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Buying rights from BI to use Real Virtuality 4 for indie game develpment?

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I have been a long time player of the Arma series and I would like to develop a indie game using the Real Virtuality 4 engine. Has anyone inquired about developing a indie game on the engine? I saw that a game was developed on the Arma 2 engine by a outside company, and I really like the improvement I have seen to the engine having played the Arma 3 alpha and the engine seems like it would be a great platform for the development of my game.

Does anyone have any information about this?


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I received no reply after numerous attempts.

Edited by Masterdebator

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Please contact me on this subject (as a game producer, not BI dev).

Edited by Smookie

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Smookie has not replied to my message sadly. Does anyone else have any experience or information about licensing from BI to use the RV4 engine for indie development?

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Smookie has not replied to my message sadly. Does anyone else have any experience or information about licensing from BI to use the RV4 engine for indie development?

Hello Masterdebator, welcome to the forums. Please try to be patient, remember, we have several titles on the way, so everyone is incredibly busy, so please do not take a several day delay personally or as a negative response, it simply implies a lack of time.

Take care

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No worries, Smookie replied to me the other day, thank you for you time.


Edited by Masterdebator

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