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All in Arma (AiA) - TKOH/OA/A2/A1 merge with A3

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@ Defunkt

PWS is capable of delta patching the files easily. The problems are elsewhere (see next response).

The IF patcher, which is the old one from BI, is also capable of delta patching, but its bad solution for many reasons.

@ galzohar

One general problem is that some people don't like to use PWS, some don't like some third party patcher,

some are incapable of using batch files, etc. So basically you have to provide multiple solutions. This means

a lot more effort of course.

The A2/OA data to AiA SA conversion feature didn't happen yet, as it requires work and Sickboy has way too

many other important work to do for PWS and his company.

The reason for AiA SA not on PWS is in the end a financial one - AiA SA with 18 GB is huge. Means more space

for the build server, for the distribution server and for the mirror network, as well as more download traffic.

Unfortunately this is not within the means possible currently.

In the end there is a lot of work and costs involved, yet the players are used to getting everything for free.

No one or only very few people are willing to pay for such service and work directly.

It's obviously more conformable to have this done indirectly via the 40% to Valve and relying on hobbyist to do

everything for free. The result that such project no longer/seldom will happen is just too elusive for most people to care.

@ TheCapulet

Let's be clear - right now the AiA merge version is deprecated and no longer supported.

As I am running a Patroen campaign, aka donation campaign, I am of course trying to learn the interest of players

to get a chance to convince some to join it. So if this project still holds importance to enough people, I will consider

putting some resources to it.

The general problem with the AiA merge version is that it is very different to AiA SA and AiA TP data wise.

As such it would require a different handling compared to the other two projects.

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It's not that it's hard to understand, it's just that the exact details are not known to the grand majority. Having this kind of information on the first post would save everyone a lot of trouble wondering why X/Y/Z isn't happening, and save you from re-answering the same questions as it is difficult for people to find the answers across multiple threads of more than 100 pages.

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Yep thats a fair point. I have been trying to improve that part, yet its easy to get side tracked

with some many threads, project and individual requests to be covered. :o

But as said based on people's feedback in here I consider to update it again.

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Hey everyone, I'm experiencing an issue with All In Arma that I can't get an answer for anywhere. I've looked on the known issues list, and though this is a glaring issue, is not there.

What's happening is that units that speak Russian, don't. The CDF, and Russian Opfors all speak English using the BLUFOR american accent, this is really annoying, as you might imagine; not only that, but the British don't have a British accent either. Is this on your fix list?

I can only assume this is fixable, because the Takistanis speak takistani, so no issues for those guys. I just can't understand how it seems no one has put this on the "Known Issues" wiki page of All in Arma, as it is a pretty big turn off, at least for me, from having All in Arma always on.

Can anybody help, or give some closure? Thanks!

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Firstly the amount of work that has gone into this and is going into this is amazing. I applaud your insanity.

Secondly these last few pages of the thread gave answered a lot of questions for me about the AiA projects. Gal, Cap, and Def basically asked all the questions I would have asked if I was more bold.

I have been wondering about the projects longevity considering the obstacles to success that even with thousands of hours of free labor the problem of distribution will remain.

The A2/OA data to AiA SA conversion feature didn't happen yet, as it requires work and Sickboy has way too

many other important work to do for PWS and his company.

It was a shame to read that. It seems like all the heavy content lifting projects will need a sickboy at some point.

This problem of manageability and distribution is one that will not be going away. As the size of CUP increases it will inherit the same problems faced by AiA. You mention Steam. What does the Steam solution look like?

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@ 5harp5hot

Works in the latest AiA SA version for me. Did you try it yet?

@ vicx

1) One can download AiA SA via torrent or Mega.

2) It is recommended to combine AiA SA (lite) with AiA HQ.

3) CUP is soon to release the first assets. These will get integrated into AiA SA.

Steam is currently limited to one pbo, 1 GB max size and one modfolder. No way to get AiA projects on there.

Edited by .kju [PvPscene]

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Thanks for the reply kju! In the standalone, ah I see, I've been using the non standalone version, will give standalone a try!

Edited by 5harp5hot

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Steam is currently limited to one pbo' date=' 1 GB max size and one modfolder. No way to get AiA projects on there.[/quote']

What about as an "official" mod, similar to DayZ Mod?

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@ TheCapulet

I guess you mean as free DLC as part of the game.

That would mean BI and the A3 leadership would had to agree to that.

Aside from that I have no idea if and what restrictions or conditions Valve has for such free DLC.

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Hey Kju, I wanted to follow up on my reply, so to my knowledge of what I read on All in Arma SA, there is no support for A2 units, meaning A3 units will be used. I downloaded the lite version just to make sure, too.

So in that case, that doesn't solve my problem at all, instead of Russian units speaking American english, it becomes no Russians what so ever. How did it work for you? When I was using the non standalone, I had the units, just incorrect voices. If I was to use standalone, as I said earlier, I would have none of the units and defeats the purpose of All in Arma to me.

What drew me to All in Arma was that I could have Arma 2's units using Arma 3's movement system and engine. With All in Arma, I had hoped that I could use all of the units that were directly from Arma 2, because the mods out there don't have what I'm looking for. I downloaded the HQ pack, but I can have those units all the time in Arma 3 already, so it seemed pointless to me to be running AiA, as I was using Arma 3 units instead of the BI Arma 2 units that I liked.

I really hope you take no offense to what I have said, I understand that you have worked so hard on this, for free, and I appreciate it completely. I just feel frustrated that Arma 3 could have been a waste of money for me, as all I wanted was a modernized Arma 2. It would be great if you could still help me out, because you did say that your units used the correct voices.

Thanks so much for taking the time to reply to keep this forum and mod going.

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Aren't the voices something that can be fixed via config? Are they working incorrectly simply because that fix wasn't implemented yet, or is there a more serious issue here?

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@galzohar No, it isn't related to the bootcamp patch, it's that some factions are using the wrong voices: When spawning a Russian group, with a waypoint or any order, the group leader and members will speak in the Arma 3 American voice, instead of the Arma 2 Russian one. This problem has persisted for a while now, at least for me. What I said earlier, was that I couldn't see how it could not be fixed as the Takistani factions speak the correct voice. Mind you that this is Non SA, as SA doesn't even have the units to begin with.

So far the affected factions seem to be:




British (No accent, just american voice)

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@ 5harp5hot

The point of AiA was to get the content from A1/A2/OA into A3. However the ability

to play all the SP missions, MP missions and campaigns from previous games to me

seems even more important (or making it far easier to port them).

Now if you create only new scenarios, AiA HQ might have not as much benefit for you.

That said unfortunately BI was and is unwilling to improve backwards compatibility.

It is simply not feasible for me to support yet another branch with A2 infantry model

support - nor technically possible to have the latest AiA version to support it.

So I would suggest you to live with either the voice issues, or go for AiA SA (LITE)

with AiA HQ, or wait for CUP to port the A1/A2/OA infantry models, or wait for the RHS

upcoming release.

Finally if you have some magic abilities (or lots of money) to convince BI to improve

backwards compatibility, or release at least some documentation in the voices/languages

configuration and system.

@ galzohar

There is very little known about the voices/languages configuration and system. I have

spent great length trying to get it to work for AiA and IFA with only partial success.

Edited by .kju [PvPscene]

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Haha! I wish I had magic abilities! Again thanks kju for putting up with me, I'll just live with it for now. I really want to donate to help you guys, but I'm not in the workforce yet, so I don't earn anything. It's truly a shame that there isn't any backwards compatibility support from BI.

Unrelated to AiA, but I was wondering earlier today about how this A2 units in A3 could be solved. I'm no modder, so I have no idea how this would work, but I thought, what if the people who already made A3 skins, just took the unit textures from A2, and re worked them into a fresh A3 model; For example, An Arma 2 soldier in A3's clothing system would be buggy in the inventory, because there was no modular clothing in Arma 2, but if someone just took textures from A2 and just applied those textures to the modular clothes of A3, would it work? Like a CDF soldier, you could cut out the vest texture from the main body, and use that as the body armour slot, then take the uniform from the CDF officer (Who doesn't have a vest and helmet, but has identical clothing otherwise) and use that as the body texture when the user takes of the armour. With the voices, modders like Sudden who have custom voices in their mods (Russians mod) could provide some input as to how they applied these into their mod, and then, bam! A2 units in Arma 3!

I'm being optimistic, and it most likely does not work that way, but maybe one day, I'll be experienced enough in modding that I can make this come true!

Thanks again kju, I wish you guys good luck!

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@ 5harp5hot

Fixed/Improved the wording to avoid misunderstanding - the magic or large cash is needed to bribe BI. :p

For some reason most modders don't like quick fixes like just porting the skins. :confused:

As mentioned CUP is planning to provide a full port of the infantry including support of the clothing system.

It just takes (way too much) time due to the low amount of active modelers in CUP..

Thank you. :o

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How many maps does TKoH have, and are they a worthy addition to Arma3? I realize this is highly subjective, but I'd appreciate any input. Steam keys are relatively cheap, sans the Hind addon.

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@ JackAmphlett

What version you using as you double post in multiple threads?

You need to upload the rpt log file and list of your mods at minimum to allow you any advice.

@ Pulstar

Two terrains. Would not recommend it so far, as A3 lacks the large buildings tech.

Edited by .kju [PvPscene]

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Thank you for the reply, though I have no idea what build tech means. :O

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Edit: wrong thread

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I am having Issues. I've installed CBA and AiA in the correct manner. it shows me the maps in the mission editor. but it keeps telling me "Addon 'AiA_characterItems' requires addon 'AiA_BaseConfig_F'" whenever I start it up. but it keeps going. i can go into the editor, but when I start up the mission, it goes back to the editor saying "No Entry 'config.bin/RscDisplayloading/Variants/loadingone.idd'"

I have tried everything I can, even searched the forums and found nothing. please help. because this mod is the coolest shit ever if I can just get it to work.

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@ yawnyman

You need the correct modline. Check the wiki page for details.

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I thank you for acknowledging my problem, but the wiki is broke and I cant go to it =/

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@ yawnyman

What do you mean with "broke" and "cant go to it"?

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Several of the armaholic DL links are broken

Edited by WarLord554

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