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Low-Ready Position

Low-Ready? Anyone...?  

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  1. 1. Low-Ready? Anyone...?

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... weapon is slightly lowered by default and you have to press and hold the mouse button to shoulder weapon
I think that it should be the standard position and you will only lift your weapon when aiming down sights, or have fired your weapon off in the last 30 seconds or so. This will help with people constantly pointing there guns in other peoples faces and will keep some people from firing from the hip unless they aren't exactly trying to hit (like taking pop-shots or suppressing)
That's the idea. Low-ready by default, right click will bring sights at the same speed as moving your head to look through them now.

Can add a button to toggle weapon to always ready state - won't make anything worse since most of the time you play it's not needed and you do want those additional 20% of FOV.

Obviously if you will just hit LMB it will quickly bring weapon to ready state (but without aiming down sights) and it will fire for as long as you hold LMB. May also add 3-4 seconds delay before lowering when you release LMB in case you just want to advance and do short non-aimed bursts down range making it comfortable.

I believe that would be the most convenient way to do it. Like that:

- Low ready is your standard stance;

- LMB pressed = unsighted fire (with poor accuracy);

- RMB hold/pressed = aim down the sights;

I.e. just replacing current unsighted shouldered stance with low ready stance.

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Thanks for the reply on a weekend smookie, I really appreciate it. When it's already implemented as animation, is there any way to mod it? Also about changing the #swag-walk to a one that's more... standard. :)

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I would love that too. Some ideas have been already put forward but they will need to wait until the campaign is fully released :)

There is something I don´t like about the current system. Say you are in a lowered crouch and then you reload your weapon. What happens is that you go back into crouch until you are finished reloading. I would love to use the stance system to lower myself a bit while I reload , but currently I have to go prone if I´m behind a low wall and want to be protected while reloading.

Are you going to work on this problem?

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Not here to de-rail with stuff from my thread. Just asking about the third frame in these pictures.




Would it be a viable low-ready stances? If animations were like this, then you'd always be in low-ready (third frame) by default. Pressing the assigned combat-pace button would bring the rifle up into your view pointing down-range (fourth frame), but not make you aim down your sights.

Not sure if you'd still be able to go straight from low-ready (third frame) into your sights, but I think pressing the RMB would bring you into your sights view. Once sighted, pressing RMB again will get you back to your low-ready stance (third frame).

Then there would also be the option to be in low-ready (third frame) and enable combat-pace and have your rifle shouldered and pointing down-range (fourth frame). Pressing RMB after that would get you into your sights, and pressing RMB once again would bring you back into the combat-pace stance with the rifle shouldered pointing down-range (fourth frame).

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There is something I don´t like about the current system. Say you are in a lowered crouch and then you reload your weapon. What happens is that you go back into crouch until you are finished reloading. I would love to use the stance system to lower myself a bit while I reload , but currently I have to go prone if I´m behind a low wall and want to be protected while reloading.

Are you going to work on this problem?

I dont think there are any plans for this since having weapon in the view when reloading is much more tacticool.

You can however use overlay addon that will change the mask of the kneeled stance to Context. When editing config for animations, you can add these lines in Actions -> RifleAdjustKneelBaseActions (or Pistol...)


This will cause the animation not to impose its own rotation of the hips bone. In other words - the character will stay leaned in the adjusted pose.

As for Low-ready pose, this is already achieved in DayZ and as such requires programming intervention to launch desired actions. Humble animator cant do much about it :) This feature, in ArmA3, is on my personal to-do (to-bitch-about) list for a long time but hasnt been confirmed yet.

---------- Post added at 15:25 ---------- Previous post was at 15:17 ----------

Think of tactical key as the tactical/low-ready toggle.So pressing it you can quickly toggle between shouldered and low-ready giving you the choice of having either the weapon up,to be able to quickly fire but with restricted view or weapon low-ready with better awareness but having to go to actual sights when enemy is spotted.Yes you could just press the lower weapon fully key but this adds in a bit of clunkiness with the extra key press.Plus it looks more realistic when the weapons are slightly lowered in 1st person/3rd person and also to other players.

I actually don't think this is a good idea. I would treat low-ready position as eye-candy only (or well, a feature that allows you to see 20% more of the screen, without reducing combat effectivness). One way out would be having the weapon to raise up automatically when firing but I would be afraid of common folks being confused about not seeing the weapon (or just the tip of it), wondering whether they can actually fire or not. After all, DayZ seems more like a third person game while ArmA3 tends to be played in FPS and therefore it would not be unreasonable to think that more standard FPS solutions should be preffered.

Edited by Smookie
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code code code codecdoeocoe

This will cause the animation not to impose its own rotation of the hips bone. In other words - the character will stay leaned in the adjusted pose.

Will it not cause any other weird results? If not, then I don't see why this hasn't found it's way into the game already :p

Does it work with switching from rifle to pistol too?

I actually don't think this is a good idea. I would treat low-ready position as eye-candy only (or well, a feature that allows you to see 20% more of the screen, without reducing combat effectivness). One way out would be having the weapon to raise up automatically when firing but I would be afraid of common folks being confused about not seeing the weapon (or just the tip of it), wondering whether they can actually fire or not. After all, DayZ seems more like a third person game while ArmA3 tends to be played in FPS and therefore it would not be unreasonable to think that more standard FPS solutions should be preffered.

I do see your point of players getting confused (the moment they first try it). But as an Ofp/ArmA player I would be more than happy to have this. Not a big concern I'd think for the A3 titles main crowd :)

Let's say it is implemented and you're standing there in a low-ready position:

Right-clicking will still bring up your sights. Just as before.

Left-clicking will raise your rifle for a few seconds (that's the only extra part). Left-clicking again after will fire your rifle.

And there's always the option to stay in combat-pace with your rifle always shouldered.

It's a little like the change of keys to have you throw grenades on "G". It was horrible at the beginning since all (ArmA) players were used to "G" as an inventory button, but now once everybody have gotten used to it, it is much more efficient.

It would (in theory):

solve some issues of accidentally firing on friendlies,

having to raise the weapon all the looong way from the waist,

give you 20% more of your screen,

go well with real-life ways of handling a rifle.

It already works like this in A3. But not while standing still or walking.

If you're jogging with your rifle raised, but not pointing it down-range, the rifle will get raised to your shoulders for about 3 seconds if you try to shoot.

After I've gone through the animations that are currently in use, it seems to be 4 types of animations missing from the set. 2 for idle stances, 2 for walking stances. So that'd be about 32 in total counting all the different movement directions needed. I'd gladly test something like this on the dev-build someday in the far away future.

Edited by AlexVestin

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I actually don't think this is a good idea. I would treat low-ready position as eye-candy only (or well, a feature that allows you to see 20% more of the screen, without reducing combat effectivness). One way out would be having the weapon to raise up automatically when firing but I would be afraid of common folks being confused about not seeing the weapon (or just the tip of it), wondering whether they can actually fire or not. After all, DayZ seems more like a third person game while ArmA3 tends to be played in FPS and therefore it would not be unreasonable to think that more standard FPS solutions should be preffered.

Oh come on. Even Bioshock Infinite has this feature and no one complained.

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I dont think there are any plans for this since having weapon in the view when reloading is much more tacticool.

You can however use overlay addon that will change the mask of the kneeled stance to Context. When editing config for animations, you can add these lines in Actions -> RifleAdjustKneelBaseActions (or Pistol...)

I´m not sure if you understood what I was trying to say, but thanks for the reply. I´ll try to be more clear.

If you are crouched or standing -> adjust your pose to be lower or higher (CTRL+S/W)

Try to reload

The stance will be changed to standard stand or crouch and will be changed back to low/high stance once the reloading is done.

What behaviour I would expect:

No forced change in stance while you reload, especially not in the lower stances since you usually lower your stance for a good reason (not getting your Head blown off).

A common scenario where the current behaviour is bad:

You are behind a low wall.

You can shoot over that wall while you are crouched.

You are in a firefight with the enemy.

You have to reload and you don´t want your head blown off while you do it.

You lower your stance (CTRL+S) so that your Head is not exposed.

Hit the reload key.

Oops your Head is back above the wall and may get blown off.

So, any change that this will be fixed?

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So, any change that this will be fixed?

Yes I understood your issue and provided temporary solution to the problem. I also suggest to make a ticket on feedback tracker so that it can reach the designers :)

@Low-ready replies

I am just expressing my and design concerns I have got in reply. Believe me that this idea has been passed over to consideration quite a few months ago.

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I must also correct myself.

Jogging with your rifle raised but not pointing down range and pressing RMB will not raise your rifle automatically. Pressing LMB will however raise your sights up seamlessly.


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Yes I understood your issue and provided temporary solution to the problem. I also suggest to make a ticket on feedback tracker so that it can reach the designers :)

@Low-ready replies

I am just expressing my and design concerns I have got in reply. Believe me that this idea has been passed over to consideration quite a few months ago.



Thanks for your time.

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barely anyone uses the in between stances due to the lack of intuitiveness and control issues. it would be much easier to just lean out quickly, scan or take a shot, then move back in. why an extra step with the stance lean plus an extra lean? the increased view angle doesn't help at all. also, all of the in between stances are missing turn animations. i think bis should finish the vanilla movements before adding more.

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I've seen more than a few devs saying that right now, most of the resources are going into "Performance tweaking/SP Campaign". Probably why some areas seems to be on hold, or just not that of a high priority anyways.

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I got something else for you.

I would love to be able to bind lower/raise Stance to my mousewheel so that I can switch through them fluidly without hitting CTRL. And since I can push my mousewheel to the sides I could also bind stance left/right to it. That would be awesome.

Is that possible?

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I got something else for you.

I would love to be able to bind lower/raise Stance to my mousewheel so that I can switch through them fluidly without hitting CTRL. And since I can push my mousewheel to the sides I could also bind stance left/right to it. That would be awesome.

Is that possible?

+1 for that.

Together with the disappearence of the ugly and bad to use scroll menu, it'd be awesome.

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