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boarding animation

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hi guys.

I've noticed that, when I board as pilot in a chopper, there is the full animation but there is then a very small/quick black faded screen.

same if I'm on the external seat of the MH-9 (boarding or disembarking) - whereas the guy IS on the seat at the end of the animation.

dunno if I'm clear though...

anyway, what I try to say is this:

with full animation, we have the guy who board in the chopper/on the seat and then who IS seated.

however, there still is the transition from "not in the chopper" - "seated in the chopper" (the black faded screen).

is it possible to remove it so that we just have the animation of the guy boarding in the chopper and then ready for action?

or is the transition (black faded screen) really needed?

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Even without any boarding animations I'd prefer no fading black transitions. It's just annoying.

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Hope they will remove that, too.

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Yeah, but maybe it is necessary, I really dunno.

But if not it would be much more fluid to have a single boarding animation, with no transition.

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There are perfectly working boarding animations for Little Bird but that black screen fade is just annoying and unnecessary.

I guess they will eventually remove it for vehicles that will have boarding animations.

For example cars that have none do need fade-to-black effect since it makes the transition smooth instead of an instant teleport into the car seat.

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Yeah, I agree for the car, but please, not the vehicles which already have a full animation...

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Generally speaking, the doors should be animated when the driver/pilot got in.

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