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Arma 3 Altis: Will there be any Main/Two Way streets ?

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I've recently noticed that there are no main roads or two way streets in any of the content or screenshots BIS has released of Arma 3, I know its a bit of odd question, but on a huge island like Altis stuck on one way roads and dirt tracks would be a huge disappointment (especially to those of us who play on life servers.) Surely BIS would have nice mix of terrain including a urban street like area? (Like Chernogorsk or Elektrogorsk)

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Just was wondering if BIS would adapt the map to suit for added game play ( More main roads) . In my opinion it would only make sense.

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If with 2 way street you would mean some main road/highway then that would be really cool, even the Fallujah map has a highway :)

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If with 2 way street you would mean some main road/highway then that would be really cool, even the Fallujah map has a highway :)

Yeah exactly, hopefully BIS does do something.

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Roads are cool, but are there going to be any rivers?

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Is that a go kart track or something, dale?

Also, in the first Gamescom videos I thought we saw two way roads.

Yeah, certainly looks like it buddy. :)

Got a link to that video?

This is another view of the "Go Cart Track" in relation to the airport: https://maps.google.com/?ll=39.918969,25.233986&spn=0.013972,0.025513&t=h&z=16

Edited by dale0404

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What the locals considered a round-about was actually a tiny well in the middle of a road.

But to answer your question -yes there are

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I used to live on Lemnos and I'm here to tell you that yes, there are two way roads.

I hadn't thought differently tbh.

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Two way roads do sound quite cool, maybe a circular motor/high way going around the island with branches off. (Like the M5 here in London, goes the whole way round london)

It would add so much realism into the game being as most big islands have them now anyway. :p

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