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helicopter landing

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Hi guys

I've tried searching for this and no one seems to be having the same trouble in ArmA 3 so apologies if they have and I missed it.

I am working on my first edited map and have set up a trigger that when any bluefore enters the designated area am opfor fireteam gets into a nearby helicopter takes off and flies around the island. when they return they are supposed to land in more or less the same spot they took off from and all get out.

This works perfectly accept the landing bit.

The chopper just hovers indefinetly above the landing zone.

I have the final wau point set to "get out", the combat mode "hold fire, fire at will" and the behaviour set to "safe".

I have found that if I move the way point a long distance away from the original take off point it seems to work but otherwise it just hovers.

Any ideas what I am doing wrong or is this just a bug that has yet to be dealt with?

Many Thanks


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First off welcome to the fourm. This has been talked about at least 100 times by now just to let you know. But If you dont have an invisible Helo pad, they will never land where you want to. Second are they landing under Fire? because this will never work or at least i cant make it. are the waypoints synced ( Get out with transport unload)

Get out is for the men and transport unload is for helo.

Good luck man

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also kinda new to scripting, just made my second mission with helicopter waypoints too. i think u have to set the last waypoint for the helicopter to: unload or unload transport

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you can learn a lot from youtube ! use the terms "arma helicopter extraction" or "arma helicopter insertion" its a good tutorial for beginners and fast learning !

gr Mike

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First off welcome to the fourm. This has been talked about at least 100 times by now just to let you know. But If you dont have an invisible Helo pad, they will never land where you want to. Second are they landing under Fire? because this will never work or at least i cant make it. are the waypoints synced ( Get out with transport unload)

Get out is for the men and transport unload is for helo.

Good luck man

Yes, first you need an invisible helipad at your landing/tranport unload waypoint, and if there are enemies and you want to force the helo to land anyway (even if under fire), you need to put :

this disableAI "AUTOTARGET"

in the initialization of the helo.

edit: if it doesn't work (I don't remember what I do usually :) ) you can put this in the init:

this disableAI "TARGET";this disableAI "AUTOTARGET";this allowfleeing 0;this setbehaviour "CARELESS"

the pilot won't pay attention to any threat then.

Edited by super-truite

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Hi guys

Thanks for the awesome response and help.

I'm going to give these solutions a go tommorrow so will let you know how I got on :cool:

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there was a script made back in A2AO that did a tactical combat insertion. Found It . This is not mine iam just posting it so give some one ideas, all the credit goes to the maker of the script. whould like to know if this can be merged over to A3.


Edited by sgt_Savage2003

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Just a quick update guys, this was caused by needing to insert a helipad. Works great now.

Many Thanks for all your help. :cool:

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Hopefully by the time of the main release will not have to jump through hoops get get a simple task done. Because everyone is a good coder.

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I don't think there is much hoop jumping on this topic. I personally, don't understand why this has been asked sooo many times and people are always putting out scripts to do this. I've never had any problem with it and I've never needed to code anything. You don't need a helipad even. you just need to know your waypoints. You need to understand what they mean and understand what you are doing. You have 2 separate groups that both need waypoints. The most common issue is that you need to know which group is doing the work. 90% of the time, the get out command is not what makes them get out. It's the heli that throws them out most of the time. And most people seem to think that something is wrong with the wrong group. putting helipads can help but is not necessary.

A good tip is to learn to use the "assignascargo" command. If you put that in the infantry init assigning it to the heli you want, all you need to do is give infantry the "get in" waypoint and the heli will come get them wherever they are. They kind of become the heli's property, they belong to it. It helps with a lot of different scenarios.

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I didn't know about that the asignascargo command have that purpose. I'll check it now. Thanks for the info.

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Victim93 the big issue is not picking them up its droping them off under fire or when there is a bad guy within 500m. With the skill of the AI there is no reason why it should take forever to land and drop a group of men and then take off with out being shot down.

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