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More realistic artillery system? requiring coordinates etc. not mapclick

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hey folks,

Is there a more realistic system for using artillery/mortars? I don't like the mapclick option really, I want more of a challenge when calling in death from above.

***I also want something that will work after respawn in a MP mission, modules currently do not.***

Please advise on the best system that is a bit of a challenge to execute.

Back in OFP Resistance days I played with a system that you put in the map coordinates, then a 1-10 number left to right and up down (I believe it was something like that) for where in the square on the map the shells would fall. You could also choose from many types of shells and various patterns of fire, rolling barrage etc. Back then that seemed super annoying and pointlessly hard and I would have loved a map click option, now however I want it to be more challenging to call in mortars on enemies and would like a coordinate based system, or something more user input based.

Please advise if you have come across this in your travels.


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Try the ACE2 howitzer and mortar simulation on for size. It's almost exactly like the real thing, only with button presses instead of manipulating the weapons' cranks and optics.

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Not exactly what you are after but I made an A2 script (Which I might redo a bit better for A3) that required actual adjustment; you still use a map click for the target grid but the rounds have more realistic first shot accuracy and you have to adjust (left/right and add/drop) to get the point of impact on target before fire for effect. Note this doesnt use real arty pieces - you set up simulated ones in the editor (You can specify round type, ammo, first round accuracy, fire for effect dispersion etc too)


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How to make whole artillery platoon or battery fire at once? If I have 9 mortars linked to an artillery provider module, I can call shots from individual mortars. If they are in a group and I call for 9 rounds, they fire after one another. I want a platoon or battery to fire at once so that the shells of 3 or 9 guns land within the same second. Big boom!

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