {0.86, 0.87};
horizontal = 0;
linexleft = 0.825;
linexleftmajor = 0.825;
lineyright = 0.835;
lineyrightmajor = 0.845;
majorlineeach = 5;
max = "none";
min = "none";
numbereach = 5;
pos[] = {0.86, 0.82};
right[] = {"0.94-0.02", 0.82};
scale = 1;
source = "altitudeAGL";
sourcescale = 1;
step = 20;
stepsize = "(0.85- 0.2)/20";
top = 0.85;
type = "scale";
width = 4;
class weapons {
align = "right";
down[] = {{0.1, 0.92}, 1};
pos[] = {{0.1, 0.88}, 1};
right[] = {{"0.16-0.02", 0.88}, 1};
scale = 0.5;
source = "weapon";
sourcescale = 1;
type = "text";
class ammo {
align = "right";
down[] = {{0.1, 0.97}, 1};
pos[] = {{0.1, 0.93}, 1};
right[] = {{"0.16-0.02", 0.93}, 1};
scale = 0.5;
source = "ammo";
sourcescale = 1;
type = "text";
class HeadingScale {
align = "center";
bottom = 0.7;
center = 0.5;
down[] = {"0.32-0.01", "0.04+0.05"};
horizontal = 1;
linexleft = "0.06+0.05";
linexleftmajor = "0.07+0.05";
lineyright = "0.05+0.05";
lineyrightmajor = "0.04+0.05";
majorlineeach = 3;
max = "none";
min = "none";
numbereach = 3;
pos[] = {"0.32-0.01", "0.0+0.05"};
right[] = {"0.38-0.01", "0.0+0.05"};
scale = 1;
source = "Heading";
sourcescale = 1;
step = 10;
stepsize = "(0.70- 0.3)/15";
top = 0.3;
type = "scale";
width = 4;
class HorizontalLine {
clipbr[] = {0.8, 0.96};
cliptl[] = {0.2, 0.12};
class HorizontalLineDraw {
points[] = {{"Level0", {"-6*0.075/2", 0.02}, 1}, {"Level0", {"-5*0.075/2", 0.02}, 1}, {}, {"Level0", {"-4*0.075/2", 0.02}, 1}, {"Level0", {"-3*0.075/2", 0.02}, 1}, {}, {"Level0", {"-2*0.075/2", 0.02}, 1}, {"Level0", {"-1*0.075/2", 0.02}, 1}, {}, {"Level0", {"1*0.075/2", 0.02}, 1}, {"Level0", {"2*0.075/2", 0.02}, 1}, {}, {"Level0", {"3*0.075/2", 0.02}, 1}, {"Level0", {"4*0.075/2", 0.02}, 1}, {}, {"Level0", {"5*0.075/2", 0.02}, 1}, {"Level0", {"6*0.075/2", 0.02}, 1}};
source = "Level0";
type = "line";

The black and white effect is done with post process effects and a camera detection routine to detect when the gunner is heads down.

fza_ah64_bweff = ppEffectCreate ["colorCorrections",1498];
fza_ah64_bweff ppEffectAdjust [1, 0.5, 0, [0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1, 0]];
fza_ah64_bweff ppEffectCommit 0;
fza_ah64_bweff ppEffectEnable true;
fza_ah64_fgeff = ppEffectCreate ["filmGrain",1499];
fza_ah64_fgeff ppEffectEnable true;
fza_ah64_fgeff ppEffectAdjust [0.2, 2, 1, 0.1, 1, true];
fza_ah64_fgeff ppEffectCommit 0;

As for the ArmA3 problems, see here and

. And that's all I have to say about that.

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@nod: there was no insult towards you or franze, nor any irony. and the sorries were about the OT.

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Oooh okay, I wasn't sure if maybe it was a play on words about the people asking for things to be compatible with ace or if marvelous was the pun.

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thanks Franze and Nodunit for the answers. I wasn't reffering to you guys "fixing" the helicopterX, I'm well aware fo the fact you are not intending to answer anything else about that. I was just confirming that the sliding is fixed by that. I say this cause i decided to continue Aplion's legacy of US helos and the first thing i changed was that so it fixed the sliding and the "non-autorotative-rotors" (if that makes any sense :p).

And since I'm introducing the RWCO features to the HAFM helos, an old question arised again...

Are the Longbow Hellfires really "fire and forget"? Are they semi active radar guided or they have an inbuilt radar antenna/seeker like the aim-120? If it's semi-active, shouldn't i need to have LOS with the target?

I also read about them having a gps/ins system built in, do they use this for a "bombs on coordinate" attack or it's there in case the seeker looses radar lock and to continue to the last known position before loosing the lock?

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The Longbow HELLFIRE is fire and forget with active radar and inertial guidance; basically it uses an initial data set such as position, velocity, and direction of the target (from any data source, not just the FCR) to plot where the target is going to be by the time the missile gets there/gets within the missile's radar range. An identifying parameter (either coordinates, radar signature, etc.) is given to the missile to look for in the area that the missile thinks the target will be; however this is not fool proof and hinges on the mode that the missile is launched in. If in LOBL mode, the missile needs an LOS to hit the intended target; if in LOAL mode, it doesn't, but the cost comes with inaccuracy and difficulty in hitting moving targets.

TL;DR version: operates much like the AIM-120 and other ARH inertial guided weapons.

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Decided to test the TKOH version Franze worked on into A3 with the inclusion of RTD on dev branch.

Turns out all of the flight characteristics tranferred flawlessly and the bird is back to her older self but even better.

To clarify the difference, the pivot point was raised and behind the main rotor which made the control all wonky and jerky whereas now the weight is actually central to the helicopter.

Thanks to the new FDM added we no longer have to use physX class which means no more sliding and a very strong possibility of not losing the modeltoworld features.

Edited by NodUnit

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Decided to test the TKOH version Franze worked on into A3 with the inclusion of RTD on dev branch.

Turns out all of the flight characteristics tranferred flawlessly and the bird is back to her older self but even better.

To clarify the difference, the pivot point was raised and behind the main rotor which made the control all wonky and jerky whereas now the weight is actually central to the helicopter.

Thanks to the new FDM added we no longer have to use physX class which means no more sliding and a very strong possibility of not losing the modeltoworld features.

I know franze will kill me for asking but, does this mean that there's a at least a tiny tad of hope for A3? It was bound to be broguht up again... :p

And about the pivot point, r u referring to the center of mass?

Edited by geraldbolso1899

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We're in discussion, don't want to get a hype train going only for it to not happen.

About the pivot point yes but it was behaving less like a COG and more like a deliberate pivot point.

Edited by NodUnit

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That is GREAT news! (At least the possibility of further development for Arma3). In case you've missed it..Dsylexci has an awesome video about the new DEV-Branch physics. He points out some very good stuff that it would be nice if BI would take a look at:


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Hi folks

Could someone please help me get my head around this problem i'm having?

I'm having loads of problems using the LOBL missiles. I'm hitting targets with LOAL 99% of the time.

These are the steps I'm doing:

1) AI gunner see's a vehicle so I press F2 & 2 to make him target it.

2) my TSD is set to ATk I think

3) I select TADS using numpad / and my wpns page is on.

4) I selected missiles and using B I select LOBL

5) square appears over the target but no diamond shape!

6) I press R to lock on to target but either nothing happens or it cancels the target.

what am I doing wrong folks?

when I use LOAL I use the same steps above apart from setting LOAL & when I fire it's normally a good hit. Also with LOAL I get the TOF countdown but not with LOBL.

What im hoping for is someone to write down the steps to use both so I can learn them. I'm wasting so much time on this.

Is the FCR on by default? How do I know if I've turned it on or off. I've pressed \ but I'm not sure as I get no feedback.

1 last question: ive not tried it yet but is it possible for a player JTAC to lase a target of infantry or a compound & i set my gunner to aim any WPN at it?

Many thanks for any help guys

I forgot to mention that when the ground radar is on the right mpd I'm not seeing the needle moving.

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RF or SAL missiles? LOBL/LOAL mode for SAL function virtually identical for purposes of lock on, while RF it changes whether or not you need a LOS to hit a target (and whether or not it is moving). If there isn't a LOS at the time of firing for a RF LOBL missile, the missile will not acquire. There isn't a 'diamond' like what BI has; the box is either solid or dashed. Dashed indicates a condition where the missile cannot lock on while a solid box indicates a good lock. For SAL missiles, you can only track one target at a time as you only have one laser designator in the TADS. RF missiles are fire and forget.

There is no separate key to lock the missile; that is handled automatically. The FCR must be on (salute key or \ by default) for a proper lock in LOBL mode; the FCR is off by default as it can alert hostile units to your presence. Keep in mind the NR variant lacks a FCR and this version is the default for most scenarios. The IHADSS has a small disc below the heading tape that also indicates the FCR antenna position.

A player JTAC can lase a target but only SAL missiles can 'lock' onto it. Rockets and guns will have to be slaved to automatic or HMD mode and pointed to the target in order to aim at it; an AI CPG can be ordered to target it in order to slave his TADS onto it.

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I was wondering if it's possible to add the other maps to the NAV page?

I am pretty teksavvy and I all ready added the arming menu in Arma 3 and works fine for me and fixed some of the bugs we get on the load.

I would like to add Altis and Stratis so I can fly my personal missions with your wonderful chopper.

All of theses edits are for my personal use and I don't intend to distribute it.

Thank you.


did you manage to do this mate? If so could you upload a video tutorial on how you made it please Nixon? Thanks a million

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Hi Franze, thanks for your reply above. I'm still trying to get my head to understand the missiles, I was just playing around with the default load out as ive not worked out how to make the ammo hemit in arma 3 work yet. Anyway using the LOBL sometimes I would get a solid box & other times I wouldn't. My gunner would see the vehicles but just couldn't lock on to the tank! Most other mraps was fine. I think I had these settings:

FCR set on on g with the ground radar working (targets showing on there)

Hellfires said SAL - default weapons


Scroll through to select the vehicle I want hit.

Gunner aims, dashed box is on screen

Turn the chopper so the front is almost seeing the target.

Sometimes the square goes solid, fire, good hit.

Sometimes the box stays dashed. What I'd like to learn is what's the gunner missing? I'm about 2ks away from target, height is over any hills but still a dashed box.

That radar in the right MFD? Am I right in thinking that to get proper LOS lock on it must face the target? Can I hide, pop up, get lock on, hide, pop up again then fire in LOBL? Or is that tactic only for LOAL?

There's a confusing dashed crosshair on the screen that stays there once the gunner see's vehicles, is it meant to stay there or should it move? In not talking about the gunners aiming crosshair. I think they are called target crosshair.

One last question mate:

PNVS. I don't have trackIR but instead I double click the alt key to allow me free look with my mouse. I'm having trouble free looking while using the PNVS. Is that normal? I've tried it both with head tracking on & off. Can I only free look using the PNVS if I'm using something like trackIR?

I will have a vid of me using the missiles soon if that will help show what I'm doing wrong.

Thanks for all the support mate

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The dashed crosshair is the weapon crosshair, you have two of them on the HDU.

The central one which is always solid and does not move which is simply the center point of the HDU, and then the dashed crosshair which represents where the TADS is looking, if the gunner has a target then chances are this crosshair will always be on that target.

You also need to make sure that the ACQ sensor is the FCR and not TADS and to check your radar/tsd range to ensure that it is not set too short...for example 0.5 when you need 1.0 to see the target on the screen.

You don't need the radar page itself active, you just need the radar sweeping.

Here is a quick video I made some time ago for someone that had a similar problem, make sure your WPN page matches the one shown here and that you TSD zoom allows you to see the target.

PNVS can be used to look freely either with the mouse or numpad keys but I think you need to toggle freelook off.

Edited by NodUnit

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Hi Franze, thanks for your reply above. I'm still trying to get my head to understand the missiles, I was just playing around with the default load out as ive not worked out how to make the ammo hemit in arma 3 work yet. Anyway using the LOBL sometimes I would get a solid box & other times I wouldn't. My gunner would see the vehicles but just couldn't lock on to the tank! Most other mraps was fine. I think I had these settings:

FCR set on on g with the ground radar working (targets showing on there)

Hellfires said SAL - default weapons


Scroll through to select the vehicle I want hit.

Gunner aims, dashed box is on screen

Turn the chopper so the front is almost seeing the target.

Sometimes the square goes solid, fire, good hit.

Sometimes the box stays dashed. What I'd like to learn is what's the gunner missing? I'm about 2ks away from target, height is over any hills but still a dashed box.

That radar in the right MFD? Am I right in thinking that to get proper LOS lock on it must face the target? Can I hide, pop up, get lock on, hide, pop up again then fire in LOBL? Or is that tactic only for LOAL?

There's a confusing dashed crosshair on the screen that stays there once the gunner see's vehicles, is it meant to stay there or should it move? In not talking about the gunners aiming crosshair. I think they are called target crosshair.

One last question mate:

PNVS. I don't have trackIR but instead I double click the alt key to allow me free look with my mouse. I'm having trouble free looking while using the PNVS. Is that normal? I've tried it both with head tracking on & off. Can I only free look using the PNVS if I'm using something like trackIR?

I will have a vid of me using the missiles soon if that will help show what I'm doing wrong.

Thanks for all the support mate

All kinds of objects can block your LOS, not just the ground. If there's another vehicle or a building in the way, your LOS can be obscured. The SAL select box on the weapons MPD only applies to SAL missiles; the only way to determine SAL or RF is the missile icon itself:


In the words of Yoda: "You must unlearn what you have learned."

The FCR isn't an exclusive targeting system; it's a sensor package. It collects data for the aircraft's systems and allows you to employ any weapon against data collected by the FCR. This is why RF missiles can be used on the NR; TADS is treated as another sensor system that can pass data to the weapons. However, the three targeting modes - FCR/G, FCR/A, and TADS/HMD - all serve to categorize which sensor system or mode you want to actively use for data. SAL missiles, since they operate only with laser designation, require either a laser code (remote designation), a visible laser spot (using the TADS to track a laser), or the laser designator on the TADS (the traditional 'tab lock'). What this means is that the SAL missiles require TADS to be the selected sensor regardless of your data source as that is what SAL missiles use (unless using remote designation). SAL missiles make no distinction between LOBL or LOAL - the various modes only affect trajectory. You can launch in LOBL and then acquire a target and the missile will try to hit it.

When you are using the FCR as your selected sensor, you'll end up with both the BI targeting box and the IHADSS targeting box designating two different targets. The BI targeting box cannot be removed as it is hard coded, so the target indicated by the IHADSS is always the 'true' target.

The crosshair always present in the center of the IHADSS indicates the aircraft's centerline and your HMD aiming point.

The PNVS only works with the numpad arrow keys/manual look keys, or with the analog head tracking axises. Freelook 'turns' the mouse off and makes it difficult to capture mouse inputs for use with PNVS.

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Thanks guys for your replies. They helped me understand loads. By accident I managed to get the PNVS working before reading this. If anyone is interested, that's like me and don't have a joystick, this is what i find works best. The normal wsad keys for movement, double press my left alt for my free look (move mouse like head to look), then when I'm in PNVS mode I use the 486 & 2 keys on the numpad. The PNVS works fantastic that way. I think the apache can be flown without a joystick but I'm finding I defently need pedals for the rockets, it's just so hard trying to use the keyboard rudder controls. Today I managed to use arma 3 vehicle ammo truck for rearming & that was also a game changer. In my opinion the only thing I struggle with now is the lack of contact with the ground in arma 3. Other than that, this is the best chopper ive ever played with in arma 3. The next thing on my list to learn is the "how to kill the AA without being killed" & how to defeat the opfor manpads.

Thanks once again

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Thanks guys for your replies. They helped me understand loads. By accident I managed to get the PNVS working before reading this. If anyone is interested, that's like me and don't have a joystick, this is what i find works best. The normal wsad keys for movement, double press my left alt for my free look (move mouse like head to look), then when I'm in PNVS mode I use the 486 & 2 keys on the numpad. The PNVS works fantastic that way. I think the apache can be flown without a joystick but I'm finding I defently need pedals for the rockets, it's just so hard trying to use the keyboard rudder controls. Today I managed to use arma 3 vehicle ammo truck for rearming & that was also a game changer. In my opinion the only thing I struggle with now is the lack of contact with the ground in arma 3. Other than that, this is the best chopper ive ever played with in arma 3. The next thing on my list to learn is the "how to kill the AA without being killed" & how to defeat the opfor manpads.

Thanks once again

Read the .pdf of the addon, it includes a "flight training center" part. In a summary, try to limit your FCR scans (if you wanna stick with the reality, you'll get more chance to be detected by enemies radars if yours is on). When your FCR is on, pick up the targets and define priority targets, first are airborne targets, then AA targets, and finally tanks and light armored vehicules. Concerning MANPADS, use your termal cameras to scan hills while performing your NAV, and ask your gunner to use his FLIR aswell. try to cover a maximum vision angle according to your flightpath in order to avoid bad surprises or missiles launches. Since there's not yet flares on the AH64D for Arma 3, if you get a launch signal, you better act quickly or you'll get shot down, even under IR/RF jammers. By the way RF jammers are useless in real life under 10nm. Learn the missiles behaviours and types, some of them heads to the nose of the aircraft, others aim for your tail. The key is to beam them (notche), once again, google for this. I won't explain this deeply because I don't think it's well managed on Arma, but if you play on DCS aswell, I can teach you few things on this "real" simulator. Use the terrain to cover your moves, don't fly too high nor too low or infantries may be mad at you. If you play in a good team ask ground squads to recon the area for AA launchers (AA soldiers are the most deadly thing for us).When you engage, use the distance and terrain to your advantage. I usually engage at 4kms behind hills, forests, rocks... Confirm your target twice with your gunner by matching range and heading. Shot and move to another spawn, avoid self exposure at maximum and stay tuned with your JTAC. There are a bunch of technics in the PDF for engagements. You'll need to work with a real gunner, not an AI. I do fly with mine since a year, we are from CPA n°20 (check Youtube if you wish) and we are working hard every weeks, mastering this beautiful aircraft.

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Hi guys...Thank you for great work (nodunit, franze) ... i have one question ... what about missing sound of cannon (and other weapon systems too) ? I saw this question for 2 times here...but no answer...i have same problem with these sounds of weapons too..I am shooting (pilot or gunner) and evething is okay but...sound is missing...Sorry for my weak english and thank you for fast answer...

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Hi guys...Thank you for great work (nodunit, franze) ... i have one question ... what about missing sound of cannon (and other weapon systems too) ? I saw this question for 2 times here...but no answer...i have same problem with these sounds of weapons too..I am shooting (pilot or gunner) and evething is okay but...sound is missing...Sorry for my weak english and thank you for fast answer...

Is this with Arma 2 or Arma 3? If it's arma 3 we can't help with that at this time.

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v1.32 has been released.


- Modified data transfer mechanics.

- Fixed bug with PNVS and FLIR lenses on the model.

- Fixed multiplayer bugs with scripting not initializing.

- Added CPG control options when AI is piloting.

- Modified model UV coordinates.

- Fixed bug with multiplayer missile avoidance.

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Have you guys messed around with the visual state version of the modelToWorld, etc commands in A3?

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v1.32 has been released.


- Modified data transfer mechanics.

- Fixed bug with PNVS and FLIR lenses on the model.

- Fixed multiplayer bugs with scripting not initializing.

- Added CPG control options when AI is piloting.

- Modified model UV coordinates.

- Fixed bug with multiplayer missile avoidance.

Thank you very much for your work.

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Have you guys messed around with the visual state version of the modelToWorld, etc commands in A3?

Can't yet, those commands aren't available until ArmA3 is updated to 1.27.

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Can't yet, those commands aren't available until ArmA3 is updated to 1.27.

Really, I thought they were in the dev branch already?

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