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Havoc Uniform - Low quality first person

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Good morning gentleman,

I'm having a problem which I believe other people do not have.

best shown using a screenshot.

First Person


Third Person


as you can see the first person is of low quality, I had it normal for a run. But a soon as I restarted the game it went low again.

now my way of converting is as follows Photoshop>PNG>Texview2>Paa.

Is this the problem or am I overlooking something.

could it be that it is in fact my RIG or?

anyway if someone has an explanation and perhaps a solution it would be much appreciated, and now were talking anyway. It seems that I am not capable of removing the american flag from the shoulder patch? is this going to be fixed or?

Thank you for your time.


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Try saving it as a tga instead of PNG before converting it to the paa file.

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Still the same problem, also looking at other uniforms made I appear not to be the only person.

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I have the problem in 3rd person. I always convert the files by PSD>TGA>PAA. The way it looks now, the (relatively big) text on my armpatches are absolutely unreadable.

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Is this lower quality than the paa file?

Tour third person image has the texture a ways away from the camera, and the first person has it right in front of the camera. At the outset, without any further information than the image, it would seem to be a texel ratio problem.

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It shouldn't be to give you more information, they are the standard NATO templates you can get from Armaholic with a camo pattern "over" it.

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The textures will only appear as good up close as you have your texture settings in the graphics options - you clearly have your textures set below high/very high as I can see the text on the side of the MX assault rifle is also blurred.

What Max is saying is that the textures look better in third person despite being loaded at the same texel size as they are in first person, because the camera is further back and this means the texels are spread over fewer pixels within the final image.

Edited by da12thMonkey

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What da12thMonkey is saying is probably definitely true if your paa size is allowing for greater than 1 texel per screen pixel at that (very close) distance. At lower texture or video ram settings, textures will be displayed at greater mipmaps than the first, effectively halving (or more!) the resolution of your texture.

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