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Creating enemies in random positions

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Hey, is there an easy way to select a radius and have enemies randomly spawn in this radius?

I thought the modules would work but then I tried spawning Opfor in Agia Marina only 3-4 guys spawn in the very middle even when the radius covers the entire area around Marina.

Creating a clump of enemies with spawn radius also works like shit because all except one guy spawns in the default position anyways.

Gonna keep experimenting.

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put down a marker in the center of where you want the units to spawn

_spawnCenter = getmarkerpos "markerName";

_radiusX = **put number here**;
_radiusY = **put number here**;

_randomX = random _radiusX;
_randomY = random _radiusY;

_randomPositionSelect = random 9;
if (_randomPositionSelect >= 5) then {_randomX  = _randomX; _randomY = _randomY}else {_randomX = _randomX - (2*_randomX); _randomY = _randomY- (2*_randomY);};

_spawnPos = [_spawnCenter select 0 + _randomX , _spawnCenter select 1 + _randomY, _spawnCenter select 2];

_group = [_spawnPos, EAST, "GROUPTYPE"] call bis_fnc_spawnGroup;

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put down a marker in the center of where you want the units to spawn

_spawnCenter = getmarkerpos "markerName";

_radiusX = **put number here**;
_radiusY = **put number here**;

_randomX = random _radiusX;
_randomY = random _radiusY;

_randomPositionSelect = random 9;
if (_randomPositionSelect >= 5) then {_randomX  = _randomX; _randomY = _randomY}else {_randomX = _randomX - (2*_randomX); _randomY = _randomY- (2*_randomY);};

_spawnPos = [_spawnCenter select 0 + _randomX , _spawnCenter select 1 + _randomY, _spawnCenter select 2];

_group = [_spawnPos, EAST, "GROUPTYPE"] call bis_fnc_spawnGroup;

And then?

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And then?

my fault, i should have explained more

1. Put down a n central marker and give it a name

2. Put down a trigger and give it a condition

3. Open notepad (or a text editor -- not Word)

3a. Copy the above code into notepad

3b. Replace the "markerName" with your marker name in ""

3c. Replace the **number here with a number. I recommend 100 (means the max ditance the unit can spawn from the marker is 100 units away)

3c. Replace the "GROUPTYPE" with the config entry for a group type

4. Save the file as **.sqf

5. In the mission editor place this in the trigger on act. field

_nul = [] execVM "yourScriptName.sqf";

6. Play the mission and watch the enemy spawn

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Also an easy workaround is just to Group a unit with multiple markers -the game will randomly pick which location he spawns at.

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Check out my eos script. Easy to use and does exactly what you are looking for and more if you want

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