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Arma 3 3D editor in full release ?

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I wondered if an official 3D editor that allows to switch between 2D and 3D were expected to be released by BIS ?

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It was a feature at A3's announcment but it was droped last year (change in priorities), no word since then but I don't think they changed their minds.

The 2D editor is getting some really nice improvements but it doesn't help on getteing objects and units in place.

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Yeah, that's the main problem of the small pack i'm making : for making a building, i did cut floors into several mesh, but it's hard make every mesh fits another in 2D editor...

Too bad they droped it :/

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^ Also I believe if you use the 3D editor you must do the entire mission.sqm in the 3d editor.. ie you can't use it just to place objects then the regular 2D editor for other stuff. Please correct me if I'm wrong though.

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Yeah, i was aware of this mod, but... That's, again, not a user friendly method. :/

It looks like the old method to get 3D editor in arma 2, having to deal with 2D editor OR 3D editor...

But i guess it's the trademark of BIS : game with community editing tools for elites. And that makes me sad T_T

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Many of the "elites" would like to see the 3D editor become official as well.

It would cut down time to create scenario's by soooo much, it is SUCH a pain in the ass to go by icons that change size and then find out that they aren't to scale, so very archaic and...just a huge PITA.

I have mad respect for whoever has to lay down and line up fence-like objects on these maps.

Edited by NodUnit

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A simples version to just put down and manipulate objects (pre existing ones would be a bonus) would be enough, no need for trigger, waypoints and all that stuff.

Hope this doesn't get locked with a link to the wishlist thread. :j:

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this has been covered when people ask about why they made VBS2 a 3d editor but not ARMA 2. apprently the 3d editor was a significant amount of work, that was paid for by clients. but the time between requestment and implementation was several months of dedicated work, and was not polished

that was a direct request by clients paying alot of money and the return on work for a retail product is probally unjustified in economic terms for ARMA3

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And yet it's mostly there. VBS2's 3D editor has waaaay more features. All we'd like to see is the editor that is already there become official with some tweaking..yeah it's expensive but things like this are foundational by nature, one should also consider the amount of man hours saved in doing things such as this.

Rather than placing an item, pressing test, then repeating the process over to make sure everything lines up would take significantly more time and money than to see where you are placing things at all times and be done with it on the first go. To rotate and move things about on X Y and Z axis are really all that we're asking for, we don't need the fancy VBS abilities such as auto fencing and shaped dynamics, etc. Just to have what can already be on in 2d to be done in 3D (save for the Z axis since you had to use setheight right now)

For a quick example imagine you were populating a town of varying building heights with infantry. Each time you have to place the unit, type in the code, press test to make sure it lines up, rinse and repeat every single time.

Or you place a unit then use the axis points to manipulate location, drag the unit up to the building top and be done with it, taking merely seconds with little fine tuning. That benefits developer just as much as consumer.

Could be used for a different form of level design too, similar to what crysis did with wall and prop segments layed one after another in a certain way to create an interior environment or something like that, but nobody is going to want to do that when you have to match up icons that might not even show the start and end correctly nevermind adjusting height.

Edited by NodUnit

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Just found thise in Arma 3 website : feature_content_creation.jpg

Does this mean we will have a native 3D editor ? :D

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I would have thought if the 3D editor is included in the game BIS would have told us by now. But, they might be holding the announcement back as a surprise!! Always the optimist!

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that picture is on the website for a long, very long time allready. I believe I have posted the same thing in the first days the new website was launched. No responds from BIS.

And they look more like development pictures than a 3d editor anyway.

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