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Is there a definitive section for custom unit textures?

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Hello gentlemen/ladies:

Many people are making bloody fantastic re-textures of the stock ARMA3 units until we have the proper tools to do vehicles and such. I have made buildings, done some vests, helmets and so forth but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do this.

I simply want to take the stock models, re texture them, and then have them arranged in game under a nice menu with custom names and such. I have not a clue, and I cannot find any tutorials on the matter..

Could anyone link me to something or just shout it out here?


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You can use the six config browser to find the config of the units and see which hidden selections it uses if any.

Usually they are 'camo', 'camo1', or 'camo2'.

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But as for renaming the units and such, and creating new units with the old model just re-textured, how is that attained?

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But as for renaming the units and such, and creating new units with the old model just re-textured, how is that attained?

Are you serious ?

your honestly saying you cant see any Information / threads or releases for retextured units for alpha 3 ?

Gonna be honest i entered here in good spirits but im kinda thinking your taking the piss a little ?

prove me wrong and i will pesonally make you a tutorial :)

as a bonus i will even give you a head start on the texture bit :


Edited by Thromp

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Not creating a mockery of anything in the least.

I see that tutorial and I believe that is what I wanted.. I understand the correct texturing process, but I was having issues with taking say, a Rifleman, renaming him to say.. Rifleman 2, and making him a separate entity in game, rather than simply re-texturing a existing unit.

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on those forums, you will not be spoon fed. Most information is around, and you will be given help, as long as you show some desire to learn stuff yourself, and ask when stuck, NOT before you even begin...please take it with a grain of salt.


Edited by PuFu
wrong copy paste

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