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improve aircraft immersion

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I'm a arma fan and a Falcon BMS Fan.


For information, Altis is about 25 Km long, so with a modern combat plane it take less than 2 mn to cross.

It would be good to improve immersion of plane in Arma 3.

I don't know if there is something planed about that but the problem with plane in arma is that the map is to small (only for planes ;) )

I thing that to improve immersion of planes pilots. the time that they spend in cockpit before arrive on the objective is important.

so it would be cool to make a system (virtual) to spawn waypoints and planes on carrier (or not) very far from the island (400 Km) to let pilots preparing the air-ground strike.

so with that it would be possible to improve planes radars system (with air defence circle on radar).

and the weapon system.

AIM-120 range --> 50 KM and more (AA)

AGM-88 HARM range --> 150 KM and more (to strike air-defence)

AGM-65 Maverick range --> between 13 KM et 27 KM. (to strike tanks)

Edited by gonza

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In b4 ARMA ees not flight-sim!!!!1111!!one!111!!!eleven!!!

In all seriousness, the biggest thing that irked me about fixed-wing flight in ARMA was the tendency to stall at the slightest maneuver. If they can fix that and improve long-range air-to-air combat, I'll be content. Radar was lacking for fighter planes, so nearly all combat was done via VFR (aka, seeing the target with your own eyes rather than with radars).

Edited by Laqueesha

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Ahhhh good old Falcon.... many hours spent playing that great game! With larger maps (who knows - even bigger than Altis?) air combat would be VERY important indeed. However, we would need some radar scripts (something like the Radar system that Mandoble did & others in Arma2 etc) to be attached to the MFDs (Multi function displays).

Having something like the Falcon in Arma3 would be just amazing!

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If you use the set position etc initialization for a unit, it can easily be 200km from the island and in the alpha I had used 2500km as a test BUT there are problems with the sea animation that get progressively worse the more beyond 200km you get.

200km is ok for boats as you are close to the water, 300km is ok for helicopters and you could probably push 500km to 750km with aeroplanes IF you fly high enough above the sea, but at 2500km the sea shimmers lots as it appears the sea animations gets out of phase.

Still ~ 200km away still gives a ~ 400km by ~ 400km area of sea and land which can mean ~1h of flying in a helicopter just to get to land or ~3h by the fastest boat just to get to the closest bit of land.

Will see later if the sea at distance >250km has improved with the beta. ;)

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I'd be happy if they had working CCIP by default in the engine. I had fun hacking it in myself for ACE, but come on, the default system is a joke. It based on nothing and is just pretty looking moving green lines. Feels like a really poorly made kids toy (as does most of the HUD symbology).

That being said, there is nothing stopping the community from making any of this stuff right now, with the exception of a better terrain engine that'd allow for much longer view distances.

A better fixed wing FDM can be implemented via callExtension.

Models with clickable cockpits can be added with ease (that tech has been around since Arma 1).

MFD displays can be done now with relative ease (even easier if BIS gave us render to texture sources that are dialogs).

The HUD can be done via hacks. I've replaced the CCIP system, the A-10 gun pipper, and the FPM in ACE to actually be useful.

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I don't want falcon in arma but just some feature more real than in arma 2


CCIP (no guided bombs)


PIP with weapon cam on mdf


AGM-65 Maverick


laser guided bombs


air air radar


air ground radar with air defence circle, way-points



I don't thing that it's impossible to add that (or something near) with the pip,the map without wall ...

if you have a long range to fly, you can fly in formation, refuel...

Edited by gonza

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It's all possible but I garuntee you will never see any of it on game package aircraft.

PIP at best but that is it.

I'd love to see more aircraft functionality but outside of addons I don't think we will, you have to consider the method of commanding these actions IE keys or action menu, and then there is that thing about...balance? I duno, I just don't see them giving ground and air radars any thought when you already have the standard all seeing radar for all vehicles...including...tanks...and non radar equipped helos...*sigh*

Edited by NodUnit

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Isn't BMS the game with the entire Korean peninsula?

I think that can be done with Flashpoint,but with Arma 3?No,the bad part in having a game with awesome graphics and physics is the limitations.

You will have the ocean around it to play with,which makes sense since the Navy is the one playing the important part in this.


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The limitation has nothing to do with the fidelity of A3 or the physics engine, it has to do with the sub-par terrain engine that has basically remained unchanged for close to 10 years now.

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Just put Altis and Stratis on the same map and place like 50 kilometers of sea between them -> better playground for jets.

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Just putting PiP on the lowest setting cuts my FPS from 30 to 22, so I guess a lot of systems wouldn't be able to handle planes using it anyway.

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