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Whoa! Performance!

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Am I imagining things, or has performance greatly improved since the last 2 developer patches? (before I achieved 25 fps on 1500 obj render distance, and 4000 terrain distance, now I get 35 at 3000 obj distance and 6000 terrain distance, running exactly the same settings otherwise)


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Good to see someone having one of those old dinosaurs as I do. Got a Q6600 myself and ArmA performs great. 30-45fps. You should overclock though, because these old quad chips are pretty good at that, think you wouldn't even need to raise your voltage to get 3.0-3.2Ghz at least and that will definitely give a boost.

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Good to see someone having one of those old dinosaurs as I do. Got a Q6600 myself and ArmA performs great. 30-45fps. You should overclock though, because these old quad chips are pretty good at that, think you wouldn't even need to raise your voltage to get 3.0-3.2Ghz at least and that will definitely give a boost.

Nice! That was my old old chip going back almost 5 years. The fact that you can run modern games with it is pretty impressive. Hell, when I 'upgraded' to a Phenom II x6 1100T (overclocked to 4Ghz) I felt like it wasn't even an upgrade at all. Intel just dominates hardcore lol

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I have four fps check area’s, each of these are with one unit placed in the editor:

This is a variety of dev builds, plus the standard Alpha, results: (same time of day etc)




Lighthouse (NW)

I have also tested with different amounts of ai on the map with a couple of WP’s each, away from the player unit.

These are pretty good as well, link here.

I check each of these places on each dev build and they all have increased, so its all going in the right direction.

Not for everyone I know, but its per system it seems and not system type..

This is all on my A2 pc (sig)..;)

Edited by ChrisB

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Nice! That was my old old chip going back almost 5 years. The fact that you can run modern games with it is pretty impressive. Hell, when I 'upgraded' to a Phenom II x6 1100T (overclocked to 4Ghz) I felt like it wasn't even an upgrade at all. Intel just dominates hardcore lol

the phenom II is still a briliant chip for multi use though. not so great for current gen for games, but they where damm good for AUTOCAD and SOLIDWORKS at that price, otherwise you needed a xenon or somehting starting at 1000NZD (that gen hyperthreading left things wanting)

OT:i'm also noticing a bit of a imporvement in smothness

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I would love to overclock but I have an oem pc (hp) and setfsb doesnt support my pll chip (cv193dpag)

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Glad your performance incresed but we already have threads covering performance.

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