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Multiple ladder get off points?

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Hi all,

I'm making a huge radio tower, and I want to have a single very long ladder running up through its center.

There are two floors, so I was wondering if it's possible/would work to have the ladder with a choice of getting off on the first floor or not, and if not then carrying on up the ladder to the top floor where Unit will get off?

Is this a workable solution please?



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My first thought is this is not possible with the current hard code.

Pretty sure you can only define an array of get-on and get-off points along the centre-line.

Don't know of any way to "exit" .... except death.

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Damn, so I should put the ladder on the "south" facing part of the tower upto the first floor where it'll end, then put another ladder on the "north" facing part from the first to the second floor...

Cheers anyway Gnat

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You could script your own ladder climbing function. Not sure if you'd go that far though :P

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You can try to do "more ladders" with same START point and different END points, but I am not sure about the useability of that. Better solution should be ladders on each floor.

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Hi guys, yes I went with th ladders on each floor solution about 1 month ago lol..! ;)


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sorry for the late response but would it be possible to have more than one point defined as "exit"? for example. you have 5 points (one on each of 5 floors) that are the points you want to get off at, but then you select all of them and name them "exit" in O2. Then you define them in the cfg as exit. I guess a similar concept to the littlebird miniguns, where you have two points defined as one thing.

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sorry for the late response but would it be possible to have more than one point defined as "exit"? for example. you have 5 points (one on each of 5 floors) that are the points you want to get off at, but then you select all of them and name them "exit" in O2. Then you define them in the cfg as exit. I guess a similar concept to the littlebird miniguns, where you have two points defined as one thing.

More than likely what would happen here is your character would just get off at the first exit.

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Look at the Arma 1 Hotel, it has ladders that offer you a "climb up/climb down" option for the next floors ladder before you get off the previous floors ladder, as long as you slect climb up, you never break from the climbing action as you ascend floors.

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You should add a script with adds a menu option, and it just shows at all times while the players on the ladder. In that way he makes the option when to get off the ladder. The script can move him back, or what ever idea you have.

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