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Question on update 0.54 Arma 3 Alfa

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I want to know why please update 0.54 causes some problems Version 0.52 did not.

Since this update 95% of players servers that I frequent has the same problem, the game is more fluid latency does cause the game more enjoyable.

I represent a team of twenty players and we all have the same problem.

Could you please explain what we bring to it.

I present my apologies for this school is English and thank you in advance for all the answers make.


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With alpha builds, you can expect to see temporary steps back as well as (hopefully permanent ;)) steps forward.

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Since this update 95% of players servers that I frequent has the same problem, the game is more fluid latency does cause the game more enjoyable.

I think you'll need to try and explain your problem more clearly, because the above sounds like things got better, not worse. ;)

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I do not mean sound but rather the fluidity of games or therm latency is not at all the same as with the previous version of the game that is to say with version 0.52.

I think we are not talking about the same thing, and thank you again for your response.

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so the game is more fluent and less latence with latest patch? What are the problems then?

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so the game is more fluent and less latence with latest patch? What are the problems then?

No, sorry, I really have trouble expressing myself, it's quite the opposite I think the game is not as fluid as before

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I noticed that riding in a vehicle with a friend driving, it was turning and going over the terrain in little steps or jumps. That might be what Ethanael means.

Don't worry Ethanael, I'm sure it will be fixed on the next version.

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I noticed that riding in a vehicle with a friend driving, it was turning and going over the terrain in little steps or jumps. That might be what Ethanael means.

Thank you EDcase is exactly that, but there is no phenomenon that car when this product also walking, and I do not even helicopter jumps and there are really very important.

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Sounds like the network interpolation/prediction might be borked. Are you sure this wasn't just happening on one particular server or mission?

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I also saw notably worse performance last night on my dedi server, with only three players online.

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Agreed the lag and stuttering is worse on 0.54.

Also i thought the signature verification lag was meant to be fixed in this update ? no mention of it in the release notes

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Sounds like the network interpolation/prediction might be borked.

Even though i noticed that for vehicles in motion the mounted weapon interpolation got a lot smoother, the overall performance was worse and more lag was experienced.

Funny thing to notice it was not client side lag as usual, but all players to notice the lag simultaniously (so assumingly serverside)

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Sounds like the network interpolation/prediction might be borked. Are you sure this wasn't just happening on one particular server or mission?


I believed at first that this specific case came from the server, but after having tested several other servers with the same result, I have concluded that the fault was not due to servers but actually is the 0.54 update.

Also I am not alone in this, but several members of my clan arrive at the same result.

Thank you for that answer, and I hope that the next update will solve the problem.

---------- Post added at 05:50 ---------- Previous post was at 05:47 ----------

I also saw notably worse performance last night on my dedi server, with only three players online.

Hi Harzach,

Glad to see I'm not alone in having noticed that the new update.

---------- Post added at 05:58 ---------- Previous post was at 05:50 ----------

Agreed the lag and stuttering is worse on 0.54.

Also i thought the signature verification lag was meant to be fixed in this update ? no mention of it in the release notes


Also thank you to let me know your feelings about this (in my opinion) bad update.

---------- Post added at 06:07 ---------- Previous post was at 05:58 ----------

Funny thing to notice it was not client side lag as usual, but all players to notice the lag simultaniously (so assumingly serverside)


Well, after reading your answers so I think we all agree qe 0.52 alpha version of games was more fun to play this new version 0.54.

Hopefully the developers rectification this update quickly.

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Also thank you to let me know your feelings about this (in my opinion) bad update.

It has been said too many times to count, but just remember that this is an alpha build, and updates are likely to cause temporary problems along the way. There are a lot of good fixes/changes in .54, and we can reasonably assume that any problems introduced by it will be dealt with in a following update.

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I wouldn't say it's a bad update, It is how i expected an Alpha build to behave :)

As someone said in another post " 2 steps forward and 1 back " and that pretty much sums up how it's going, just be glad to be part of a great game and know that the best is still yet to come.

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