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Armor or cardboard?

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One shot one kill for the smaller armored vehicles. Here's what I did:

Using the really ugly LAV looking blue apc, I fired one shot from the anti personnel cannon and blew up a "Stryder". Another time, one shot took out it's wheels and made it useless, then 30 seconds later it blew up.

Using the more explosive round did similar.

Yet a little bird required more than 3 shots to blow up.

That vehicle could also use a sight adjustment function. anything under 200 yards meant crosshairs were useless. Usually mg's one those vehicles are like that but the main gun is pretty accurate.

And I would recommend the vehicles to carry more of the equipment that soldiers are not armed with. Like chemlights and other things like that. Since most soldiers don't carry those things, they would be useful when they come across a need for them. Just get back to vehicle and get what you need. Like different explosives..

I won't get into how little ammo soldiers carry.

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I agree that the armour is slightly odd. It really shouldn't take 3 shots to damage a littlebird. Using a 40mm MGL I used up 40 rounds before a ka60 exploded... which is bemusing.

Meanwhile LAVs explode in 2-5 hits!

However... vehicles already carry ammo and gear in the back by default, depending on the type of vehicle they carry different things. The LAVs carry missiles and ammo whilst the kamaz carries FAKs.

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I know they already carry stuff. I just wanted them to carry a few more items that it's infantry doesn't. Like a stryker squad. The vehicle supports the infantry. They get out and take care of business. Then they come across a dug in enemy they can't get to. So they go to the stryker and pull out an AT weapon to destroy the dug in enemy.

Here in Arma, You might be in a stryder and you get to an area where a truck blocks the road. The stryder should have a couple explosives on board to take it out. Or it could be night time and you need to signal someone because your stryder broke down. Smoke won't help. So they go inside and pull out some chem lights. None of the squad is carrying them, so the vehicle should.

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HP systems has to be gone from Arma 3. I wouldn't mind seeing only armors or tanks being disabled on full blown up state (wrecks). Make them suffer from compartment/equipment damaged only ie. tracks, turret, hull etc

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I know they already carry stuff. I just wanted them to carry a few more items that it's infantry doesn't. Like a stryker squad. The vehicle supports the infantry. They get out and take care of business. Then they come across a dug in enemy they can't get to. So they go to the stryker and pull out an AT weapon to destroy the dug in enemy.

Here in Arma, You might be in a stryder and you get to an area where a truck blocks the road. The stryder should have a couple explosives on board to take it out. Or it could be night time and you need to signal someone because your stryder broke down. Smoke won't help. So they go inside and pull out some chem lights. None of the squad is carrying them, so the vehicle should.

Yeah, I agree. I think it adds a lot to a mission to make a squad/fireteam depend on that sort of thing. I have a simple EOD mission that spawns on my beta testing ground mission and the players have to move along in the LAV and grab charges out of the rear to detonate explosives in the road. And it's absolutely realistic. An EOD team doesn't walk around on foot with 10 lbs of C4 in a team member's vest. They keep it in the rear with the gear.

That said, I almost wish that vehicles were just empty and there was a better way to at least add weapons, ammo, etc to cargo so you could easily set up the loadout you want, so you could have an EOD loadout or recon loadout, etc. But a more realistic preset would be nice. Most military vehicles have a lot of stuff, especially APCs, for troops to use, from AT-4s to det charges to medical suplies. Not just a million different smoke grenades :p

I also think that the way vehicles take damage in general needs a lot of work. As was said before, the KA60 is built like a freakin tank on steroids but the LAV is made of paper. A slam (charged blast that doesn't even go up against the engine compartment in any way) managed to completely total the engine and half of our wheels at some point, which seems a bit odd. Had it been in bottom attack mode, that might have made sense, but side attack near the center of the vehicle pointing out towards a wheel? Not buying that that should have totalled the engine.

And vehicles just need to stop exploding from any and all damage. I damage my ATV from a big jump, tap a wall, and a huge explosion occurs, it's ridiculous. Filling a vehicle with rounds shouldn't make it explode in most cases even, let alone a simple impact. I wish that vehicles would be disabled more often than totally destroyed.

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I like that the US APC is amphibious, it's my new SDV. Screw stealth entries. BD

How many 40mm grenades in real life would take to blow up an LAV? The opfor used a pretty good amount.

The LAV splash damage needs work, or it's hit detection does. I fired at a group of three guys with like 6 explosive rounds and they survived O_o

Basically if you don't directly hit them they seem to be okay most of the time, the 40mm anti infantry rounds seem okay, they don't make a very big impact so it's hard to see where they hit if you don't hit a person with it.

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