fraczek 4 Posted April 4, 2013 (edited) fraczek: While I have been a big believer in getting analogue movement into PC games for a long time in the case of ArmA my gut instinct is that if you are going to need a keyboard to support your controller you may as well stick with the keyboard hey?If you already have one for a PS3 then no harm no foul, seems like a cool way to play simpler games too. I guess one thing you want to do is figure out how many buttons you can reasonably chord together with it for ArmA. If you do go for it and it works let us know :) It had been pretty ok controlling infantry via the joystick before, I would have preferred if there were more movement speeds but even as it stands I could go from slow walk to run pretty seamlessly. Apart from the joystick being awkward to hold (unlike when you fly with it, for some reason, perhaps ingrained WASD <g>). For MP play with ACE/ACRE I don't really need more than several keys on the controller anyway, as I have scoping/laser-light/zeroing/zooming/freelook on the mouse, so I would just need a way to change weapons (I could probably map shift-1 throught shift-4 for ACE weapon selection via AutoHotKey to the left/right D-pad), firemode (single/burst), perhaps hold breath, stance (up/down D-pad), and ACRE/direct. Or make one of the triggers into a meta-key for more refined control. I don't need AI command in MP, and the nice thing about a little controller like the PS3's is that I can quickly drop it down or even hold it while thumbing a key on the keyboard at the same time. Edited April 4, 2013 by fraczek Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fraczek 4 Posted April 4, 2013 (edited) Update re:PS3 Navigation Controller. So far it works quite well using the MotionJoy driver. Especially nice for driving and flying with the simple Arma heli flight model. I feel once I get a nice control scheme for my most used keys it could be pretty good for infantry as well. I use the smaller trigger (L1) to control stances with (mapped to "Adjust"). And the "PS3" button is perfect for grenades in Arma3, as it is sunk and hard to press by mistake :). Unfortunately Arma3 lacks full axis support for movement from slow walk to full sprint, the axis can only go from slow walk to jog but not into full sprint, so I had to dedicate a button for sprint, which means one less button :( Another bug in A3 seems to be the vehicles, as using A/D keys to steer I can turn the wheels much more than using the axis on the controller, even though is settings it shows the axis is at 100%. Meaning I can do tighter turns with the keyboard than with the controller. Hopefuly these are just bugs. There is a ticket for the steering with joysticks/controllers, please vote. Added a ticket for analogue sprinting when forward axis at maximum, please vote :) Edited April 4, 2013 by fraczek Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
machineabuse 11 Posted April 4, 2013 That sounds cool and an experience I wouldn't mind having :) Voted. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SpringField 10 Posted August 31, 2013 I am looking for some ARMA veteran to help me out more on keybindings. I've already spend 2 hours setting up my current controls and I've been playing with that for several hours however it could still use some adjustments. What ya need to know about me. I am used to play games with like 7 keybindings (move, switch weapon, jump & shoot) meaning I like it simple. I only play multiplayer(wastelands), so any singleplayer command I rather have unbinded same for commands like "salute" & "sit down". Now I know it's mostly "user preference" kind of thing but I am not asking you to say "put this command on that key". I am asking to look at my controls and see which "useful" commands could be placed closer to my zqsd / wasd keys by telling me what the commands does in multiplayer For example: Yesterday I found out that the SOS scope had a zoom feature "page up / page down" as you can see that is far from my movement keys and is useful so, I'll be looking to place that closer for easier access. Am I correct to believe that is the command Zeroing up/down? I am also looking for the command that turns "thermal" on/off when I'm looking through my not the "binoculars"(forgot name of item) + is there no way to use the 1234567890 keys? ---------- Post added at 03:39 ---------- Previous post was at 03:38 ---------- my keybind config: note: keys are binded for "azerty" keyboards. (thus Z=W A=Q M=, and other symbols) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shataan 1 Posted August 31, 2013 Keyboard NumPad.... or Razer Nostromo ftw! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
doveman 7 Posted February 25, 2014 (edited) Hello fellas,just wanna tell of my findings with tweaking with A3's control setup.My goal was to remove the key dancing that a game like A3 with so many controls causes.I think I achieved that goal rather well.Took me two days of testing all different combos and getting conflicts everywhere while surprisingly at same time it allowed certain key presses to work!!What I changed is as follows..... Put crouch/stand to the mouse scroll wheel and this feels worlds better as its intuitive now.Tried the stances but it interfered with firing the weapon since the firing finger was being used to move scroll wheel and that made it clumsy. Put run/walk toggle as.....W+F,S+F,A+F,D+F.You have to stop movement to hit F to change firing mode but that is mute now compared to how intuitive this system feels and while at same time you will rarely hit F without knowing it. Put sprint as.... HOLD W+S and this also feels perfect and better than W+S as the walk toggle. Put Left SHIFT as look around and also ADJUST.Slight conflict but I have managed to not get irked by it by not looking around when changing stances. Put LEFT SHIFT+D and LEFT SHIFT +A to cancel out the ADJUST lean stance but you can leave this alone if you like it. Put optics mode to middle mouse button since it causes lag when it was CLICK Rmouse.Now HOLD Rmouse zooms instantly(an idea I read here on this forum) Put GO PRONE as the SPACE BAR.Feels way better as its big and VERY easy to hit so your more confident when in trouble compared to twisting your finger down to the Z key.;) To get up press SPACE bar/mouse wheel up or if you wanna get up from prone into crouched position press Mouse wheel back. Z/X/C are binos,compass and watch. CAPS LOCK is use default action and CAPS LOCK+ A or D is scroll up and down the list.I removed the scrolling of actions with mouse wheel since I bound it to crouch and stand and it interfered too much with me popping my head out of cover.Scroll wheel is just you crouched or standing.:cool::cool: Thanks for your ideas Wolfstriked. I'm trying them out now and whilst it's a bit strange changing, I think some of them at least might be a big improvement. I'm probably going to use Space for Default Action and Shift+Z/X for up/down the list. I tried Ctrl+Z/X and Ctrl+A/D but for some reason the wouldn't work. CAPSLOCK gets used for VON when I play on servers using it, so it's a bit awkward to use it for anything else. I'll use X for Prone as that sits nicely under my finger. I also use Space for a mod that shows players names, so I can't have Prone on that. Whilst I like having Crouch/Stand on the scrollwheel, it's a bit of a problem when in gear/VAS scrolling through the list, as the character's constantly bobbing up and down, which is bound to get annoying, for other players as well as myself. Optics on MMB works well and I'm using Ctrl+MMB to switch Optics mode. RMB to Zoom In (Toggle) works OK but in Optics it gets stuck in Zoomed in and the only way to reset it is to come out of Optics mode, which isn't ideal. I've tried binding Ctrl+RMB to Zoom Out (Toggle) but that's not working, although I'm sure it was a minute ago! It's useful to be able to temporary zoom for when walking and scanning around and then toggle zoom when aiming. With what I think were the default bindings of RMB to Optics, Hold RMB to Zoom In, it still doesn't seem to let me Zoom Out with Ctrl+RMB (even though Num-, which is the default for Zoom Out does so I don't understand why any bindings I add to that function shouldn't work) but it's a lot easier to go RMB (Optic), RMB (Zoom), RMB (Out of Optics and Unzoom), than having to jump between the two buttons MMB (Optics), RMB (Zoom), MMB (Out of Optics and Unzoom). Edited February 26, 2014 by doveman Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
squirrel0311 16 Posted February 26, 2014 (edited) Well I’ve always liked the more traditional gaming layout and I have to admit when I first saw the key layout for Arma I was a bit overwhelmed at the seeming mass of cluttered controls. Here is what I changed… Q - Lean Left E - Lean Right LShift+W - Sprint W - Forward S - Backward A - Strafe Left D - Strafe Right F - Prone to stand Ctrl+F - Firemode C - Crouch to stand R - Reload Z - Scope mode (I hate the default click thing) x - Compass (I use this too often to have it set to k) T - Tactical Pace G - Throw Grenade (Keeps it out of the way to avoid accidents) Ctrl+G - Cycle grenade (Though I also have a button to do this, just haven't changed it.) U - Cycle Grenade (Keeps it far enough from G to prevent accidents) V - Inventory Hold Space - Hold breath 2x Space - Step over Alt - Get Out 2x Alt - Eject LWindows - Lights/ laser Ctrl+w/s - Stance changes [The button in between Right Windows and Right control?] - Open chat [<,>] - Change channels Right Shift - Toggle walk M - Map N - Night Vision (I'll probably change this...) B - Binos I - Watch J - Notepad H - HUD Page U/D - Elevation End - Manual Fire [+] - Zoom IN [-] - Zoom OUT Mouse Buttons: LMB - Fire RMB - Back RMB Hold - AIM (I also have this set to zoom so that when I aim in with a reflex or iron sights it automatically pulls it up close.) Scroll - Craption menu MMB - Select from the Craption menu Mouse side buttons: 1MSB - Zoom 2MSB - Look (I think these are the correct names... Zoom leans in and look lets you move your head but snaps back when you let go?) The stuff that I didn’t mention is the junk I rarely use therefore I don’t exactly remember where I put it. Haha In addition I wish every key was able to be bound to the player’s preference. I with the user interface menu only dealt with interactive things like doors and stuff. This is how I’d want my row of number keys… 1. - Primary Weapon 2. - Seconday Weapon 3. - Launcher, Third Weapon, or Muzzle Thump (If they ever add a melee feature.) 4. - Medical Rose (As with all the other roses, you would have to hold the button or else it closes and stops. This is to simulate using two hands and working.) 5. - Grenade Rose (I think I'd like a rose so I could quicky choose what grenade I'd want to use. Move the mouse to the right grenade, click, release and it is now equipped. i.g. Frag, Smoke, Incendiary, Strobe, or Chemlight.) 6. - Switch to Underbarrel Grenade Launcher or Shotgun... 7. - Specialty Gear (Mine detector, UAV Terminal, or anything else.) 8. - Inventory? (Open the window, CONSOLIDATE AMMO, Load tracers, Arrange on and so forth.) 9. - Explosives Rose (Choose and place explosives / Disarm and pickup explosives (need to be explosives specialist for most except the simple stuff.) ....Link explosives :P ...mark explosives... Detonate.) 0. - Detonate Explosives (I would rebind this for personal preference.) The main point should be that every key on the keyboard should be able to be rebound. If this is already the case then I guess I can't figure it out because I don't see the number keys in my options. Edited February 26, 2014 by Squirrel0311 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
the_demongod 31 Posted March 17, 2014 If any of you are aviation freaks like me, use the toe brakes on your rudder pedals to lean. It give you analogue control (you can just lean a little bit), frees up Q and E, and doesn't even require the use of your hands. Don't go and buy pedals just for that purpose though. They cost a lot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TMoney 11 Posted March 17, 2014 Best change I've found is if you have a gaming mouse with extra buttons, add mouse 4 to free look; hold and toggle (2X mouse 4), and world map open/close on mouse 5. It makes movement and awareness so much better and both are accessible with your thumb. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4084 Posted March 17, 2014 What i recommend for those who are using the vanilla control layout or want to have better laid out controls with the game is to get this mod: this will categorize the game's control layout based on what the controls are for see my screenshot for example: this as said categorizes the controls, when you go into that listing for the control, for another example: for the [infantry] weapons you get all the controls that deal with weapons for the infantry specifically, and not a mixed up garbled chaos crap that is in the vanilla game, no wonder so many new guys complain about the controls and are lost in setting them up, you got them all mixed up together. This mod solves that, i wont play without it!! hope that helps you guys. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ratszo 17 Posted March 17, 2014 I'm an old flight-simmer, so i fly my infantry using Js + pedals + mouse. The software allows for some handy macros: --Firing, squeeze trigger holds breath; on release trigger fires. Fire time is set for 2 bullet bursts on full-auto. --Shift stance right/left + lean; on release resets stance back. --Got a sprint macro where on release lowers to the next stance --so low crouch sprint goes to high prone seamlessly fast. The hold breath/fire macro is sweet. The "autohotkey" software can do macros for keyboard, but not user-friendly. There must be some easy to use macro software for keyboards. I know Saitek/madcatz sells gaming KBs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
doveman 7 Posted March 17, 2014 Best change I've found is if you have a gaming mouse with extra buttons, add mouse 4 to free look; hold and toggle (2X mouse 4), and world map open/close on mouse 5. It makes movement and awareness so much better and both are accessible with your thumb. I wish I had more buttons on my mouse sometimes, as although it has three extra, 2 on the side and one next the the MMB, I need the latter to trigger Voice Assisted Commands for voice control and the other two for TS3 and Acre or Task Force Arrowhead Radio. I really need to use those buttons for comms, as it's too fiddly trying to hold a keyboard key to talk whilst pressing other keys to move around, etc, whilst it's very easy to hold a mouse button and still be able to use the mouse normally to look around/turn. To be honest, I'm not sure I'd really like a mouse with more buttons though, as they could only really go next to the two side buttons and I think it would get a bit crowded and make it hard to avoid pressing the wrong one, although I guess there's space to have another two nearer the bottom, which would leave a decent gap between them and the existing two. Anyway, I don't really find it a problem holding Alt for Freelook or pressing M to view the map, although I should probably look at mapping it to one of my Macro keys on the left which will be quicker and easier to press than M. I've tried using IR headtracking but find it's more trouble than it's worth for infantry and is only really useful when flying. If I did have two extra mouse buttons, I think I'd probably use them for Use Action and Backspace (to close the Menu when I accidentally open it). If I was using head-tracking, I'd probably use them to Centre/Pause that. I was going to use my joystick for flying, so I'd use the hat up/down for those but I've found that ArmA helos don't work very well with joysticks, at least not mine and I have to use the mouse to be able to make the fine adjustments that are necessary when flying/landing helos, so it would be useful to have the extra keys for Centre/Pause on the mouse. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites